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第一篇Academic operations research programs structured on a user command language This article is not included in your organizations subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organizations agreement with Elsevier.Eliezer NaddorDepartment of Mathematical Sciences, G. W. C. Whiting School of Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218, USAAvailable online 18 August 2004. AbstractTwelve deterministic and probabilistic Operations Research BASIC computer programs, useful in academic and research environments, are described. All accept identical conversational instructions in a unified user command language. Each program has help and examples messages, and built-in sets of data useful for illustration. It accepts commands for retrieving, displaying, changing, and saving the data, and for computing and optimization. Three programs also accept simulation commands. The availability of the source code and detailed documentation allows users to modify the programs, delete or add algorithms, change dimensions, and to translate the programs into other languages.第二篇Linking science and management in the adoption of sensor network technology in the Great Barrier Reef coast, Australia Dbora M. de Freitasa, , , Stuart Kininmonthb and Simon WoodleycaARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies and School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD 4811, AustraliabAustralian Institute of Marine Science, QLD 4810, AustraliacS&J Woodley Pty Ltd., 6 Kookaburra Place, Darlington, WA 6070, AustraliaAvailable online 23 February 2009. AbstractCoastal and reef policy decisions and management programs require research to address current and emerging issues, to detect trends in key environmental variables and to help evaluate the effectiveness of management strategies. The technology and infrastructure components are now well developed and understood, but the useful application of sensor network data and efficient delivery of real-time information still needs improvement to better incorporate management needs and priorities. This paper aims to contribute to the current understanding of the adoption of wireless technology in research and practice, by identifying the main drivers and barriers to the adaptive deployment of an environmental sensor network along the Great Barrier Reef coast. Specifically, it addresses the extent to which the deployment of sensor networks and the delivery of real-time data can best suit managers and decision makers needs by providing timely and useful spatial data. Study findings indicate that, although researchers and managers ask significantly different questions requiring real-time spatial data, there is great potential and interest from both science and management for continuous automatic monitoring of environmental parameters. Some of the key research and management needs that the sensor network technology should address include measuring water (marine) quality at biological monitoring sites, water circulation patterns and flood plume water quality, gathering long-term data on turbidity, photosynthetically active radiation and chlorophyll a, and developing uniform standards for the provision of data to networks.