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PEP三年级上册优佳学案Unit 1 Hello第一课时A Lets talk Lets play 名师导航一、难点解释1Miss White 怀特老师 Miss用于全名或姓之前,是对未婚女子的称呼。如:Miss Smith 史密斯小姐;Miss Green 格林小姐 2英语中人名的写法。英语中人的姓和名的开头字母都大写。如:John Brown 约翰布朗;Tom Smith 汤姆史密斯。英语中名在前,姓在后。如:John Brown约翰布朗, John是名,Brown是姓。中国人的名字翻译成英文时可按汉语拼音拼写,姓和后面两个(或一个)字的拼音的第一个字母大写,也可以按英语中的顺序。如:李小明 Li Xiaoming 或 Xiaoming Li 刘蕾 Liu Lei 或Lei Liu。 二、知识链 Sarah Im Sarah. Hello! Im Sarah. White Miss White. Bye! Miss White.课前预习一、Read and choose. (读一读本课对话,将正确答案的序号写在括号中。)1第一组对话中的男孩叫( ),女孩叫( )。2第二组对话中的男孩叫( ),女孩叫( )。3第三组对话中的老师叫( ),男孩叫( )。4三组对话中共有( )位老师,( )位学生。A. Sarah(萨拉)B. Mike(迈克) C. White(怀特)D. Wu Yifan(吴一凡) E. Chen Jie(陈洁)F. 1G. 5二、Read and choose. (读一读,将正确答案的序号写在括号中。)( )1当别人对你说Hello时,你可以回答Hello,还可以怎样回答: A. Hi! B. Bye!( )2当别人对你说Goodbye时,你可以回答Goodbye,还可以怎样回答: A. Hello! B. Bye!( )3对怀特小姐的称呼,哪种写法是正确的: A. Miss White B. Miss white( )4下面哪个名字写法是正确的: A. Wu Yi Fan B. Wu Yifan( )5下面哪个名字写法是正确的: A. Sarah B. sarah( )6向别人打招呼应该用: A. Hello! B. Bye!( )7向别人再见应该用: A. Hello! B. Bye!三、Read and write.(读一读,写出下列句子的汉语意思。)1Im Wu Yifan. 2Hi! Im Sarah. 3Goodbye! 4Bye, Miss White! 课后巩固四、Read and choose.(读一读,将汉语意思的序号写在括号中。)1Hello.( )2Miss( )3Goodbye.( )4Im ( )5Miss White( )6Bye.( )7Hi.( )A. 小姐 B. 怀特小姐C. 你好。D. 再见。E. 我是五、Read and match.(读一读,问答连线。)1Hello! A. Hi! Im Sarah.2Hello! Im Wu Yifan. B. Bye!3Goodbye! C. Hi!4Hi! Im Wang Xiaoming.5Bye! Miss White!六、Read and choose.(读一读,将汉语意思相同的序号写在括号中。)( )1hi( )2bye( )3Li Xiaoming( )4Wu YifanA. goodbyeB. Xiaoming Li C. hello D. Yifan Wu七、Read and match. (读一读,将中英文姓名连线。) A组1周玉伦A. Zhang Zihao2张子豪B. Zhou Yulun3张笑言C. Ye Yifeng4王一帆D. Wang Yifan5叶一丰E. Zhang Xiaoyan B组1刘芸A. Bai Ling2白玲B. Liu Yun3周焕琳C. Lin Chuanfeng4刘宇航D. Zhou Huanlin5林川丰E. Liu Yuhang八、Read and choose. (读一读,将对话内容的序号写在对话框中。)123A. Bye, Miss White!B. Hi! Im Sarah. C. Hello! Im Wu Yifan.D. Hello! E. Goodbye!F. Hi!九、Read and choose.(读一读,将正确答案的序号写在横线上。)Wu Yifan: Hello! Im .Sarah: ! Sarah.Wu Yifan: Goodbye!Sarah: . A. ByeB. Wu Yifan C. ImD. Hi 课外拓展十、Fill in the blanks and introduce yourself. (用拼音写出自己的名字,用选出你所喜欢用的礼貌用语,并大声地向别人介绍自己。)Hello/Hi! Im .Goodbye/Bye!第二课时A Lets learn Lets do 名师导航一、难点解释1show 出示; me 我; show me 向我出示2a pencil 一支铅笔;pencils 两支及多于两支数量的铅笔。二、知识链pencil a pencil pencilseraser an eraser eraserspencil your pencil Show me your pencil.课前预习一、Read and match.(读一读,将图片与对应的单词连线。)1 A. eraser2 B. pencil3 C. crayon4 D. pen5 E. ruler二、Read and match.(读一读,将短语与其汉语意思连线。)1your pencil A. 你的尺子2your ruler B. 你的铅笔3show me C. 向我出示4your eraser D. 你的蜡笔5your crayon E. 你的橡皮三、Read and write.