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高二英语 Module 5 Cloning外研社【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容: Module 5 Cloning二. 重难点讲解:(一)重点单词:1. terrify及物动词 vt. 恐怖;吓唬 make someone very afraid The thunder terrified the small children. 雷声把小孩吓坏了。 She was terrified of being killed in an air raid. 她害怕空袭时会被炸死。 That sort of thing terrifies people. 那样的事(或东西)会使人们感到恐怖的。 You terrify me! 你吓坏了我! 2. chase及物动词 vt. 追逐;追赶;追击 run after someone The police chased the thief. 警察追赶小偷。 This girl chased the butterfly, but lost it. 这女孩追赶蝴蝶,但没有追上。 The fox was chased off into the woods. 那狐狸被赶进了树林。 及物动词 vt. 驱逐;被除 drive away The dog chased the cat into a hole. 狗将猫逐进洞里。 They chased him out of the house. 他们把他逐出屋外! 名词 n. 追逐 an act of chasing gain on the chase 加紧追赶 a chase after butterflies 拍蝶 spoils of the chase 获猎物 the chase for honors 追求荣誉 chase of pleasure(profit)追求享乐(利润) Honour is the noblest chase. 荣誉是最高尚的追求。 a long chase 长途追击 a wild goose chase 无益的追求 be in chase of sb.(sth.)在追逐某人(某物) 名词 n. 猎物 a hunted animal The chase escaped. 猎物逃脱了。 give chase 追;追逐;追击 The hunt began and the dogs gave chase. 狩猎开始了,猎狗追逐了。 3. disgust不可数名词 n.U 厌恶;憎恶 strong feeling of dislike To his disgust,he saw a dead dog in his garden. 使他作呕的是,他在花园里见到一只死狗。 I turned away in disgust. 我厌恶地把脸转开。 strong disgust 强烈的厌恶 feel disgust at 对感到厌恶 及物动词 vt. 使作呕;使厌恶 give someone a strong feeling of dislike The dirty plates in the restaurant disgusted us. 那家饭店的脏盘子使我们感到厌恶。 We are all disgusted with her affected behaviour. 我们都很讨厌她那种装模作样的举止。 4. breathe及物动词 vt. 说出;表示;泄露 give out; express Dont breathe a word of what I have told you. 我告诉你的事一个字也不能泄露出去。 5. contrast名词 n. 比较;对比 the act of contrasting; the state of being contrasted Black is a contrast to white. 黑白形成对比。 She seems prettier by contrast with her sister. 她与她妹妹相比似乎更美些。 He looks healthier in contrast to his former self. 他与以前相比,显得更健康些。 Compare and contrast English with Chinese. 把英语和汉语进行比较和对比。 名词 n. 有明显差别的东西 a thing which shows differences when placed with another Anybody can see the contrast between black and white. 任何人都能看出黑色和白色的差别。 There is a big contrast between summer and winter weather. 夏季和冬季的天气有很大的差别。 This picture is a great contrast to that. 这画和那幅有很大的差别。 an impressive contrast 给人印象深刻的对照 a marked contrast 明显的对照 a sharp contrast 尖锐的对照 afford a contrast 提供对照 bring out the contrast 引出对比 form(=offer)a contrast 形成对照 lend a contrast 显出对照 make a contrast with 与做对比 notice a contrast 注意到差异 point out a contrast 指出差异 in contrast with(to)对比 This appears small in contrast with that. 这个东西和那个东西比就显得小了。 及物动词 vt. 对比;差别 compare(two things)so as to show their differences When I contrasted the two bicycles, I saw that one was older. 当我对比两辆自行车的时候,我看出其中一辆旧了一些。 Contrast our climate with that of the tropics. 将我们和热带气候比较一下。 不及物动词 vi. 形成对照,映衬 show striking differences when they are put together or compared The black and the gold contrast prettily in that design. 这图案中黑与金黄两种颜色对比效果很好。 contrast . with 把与对比 This colour contrasts strikingly with green. 这个颜色显然不同于绿色。 This colour contrasts well with green. 这颜色和绿色衬起来很好。 6. cure不可数名词 n.U 治好;痊愈 becoming well from an illness; making someone well His cure took six weeks. 治好他的病花了六个星期。 Sports provide a cure for the disease. 运动能治好这种病。 可数名词 n.C 对策;疗法 something that will end a problem or an illness Aspirin is a certain cure for a headache. 阿斯匹林是治头痛的妙药。 They came to the hot springs for a cure. 他们到温泉来治病。 