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完成句子 by中山七/区庄小初英语组、题型分析:完成句子是考查考生综合运用所学语法知识和所学句型来进行语言表达以及翻译的能力。它可以准确地反映学生掌握英语的状况,包括语法、词汇、短语与句型,以及英语与汉语在表达上的差异。2011年广州市完成句子试题的形式是根据中文提示完成句子。这种题多是填两三个空,所考查的内容通常是:1. 一些常用短语。如:be good at (for ), be interested in , on show , take off等。2. 一些常用词语的用法.enjoy +doing , had better +do等。3. 一些常用句型、句式。It takes sb. Some time to do sth. Sothat , so that , not.until , as.as等。4. 一些语法现象。如,不定式, 宾语从句,动词语态、语态等。、复习方法和解题技巧。一、 复习方法:复习期间应把初中阶段的课文反复朗读,甚至背熟;对每个单元的复习要点、有用短语、句型及词汇表的词语应极为熟悉,并尽可能运用它们造句;将所学的语法知识进行总结归纳。平时做作业、考试养成检查的习惯,培养自己沉着、认真、细致的心理素质。二、 解题技巧。解题时应注意:第一步;先读懂汉语句子,准确理解句子所表达的意思。第二步,跳过空格读一下已给出的英文内容,然后在仔细分析一下要求翻译的英语。第三步,观察一下要求翻译的汉语,然后联想一下相关词汇和句型,再考虑语态、时态、词形变化、主语与谓语数的一致等问题。第四步,试填空格。如果对第一空格要填的词没有把握,可以先填后面的,这样即使前面的空格填不上,也不至于全部丢分。 第五步,将已填好的句子再读一遍,从时态、语态、词形、数的一致等方面检查一下。三熟记常考的重要句型。下面是初中常见的重要句型,也是考试中常出现的句型。1. It is +adj. for sb. to do sth.2. sb.find / think /feel it +adj. to do sth.3. It takes sb. some time to do sth.4. sb. spend some time/some money on /(in )doing sth.5. sth.cost sb. some money .6. I (dont )think that 7. I would like to do / Would you like to do 8. It is a good idea to do sth.9. It looks like /It sounds like 10. It seems to sb. that .11. Its time for /to do sth12. Its since13. There is something wrong with14. Whats the matter with 15. What s wrong with16. What happens to sb . /sth?17. Why not do sth?18. Will(Would ,Could )you please do sth?19. What about /How about ?20. Which is the way to ?=How can I get to /reach /arrive in (at ) find ?21. It is too dangerous to cross the street .22. It was a pleasure (for me ).=With pleasure .23. We wont go until we get it back again.24. I have been in the factory for two years.25. Its very kind of you to help me .26. Would /Do you mind doing sth?27. sb. prefers doing to doing sht =sb.prefers to do rather than do 、课文短语重现。七年级第一学期一、完成句子40句。(初一课文重点句型情景再现) 1. 他在伦敦做会计师。 He _ _ an accountant in London.2. 她总是乐于帮助每个人。 She _ always _ _ _ everyone.3. 他想做世界上最好的游泳选手之一。 He wants to be _ _ _ _ _ in the world.4. 我有时在上学的路上给客户打电话。I sometimes _ _ _ _ clients _ _ _ _ school.5. 放学后,甄慧通常在下午四点钟走路回家。 After school, Zhen Hui usually _ _ at four oclock in the afternoon.6. 我爸爸就是那个穿着红色衬衫的高个子男人。 My dads the tall man _ _ _ _.7. 当我们下船时,我们看到六个警察围着那个男的站着。 When we got off, we _ six policemen _ around the man.8. 她不应该在这种天气没带拐杖一个人四处走。 She should not _ _ on her own in this cold weather _ her walking stick.9. 如果你想的话,你可以跟你的老师或你的舅舅谈。 If you want, you could talk to _ your teachers _ your uncle.10. 我过去每天晚上都出去看星星。 I _ _ _ outside every night to look at the stars.11. 那是他的爱好也是他的工作。 It was his hobby _ _ _ his job.12. 制造东西很有趣。 _ _ very interesting _ _ things.13. 他以他的卡通人物出名,比如米奇老鼠,唐老鸭,高菲和白雪公主。 He _ _ _ his cartoon characters _ _ Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and Snow White.14. 在1978和1986年,政府花了一百二十万修葺了这些建筑物。 In 1978 and 1986, the government _ 1.2 million yuan _ the buildings.15. 父母和孩子都不学旧的语言。 _ the parents _ the children learn the old language.16. “天不可能是一颗星星,”她想。“它太亮了,一定是飞船!” “It _ _ a star,” she thought. “Its too bright. It _ _ a spaceship!”17. 人们将会坐火车旅游而不是坐飞机。 People will travel by train _ _by plane.18. 