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英语高考介词或副词汇总(上)1. atprep.1) 位置、场所、地点在、于、到、经由arrive at ones destination到达目的地at the seaside; 在海滨at my uncles; 在我叔父家at the foot top of the mountain;在山脚下顶上at sb.s heels跟在某人的后面; at the end of the street在街头at the meeting; 在会议上at the wedding 在婚礼上I landed at Wuhan. 我在武汉下飞机。He lives at Oxford.他住在牛津。Keep such men at a distance.不要与这种人接近。2) 表示时间:时刻、年节、年龄at ten oclock在十点钟at (the age of) forty在 40 岁的时候at the beginning of the month在月初at Christmas在圣诞节at all hours随时3)从事, 做, 正在, 在He died at his post.他殉于职守。What are you at ?你正在干什么?I will go now at my lesson. 我要着手做功课。4) 条件、情况、 状态在.中, 在.下, 以.方式at war交战状态at its height 在最高点; 处于最盛时期; 处于高潮状态at your convenience在你方便时at attention 立正 at ease 稍息at your pleasure随你方便, 由你决定at high pressure在高压下5) 动作的姿态, 常不译出以, 用at a bound一跳, 一举at a gallop飞奔, 奔驰at a mouthful一口(就吞下)at every step每走一步6)动作的目标、方向向、对Aim straight at the mark.对准目标。The boy threw a stone at the bird.小孩掷石头打鸟。The soldiers rushed at the enemy.战士们向敌人冲去。The dog ran at a cat.狗向猫扑去。7) 原因、根源照, 依照, 由, 从be pleased at the result对结果感到高兴melt at a great heat因高热而熔化be surprised frightened at sb.s words the news, the noise听到某人的话新闻、声音而吃惊The baby stopped crying at the sight of its mother.婴儿看到母亲就不哭了。I did it at his request.我是应他的请求而做的。8) 程度、比例、价格以, 用, 有sell at five dollars以五元(价格)出售walk at the rate of four miles an hour每小时四英里的速度行走estimate a crowd at ten thousand这一群人估计有一万人2. aboutprep1)在附近;在周围He lives somewhere about here. 他住在附近。 Tell me what has happened as it is; dont beat about the bush.如实告诉我究竟怎么了,不要兜圈子。(= around) 四周围绕着to plant trees about the house 在房子四周植树 (= around) 2)关于;对于Tell me something about your trip. 请告诉我一些关于你旅行的情况。Later a neighbour told me about him.后来的一位邻居跟我谈起了他。3)忙于What are you about? 你在忙什么呢? aboutadv1)附近;在周围He must be somewhere about. 他一定就在附近。(= around) 2)大约;差不多We need about 200 metric tons. 我们需要大约200吨。 The manager was about to leave when his secretary called him back.经理快要离开时,他的秘书叫住了他。Today there are about 900,000 American Indians.美国现在有大约九十万印第安人。About adj1)在活动着的She was up and about very early. 她很早就起来活动了。3. afterprep1)在后after dinner 饭后one after another 一个接一个Please line up one after another. 请按顺序排队。She did experiment after experiment. 她做了一次又一次的试验。2)模仿;依照Please read after me. 请跟我读。 3)与一致a man after my own heart 与我心思一致的人 Hes a man after my own heart.他是符合我心意的人。4)寻找;跟踪;追捕The policeman ran after the thief. 警察追捕窃贼。 5)以命名The boy was named after his uncle. 那孩子以他叔叔的名字取名。 after all终究; 毕竟It has turned out to be a nice day after all. 天气终于转晴了。So you see I was right after all!你看,毕竟还是我对吧!记着;记住I know he hasnt finished, but, after all, he is very busy. 我知道他没有做完,不过要知道,他太忙了。I know he hasnt finished the work, but after all, hes done his best.4. awayadv1)离开 Go away!走开!Several children are away from school because of illness.几个学生因患病而没有来校上课。As she walked away, I followed her out of the fair.我跟着她走出了集市。He will be away for two months.他将外出两个月。2) 结束;完The water boiled away. 水烧干了。She passed away this morning. 3) 一直;继续to work away 一直在工作It is not advisable just to work away without making a timely summing-up of experience.