a certain cure(=remedy)特效药 the faith cure 信仰疗法 a fasting cure 节食疗法 the hard work cure 劳动疗法 a headache cure 头痛药 a hot(cold)water cure 热(冷)水疗法 hot spring cure 温泉疗法 a hydropathic cure 水疗法 a lasting cure 彻底的疗法 a quack cure 江湖疗法 a radical cure 根治法 a spontaneous cure 自然治愈疗法 a sure cure for 治的灵丹妙药 water cure 水疗法 the best cure for a cough 止咳妙药 a good cure for lying 治说谎的良方 bring about a cure 治愈 effect a cure 治愈 find a cure 找到治疗方法 have a rest cure 采取静养疗法 obtain a perfect cure 痊愈 produce an effective cure 产生疗效 seek a cure 求医 take the cure in a hospital 在医院里治疗 try a cure 试用某种疗法 work a cure for tuberculosis 治愈肺结核 动词 v. 治愈 make a sick person well The doctor cured the pain in my back. 医生治好了我的腰疼。 Only a monkeys heart can cure me. 只有猴子的心才能治愈我的病。 I can give you some medicine to cure your headache. 我可以给你点药治你的头痛。 My cold cures itself automatically. 我的感冒不治而愈。 cure a person of asthma 治好某人的哮喘病 be cured with a certain medicine 以特效药治愈 7. treat名词 n. 殊遇;乐事;请客 something unusual and special to please someone It was a treat to get into the country after living for so many months in the town. 在城里住了好几个月以后,到乡下来真是一种享受。 It was a treat to hear his good lecture. 听他精彩的演讲是一乐事。 That will be a(great)treat for the children. 那对孩子们来说将是一件极为美好的事。 My aunt took me to the zoo as a treat. 姑姑带我去逛动物园,作为对我的特殊招待。 动词 v. 待;对待 behave towards someone or something The nurse treated the children very well. 保姆待孩子们很好。 He treated his wife badly. 他虐待妻子。 We should treat animals kindly. 我们应该爱护动物。 Mr. Brown beats his dog and treats it unkindly. 布朗先生经常打他的狗,对它很残忍。 He treated them with great kindness. 他对他们很友好。 He treated me with indifference. 他对我漠不关心。 He treated my plan as a joke. 他把我的计划看作一个笑话。 We treated him as a friend. 我们对他以朋友相待。 Dont treat me like a child. 不要把我当小孩看待。 Those who have made mistakes must be treated on the merits of each case. 犯了错误的同志,要区别对待。 动词 v. 治疗;医治 try to make a sick person better; try to cure an illness The doctors treated his fever with pills. 医生用药片给他退烧。 Which doctor is treating you for this trouble? 哪位医生给你治病? 动词 v. 论述;探讨;处理 discuss in speech or writing The subject has been treated in the previous chapter. 这个问题已经在前一章里论述过了。 He did not treat the subject very fully. 他对这个问题的论述不很充分。 The book treats of astronomy. 这本书是讲天文学的。 This book treats of the progress of medicine. 这本书论及医药的进步。 动词 v. 款待 give entertainment or amusement to(a person)at ones own expense He treated his friends to some beer(the opera). 他请朋友们喝了些啤酒(去听歌剧)。 Ill treat you all. 我来请你们大家。 rubber fingers treated with lactic acid 用乳酸处理过的橡皮指套 treat my burns successfully 成功地治好了我的烧伤 8. resist及物动词 vt. 反抗;抵抗;对抗 be against someone; try to stop someone who is attacking you They resisted the attack. 他们顶住了进攻。 He is in good healthhe is able to resist diseases. 他身体健康,能抵抗疾病。 Chocolates make me fat but I cant resist them. 巧克力使我发胖,但是我克制不了,还是吃。 及物动词 vt. 抵制;忍得住 be strong and say “no” to something She can never resist a joke. 她听了笑话总忍不住要笑出来。 However , I couldnt resist the temptation. 然而,我抵挡不住那种引诱。 She could hardly resist laughing. 她简直忍不住笑起来。 When she got to the place , she could not resist going in. 她到达那里时,禁不住想进去。 及物动词 vt. 不赞成;违背 offer moral opposition to , try to prevent becoming effective You cant resist the rule. 你不能违背原则。 不及物动词 vi. 抵抗 offer resistance;refuse to obey or agree The enemy resisted stoutly. 敌人顽强地抵抗。 resist the law 违背法律 (二)语法:虚拟语气:虚拟语气类别用法例句If引导的条件从句与现在事实相反从句动词:过去式(be用were)主句动词:should/would/could/might+动词原形If he were here, he would help us.与过去事实相反从句动词:had+过去分词主句动词:should/would/could/might+have+过去分词If I had been free, I would have visited you.与将来事实相反从句动词:过去式 / should+动词原形 / were+不定式主句动词:should/would/could/might+动词原形If it should rain tomorrow, we would not go camping.其它状语从句as if引导的状语从句中动词用过去式或过去完成式They are talking as if they had been friends for years.in order that / so that引导的状语从句中动词用can / could / may / might / would等+动词原形Turn on the light so that we can see it clearly.