从现在起,保护我们的地球是很重要的。 Its important _ _ our environment _ _ _19. 吃完晚饭后,Gork马上在床上睡着了。 After his dinner, Gork _ _on his bed _ _.20. 他从来没过上幸福的生活。 He never got to _ _ _ _.七年级第二学期1. 如果想过一个不一样的中国新年,请来参加我们的令人惊叹的节日吧。 For a Chinese New Years Day with a difference, come to San Francisco and _ _ _ our wonderful festival.2. 很多人坐着三轮车很快地穿梭于街道的行人和车辆之间。 Lots of people take tuk-tuks to _ _ the traffic quickly.3. 黄昏后,我们把灯小心地放入河里然后看着它们漂走。 _ _ we put them carefully into the river and watch them _ _.4. 树木在互相交流,但是我们不知道它们怎样交流。 Trees are _ _ _ _, but we dont know how.5. 让我们尽我们最大的力量使地球更美丽。Lets _ _ _ _ make the Earth more beautiful.6. 树可以帮助我们把沙和土储存起来,阻止它们被吹走。Trees help hold the sand and soil together and _ them _ being blown away.7. 正在那时,火警鸣声响起。Just then, the fire alarm _ _.8. 很快,消防员出现了。Soon, a fire man _ _.9. 事实上,相当多的人靠鼻子工作。In fact, _ _ _ people use their noses for their jobs.10. 我们看不到电,但我们能把它变成不同形式的能量。We cant see electricity, but we can _ it _ different forms of energy.11. 这些金属线和街下的电缆相连。These wires _ _ _ cables under the street.12. 它是办公室工作人员和家庭主妇从洗衣服的工作中解脱出来。It _ office workers and housewives _ _ clothes.13. 我们的小狗在绕圈跑。Our dog runs _ _.14. 我爷爷是完全聋的。My grandpa is _ _.15. 照顾它们很便宜,因为它们以种子为生。They are cheap to take care of because they can _ _ seeds.16. “把水龙头关掉,”一个声音大声地说。“_ the tap _,” a voice said loudly.17. 我起初来自大海, 记得不要浪费和污染我。I came from the sea _ _ _ _. And_ _ _ waste or pollute me.18. 云由水蒸气的小水滴蒸汽组成。 This cloud _ _ _ _ little drops of watersteam.19. 龙一出来,天就开始下雨,庄稼得救了。 _ _ _ the dragon came out, it began to rain and the crops were saved.20. 哎,明天早点起,而且一定要吃早餐!Well, get up early tomorrow morning and _ _ _ have breakfast.Keys一、完成句子七年级第一学期1. works as 2. is, happy to help 3. one of the best swimmers. 4. make phone calls to, on my way to 5. walks home 6. in the red shirt 7. saw, standing 8. walk around, without 9. either, or 10. used to go 11. as well as 12. It is, to make 13. is famous for, such as 14. spent, mending 15. Neither, nor 16. cant be, must be 17. rather than 18. to protect, from now on 19. fell asleep, right away 20. live a happy life七年级第二学期1. take part in 2. get through 3. After dark, flow away 4. communicating with one another 5. do our best to 6. stop, from 7. went off 8. showed up 9. quite a few 10. change, into 11. are connected to 12. frees, from 13. in rings 14. stone deaf 15. live on 16. Turn, off 17. in the first place, remember not to 18. is made up of 19. As soon as 20. be sure to 八年级第一学期1. 你将负责报纸的不同版面。You will _ _ _ different sections of the newspaper.2. 这份报纸对读者免费呢?还是读者要付钱买?Should the newspaper _ _ _ readers, or should they _ _.3. 自从我来到广州后,我一点都不感到孤独。I _ _ lonely _ _ since I arrived in Guangzhou.4. 吉尔不再是个嫌疑犯。Jill was _ _ _ a suspect.5. 他想让吉尔代他坐牢。He wanted to make Jill _ _ _ instead of himself.6. 在午夜前,Adair的妈妈回来了然后去跟她的儿子道晚安。Just before midnight, Adairs mother returned and went to _ _ _ her son.7. 你比你知道的更依赖电脑。You _ more _ _ computers than you know.8. 眼下这个问题的答案是“不”。The answer to this question is, _ _ _ _ .”NO”.9. 对这些人来说,不犯错误是最基本的。It is essential for these people not to _ _.10. 在一夜之间,他们就成功地通过一个计谋占领了这个城市。In one night, they _ _ _ the city _ _ _ .11. 