第三篇Reliability analysis of hierarchical computer-based systems subject to common-cause failures Liudong Xinga, , , Leila Meshkatb, and Susan K. Donohuec, aElectrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, 285 Old Westport Road, North Dartmouth, MA 02747, USAbJet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, MS 301-180, Pasadena, CA 91109, USAcDepartment of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Virginia, 151 Engineers Way, P.O. Box 400747, Charlottesville, VA 22904, USAAvailable online 26 May 2006. AbstractThe results from reliability modeling and analysis are key contributors to design and tuning activities for computer-based systems. Each architecture style, however, poses different challenges for which analytical approaches must be developed or modified. The challenge we address in this paper is the reliability analysis of hierarchical computer-based systems (HS) with common-cause failures (CCF). The dependencies among components introduced by CCF complicate the reliability analysis of HS, especially when components affected by a common cause exist on different hierarchical levels. We propose an efficient decomposition and aggregation (EDA) approach for incorporating CCF into the reliability evaluation of HS. Our approach is to decompose an original HS reliability analysis problem with CCF into a number of reduced reliability problems freed from the CCF concerns. The approach is represented in a dynamic fault tree by a proposed CCF gate modeled after the functional dependency gate. We present the basics of the EDA approach by working through a hypothetical analysis of a HS subject to CCF and show how it can be extended to an analysis of a hierarchical phased-mission system subject to different CCF depending on mission phases.第四篇An evaluation of empirical research in managerial support systems This article is not included in your organizations subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organizations agreement with Elsevier.Izak Benbasat*, a and Barrie R Nault*, aaFaculty of Commerce and Business Administration, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1Y8Available online 20 May 2003. AbstractThis paper describes, summarizes and comments on the empirical studies in the use of three information technologies to support managerial activities: decision support systems (DSS), group decision support systems (GDSS), and expert systems (ES). These are collectively labelled as managerial support systems (MSS). A classification scheme to organize empirical research in MSS is proposed. An overview of empirical work on two major research themes, namely MSS “design” and “effects of use” of MSS, is then presented for the years 19811988. Following this overview, the research strategies suitable for empirical research in MSS are discussed. The paper concludes with suggestions about future research directions in the field.Keywords: Decision support systems; Group decision support systems; Expert systems; Decision support aids; Effects of support systems use; Design of support systems; Review of empirical DSS research, DSS research strategiesThis work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada under operating grant OGP2421.* Barrie R. Nault is a Doctoral Candidate in the Management Information System Division at the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, University of British Columbia. Mr. Nault has a B. Comm. in Management Science from McGill University and has several years of industry experience in Marketing Research and Statistics. His current research interests include strategic information technology, economics of information systems, modelling of IS impacts on markets, and information economics.