宾语从句demand, suggest, order, insist后接的从句中动词为should+动词原形He suggested that we not change our mind.wish后的从句中分别用过去式,过去完成式和should/would+动词原形表示与现在,过去和将来情况相反I wish I could be a pop singer.主语从句在It is necessary / important / strange that, It is suggested / demanded / ordered / requested that 等从句中,谓语动词用should+动词原形It is strange that such a person should be our friends.其它句型中It is time that句型中动词用过去式或should+动词原形Its high time that we left.would rather所接的从句中动词用过去式或者过去完成式I would rather you stayed at home now.If only句型中动词常用过去式或者过去完成式,表示强烈的愿望If only our dream had come true!(三)重点词语辨析:day by day; day after day day by day意为“一天一天地”,“逐日”,表示事情的逐渐变化过程。该短语只能作状语。如: Its getting colder day by day . 天气一天天冷了起来。The boy is getting better day by day .那孩子一天天好了起来。 day after day意为“日复一日”、“一天又一天”,表示一个重复(周而复始或循环重复)的动作或事件。该短语可作主语和状语。如:Day after day went by, and still no message arrived .日子一天天过去,仍然杳无音讯。 I have to do the work day after day .我得天天做这项工作。 【典型例题】1. Were it not for the snowy weather, we _all right. A. would be B. would have been C. were D. may be 2. _more careful, his ship would not have sunk. A. If the captain were B. Had the captain been C. Should the captain be D. If the captain would have been 3. If he _ me tomorrow, I would let him know. A. should call B. should not have been able C. were not able D. are not able 4. If you asked your father, you _ permission. A. may get B. might get C. should have called D. maybe get 5. _today, he would get there by Friday. A. Would he leave B. Was he leaving C. Were he to leave D. If he leaves 6. _I you, I would go with him to the party. A. Was B. Had been C. Will be D. Were 7. Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he _our chairman now. A. must have been B. would have been C. were D. would be 8. _ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday A. In spite of B. But for C. Because of D. As for 9. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _your advice A. follow B. would follow C. had followed D. have followed 10. If the horse won today, it _ thirty races in five years. A. would have won B. won C. must have won D. did have won 答案:110 ABABC DDBCA【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟)(一)Driving a car at high speed along a highway seems to be fun. You need only to follow the bright traffic(交通)signs beside the highways and it will take you to where you wish.But to a London taxi driver, driving is not an easy job. A taxi driver has to have not only good driving skills but also a good knowledge of the city of a London, from the smallest lane(小巷)to the most popular bar(酒吧)around. He has to be at the service of all kinds of passengers at all times.A certain London taxi driver told of his job as follows. During the night it is quite usual for him to stop two or three times for some refreshments(点心). He said. “I never drink when Im workingI would lose my licence(执照).”He normally goes home between 2 and 3 Oclock in the night, There are times he has to stay longer and try to make more runs. He said, “Thats the worst thing about working for yourself. If you dont make the money , no one is going to give it to you.”London taxi drivers not only take but also give , Every summer hundreds of children from London will go for a day at the sea- by taxi! Their rides are paid by the taxi drivers, and these fares(车费)all go to the London Taxi Fund for Underprivileged Children. At the sea. they are met by the mayor, and a lunch party is also held in honour of the taxi drivers and the children. After a happy day running around the sea