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必修三 Module 1.单词拼写1Paris is _ (坐落于) on the River Seine.2Eiffel Tower is the famous _ (象征) of Paris.3As we all know, there are seven _ (大洲) and four oceans in the world.4Between Italy and France, there is a mountain _ (山脉) called the Alps.5The _(协议) was signed during a meeting at the UN.6How many r_ have been sent to the UN conference?7The little mountain village is the b_ of my father.8There are many a_ buildings in Rome.9The country was g_ by the Roman Empire.10An interesting f_ of the city is the old market.答案:1.situated2.symbol3.continents4.range5.agreement6.representatives7.birthplace8.ancient9.governed10.feature.根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空1China is a _ country, while America is a_ country.2With the help of his teacher, his English is improving _.3The prices of the TV sets in the shop _ five hundred yuan to ten thousand yuan.4The new policy of our party _ farming production and most farmers are greatly encouraged.5Hong Kong _ by the British for many years and came back to its motherland in 1997.6Anyone who would like to take part in the summer camp must _ your name on the paper before Friday.7After working in the office for nearly four hours, were _ some fresh air.8The company has got into trouble and _ closing down.9It is impossible for the super power to _ the country in Middle East.10The job is great _ salary, but it has disadvantages.答案:1.developing; developed2.little by little3.range from4has influence on5.was governed6.sign7.in need of8.is faced with9.have control over10.in terms of.翻译句子1我们在地图上可以确定这个城市的位置。(locate)_2我有勇气面对学习中出现的一切困难。(face)_3在我国的北方气温变化很大。(range)_4这家公司的远景看好。(in the long term)_5他一方面非常喜欢她,另一方面又讨厌她的骄傲。(on the other hand)_答案:1We can locate the city on the map.2I have courage to face all the difficulties in my study.3There is a wide range of temperature in the north of our country.4The companys prospects look good in the long term.5On the one hand he loves her very much, on the other hand, he hates her pride.单项填空1I suddenly saw Mike _ the shop, so I pushed my way _ the crowd of people to get to him.Aover; throughBacross; throughCover; into Dacross; across答案:B考查介词。across是指“在空间上从一端到另一端”。through则强调从物体中间穿过。2(2010豫南九校)He has behaved in the most extraordinary way recently; I wonder what can_his actions.Aanswer for Bwish for Cask for Daccount for答案:D句意:最近,他行为非常不一般,我不知道是什么造成了他(行动不一般)。answer for“对负责;因而受罚”;wish for之后可跟名词或代词,但通常含义是主语对自己的愿望得以实现不抱太大的希望;ask for“请求”;account for“说明(原因等);解释”。3The price of the shoes _ $25 to $100.Aranges in Branges fromCranges at Dranges of答案:B考查固定词组。range from. to.是固定词组,意为:在范围内变化。句意:这些鞋的价格从25 美元至100美元不等。4In the present _, I wouldnt advise you to sell your house.Aenvironment BsituationCstate Dform答案:B考查名词辨析。句意:在目前情况下 ,我不会劝你把房子卖掉。environment侧重于自然环境;situation形势,情况;state状态,状况;form形式,方式。据句意可知应选B。5The bookshop _ the cinema.Aopposite to Bis the oppositeCopposite Dis opposite to答案:D考查opposite的用法。opposite本身不能够独立作谓语,故排除A、C两项,B项与后面的成分缺少衔接,所以应选D。6Both presidents _ the treaty as part of the new peace plan.Awrote BsignedCmarked Dsignaled答案:B考查动词辨析。句意:两位总统签署了那个条约作为新和平计划的一部分。write写下,记;sign签字,签署;mark做标记;signal信号。据句意可知正确选项应为B。7Both players have been warned, but _ of them seem to take it seriously.Aeach BbothCneither Deither答案:C考查不定代词用法。句意:两名运动员都受到了警告,但是他们好像不把它当回事。由句意可知此处要用neither表示“两者都不”。8We should consider problems _ the peoples interest.Ain ways of Bin spite ofCin terms of Din favour of答案:C考查短语辨析。A项无此搭配;B项表示“尽管”;C项表示“从角度来讲,在方面”;D项表示“赞成,支持”。句意:我们应该从人们的利益出发考虑问题。据句意可知答案为C。9I want to sell the house, but _ I cant bear the thought of moving.Ain other words Bon the other handCfor one thing Das a matter of fact答案:B考查短语辨析。in other words换句话说; on the other hand另一方面;for one thing首先;as a matter of fact事实上。句意:我想把房子卖掉,但另一方面我又不愿搬家。10Though walking a long way, he was not _ tired.Abits of Ba bitCa little Dlittle of答案:Bnot a littlevery, not a bitnot at all,由句意“尽管走了很长一段路,他一点也不累”,可知B项正确。.完形填空The first day at school has left a deep_1_on me. Ill never forget it.As soon as I rushed into the classroom, the bell rang. A young beautiful woman came in, but she was_2_, no smile on her face.“You are not permitted to_3_me in the course of class unless.”She was speaking when I heard a_4_“Lily, Lily,”from outside the door. My grandmother was standing there with a pair of socks in her hand. I didnt realize I was barefoot_5_then. I wanted to_6_them, but I dare not do that. I shook my hand,_7_“Dont wait here any longer. Leave quickly.” As I did so, I still_8_my eyes on my teacher. I really didnt want her to take_9_of me. But she did, she went out to get the socks. When she gave them to me, she looked at me for a while. My face suddenly turned_10_and my heart_11_faster. I began to put the socks on. Unfortunately I was so servous that my_12_hands couldnt get them onto my feet easily. Just then I heard my name called. I_13_from my seat quickly.