* Izak Benbasat is Professor and Director of Research at the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, University of British Columbia. He received his Ph.D. in MIS from The University of Minnesota in 1974. Professor Benbasat has served on the editorial boards of Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Accounting Review and Information Systems Research. His current research interests are in knowledge acquisition methods for expert systems development, theories for conducting research in managerial support technologies, and the organizational adoption of information technologies.第五篇Expert systems for seismic engineering: the state-of-the-art This article is not included in your organizations subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organizations agreement with Elsevier.A. Berraisa and A.S. WatsonaaCAE Group, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UKAvailable online 3 March 2003. AbstractThis paper begins with a brief introduction to the application of expert system technology to civil engineering, and goes on to review a subset of prototype expert system applications in seismic engineering. The prototypes reviewed cover a wide range of seismic applications. A prototype expert system called SDA (seismic design assistant) developed by the authors is also briefly described. The paper concludes with a comparative study of some of the selected expert systems and closes with an assessment of the roles that expert system technology can play in seismic engineering, especially in the design of buildings. 第六篇Analyzing the effect of the inventory policy on order and inventory variability with linear control theory This article is not included in your organizations subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organizations agreement with Elsevier.Kai Hoberga, James R. Bradleyb and Ulrich W. Thonemanna, , aDepartment of Supply Chain Management and Management Science, University of Cologne, 50923 Cologne, GermanybS.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University, 321 Sage Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-6201, USAReceived 15 October 2004; accepted 13 October 2005. Available online 23 February 2006. AbstractIn this paper we apply linear control theory to study the effect of various inventory policies on order and inventory variability, which are key drivers of supply chain performance. In particular, we study a two-echelon supply chain with a stationary demand pattern under the influence of three inventory policies: an inventory-on-hand policy that bases orders on the visible inventory at an installation, an installation-stock policy that bases orders on the inventory position (on-hand plus on-order inventory) at an installation, and an echelon-stock policy that bases orders on the inventory position at that installation and all downstream installations. We prove analytically that the inventory-on-hand policy is unstable in practical settings, confirming analytically what has been observed in experimental settings and in practice. We also prove that the installation-stock and echelon-stock policies are stable and analyze their effect on order and inventory fluctuation. Specifically, we show the general superiority of the echelon-stock in our setting and demonstrate analytically the effect of forecasting parameters on order and inventory fluctuations, confirming the results in other research. 