beaches and visiting the market, the children go home againby taxi, and free of charge, of course!1. To be a London driver is not easy because _.A. he has to follow the bright traffic signs B. he has to have good driving skills and know all the places in the city C. he has to serve all kinds of passengers at all times D. both B. and C2. The London taxi drivers _. A. work hard because on one would give them money for doing nothing B. never stop driving in the city C. only work between 2 and 3 oclock in the night D. are very rich3. The author of the passage says that _. A. the taxi driver works longer than is necessary B. the more runs the taxi driver makes, the more he gets C. the taxi driver doesnt like to work for others D. the taxi drivers in the city not only take money but also give money4. London taxi driver _. A. take money because they have to pay for the childrens ride B. go to the sea for a day in the summer C. pay the fares for the poor children to the sea for a day once every year D. give the poor children a free ride for a day at the sea once every year5. The underlined words Underprivileged Children mean children _. A. of low income families B. who like to travel in taxi C. who wish to go to sea but have no money D. from London(二)People living in the country enjoy several advantages that people living in the city cannot enjoy.They are in close contact(接触)with nature. They make friends with trees and stones. owns can dogs. They breathe fresh air. They fight with strong winds. They listen to the song of birds. This contact with nature is good for health. There are many diseases that are common in the city, but are not to be found in the country, For example, near-sightedness is almost unknown to country people. Because of the absence of cars, one can walk more freely in the country than in the city, There are no rules of the road nor traffic signs to obey. People living in the country can easily get fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and fresh milk, Are they get them at lower prices than in the city. Country life is economical(节俭的)in other ways, too. There are practically no temptations to waste money. Country people are mostly honest. They say what they mean, and make and keep promises with sincerity(诚意). They do not put on air(摆架子). They do not pretend to have those ridiculous(荒谬的)manners which are necessary in what we call polite society.1. What cant country people often enjoy?A. Musical concerts. B. Fresh air. C. Song of birds. D. Close contact with nature.2. What is probably more expensive in the country than in the city?A. Vegetables. B. Beer. C. Milk. D. Fruit.3. What is NOT true of country life?A. The traffic accident rate is very high in the country. B. Living in the country saves one a lot of money. C. Country people enjoy better health than the city people. D. Country people are honest.4. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. People living in the country enjoy no advantages. B. People living in the city are in close contact with nature. C. People living in the country suffer from more diseases than those living in the city. D. The prices of farm products are lower in the country than in the city.5. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. The Disadvantages of Living in the Country. B. The Expenses of Living in the Country. C. Country Life. D. Healthy Country People.【试题答案】(一)1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A(二)1. A 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C

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