一味埋头干下去不做及时的经验总结是不可取的。keep away from 保持距离5. aboveprep1) 在之上;超过He is above reproach. 他是无可责难的。Tom is above average in his lessons. 汤姆的成绩高于平均水平。2) 胜于A miser loves gold above his life. 一个守财奴爱财胜过生命。3) 不屑He is above taking profits for himself. 他不屑为自己谋利。above all首先;尤其;最重要的是Above all, I love Tchaikovsky. 首先,我喜欢柴可夫斯。adv1) 在上面;向上the clouds above 天上的云在上文;在前文 the facts mentioned above 上文提到的事更多;更高40 and above 40和40以上adj上面的;上述的The above (articles) are of no interest to us at present. 我们对以上各项(商品)目前均无兴趣。 6. against prep2) 相反;逆着against the law 违法We sailed against the wind. 我们逆风行船。 Drug taking is against the law. 吸毒是违法的。2) 反对We won our match against that team. 我们在比赛中赢了那个队。 No one is against this proposal. 没有人反对这个提议。3) 靠着,依着to lean against the wall 靠着墙 4) 与成对照against a dark background 与黑色背景成对照 The picture looks better against the light wall. 这幅画挂在浅色的墙上显得更美。5) 防备;防御against the cold 防冷against a rainy day 防备雨天We are all taking medicine against the flu.我们都在服药预防流感。6) 以相抵income against expenditure 以收抵支7. aroundadv1) 环绕His car circled around. 他的车在兜圈子。 2) 在周围;四周They look around but Mary is already gone. 他们往四周看看,但玛丽已经不在了。The yard is fenced around. 院子四周都围有篱笆。A dense fog lay around. 周围浓雾密布。3) 在附近good to have you around 对你很有好处(帮助)have been around见过世面;经验丰富 prep1) 在的周围There was a fence around the yard. 在院子的四周围有一圈篱笆。 2) 环绕They walked around the town. 他们在城里四处走动。 3) 大约,左右around 20 people 大约20人come around four 大约在4点钟来There are around 80 pyramids in Egypt. 在埃及大约有80座金字塔。8. backadv1)向后;在后面The house is set back from the road. 那所房屋远离公路。Move back! 往后退!We have to go back to camp now.我们现在该回营去了。回到原来状况,回原处She put it back on the shelf. 她把它放回书架。Things will soon get back to normal. 这种情况会马上恢复正常的。She came back for her umbrella. 她回来拿雨伞。(回溯)以前far back in the Middle Ages 远在中古时期Look back to your childhood. 回想一下你的童年时代。往回拨(钟表),开倒车9. byprep1) 在近处;在旁边standing by the window 站在窗户旁边a table by the bed 床边的桌子 2) 经;由;从to enter by the door 由门进去3) 经过旁He walked by me. 他从我旁边走过。 4) 不迟于By tomorrow hell be here. 他明天就到这儿。5) 被;由written by Shakespeare 莎士比亚写的6) 根据;按照to play by the rules 按规则比赛7) 相差His horse won by a nose. 他的马以一鼻之差取胜。8) 以方式She earned money by writing. 她靠写作挣钱。9) 用交通工具We went by air. 我们乘飞机走。10)表示相(乘)除(以计算面积)a room 15 feet by 20 feet 一间长20英尺宽15英尺的房间to divide X by Y 用Y除X11) 逐一;连续The animals went in 2 by 2. 动物两个两个地走进去。byadv1) 通过Please let me by. 请让我过去。 2) 附近Do it when nobody is by. 等附近没人时再做。by and by不久以后;不一会儿 by and large全盘;总的来说downadv1) 向下; 由上向下The sun went down 太阳落了。The men are down by the river. 人们从河边下来。2) 倒下;坐下Sit down, please. 请坐。 3) 向南;在南边 down in London 南下去伦敦 4)去Will you walk down to the lake with her? 你跟她走到湖那头去好吗? 5)(与表示固定的动词连用)紧;牢Stick down the envelope 把信封贴牢。6)在纸上写下;记下to have sth. down 写下某事7)抑制;压制;减少;减缓The wind died down 风势渐渐弱了。11. forprep1)给;为a present for Mary 给玛丽的礼物Ive got a little present for your birthday. 我有一件小礼物送给你过生日。I can do it for myself. 我自己能做这件事。These investigations are not done for nothing.这些调查工作自然不是白做的。2)以为目的地;开往;前往We set off for London. 我们动身去伦敦。3)代;替;代表Red stands for danger. 红色代表危险。What do you want for a present? 