(读一读,写出下列句子的汉语意思。)1Show me your pencil. 2Show me your ruler. 3Show me your eraser. 4Show me your crayon. 5Show me your pen. 课后巩固( )( )( )( )( )四、Read and choose.(读一读,帮助Zoom选出正确单词的序号写在括号中。)A. pencil B. ruler C. penD. crayon E. eraser五、Read and write.(读一读,写出下列单词的汉语意思。)1pencil 2pen 3eraser 4crayon 5ruler 六、Read and choose.(读一读,根据图片选出正确的单数或复数词的序号写在括号中。)( )1 A. a penB. pens( )2 A. a rulerB. rulers( )3 A. a crayonB. crayons( )4 A. an eraserB. erasers( )5 A. a pencilB. pencils七、Read and choose.(读一读,将正确答案的序号写在括号中。)( )1“一块橡皮”正确的英语说法为: A. a eraser B. an eraser( )2“一把尺子”正确的英语说法为: A. a ruler B. an ruler( )3“向我出示”正确的英语说法为: A. Show me B. Show I( )4“两支钢笔”正确的英语说法为: A. 2 pen B. 2 pens八、Read and choose.(读一读,将正确的句子序号写在相应的图片下面的括号中。)1 2 3( ) ( ) ( ) 4 5( ) ( ) A. Show me your pencil. B. Show me your pen.C. Show me your ruler. D. Show me your crayon.E. Show me your eraser.九、Read and make sentences.(读一读,按序号排成通顺的句子。)1pencil me your Show . .2Show your me eraser . .3pen me Show your . .4me Show your crayon . .课外拓展十、Read and choose.(读一读,将正确答案的序号写在括号中。)Hello! Im Sarah! Look(看)! I have(有)a (A. pencil B. pencils), 2 (A. crayon B. crayons), (A. a B. an)eraser and 3 (A. pencil B. pencils).第三课时A Lets make Lets sing名师导航一、难点解释1单词释义:draw 画画;yourself你(你们)自己;write写;name名字;make制作;hole洞;thread穿(线);string 线;wear穿(衣服); card 卡片;say说。 2句子释义:Draw yourself.画出你自己。Write your name.写上你的名字。Make the holes. 凿两个洞。Thread the string. 把绳子穿上。Wear the name card. 戴上你的名片。Say your name. 介绍一下自己的姓名。二、知识链name your name Write your name.card name card Wear the name card.课前预习一、 Read and match.(读一读,将英语与其汉语意思连起来。) 1drawa rulerA. 画一支铅笔2draw a pencilB. 画一把尺子3draw a crayonC. 画一支钢笔4draw a penD. 画一支蜡笔5draw an eraserE. 画一块橡皮二、Read and match.(读一读,写出下列句子的汉语意思。)1Draw yourself. 2Write your name. 3Make the holes. 4Thread the string. 5Wear the name card. 6Say your name. 课后巩固三、Read and choose.(读一读,将正确的单词序号写在括号中。)1 2( )your name.( )yourself. ( )the holes.( )the string.3 4 ( )your name.( )the name card. 5 6 A. Wear B. Say C. Thread D. Make E. Write F. Draw四、Read and match.(读一读,连线使其成为一句通顺的话。)1DrawA. the holes.2MakeB. yourself. 3ThreadC. your name.4SayD. the string.5WriteE. the name card. 6Wear 五、Read and choose.(读一读,将正确的名词单复数形式的序号写在括号中。)( )1Draw a . A. pencilB. pencils ( )2Write 3 . A. nameB. names( )3Make 2 . A. holesB. hole( )4Show me 3 name . A. cardsB. card六、Read and choose. (读一读,将正确的单词序号写在括号中。)( )1Draw . A. youB. yourself ( )2Write name. A. youB. your ( )3Say name. A. yourB. you ( )4Wear clothes(衣服). A. yourB. you七、Read and choose.(读一读,将正确句子的序号写在括号中。)