这个皇冠是完全用金子做的吗?_ the crown _ completely _ gold?12. 人们开始举行奥运会是为了向神表达尊敬。People started the Olympic Games to _ _ _ the gods.13. 当开心卖完他的鱼,他通常前往另外一个城镇。When Happy _ _ of fish tanks, he usually leaves for another town.14. 事实上,很多人从与朋友一起看隐形鱼得到乐趣。In fact, many people _ _ _ looking at their invisible fish with their friends.15. 那条鱼请求渔夫放他走,并主动提出以帮渔夫实现愿望作为回报。The fish _ the fisherman _ let him go and offered to grant the fishermans wishes _ _.16. 它们的大脚被用来在水中速地滑行。Their large feet _ _ _ push them quickly through the water.17. 只要她很享受,不管人们怎么想都没关系。It doesnt matter what people think _ _ _ she enjoys it.18. 这个星期任何时间我都有空接受面试。I _ _ _ an interview any time this week.19. 什么是解决所有污染问题的答案?Whats _ _ _ all our pollution problems?20. 我们必须放弃大城市和工厂,并且回到简单的生活方式来。We must _ _ big cities and factories, and get back to a simple way of life.八年级第二学期1. 郎朗三岁开始学钢琴。Lang Lang began taking piano lessons _ _ _ _ three.2. 郎朗被选上代替那个钢琴演奏。Lang Lang was chosen to play _ _ _ that pianist.3. 它保护建筑物和轮船免受雷电引起的破坏。It _ buildings and ships _ damage caused by lightning.4. 他们认为使老鼠聪明和总是让猫陷入麻烦会很有趣。They thought it would be funny to make the mouse smart and always _ the cat _ _.5. 恐龙宝宝很快地完在作业,恐龙妈妈对这感到很满意。The baby dinosaur finished his homework quickly and the mummy dinosaur _ _ _.6. 她看起来像是在戏弄某人。She looks like she is _ _ _ _ someone.7. 当恐龙向我们咆哮的时候,我大吃一惊。I almost _ _ _ _ _ when the dinosaur roared at us !8. 当他们离开的时候,没有人关掉机器人WALL-E。When they leave, nobody _ _ WALL-E.9. 当她的宇宙飞船起飞时,他跳了上去,开始了他通向大空的浪漫之旅。As her spaceship _ _ , he jumps on and begin a romantic adventure through space!10. 三个月前我回到中国,从那时起,我通过写电子邮件和网上聊天与我的新朋友保持联系。I returned to china three months ago and since then, I have _ _ _ _ my new friends by writing e-mails and chatting on the computer at home.11. 你们有没有四处观光旅行?Did you _ _ _?12. 开始几个星期我几乎什么都不明白,但是不久,我就适应了。I could hardly understand anything for the first few weeks, but after a while, I _ _ _ it.13. 举个例子说,当他们看到我对学网球很当真,他们就给我买了一个好球拍。For example, when they saw that I _ _ _ learning tennis, they bought me a good racket.14. 调查表明很多青少年很关心自己的前途。The survey says that many teenagers _ _ _ _ their future.15. 他告诉我们他盼望着住在深圳并在那交很多新朋友。He told them he was _ _ _ _ in Shenzhen and making many new friends there.16. 那天下午,汤姆得到各种各样的玩具。That afternoon, Tom gained _ _ _ toys.17. Polly阿姨认为汤姆做得很好。Aunt Polly thought that Tom _ _ _ _.18. 当你年纪渐老时,三件事开始出故障。When you get old, three things start to _ _.19. 你了解学校大量的事实和信息。You learn _ _ _ _ facts and information at school.20. 短时记忆一次能够记住七件事。Short-term memory can hold about seven pieces of information _ _ _,Key: 八年级第一学期 1.be responsible for 2.be free for , pay for 3.havent felt , at all 4.no longer 5.go to jail 6.say goodnight to 7.are , dependent on 8.for the time being 9.make mistakes 10.succeeded in capturing ,with a trick 11.Is, made, of 12.show respect to 13.sells out 14.take pleasure in 15.begged, to , in return 16.are used to 17.as long as 18.am available for 19.the answer to 20.give up 八年级第二学期1.at the age of 2.in place of 3.protects , from 4.get, into trouble 5.was delighted with 6.playing a trick on 7.jumped out of my skin 8.turns off 9.takes off 10.kept in touch with 11.do much sightseeing 12.got used to 13.was serious about 14.are very concerned about 15.looking forward to living 16.all sorts of 17.did a good job 18.go wrong 19.a large amount of 20. at a time九年级第一学期1. 