你要什么样的东西作礼物?4)为了for existence 为了生存Did you come to Paris for the purpose of simple leisure, or for business purposes?你到巴黎来的目的纯粹是为了休闲,还是为了做生意?5)对于;关于For him to forfeit his favourite hobby would be impossible.要他放弃他所喜爱的业余爱好是不可能的。I have no ear for music. 我对音乐外行。For many of these families a college education was something new.对其中的许多家庭来说,大学教育是件新事物。6)因为Hes learning English for the fun of it.他为了好玩才学习英语的。for several reasons 因为种种原因We bought this house with a much higher price than others just for its convenience.我们买下这幢房子花的钱比其它房屋要贵得多,就是图的方便。7)仅管For all his efforts, he didnt succeed. 他虽然竭尽全力还是没有成功。For all your explanations, I understand no better than before.尽管你作了解释,我还是不懂。8)以为价钱;付出a pen for 50 pence 50 便士一枝笔9)以的价格,值He paid 50 pence for the book. 他付了50便士买这本书。10)经过(时间、距离)We ran for two miles. 我们跑了两英里。He stayed for a week. 他待了一周。We havent seen each other for ages. 我们好久没见面了。11)用于for + 名词或代词 + to + 不定式动词的名词短语中The bell rang for the lesson to begin. 开始上课的铃响了。12)用来表示双宾语boil build buy call choose cook do fetch get leave make order paint play prepare reach sing save spare eg Buy me a bike, mummy. Will you sing us a song?for example例如You can buy fruit here oranges and bananas, for example. 你可以在这里买水果,例如买柑橘和香蕉。12. fromprep1) 从,自from the beginning to the end 从头至尾a letter from Mary 玛丽来的信The train goes from Paris to Rome. 火车从巴黎开往罗马。From his appearance, you wouldnt think he was an old man of seventy years.从外貌上看,你不会认为他是一个七十岁的老人。2) 用做成Bread is made from flour. 面包用面粉做成。3) 由于She was nearly crying from the pain of her cut leg. 割破的腿疼痛得使她几乎要哭了。13. Inprep1) 在内;在中;在里面There is a pencil in the box. 匣子里有一枝铅笔。He was standing in the room. 他站在房间里。2) 在(某区域)内;在里in school 在学校He lives in London. 他住在伦敦。3) 在之中 The volcano is in eruption. 火山正在喷发。The roses are in flower now. 现在玫瑰正盛开。4) 从事(工作);在方面to engage in trade 从事贸易to be weak in English 在英语方面不佳5) 穿着;戴着dressed in rags 衣衫褴褛the man in the top hat 戴着大礼帽的那人in uniform 穿着制服a prisoner in irons 戴着镣铐的囚犯6) 往;向(某方向)in this direction 朝此方向in all directions 四面八方7) 用 (语言或材料)to write in ink 用墨水写to speak in English 用英语讲话8) 在期间in the 20th century 在20世纪 in summer 在夏天in my absence 在我不在的时间in his youth 在他年轻时 in the morning 早晨9) 在时间内;不到的时间;在之后 Its two oclock. Ill come in an hour. 现在是两点钟,我一小时后来。Ill come and see you again in five days.过五天我再来看你。10)(表示事情进行或发生的方式) in fun 玩笑地 11)(表示关系或比率)每Not one in ten of the boys could spell well. 这些男孩中拼写正确的不到十分之一。(表示数或量) in great numbers 许多 12) 在方面;关于 weak in judgment 判断力差13) 处于状态in a rage 在愤怒中in a hurry 匆忙地in love 恋爱中in all总计;一共 inadv1) 在内 在家Is there anyone in? 有人在家吗?My husband wont be in until six oclock. 我丈夫要到六点钟才在家。inthe ins and outs (of sth.) 详情;细节14. Ofprep1)的;属于的the wall of the garden 花园的围墙 He is of a clinging sort.他是那种老要依靠人家的人。2) 由制成的;由组成 的a dress of cotton 棉布衣服 3) 包含的;容纳的a bag of potatoes 一袋土豆a kilo of butter 一公斤黄油 4) 在其中;之中的一部分several of my friends 我的几个朋友one of them 他们中间的一个 5) 所着的;所做的(主谓关系)the shooting of the hunters 猎人的狩猎the plays of Shakespeare 莎士比亚的戏剧 6)(表示动宾关系)做the shooting of animals 对动物的射击 7) 与有关联的 (所有关系)the results of the experiment 实验的结果8) 就是这个 (同位关系)the city of New York 纽约市9)以为题的;有关的stories of adventure 冒险故事10)具有性质的a woman of great charm 妩媚的女人与的关系east of Suez 苏伊士以东(和某些短语搭配)由于,因为a lover of good music 爱好音乐的人11)原因He died of fever. 