1 2 3 ( ) ( ) ( ) 4 5 6 ( ) ( ) ( )A. Make the holes.B. Draw yourself.C. Write your name. D. Thread the string.E. Say your name.F. Wear the name card. 八、Read and make sentences.(读一读,按序号排列使其成为通顺的句子。)1 holes Makethe . .2 yournameSay . .3 namecardthe Wear . .4 yourWritename . .九、Read and number.(读一读,根据课本内容排序。)( )Say your name.( )Make the holes.( )Write your name.( )Thread the string.( )Draw yourself.( )Wear the name card.课外拓展十、Lets sing. (旧曲新唱接力赛:根据课本中的歌曲,把原歌词改为自己伙伴的名字和同学们进行歌曲接力赛。)趣味英语小知识教师节每年的9月10日是中国法定的教师节。教师节来临时,可送给老师一张自制的贺卡,写上祝福的语言。下面是制作英语贺卡的方法:首先,在贺卡上顶格写:“To:”,在后面写上老师的名字如:“Miss Wang(女老师用Miss), Mr. Zhang(男老师用Mr.)”;然后,另起一行,空出两个字母的空间,再写:“Happy Teachers Day!”;最后,再另起一行,在单词“Day”的字母“y”下面写“From:”,写上自己的名字,如:To Miss Chen Happy Teachers Day! From Wu Yifan 第四课时B Lets talk Lets play名师导航一、难点解释1whats = what is 是什么 2my 我的;My names = My name is 我叫3See you! 再见!与人再见时的告别用语。类似的告别用语还有:Goodbye! Bye! See you later! See you next time! 等。二、知识链Mike Im Mike. Whats your name? My names Chen Jie.课前预习一、Read and choose. (读一读本课对话,将正确答案的序号写在括号中。)第一组 第二组 1第一组对话中的男孩叫( )。A. Wu Yifan(吴一凡) B. Mike(迈克)2第一组对话中的女孩叫( )。A. Sarah(萨拉) B. Chen Jie(陈洁)3第二组对话中抱着足球的男孩叫( )。A. Wu Yifan(吴一凡) B. Mike(迈克)4本课中共出现了( )位学生。A. 4 B. 6二、Read and choose. (读一读,将正确答案的序号写在括号中。)( )1你想知道别人的名字时,应该说: A. Whats your name?B. Goodbye!( )2当别人对你说bye时,你可以回答: A. Hi!B. See you!( )3如果Mike在向别人介绍自己,他可以说:Im Mike. 还可以说: A. My name Mike.B. My names Mike.( )4下面关于陈洁的名字表达正确的是: A. ChenjieB. Chen Jie( )5See you!的意思是: A. 再见!B. 你好!三、Read and write.(读一读,写出下列句子的汉语意思。)1Hello! Im Mike. 2Whats your name? 3My names Chen Jie. 4Bye! 5See you! 课后巩固四、Read and choose.(读一读,将汉语意思的序号写在括号中。)1what( )2your( )3name( )4my( )5see you( )A. 名字B. 什么C. 我的D. 再见E. 你的,你们的五、Read and match. (读一读,问答连线。)1Whats your name?A. Hi! Im Sarah.2Hello! Im Wu Yifan.B. Bye!3See you!C. My names Chen Jie.六、Read and choose.(读一读,将全称形式的正确缩写形式的序号写在括号中。)( )1what is A. whatsB. whatis( )2I am A. IamB. Im( )3My name isA. My namesB. My nameis七、Read and choose.(读一读,将意思相同的单词或句子的序号写在括号中。)( )1Hello!( )2See you!( )3My names Chen Jie.( )4Im Mike.( )5My names Sarah.( )6Goodbye.A. My names Mike. B. Im Chen Jie. C. Hi! D. Bye! E. Im Sarah.八、Read and choose. (读一读,根据课本内容,将对话的序号写在对话框中。)3 1 2 5 4 A. Hello! Im Mike. B. Bye!C. My names Chen Jie. D. See you!E. Whats your name?九、Read and choose.(读一读,将正确答案的序号写在横线上。)Mike: Hello! Im . your name?Chen Jie: Mike: Bye!Chen Jie: A. See you! B. Mike C. Whats D. My names Chen Jie. 课外拓展十、Fill in the blanks, introduce yourself and ask your partners name. (用拼音写出自己的名字,用选出你所喜欢用的礼貌用语,向别人介绍自己,并询问同伴的名字。)