顾客总是喜欢Debbie多过我。Customers always _ Debbie _ me.2. 那就是为什么他们向她求助,而不是向你。Thats why they _ _ _ _ _ ,and not you.3. 事实上,一个西方人可能认为缺少眼神的交流就是缺少兴趣。_ _ _ _ _, a Westerner might consider a lack of eye contact as a lack of interest.4. 你最好看的发型 由你的脸型决定。Your best hairstyle _ _ the shape of your face.5. 喝大量的水对阻止你头发变干也是很重要的。Drinking plenty of water is also important to help _ your hair _ getting dry.6. 我们对很多人的第一印象是根据外表来定的。Our first impression of many people _ _ _ appearance.7. 我永远不会对肉失去胃口。Ill never _ _ _ _ meat.8. 另一方面,吃大多任何东西,包括你最喜欢的食物,也是很危险的。_ _ _ _, having too much of anything, including your favourite food, is dangerous too.9. 白色农业对土壤贫瘠的地方很有用,因为它充分利用了水和肥料。White agriculture is useful for places with poor quality soil since it _ _ _ _ _ both water and fertilizer.10. 她意外地撞倒一个放在窗户里的花盆。She knocked a flower pot from her window _ _.11. 用这种方法,学生会努力解决他们自己的问题。_ _ _, students will make efforts to solve their problems.12. 在粗鲁的收银员这件事件中,钱不属于你它属于超市。_ _ _ _ the rude checkout assistant, the money does not belong to you - it belongs to the supermarket.13. Phantom爱上了Christine,歌剧院里一位年轻漂亮的歌手。The Phantom _ _ _ _ Christine, a beautiful young singer at the Opera.14. 她很同情他,并且理解他一定很孤独。She _ _ _ _ him and understood how lonely he must be.15. 她的丑陋的姐姐把她看作佣人。Her ugly sisters _ her _ their servant.16. 我听你的讲座如此多次,以致我能熟记在心。Ive listened to your lecture so many times that I _ it _ _.17. 事实上,他花了如此多的时间思考科学问题,以致他经常没注意周围的世界。In fact, he spent so much time considering scientific puzzles that he often _ _ _ _ the world around him.18. 经过几个月的采访和考虑,专家们最后作出决定。After many months of interviews and consideration, the experts finally _ _ _ _ .19. 昆虫通常努力从树叶里逃出来,但是植物比它们快多了。Insects often try to _ _ the leaf, but the plant is much faster than them.20. 当他们踏足桥上时,很多游客感到他们就像在空中穿行。Many visitors feel they are walking through the air when they _ _ _ the bridge.九年级第二学期1. 孩子们有权力知道他们能够购买的商品情况,而且广告商有介绍他们商品的权利。Children _ _ _ _ know what they can buy, and advertisers should be free to tell them about their products.2. 购物在全世界都很受人们的欢迎。Shopping _ _ _ many people around the world.3. 虽然超市看起来像是很简单的地方,实际上它们到处都没有为消费者而设的聪明的陷阱。Although supermarkets seem like simple places, actually they _ _ _ lots of clever traps for the customers.4. 这种友谊比赛的精神已经为现代社会作出了伟大的贡献。This spirit of friendly competition has _ _ _ _ _ the modern world.5. 去年我得了全优。Last year I _ _ _.6. 作何人都能得到健康,如果他们愿意投入一些精力。Anyone can get fit if they are willing to _ _ _ _.7. 它能够很长时间都不会过期。It will not be _ _ _ for a ling time.8. 他去年去了伦敦出差。Last summer, he _ _ London _ _.9. 他把所有的时间都花在搜寻最酷的腕表上面。He _ all his free time _ _ the coolest wristwatch!10. 很多父母抱怨说校服阻止子学生表现自己。Many parents angrily complain that uniforms _ students _ _ themselves.11. 现在我非常有信心用英语表达,而且我为自己的成就感到骄傲。I have a lot of confidence in using English now, and I _ _ _ my achievements.12. 它不同于一般的学校而且经常被描述为“一个人的班级”,因为你要单独地学习。It _ _ normal classes and is often described as “ a class of one”, because you study alone.13. 