第七篇Bridging the gap between theory and practice in forecasting*1 This article is not included in your organizations subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organizations agreement with Elsevier.Essam MahmoudRichard DeRoeckRobert BrownGillian RiceAmerican Graduate School of International Management, Glendale, AZ 85306, USAGeneral Motors Corporation, Detroit, MI 48202, USAMaterials Management Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 239, Thetford Center, VT 05075-0239, USAAmerican Graduate School of International Management, Glendale, AZ 85306, USAAvailable online 15 July 2002. AbstractThe successful implementation of forecasting in many organizations is hampered by gaps in communication and understanding between forecast preparers and forecast users. Different individuals in organizations may have varying political agendas which impact the forecasting process. Advances in forecasting can be limited because of the gap between forecasting theorists and practitioners. This paper discusses these issues. In particular, it reports on a series of roundtable discussions on the gap between theory and practice which took place at the 1991 International Symposium on Forecasting. The paper includes suggestions on ways to bridge the gap. 第八篇Do people make decisions under risk based on ignorance? An empirical test of the priority heuristic against cumulative prospect theory This article is not included in your organizations subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organizations agreement with Elsevier.Andreas Glcknera, , and Tilmann BetschbaResearch Group Intuitive Experts, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Kurt-Schumacher Str. 10, D-53113 Bonn, GermanybDepartment of Psychology, University of Erfurt, GermanyReceived 13 October 2006; accepted 6 February 2008. Accepted by Robyn Dawes. Available online 25 March 2008. AbstractBrandsttter, Gigerenzer, and Hertwig Brandsttter, E., Gigerenzer, G., & Hertwig, R. (2006). The Priority Heuristic: Making choices without trade-offs. Psychological Review, 113(2), 409432 put forward the priority heuristic (PH) as a fast and frugal heuristic for decisions under risk. According to the PH, individuals do not make trade-offs between gains and probabilities, as proposed by expected utility models such as cumulative prospect theory (CPT), but use information in a non-compensatory manner and ignore information. We conducted three studies to test the PH empirically by analyzing individual choice patterns, decision times and information search parameters in diagnostic decision tasks. Results on all three dependent variables conflict with the predictions of the PH and can be better explained by the CPT. The predictive accuracy of the PH was high for decision tasks in which the predictions align with the predictions of the CPT but very low for decision tasks in which this was not the case. The findings indicate that earlier results supporting the PH might have been caused by the selection of decision tasks that were not diagnostic for the PH as compared to CPT. 第一篇学者运筹学方案一个用户的结构命令语言这篇文章不包括在你的组织的订阅。然而,你也许能访问这篇文章下你的组织的与爱思唯尔达成的协议。利泽naddor数学系,克。瓦特。c源文件。白工程学院,约翰霍普金斯,巴尔的摩,而消息摘要21218,美国可用的在线18八月2004。抽象的的十二确定性的,概率的运筹学基本的计算机程序,有用在学者和考证环境,被描述。所有接受相同对话的的指令在一个统一用户命令语言。每个方案有援助和例子信息,内建的数据集合有用为插图。它接受命令为改变,保留的的基准,对计算,优化。三个程序也接受模拟命令。的可用性源代码,选派文件允许用户修改方案,删除或加算法,改变量纲。第二篇链接科学与管理在传感器的采用网络技术在大堡礁岸,澳大利亚公主日记宝来米。德freitasa,斯图亚特kininmonthb,西蒙woodleyc刑事拘留卓越中心为珊瑚礁地球与环境科学的论文和学校,詹姆斯库克大学,汤斯维尔,昆士兰4811,澳大利亚baustralian海洋科学的研究所,昆士兰4810,澳大利亚铯&文艺体坛woodley控股公司。,6笑翠鸟地方,达灵顿,哇6070,澳大利亚可用的在线2009年2月23日。抽象沿海,礁政策决断,管理方案要求研究地址当前,出现问题,检测趋势在关键环境变量,帮助评价管理策略的效用。技术一个发达,了解,但传感器的有用应用网络数据,效率实时信息的交货还需要改进更好合并的的管理需要,优先。这篇论文旨在有助于潮流北达科他无线技术在考证和做法,通过鉴定主要司机和障碍适应的一个的部署环境的传感器网络沿大堡礁岸。特别,它地址程度,色的部署的实时数据会最好的的诉讼经理,决策者需要通过提供及时,有用空间数据。研究发现物表明,尽管研究者,经理问意味深长地不同问题要求实时的空间数据,那里从都科学与管理为连续环境参数的自动监测。