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汉译英翻译题中考常考句型训练一 在本章节中,我们重点训练中考常考的50个基本句型。本次练习的模式是:句型-中文-题干,要求用所给出的句型,根据汉语意思补全英语句子。1. as soon as 我希望能尽快见到他。 I hope _.2. (not) as / soasLilly 没有Amy 跑得快。Lilly _Amy3. as as possible 我希望能尽快见到他。 I hope _.4. ask sb. for sth. 我请她和我一起逛街。 I _with me.5. ask / tell sb(how) to do sth. 我告诉你如何做饭。 I _.6. ask / tell sb (not) to do sth. 妈妈告诉我不要出去。 Mom _get out.7. be afraid of doing sth / that Lisa 害怕蛇。 Lisa _evil.8. be busy doing sth. 爸爸最近忙于工作。 My father _recently.9. be famous / late / ready / sorry for 我已经做好考试准备了。 I have _the exam.10. be glad that 我很高兴能够遇见你。I _meet you.11. both and 我和Lilly都通过了考试。 _passed the exam.12. buy / give / show / send / pass / bring / lend / tell sth to sb.我给了他一支钢笔。I _.13. either . Or 要么你去,要么我去。 _ or _ can go there.14. enjoy / hate / finish / mind / keep / go on doing sth.他们一直在看窗外的美景。They _out of the window .15. get + 比较级天气变暖了The weather _-.16. get on with我和同学们相处得很融洽。I _my classmates.17. get ready for / get sth. ready请做好一切准备。Please _.18. give / show / bring / lend / send / pass / tell sth to sb.我给了他一支钢笔。I _.19. had better (not) do sth.你出去时最好穿件外套。You _when you get out.20. I dont think that.我觉得应与帖没劲了!I _!21. help sb(to)do /help sb with我帮助他学习英语。I _。22. I would like to . / would you like to .?你想喝点什么么?_ something to_?23. it takes sb some time to do sth.现在坐火车去昆明要多长时间?How long does it _?24. its bad / good for吸烟不好。Its _.25. its important for sb to do sth.对于小鸟来说学会飞翔很重要。Its important _.26. its time for ./ to do sth.到了该吃饭的时间了Its _have the meal.27. its two meters (years) long (old)跑道有两公里长。The track is _.28. keep sb doing我妈让我一直做作业。My mom _.29. keep / make sth + adj.我让她伤心了。I _.30. like to do / like doing 他喜欢打篮球。He_.31. make / let sb (not) do sth,.Lilly强迫小狗站在那儿。Lilly _stand there.32. neithernorLilly 和 Amy都不会说法语。_Lilly_Amy can speak French.33. notat all我根本不喜欢这个玩具。I do_.34. not onlybut alsoFox 不仅学习好,而且体育也很好。Fox _.35. not until.直到妈妈回来我才吃晚饭。I _.36. onethe other/ some others.有两个皮球,其中一个是红色的,另一个是蓝色的。There are two balls. _.37. see/ hear sb do(ing) sth我经常听到隔壁有人唱歌。I often _next door.38. so that他高兴得快要跳起来。He is _.39. spendon / (in) doing sth.我花了2个小时的时间完成它。I _.40. stop sb from doing sth.我阻止他给Lilly打电话。I _to Lilly.41. stop to do/ stop doing老师进来了,我停止说话了。I _when teacher came in.42. take / bring sth with sb.你最好带他一起去。You _there.43. the +比较级。,the + 比较级。读书越多,你知道的就越多。_-.44. there is sth wrong with电话出了毛病。_the phone.45. tooto那个小男孩太紧张以至于说不出话来。The boy _speak.46. used to 我的奶奶曾经是个老师。My grandmother _.47. what about / how about?去冲浪怎么样?How_?48. whats wrong / the matter with.?你怎么了?Whats _you?49. why not?为什么不去游泳呢?Why not_?50. will(would, could) you please?你能把电视关小点声么?_turn down the radio? 汉译英翻译题 1. I hope to see him as soon as possible.2. Lilly does not run as quickly as Amy.3. I hope to see him as soon as possible.4. I ask her for shopping with me.5. I tell you how to make a meal.6. Mom tells me not to get out.7. Lisa is afraid of snakes.8. My father is busy working recently.9. I have been ready for the exam.10. Im glad that I can meet you.11. Both Lily and I passed the exam.12. I gave a pen to him.13. Either you or I can go there.14. They kept on watching the beautiful scenery out of the window.15. The weather gets warmer.16. I get on well with my classmates.17. Please get everything ready.18. I gave a pen to him.19. You had better put on a coat when you get out.20. I dont think English is interesting!21. I help him with his English.22. Would you like something to drink?23. How long does it take go to Kunming by train?24. Its bad for smoking .25. Its important for birds to learn how to fly.26. Its time to have the meal.27. The track is two kilometers long.28. My mom keeps me doing homework.29. I made her sad,30. He likes playing basketball.31. Lilly made the dog stand there.32. Neither Lilly nor Amy can speak French.33. I dont like the toy at all.34. Fox is not only good at studying, but also good at PE.35. I didnt have supper until my mom came back.36. There are two balls. One is red, the other is blue.37. I often hear somebody sing next door.38. He is so happy that he nearly jumps up.39. I spent 2 hours in finishing it.40. I stopped him from calling to Lilly.41. I stopped talking when teacher came in;42. You had better take him there.43. The more books you read, the more things you will know.44. There is something wrong with the phone.45. The boy is too nervous to speak.46. My grandmother used to be a teacher.47. How about going surfing?48. Whats wrong with you?49. Why not go swimming?50. Could you please turn down the radio?

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