他死于高烧。英语高考介词或副词汇总(中)15. Offadv1)离开,离去to drive off 开走 2)脱离,脱落The handle came off. 那个把手掉了。She took off her shoes. 她脱掉鞋子。 3)关掉, 关上cut off the gas 关上煤气Turn the light off. 把灯关掉。 4)相距,隔着12 nautical miles off 12海里以外several years off 隔好几年 5)分开;断开cut off 割断 6)使不存在;使完成;使停止不工作,休息With only one day off in a week working people had barely enough time to arrange the household.一周休息一天时,上班族只能有时间勉强安排家务。have Sunday off 星期日休息 badly off 贫困,贫穷 better off 情况较好Youd be better off with a bicycle. 你最好骑自行车。 right off立刻,马上 (= straight off) well off 富裕 worse off 情况较差 prep1)离开Keep off the grass. 勿践踏草坪。2)脱离Take the curtains off their hooks. 把窗帘从挂钩上取下来。 Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.两个男子把这个包裹从飞机上取下,提着进了海关大楼。3)从去掉;从减少cut a piece off the loaf 从整个面包上切下一块4)距离;离;与相隔The ship was blown off course. 船被吹离了航道。We are going off the subject. 我们离题了。 When a light passenger plane flew off course some time ago, it crashed in the mountains and its pilot was killed.不久前,有架轻便客机飞离了航线,在山区坠毁,飞行员丧生了。5)离开;从分岔a narrow street off the High Street 从大街拐进去的一条窄巷 6)在离海的附近an island off the coast of southeast 东南沿海的一个岛屿 7)不再喜欢;不再吃(药)Hes off his food. 他吃不下饭。Hes off smoking. 他戒烟了。 17. Onprep1)在上sth. on the table 在桌上的东西a ring on her finger 她手上的戒指 (= upon) He stood on the clifftop looking out to the sea.他站在悬崖顶上眺望大海。The naughty boy sat on the edge of the fence dangling his legs.淘气的小男孩坐在栏杆边上,两腿悬空。2)(悬挂、固定)在上There is a list of our lessons on the wall. 墙上有我们的课程表。 (= upon) 3)朝,向on my right 在我右边to make an attack on the enemy 向敌人进攻 (= upon) Ill meet you on / at the corner of Smith Street and Main Road.我将在史密斯大街和湎洇路的十字路口与你会面。4)关于a lesson on history 历史课a book on breeding rabbits 一本有关养兔的书5)当时候,在时on Monday 在星期一on October 1st 在10月1 日6)在后立即Some magazines pay on acceptance, others on publication.一些杂志采用稿件后即付稿酬,另外一些则要到发表后才付。on thinking the matter over 仔细考虑这件事之后 (= upon) On whose authority are you putting these posters here?你们得到谁的许可在这儿贴广告?The glass hit the corner of the table and broke on impact.玻璃杯碰到桌子角上,撞了个粉碎。7)以方式;靠to travel on the ship 乘轮船旅行They live on potatoes. 他们靠吃马铃薯生活。 (= upon) 8)在情况下;处于状态on purpose 故意地These officers are on leave.这些军官在休假。He went to Hong Kong on business.他到香港出差去了。The chief physician of the hospital is on circuit for most of the year.这个医院的主任医师一年中大部分时间都在作巡回医疗。adv1)继续着He worked on right through lunchtime. 午餐时间他还在工作。 The whole group worked on and on all night.全组人员连续不断地干了个通宵。2)更远地;再向前地Time is getting on. 时间渐晚。Shall we go on? 我们继续向前吗? 3)开;处于工作状态中Switch the radio on. 打开收音机。Put the alarm clock on for 7 oclock. 把闹钟拨到七点。4)固定上to sew the button on 钉钮扣(时钟)拨前地 Overadv1)落下 越过;溢出The milks boiling over! 牛奶煮得溢出来了。 2)翻;颠倒; 翻转Turn the page over. 翻过这一页。 3)完全地;从头到尾地I have read it over. 我曾读过一遍。Youd better think it over carefully. 你最好仔细考虑一下。 4)横过;过来I asked her over. 我请她过来的。Hes coming over. 他正走过来。5)再,重复地several times over 好几次,多次Try it over. 再试试看。6)剩余,多余Was there any money over? 还有剩余的钱吗?7)互换;对调Change these two pictures over. 把这两张画对换一下。