你按自己的节奏学习,在一个方便自己的时间和地点。You study _ _ _, at a time and place convenient for you.14. 独立学习给你让学习适应生活方式的自由。Independent learning gives you the freedom to _ your learning _ your lifestyle.15. 一些昆虫以为人血和蔓延的疾病而食。Some insects _ _ human blood and spread diseases.16. 密蜂、蝴蝶和蚂蚁在农业中也起着重要的作用。Bees, butterflies and ants also _ _ _ _ in agriculture.17. 蝙蝠、青蛙和熊有什么相同的呢?What do bats, frogs and bears _ _ _?18. 她很容易地回答出问题,而且很快就领先于其他而个参赛选手。She answered the questions easily, and was soon _ _ the other two contestants.19. 第一个“D”代表“digital”而第二个“D”代替“disc”。The first “D” _ _ “digital” and the second “D” for “disc”.20. 一群人都中跳起来欢呼。The whole crowd _ _ _ _ and cheered!九年级第一学期1.prefer to 2.go to her for help 3.As a matter of fact 4.depends on 5.prevent from 6.is based on 7.lose my appetite for 8.On the other hand 9.makes the best use of 10.by accident 11.In this way 12.In the case of 13.fell in love with 14.felt sorry for 15.treated as 16.know , by heart 17.paid no attention to 18.make up their mind 19.escape from 20.set foot on 九年级第二学期1.have the right to 2. is popular with 3.are filled with 4.made a great contribution to 5.got straight As 6.put in some effort 7.out of style 8.went to , on business 9.spent,searching for 10.keep ,from expressing 11.are proud of 12.differs from 13.at your own pace 14.adapt to 15.feed on 16.play an important role 17.have in common 18.ahead of 19.stands for 20.jumped to their feet、中考复习擂台。(建议每篇用3分钟完成)171. 他跑得很快,我们跟不上他。He ran so fast that we couldnt _ _ _ him.72. 这个老人严重受伤,必须马上送往医院。The old man is badly hurt, he _ _ _ _the hospital at once.73. 下雨天,我宁可呆在家里而不愿去看电影。I _ _ stay home _ _ go to see a film on a rainy day.74. 自从他加入足球俱乐部以来,已有3年长了。Its _ _ since he _ the football club.75. 你能告诉我火车什么时候到达吗?Could you tell me _ _ _ _?2第二节 完成句子(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)71. 过去,爷爷常去河边钓鱼。My grandpa _ _ go fishing by the river.72. 我们花了两个小时才找到他的家。 _ _ two hours _ _ his home.73. 听说这种奶茶是用煤做出来的。 Its said that this kind of milk tea _ _ _ coal.74. 从化的空气是那么清新,因此很适合我们居住。 The air in Conghua is _ fresh _ it is perfect _ _.75. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去骑车兜风。 Well go cycling _ _ _ _ tomorrow.371. 她跑得那么慢,所以她不能赶上我们。She ran _ that she _ _ up with us. 72. 他的图画没有你的那么美丽。His picture isnt _ _ _ yours. 73. 没有人知道谁把杂志拿走了。Nobody knows _ _ _ _ the magazine.74. 到现在为止,她来这里已经两年多了。So far _ _ more than two years _ she _ here 75. 如果这个暑假我有时间的话,我会自学法语。If I _ this summer holiday, I will learn French _ _. :471. 这孩子还没到上学的年龄。The child is _young_ go to school.72. 我不再住在那座美丽的城市了。I _ _in the beautiful city _ _ .73. 你想留在这儿还是动身去上海?_you _ stay here or leave for Shanghai?74.那时我既不能站直也不能躺倒。At that time I could _ stand up_ lie down.75. 你多久去一次图书馆?_ _do you go to the library?571. 朗朗是一名出色的钢琴家,但是他还坚持每天练习弹奏钢琴。Langlang is an excellent pianist, but he still _ _ the piano every day.72. 我今天很想带上我最喜欢的小狗去外婆家。 I _ _ taking my favourite dog with me to my grandmas today.73. 如果我们节约水,那么将会有更多人喝上清洁的水。 If we dont save water, _ people will have no water _ _.74. 直到他的班主任打电话给他,他才知道他在竞赛中获得一等奖。 He _know that he had won the first prize


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