一些关键考证和管理需要那个传感器网络技术将地址包括测量水(海洋)质量在生物监测环流模式,洪水羽水质,收集浊的长期的基准,光合有效辐射,叶绿素一个,开发均的标准对基准的规定网络。第三篇分层的可靠性分析基于计算机的系统问题common-cause失败刘东星阿,唐宁meshkatb,苏珊地球家园。donohuec,aelectrical,计算机工程系,massachusetts-dartmouth的大学,285个旧韦斯特波特路,北达特茅斯,妈02747,美国bjet动力实验室,加州理工学院,女士301-180,帕萨迪纳,钙91109,美国系统的cdepartment,信息工程,弗吉尼亚大学,151个工程师方法,p。o。框400747,夏洛茨维尔,弗吉尼亚州22904,美国可用的在线2006年5月26日。抽象由于可靠性模型与分析是关键捐赠者设计和调活动为基于计算机的系统。每个建筑风格,然而,装模作样不一样的挑战,善于分析的态度必定开发或修改。挑战我们地址输入这篇论文分层的可靠性分析基于计算机的系统(具有状态行)同common-cause失败(国家合作框架)。属地其中元件介绍由具有状态行的可靠性分析,尤其当元件影响由一个普通原因靠不同生活阶级式的水平。我们建议一个效能分解和聚合(埃达)态度为合并国家合作框架到具有状态行的可靠性评估。我们的分解一个原本具有状态行可靠性分析问题同国家合作框架到许多减少可靠性问题豁免从国家合作框架关怀。态度被代表在一个动态故障树由一个提出国家合作框架门仿照制作函数依赖水道的埃达方法把干完一个假想分析的一个具有状态行主题国家合作框架,技术示范它能被延伸到一个分析的一个分层phased-mission系统主题不同国家合作框架根据使命阶段。第四篇一个实证研究的评价在管理支持系统这篇文章不包括在你的组织的订阅。然而,你也许能访问这篇文章下你的组织的与爱思唯尔达成的协议。范德莫维本巴萨特*,一个,巴里邪恶侵蚀nault*,一个商科的afaculty,英属哥伦比亚大学,温哥华,b。c。,加拿大v6t1y8可用的在线2003年5月20日。摘要这篇论文描述,总结,评论实证研究在用的三信息技术支持管理活动:决策支持系统(决策支持系统),组决策支持系统(群体决策支持系统),专家系统(上课)。这些集体标由于管理支持系统(文电)。一个分类表组织实证研究在文电被提出。经验的一个概观工作二个主要研究日“使用的影响”的文电,当时介绍为岁1981?c源文件1988。遵循这个概观,研究策略适合实证研究的在文电被讨论。纸缔结同建议关于预测未来的研究方向在fiel关键词:决策支持系统;组决策支持系统;专家系统;决策支持援助;支持系统的影响使用;设计支持系统;经验的回顾决策支持系统研究,决策支持系统研究策略这工作被支持自然科学与工程加拿大的研究委员会正在经营中发放ogp2421。*巴里邪恶侵蚀。nault一个博士候选人在管理信息系统部在商学院,英属哥伦比亚大学。先生nault有一个b淋巴细胞。显示两个排序文件的公共行。在管理科学从麦吉尔大学,有业的几年有市场研究的经验,统计。他的当前考证我信息技术,信息系统的经济学,的造型市场的影响,信息经济学。*范德莫维本巴萨特是教授,研究部主任在商学院,业务管理,英属哥伦比亚大学。他收到他的ph。d。在管理信息系统从在明尼苏达大学1974年。教授本巴萨特服务了在管理科学的社论的板,管理信息系统季刊,占回顾,信息系统水库当前研究兴趣在知识采集方法为专家系统开发,理论为进行研究在管理的的援助技术,信息技术的组织采用。第五篇 专家系统为地震的策划:最新水平这篇文章不包括在你的组织的订阅。然而,你也许能访问这篇文章下你的组织的与爱思唯尔达成的协议。berraisa,a。s。watsona血清乙酰乙酸组,土木工程系,利兹大学,利兹ls29jt,联合王国可用的在线2003年3月3日。摘要这篇论文首先一个简报介绍专家的应用系统技术土木工程,延续到复习一个子集的原型专家系统应用在地震的策划。原型回顾业务包含地震的应用。一个原型专家系统呼吁如果你硬盘的被识别为(地震的设计助理)开发附近的的作者也简要地描述。纸缔结同一个一些的比较研究选择专家系统,关闭同一个评定的角色如此专系统技术可以在地震的玩耍策划,尤其在设计建筑。 第六篇分析影响的存货政策订购,库存变异同线性控制理论这篇文章不包括在你的组织的订阅。然而,你也许能访问这篇文章下你的组织的与爱思唯尔达成的协议。盖hoberga,果酱邪恶侵蚀。bradleyb,乌尔里克瓦特。thonemanna,供应链管理的adepartment,管理科学,科隆大学,50923科隆,德国bs。c。约翰逊管理研究生院,康奈尔大学,321明智的的大厅,伊萨卡,纽约14853-6201,美国收到2004年10月15日;接受2005年10月13日。可用的在线2006年2月23日。摘要在这篇论文我们申请线性控制理论研究各个的影响存货政策订购,库存变异,是关键供应链的司机表现。特别是,我们学习一个two-echelon供应链同一个静止的需求模式一般指在什么什么的影响之后三存货政策:一个inventory-on-hand政策如此卑劣秩序在可见库存在一个安装,一个installation-stock政策如此卑劣库存的秩序地位(在库量加同时考虑在单量库存)在一个安装,一个echelon-stock政策如此卑劣秩序在库存位置在那个安装,所有下游安装。我们证明解析,inventory-on-hand政策不稳定在实际的环境,确认解析什么有观察在实验的的环境,在实践中。我们也证明,installation-stock,echelon-stock政策是马厩,分析他们的影响订购,库存波动。特别,我们表明将军的优势echelon-stock在我们的集,演示解析预测的影响参数订购,库存波动,确认导致其他的考证。第七篇缩短差距在理论与实践之间在预测*1这篇文章不包括在你的组织的订阅。然而,你也许能访问这篇文章下你的组织的与爱思唯尔达成的协议。essam马哈茂德理查德deroeck罗伯特布朗钟欣桐稻国国际管理研究学院,格兰代尔,阿塞拜疆85306,美国通用汽车公司,底特律,咪48202,美国材料管理系统,公司。,p。o。框239,塞特福德中心,促使05075-0239,美国美国国际管理研究生院在国国际管理研究学院,格兰代尔,阿塞拜疆85306,美国可用的在线2002年7月15日。抽象预测的完满履行在许多组织被阻碍附近的的差距在沟通和理解在预测之间配制,预测用户。不一样的个体在组织可能有变化政治议程哪个碰撞预测进程。前进在预测能被限制由于差距的原因在预测之间理论家,从业者。这篇论文讨论这些问题。特别是,它报告一系列的圆桌会议差距的议论在理论与实践之间发生在1991国际研讨会在预测。纸包括建议对方法缩短差距。第八篇 人们使风险情况下的决策以无知为依据吗?一个优先的实证检验启发式针对累积的前景理论这篇文章不包括在你的组织的订阅。然而,你也许能访问这篇文章下你的组织的与爱思唯尔达成的协议。安德烈亚斯冰川?cknera,tilmannbetschbaresearch组直观的的专家,马克斯普朗克研究所为研究在集体物品,kurt-schumacher选通脉冲。10,d-53113波恩,德国心理学的bdepartment,埃尔富特的大学,德国收到2006年10月13日;接受2008年2月6日。接受被罗宾昂。可用的在线2008年3月25日。抽象brandst?心电图遥测信号发射器,gigerenzer,上皮根鞘的研究重点brandst?心电图遥测信号发射器,e阿讹俄哦娥鹅额恶厄扼饿鄂遏噩。,gigerenzer,克。,&上皮根鞘的研究重点,邪恶侵蚀。(2006)。优先启发式:做出选择无权衡。心理学评论,113(2),409?c源文件432尖椒土豆提出优先启发式(血液酸碱度)作为一个快,节俭启发式为风险情况下的决策。据所说血液酸碱度,个体不要使权衡在收益之间,可能性,由于提出由期望实用新型例如累积的前景理论(中华映管),但使用信息在一个non-compensatory方式,忽视信息。我们进行三项研究检验血液酸碱度实证由分析个人选择模式,决定时和情报搜索参数在诊断的决断任务。结果在都三因变量冲突同预测的血液酸碱度,可以是更说明由中华映管。的预测的准确性血液酸碱度是极大为决定任务,预测对齐同预测的中华映管但非常低对决定任务,这不是案件。发现物表明,以前结果支持血液酸碱度可能有由什么引起的甄拔的决定任务那不是诊断为血液酸碱度由于比喻为中华映管。


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