8)从一个(人、团体)到另一个;交付hand over the money 交钱9)太;过分地over anxious 过分焦虑be over careful 过分细心10)全部地;覆盖全面Paint it over. 全部油漆。The wound healed over. 伤口全部愈合了。When we arrived the film was over. 当我们到达时,电影结束了。prep1)上方;在上面The lamp hung over the table. 那盏灯悬挂在桌子上方。They talked over our heads.他们讲得我们莫名其妙。2)覆盖在之上a blanket lying over a bed 一条盖在床上的毛毯with a newspaper over ones face 用一张报纸盖着脸3)跳过;跳到;跳上to jump over the wall 跳过(上)墙4)横越,横跨a bridge over the river 横跨河流的桥The ball rolled over the grass. 球滚过草地。5)在那边;在对面over the street 街的对面6)从(的边缘上)往下to fall over the cliff 从悬崖上掉下去7)遍及They travelled (all) over Europe. 他们游遍了欧洲。8)高于;在之上(支配,命令)rule over 统治9)等级比高;支配I dont want anyone over me. 我不想受任何等级比我高的人支配。10)多于;超过over 20 books 20多本书11)在期间over the years 在这些年12)直到之後;直至Are you staying over Christmas? 你打算留下过圣诞节吗?13)通过He spoke to me over the telephone. 他用电话跟我说话。14)关于;对于taking a long time over it 花长时间讨论它19. toprep1)(表示方向)经,向He pointed to the clock. 他指着那个钟。2)(表示目标)到去Give the book to him. 把这本书给他。The mayor intended to get to the bottom of the matter.市长打算将此事寻根究底。3)(表示程度)达到 This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent.这将会在一定程度上减轻对火车的压力。The bus service has been cut to the bone. 公共汽车服务已经削减到了最低限度。4)(表示状态)趋于,倾向She sang the baby to sleep. 她给孩子唱歌唱到孩子睡着。5)(表示结果)导致They feared that the mummy would fall to pieces when they cut it open.他们担心在剖开时木乃伊会变成碎片。Bring the soup to the boil.请把汤煮沸。Wait until the lights change to green. 等到绿灯亮了再走。6)贴着cheek to cheek 脸贴脸 对着face to face 面对面He wouldnt dare say rude things about her to her face.他不敢当面对她出言不逊。7)从到count from 10 to 20 从10数到20She works from two oclock to ten oclock. 她从两点钟工作到10点。8)给予I want a present to give to my wife. 我要送我妻子一件礼物。9)(表示拥有关系)归于,属于the key to the lock 这把锁的钥匙10)与相比,比The score was 9 to 5. 得分是九比五。11)(表示数量与单位的关系) There are 100 pence to every pound. 1英镑有100便士。 12)对表示敬意drink to sb.s health 为某人的健康干杯13)(指时间)在之前;直到为止5 to 4 差五分四点To date we have received more than five hundred applications.到此时为止,我们已经收到了五百多份申请书。The committee have never heard the whole story to this day.至今委员会还从未听到整个事情的始末。14)(表示相对的位置)在to the north of England 在英格兰的北方The village lies to the east of the woods. 村庄位于树林的东面。15)对于;关于Whats your answer to that? 你对那件事的答案是什么?20. Throughprep1)通过,经过We walked through the market to the truck park. 我们穿过市场到了卡车停车场。As soon as Id got through customs I felt at home.我一通过海关的检查,就感到轻松自如了。The thief got in through the window. 小偷是通过这扇窗户进来的。 2)藉着;以;经由He became rich through hard work. 他靠努力工作而致富。3)由于;因为mistakes made through carelessness 由于粗心大意而造成的错误4)从头到尾,由始至终 在一带;在之内We travelled through France and Belgium on our holidays. 我们假期里是在法国、比利时一带旅行的。 5)在之间through the trees 在树林之间 6)结束;完成;成功We are through school at five oclock. 我们五点上完了课。 adv1)穿过,通过;贯穿They wouldnt let us through. 他们没让我们过去。 2)全程地;直达地The train goes through to Shanghai. 这列火车直达上海。3)自始至终,从头到尾Have you read the letter through? 你看完信了吗? 4)情况好;取得成功I got through with good marks. 我考的成绩很好。5)打通,接通(电话)Can you put me through to Mr Jones? 请帮我接通琼斯先生的电话。 6)透;彻底be wet through 浑身湿透 英语高考介词或副词汇总(下)Underprep1)在下面under the table 在桌子下面She sat in the shade under a tree. 她坐在树荫下。