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外研版 第六册 模块5 语言点1 The monster was huge, with ugly, wrinkle skin. It terrified me. 那个怪物非常的庞大, 皮肤上有难堪的褶皱, 把我吓坏了。terrify v. terrified; terrifying; terrifies 使惊恐, 使受惊吓terrifying 表示“令人害怕的”, terrified 表示人的心理特征“害怕的”。 尤其要注意它们在修饰名词的区别。 a terrifying experience 一次令人害怕的经历 a terrified child 一个受了惊吓的孩子另外, 还要注意其短语: “ be terrified of ”表示“害怕”。例句: The thunderstorm terrified the child. 雷暴天气使孩子受到了惊吓。 Having heard the bomb alarm, terrified people ran out of the building. 听到炸弹警报后, 惊恐的人们从大楼里跑了出来。 That must have been a terrifying experience for you now. 对你来说, 那肯定是一次可怕的经历。 She was terrified of the fierce-looking dog. 他很害怕那只样子很凶的狗。 2 But now I had finished , the beauty of the dream vanished, and horror and disgust filled my heart. 但是, 如今我完成了, 我的美梦破灭了, 恐惧和厌恶充满了我的内心。 disgust vt. disgusted; disgusting disgusts 其动词表示“使觉得恶心; 使厌烦”;disgusting还可以作形容词, 表示“ 可憎的, 讨厌的”, 常接介词at, by 或with; 其名词形式与动词形式相同, 可用于短语“to ones disgust” 结构, 表示 “使某人厌恶的是”This smell disgusts me. 这气味使我很作呕。 The bad fish had a disgusting smell. 这条变质的鱼有一股令人作呕的气味。 We are all disgusted at the way her husband has treated her. 她的丈夫那样对待她, 使我们都感到厌恶。 To our disgust, her husband has treated her in that way. 使我们厌恶的是,她丈夫那样对待她。 3. It breathed hard, and moved its arms and legs.它用力地呼吸并且蠕动着它的胳膊和腿。breathe vt. ; vt “ 呼吸”名词形式为“breath” 常构成的短语有: hold ones breath 屏住呼吸 lose ones breath 喘不过气来 out of ones breath 气喘吁吁 其同根形容词和副词分别为breathless 气喘吁吁的 breathlessly 气喘吁吁地 例句:1)He became ill after breathing coal dust for many years. 吸了多年的煤尘, 他得病了。 2)I shall love you as long as I breathe. 我将一生一世去爱你。3.) The race was so close that everyone was holding his breath at the finish. 比赛如此接近以至在终点使人们都屏住了呼吸。4) If you run very fast, you may lose your breath. 如果跑得太快, 你会喘不过气来的。 5).The climb left him breathless. 攀登使他气喘吁吁。 4. But these things contrasted horribly with his yellow eyes, his wrinkled yellow skin and black lips. 但是所有这些都和它的黄色的眼睛,褶皱的黄皮肤以及黑黑的嘴唇形成明显的对照.Contrast vt. 对照,; vi 形成对照; 也可用作名词, 常构成短语: Can you compare and contrast English with Chinese?你能将汉语与英语比较对比一下吗? This white peak contrasts finely with the blue sky. 雪白的山峰同蔚蓝的天空交相辉映. Toms marks ( e. g. 90 percent) by contrast with Harrys(e. g. 35 percent) were excellent. 和哈利的分数比较起来, 汤姆的分数是相当优秀的The black furnishings provide an interesting contrast to the white walls. 黑色家具和白色墙壁形成很有意思的对比。 The coastal areas have mild winters, but by contrast the central plains become extremely cold. 沿海地区的冬天天气暖和,可是相比之下中部平原却异常寒冷。 The white walls make a contrast with the black carpet. 白色的墙壁与黑色的地毯形成了鲜明的对照. . Careful contrast of the two plans shows up some key differences. 把这两个计划仔细地加以对比就可以看出一些关键性的差异. 5. Using bones from dead bodies, he creates a creature that resembles a human being and gives it life. 利用死人的骨头, 他制造出了一个像人的怪物, 并给了它生命. resemble “ to look or be like “She resembles her sister in appearance but not in character. 她的外表像她姐姐, 但个性不像. John resembles his father very much in all his ways. 约翰各方面都极像他父亲.resemble 的名词形式是resemblance (想像之处) . There is no resemblance between the two paintings. 这两幅油画没有想像之处. 6. She looked well and happy but as I kissed her lips, they became pale, as if she were dead. 她看上去健康而快乐, 但是, 当我亲吻她时, 她双唇失色, 犹如死人. “ as if /though” 引起的从句可以用陈述语气, 也可以用虚拟语气. 例如:It looks as if it is going to rain. 看起来好像就要下雨了. The fish tastes as if it has gone bad. 这鱼尝起来好像爱已经变质了. He asked about England as if he were from that country . 他谈起英国来好像他就来自那个国家.

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