“Can you_14_the numbers from one to one hundred?” the teacher asked. I nodded._15_her surprise, I did very well. Finally she said,“Be_16_, please. Study hard.” I looked_17_her to find a smile on her face. I felt_18_at last.The first day at school has stayed in my_19_as something embarrassing(尴尬的)but_20_.1A.memory BimpressionCimagination Dfeeling答案:Bleave a deep impression on意思是“给留下很深的印象”。2A.modern BhumourousCgentle Dserious答案:D从老师脸上的表情以及下边所说的话来推测,老师非常“严肃”。3A.trouble BquestionCinterrupt Dexcuse答案:C老师讲课时,不能随意“打断”。4A.voice BsoundCnoise Dword答案:A本空考查词义辨析。voice意为“说话声,(人的)嗓音”;sound意为“响声”;noise意为“噪音”。5A.before BafterCjust Duntil答案:Dnot.until.是一个固定句型,意为“直到才”。6A.get BthrowCaccept Dwear答案:Aget在此处意为“取”,其他几个选项均不符合故事情节。7A.saying BmeaningCcrying Dshouting答案:B老师正在上课,Lily不可能在课堂上说话或大声叫嚷。8A.fixed BlaidCopened Dshut答案:Afix ones eyes on意思是“盯着”。9A.care BinterestCattention Dnotice答案:Dtake notice of意为“(有意)注意,留意,理会”;take care of意为“关心,照顾”。10A.pale BwhiteCred Dblack答案:CLily不想让老师发现自己,但事与愿违,Lily觉得很不好意思,脸“红”了。11A.beat BjumpedCstruck Dfelt答案:A指心脏“跳动”应用beat。12A.small BdirtyCshaking Down答案:C上句告诉我们Lily非常紧张,shaking和前文大意呼应。13A.rose BraisedCstood Djumped答案:Arise是不及物动词,意为“站起来”; raise是及物动词,后面须跟宾语;stand up是固定词组,意为“站起来”。因为后面没有宾语,也没有up,所以选A。14A.add BcountCrecognize Dwrite答案:Bcount意为“数数”。15A.With BForCTo DGreat to答案:Cto ones surprise意为“使某人吃惊的是”。16A.careful BsittingCquiet Dseated答案:Dbe seated是系表结构,表示“坐下”。表示“坐下”可以说be seated, sit down或seat oneself等。17A.up at BoverCaround Dthrough答案:A“抬头”看老师,发现老师脸上带着微笑。18A.story BrelaxedCdisappointed Dpuzzled答案:B看到教师微笑着,我感到“放松”。19A.mind BclassroomCmemory Dclass答案:C在我的“记忆”中,应为in my memory;in my mind意为“在我的脑海里”。20A.strange BsweetCunforgettable Dforever答案:Bbut表转折,前后两个词应该意义相反。.阅读理解London is great. Its great. Rome and Paris were fine places, but I knew as soon as we landed in London, this was the finest of the three.There are only two small things which I dont like about London. First of all, everyone speaks English here. I had so much fun in Rome and Paris. There I could speak in foreign languages. In words, I made a lot of friends that way. But here everybody can understand me. I dont have any reason to start up a conversation with a stranger. And speaking of restaurantsthat is the other problem with London. The food here is no good at all! I havent had one good meal in the three days weve been here.Since you asked me to write to you about everything I learned on this trip, here is what Ive learned about London.Londons population of eleven million makes it the second largest city in the world. It is bigger than New York but not as big as Tokyo. London is twice the size of New York. It has an area of 620 square miles!The Thames River runs right through the center of the city. Someone once called the Thames“liquid history”. It is a very good name. Dozens of armies have crossed it over the past few thousand years. One of the first was the army of Julius Caesar two thousand years ago. And most recentlyMr. and Mrs. Gill.So far I have only had time to visit one neighborhood. It is called Bloomsbury. In fact there is a group of writers known as the Bloomsbury Group. It got its name because so many of them lived there. Virginia Woolf was one of them. I know how much you like her novels.Baker Street is also part of Bloomsbury. Do you remember who once lived on Baker Street? When I asked Bob this question, he answered, “a man who baked bread, right?”Sherlock Holmes, of course. I wont have time to find his address. Maybe you will when you come.1We learn from the first two paragraphs that_.Ait is more difficult to start up a conversation in English in London than in any languageBthe writer had made a trip in Italy and France before she came to EnglandCof all the meals the writer has had in London, only one she thinks is good enoughDthe writer hates to talk to strangers who can speak English答案:B第一段中的Rome and Paris were fine places(罗马和巴黎都是好地方)表明作者到伦敦前去过罗马和巴黎,然后发表意见。2It seems that the writer_.Acan speak English as a foreign languageBdoes not like her mother languageCdoes not speak French at allDcan speak French as a foreign language答案:D第二段第四句中的“There I could speak in foreign languages.(在那儿我可以用外语讲话)”表明作者可以在法国和意大利说外语,即不是他自己的第一语言(英语)。3Who do you think Mr. and Mrs. Gill are?AA famous general and his wife.BA famous American writer and his wife.CTwo friends of the writers.DThe writer and her husband.答案:D作者戏称自己一家人为army“军队”,是一种调侃的方式。4Who once lived on Baker Street?AA man who baked bread.BSherlock Holmes.CThe former US Secretary of State.DA friend of the writers.答案:B从最后一段中的“Sherlock Holmes, of course”可看出。5Where is the passage most probably taken from?AA letter. BA diary.CA guidebook. DA business report.答案:A从第三段中的“Since you asked me to write to you about everything I learned on this trip, here is what Ive learned about London.(既然你叫我写信告诉你所有我在这次旅行中所学的事情,这封信就是我了解到的伦敦的情况)”可看出。


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