During the war you could only get meat food and milk products under the counter at high prices. (美)在战时,你要买到肉制品和奶制品只能在黑市出高价。The prisoner travelled to the capital for trial under police escort.犯人由警察押送着赶往首都受审。The storehouse is under the care of a retired worker.仓库由一个退休的老工人管理。2)不满;少于under $5 五美元以下My shirt cost under two pounds. 我的衬衫价钱不到两英镑。All the children are under twelve. 所有的孩子都不满12岁。 3)从属,附属They work under a kind leader. 他们在一个和蔼的领导手下工作。 The city singing group is under the direction of Pro. Brown.市合唱团是由布朗教授指挥的。The army is under the Kings direct command.军队由国王直接指挥。4)以名义under the name of Smith 以史密斯的名义 The thieves got into the house under false pretences, by saying they had come to repair the water taps.小偷们捏造口实,说是来修理水龙头的,藉以闯入住宅。This concert has been arranged under the auspices of the Knight Group.这次音乐会是由奈特集团赞助举办的。5)在之中;在期间under discussion 在讨论中 There is a new music hall near here under construction.附近正在建造一座新的音乐大厅。Your proposal is under consideration.你的提议正在考虑中。6)在(情况)下;由于under the circumstances 在这种情况下 I planned to leave the next day but under the circumstances I decided to stay another night.我原计划第二天离开的,但在这样的情况下,我决定又住了一夜。Food and clothing will not get cheaper under existing conditions.在目前条件下,食品和衣服不会变得便宜些。21. upadv1)向高处,向上 The little boy picked up a stone and bunged it over the fence into the courtyard of his neighbour.小男孩捡起一块石子扔过栅栏抛到他邻居的院子里。Hands up! 举起手来!2)在上方,在高处 站在;坐在;站起Stand up so that I can see how tall you are. 你站起来好让我能看看你有多高。3)离开表面The dog jumped up. 狗跳了起来。4)从下面到表面to come up for air 气泡冒出水面 5)完毕The moneys all used up. 钱都花光了。The boy ate up all his dinner. 这个男孩吃光了所有的饭菜。 6)分成小部分to tear up the newspaper 把报纸撕碎 7)吐出 8)在北方;向北方 到重要地区;到城市up to London 到伦敦去 到较高的地点 ,到说话人这边来up to me 到我这边来9)捆好;盖紧;拧好to tie up 捆好to nail up the door 把门钉好10)(价格、质量)上涨,提高The price is going up. 价格上涨。11)(使活动)增强Please turn the radio up. 请把收音机声音开大 一些。12)集合起来Add up the figures. 把这些数字加起来。13)达到更佳的状态Cheer up, old boy! 振作起来,好朋友!come up in the world 崭露头角14)朝上He turned up his collar. 他把领子翻起来。22. upprep1)到高处;在高处He climbed up the hill. 他爬上山。The boy climbed up the tree. 这个男孩爬上树。The village is high up in the hills. 这个村庄在小山高处。 2)溯(流)to go up river 沿河而上 up and down来回;上下His eyes moved up and down the rows. 他的眼睛对着一排排人转来转去。 Window cleaners are pulled up and down tall buidings on cradles.高层建筑的擦窗工人在工作平台上被吊上吊下。 Up yours! 去你的! adj在上面的,在高处的Now he has realized that hes already up to his ears in debt.现在他认识到他已经债台高筑。The boss is up to the eyes in work.老板的工作忙得不可开交。high up in the mountains 在山的高处 起床的to get up 起床no one is up 没有人起床 上行的;向上的the up train 上行的列车the up stairs 上楼的楼梯 在更高的水平上的The temperature is up today. 今天气温上升了。终结的;完了的Times up. 时间到了。 路面破损的,正在整修中的(道路) 被控告的had up for stealing 被控偷窃 be up发生;出事 23. Withprep1)和一起Misery acquaints men with strange bedfellows.(谚) 落难时不择伙伴。to live with ones parents 和父母同住staying with a friend 和朋友在一起with her dog 带着她的狗 2)带有的心情、态度等He agreed that he was wrong with a good grace. 他很大方地承认自己错了。Bob behaved towards Kate with too great familiarity. 鲍勃对凯特过分亲昵。Glass, handle with care!玻璃小心轻放!3)有I sat down on one of those modern cha

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