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托福阅读笔记之TPO13 婴儿的感知能力说到托福阅读备考,TPO是必不可少的备考神器,通过TPO练习来更好的适应阅读考试的节奏。本文小编带来的托福阅读笔记是TPO13 Methods of Studying Infant Perception的内容,希望能够与正在备考的大家一起进步。TPO13 Methods of Studying Infant Perception文章题材:生命学科婴儿的感知能力常见词汇:quantifiableadj. 可以计量的indication.indikeinn. 表示,指示,象征overcome.uvkmvt. 战胜,克服,(感情等)压倒,使受不了displaydisplein. 显示,陈列,炫耀vt. 显示,表现describediskraibvt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成multiplemltipladj. 许多,多种多样的n. 倍数,并联respondrispndv. 回答,答复,反应,反响,响应preferenceprefrnsn. 偏爱,优先,喜爱物measurablemerbladj. 可测量的techniquetekni:kn. 技术,技巧,技能易错题解析:Paragraph 1: In the study of perceptual abilities of infants, a number of techniques are used to determine infants responses to various stimuli. Because they cannot verbalize or fill out questionnaires, indirect techniques of naturalistic observation are used as the primary means of determining what infants can see, hear, feel, and so forth. Each of these methods compares an infants state prior to the introduction of a stimulus with its state during or immediately following the stimulus. The difference between the two measures provides the researcher with an indication of the level and duration of the response to the stimulus. For example, if a uniformly moving pattern of some sort is passed across the visual field of a neonate (newborn), repetitive following movements of the eye occur. The occurrence of these eye movements provides evidence that the moving pattern is perceived at some level by the newborn. Similarly, changes in the infants general level of motor activity turning the head, blinking the eyes, crying, and so forth have been used by researchers as visual indicators of the infants perceptual abilities.1. Paragraph 1 indicates that researchers use indirect methods primarily to observe therange of motor activity in neonatesfrequency and duration of various stimulichange in an infants state following the introduction of a stimulusrange of an infants visual field题型:推论题。答案是(C)解析:题干关键词indirect methods定位至第二句,indirect techniques of naturalistic observation are used as the primary means of determining what infants can see, hear, feel, and so forth(用间接方法来观察婴儿能看到什么听到什么),本句只是简单陈述,不知目的,看下句。Each of these methods compares an infants state prior to the introduction of a stimulus with its state during or immediately following the stimulus(这些方法都对比刺激引入前婴儿产生的反应和刺激引入的同时或紧随其后时婴儿产生的反应。),对应答案C:change in an infants state following the introduction of a stimulus。易错选项:(B)。Paragraph 4: Two additional techniques of studying infant perception have come into vogue. The first is the habituation-dishabituation technique, in which a single stimulus is presented repeatedly to the infant until there is a measurable decline (habituation) in whatever attending behavior is being observed. At that point a new stimulus is presented, and any recovery (dishabituation) in responsiveness is recorded. If the infant fails to dishabituate and continues to show habituation with the new stimulus, it is assumed that the baby is unable to perceive the new stimulus as different. The habituation-dishabituation paradigm has been used most extensively with studies of auditory and olfactory perception in infants. The second technique relies on evoked potentials, which are electrical brain responses that may be related to a particular stimulus because of where they originate. Changes in the electrical pattern of the brain indicate that the stimulus is getting through to the infants central nervous system and eliciting some form of response.10. According to paragraph 4, which of the following leads to the conclusion that infants are able to differentiate between stimuli in a habituation-dishabituation study?Dishabituation occurs with the introduction of a new stimulus.Electrical responses in the infants brain decline with each new stimulus.Habituation is continued with the introduction of a new stimulus.The infant displays little change in electrical brain responses.题型:事实信息题,答案是(A)。解析:题干关键词先有habituation-dishabituation大致定位,发现出现多次,再由 differentiate缩小范围,与第四句的different是相同意思,因此定位于第四句(如果婴儿没有显出对新刺激的不适应而继续表现出适应性,就说明他们不能区分新的不同的刺激),反之,A所说的“当对新的刺激不适应时,婴儿就能够区分刺激了”也是对的。B项定位倒数第二句,讲的是第二种技术,而题干问的是第一种,D项说的也是第二种,C则与原句相反。易错选项:(B)。以上就是小编带来的托福阅读笔记之TPO13 Methods of Studying Infant Perception,希望能够和备考的大家一起学习。更多托福考试资讯请关注前程百利。


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