Hello/Hi! Im . / My names .Whats your name?Goodbye/Bye/see you!第五课时B Lets learn Lets do名师导航一、难点解释1open 打开; close 关上; carry拿着,手提,肩挑。2go to 去 如:go to the shop 去商店;go to the zoo 去动物园 3pencil-case与pencil-box的区别case 箱子;盒子;柜子;box 箱;盒;匣;pencil-case 用软材料制成的铅笔袋,pencil-box 指用较硬的金属或塑料制成的铅笔盒。 二、知识链book a book books your books show me your books.bag your bag carry your bag.课前预习一、Read and match.(读一读,将单词的序号选在相应图片的括号中。)1 2 3 ( ) ( ) ( )4 5 ( ) ( ) A. school B. pencil-case C. sharpener D. book E. bag二、Read and match.(读一读,将单词与其汉语意思连线。)1openA. 关上,合上2closeB. 打开3showC. 向出示4carryD. 去5goE. 背上三、Read and write.(读一读,将下列句子的汉语意思的序号写在括号中。)( )1Open your pencil-case.A. 向我出示你的转笔刀。( )2Show me your sharpener.B. 合上你的书。( )3Close your book.C. 去上学。( )4Carry your bag.D. 打开你的铅笔袋。( )5Go to school. E. 背上你的书包。课后巩固四、 Read and match.(读一读,将单词的序号选在相应图片的括号中。)( )( )( )( )( )A. book B. sharpener C. school D. pencil-case E. bag五、Read and write.(读一读,写出下列短语的汉语意思。)1your pencil-case 2show me 3your sharpener 4go to 5your bag 6your book 六、Read and choose.(读一读,根据图片选出正确的单数或复数词的序号写在题前括号中。) ( )1 A. a sharpener B. sharpeners( )2 A. a book B. books( )3 A. a bag B. bags( )4 A. a school B. schools( )5 A. a pencil-case B. pencil-cases七、Read and choose.(读一读,将正确答案的序号写在题前括号中。)( )1Open your . A. pencil-caseB. pencil ( )2Look(看)! A book and eraser. A. a B. an ( )3Please(请)draw(画)3 A. bagsB. bag( )4“打开你的书。”正确的英语说法为: A. Close your book.B. Open your book.八、Read and choose.(读一读,将正确的句子序号写在相应的图片下面的括号中。)1 2 3 ( ) ( ) ( ) 4 5 ( ) ( )A. Show me your sharpener.B. Open your pencil-case.C. Close your book.D. Go to school.E. Carry your bag.九、Read and make sentences.(读一读,按序号排成通顺的句子。)1sharpener me your Show . . 2your book Close . .3Open pencil-case your . .4school Go to . .5bag Carry your . .课外拓展十、Read and choose. (读一读,将正确答案的序号写在括号中。)Hello! Im Zoom! Look(看)! I have(有)a (A. bag B. bags). In (在里)the bag, there is a (A. pencil-case B. pencil-cases), 2 (A. sharpener B. sharpeners), (A. a B. an)eraser and some(一些) (A. books B. book). Oh, lets go to (A. schools B. school)!第六课时B Lets check Lets chant C Story time名师导航一、难点解释1have 有;当主语是第三人称时,要用has表示“有”的意思。如:I have a sharpener. 我有一个转笔刀。He has a sharpener, too. 他也有一个转笔刀。2Me too! 我也有。英语中表示赞同对方前面的观点时,常用“Me too.”如: I like red. 我喜欢红色。Me too. 我也是。3Im going to school. 我要去上学。一般将来时。表示打算(预备)做某事。由“be(am, is, are)going to +动词原形”构成。如:Im going to the zoo. 我打算去动物园。二、知识链book a book I have a book. Me too.pencil pencils some pencils I have some pencils.课前预习一、Read and choose.(读一读,选出下列单词的释义,将正确答案的序号写在在前面的括号内。) 我 have1( ) A. me 有2( ) B. 去too3( ) C. go 也4( ) D. 二、Read and match.(读一读,将短语汉语的序号写在括号中。)( )1a pencil( )2an eraser( )3go to school( )4my name ( )5your nameA. 去上学B. 一块橡皮 C. 你(们)的名字D. 一支铅笔E. 我的名字三、Read and choose.(读一读,选择正确的译文,将正确答案的序号填在前面的括号内。) ( )1I have a pencil. A. 我有一支铅笔。B. 我要一支铅笔。( )2Me too. A. 我也是。B. 我不是。( )3Im going to school. A. 我不要去上学。B. 我将要去上学。( )4I have a bag. A. 我有一张床。B. 我有一个书包。课后巩固四、Read and choose.(读一读,找出不同类的单词,将序号写在前面的括号内。)( )1A. pen B. ruler C. Mike( )2A. eraser B. pencil C. I( )3A. name B. bag C. book( )4A. Sarah B. John C. school( )5A. hello B. hi C. crayon五、Chant and choose.(吟唱歌谣,根据图片选择相应的单词的序号写在括号中。) A. school B. pencil C. book D. ruler E. bag . . . . .I六、Read and choose.(读一读,在下列句子所表达的正确图片的序号上打。) Open the book. Show me your pencil.Bye! Miss White. Hello! My names Mike.七、Read and choose.(读一读,将正确答案的序号写在前面的括号内。)( )1I have a . A. pen B. pens( )2I have a . A. book B. books( )3I have some(一些). A. pencil B. pencils( )4I have some(一些). A. crayon B. crayons( )5I have a . A. pencil-case B. pencils-cases八、Read and choose. (读一读,将正确答案的序号写在前面的括号内。)A. a B. an例: A school 1 pen2 pencil3 eraser4 book5 bag 6 crayon课外拓展九、Read and choose.(读一读,根据对话内容判断,对的打,错的打。)Sarah: Look! I have a pencil!Mike: Me too!Sarah: I have a ruler!Mike: Me too!Sarah: I have a dress(连衣裙)!Mike: Me too!Sarah: Really(真的吗)? Let me have a look(让我看一看)!Mike: Sorry(对不起)! I havent(我没有).1Sarah has(有)a pencil.( )2Sarah has(有)a ruler. ( )3Mike has(有)a pen.( )4Sarah has(有)a dress.( )5Mike has(有)a dress.( )趣味英语小知识 “商标”英语小朋友们,在日常生活中,我们可能会接触到许多英语商标。知道它们是什么意思吗?一起来学习一下吧! 乐百氏Robust 有活力的,健康的 雪碧Sprite 小精灵 美登高Meadow Gold牧场的盒子 纳爱斯Nice 美好的 舒服佳Safeguard 安全卫士 乐凯Lucky 幸运的PEP三年级上册第一单元测试题题号一二三四五六七八九十总分等级E G T得分听力部分(50分)(每题读两遍)一、Listen and choose.(听录音,选择正确的图片序号写在括号中。)(10分)( )1 A. B. ( )2 A. B.( )3 A B. ( )4 A. B. ( )5 A. B. 二、Listen and number .(听录音,标序号。)(10分) pencil ruler school bag sharpener ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、Listen and tick or cross .(听录音,判断下列图片与你听到的内容是否相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”。)(10分)1 ( ) 2( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( )5 ( ) 四、Listen and choose.(听录音,选句子,将听到句子的序号填在括号中。)(10分)( )1A. Hi! B. Hello!( )2A. Im Mike. B. Im Sarah.( )3A. See you! B. Bye! ( )4A. My names Chen Jie. B. My names Wu Yifan.( )5A. I have a pencil. B. I have a pencil-case.五、Listen and number.(听录音,给下列句子排序。)(10分)( )Me too!( )Lets(让我们)go to school! OK?( 6 )OK!( )Hello! Im Mike. Whats your name?( )Hi! Chen Jie. Look! I have a bag.( )My names Chen Jie.笔试部分(50分


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