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四年级上期英语复习资料句型及翻译第一单元:A 1.Where are you from?你来自哪里? Im from the UK.我来自英国。 Im from the USA./Im from America. ( Australia, New Zealand, France, China等国家 ) 2.Whats your name?你叫什么名字? My name is Rose.我叫罗斯。B 1.I like litchis.我喜欢荔枝。Me,too. 我也是。Not me.I like oranges.我不喜欢,我喜欢桔子。 How beautiful! I like carnations. 真漂亮啊!我喜欢康乃馨。( lilies,roses,sunflowers等花) 2.May I come in?我能进来吗? Yes,please.请进。/Come in,please. 3.Happy Teachers Day!教师节快乐! Thank you . 非常感谢。 You are welcome. 不用谢。 C 1.Whats this?这是什么? Its a dolphin.它是一只海豚。( crab,whale,shark等动物) 2. Sorry,I dont know.对不起,我不知道。 3. Youre right. 你说得对。 D 1.Whats that?那是什么? Its a ladybug.它是一只瓢虫。A beautiful picture!好漂亮的一幅画! 2.Your English is good.你的英语讲得不错。 Thank you very much.非常感谢。E 1.The dragonfly is high.蜻蜓飞得高。 The butterfly is low.蝴蝶飞得低。 The rabbit is fast.兔子跑得快。 The tortoise is slow.乌龟跑得慢。F 1.Whats for supper?晚饭吃什么? Chicken,fish and vegetables.鸡肉,鱼肉和蔬菜。 2.I dont like tomatoes.我不喜欢吃西红柿。( peas,beans,carrot等蔬菜) 3.Mum,Im home.妈妈,我回家了。 4. Are you hungry?你饿了吗? 5.What about an apple?吃个苹果怎么样?第二单元:H 1.What a cold day!多么冷的天呀!(天真冷呀!) What a hot day!多么热的天呀! What a cool day!多么凉爽的天呀!(天真凉爽呀!) What a warm day!多么暖和的天呀! 2.Oh great! A rainy day. 哦,太棒了!一个下雨天。 3.Another rainy day.又一个下雨天。 4.A rainy day again.又是一个下雨天。I 1.Rain,rain,go away,Come again another day. ( snow,wind等自然)J 1.Lets eat moon cakes.我们吃月饼吧。 OK.好的。 Lets watch TV.我们看电视吧。 Lets listen to music.我们听音乐吧。 2. I cant wait.我等不及了。 3. The moon is so round.月亮多圆呀。 4.The moon is so bright.月亮多明亮呀。 K 1.Spring is coming.Its warm. 2.Summer is coming.Its hot.春天来了。天气很温暖。 夏天来了。天气很炎热。 3.Autumn is coming.Its cool. 4.Winter is coming.Its cold.秋天来了。天气很凉爽。 冬天来了。天气很寒冷。 L 1.I like making things. 我喜欢做东西。 2. How to make a spinner?怎样做一个旋转盘? 3.Please work in pairs. 请两人一组做。 4.Its your turn.轮到你了。 ( house, window, door, wall, roof等房屋设施)M 1.Lets sing our ABC.我们一起唱字母歌吧。 ( pupil, child, children )2.Now you see,I can say my ABC. 现在你知道了,我会唱字母歌。第三单元:O 1.My hair is long and curly.我的头发又长又卷。 2. My eyes are big.我的眼睛很大。3. My nose is small.我的鼻子很小。 4.My mouth is big.我的嘴巴很大 5. He is strong.他很强壮。 6.What about you? 你呢? Im thin.我很瘦的。 P 1. Whats your favourite colour?你最喜欢的颜色是什么? Pink and blue.粉红色和蓝色。 (My favourite colour is light blue. 我最喜欢的颜色是浅蓝色。) Whats yours? 你呢? Red. 红色。 2. I like blue,too.我也喜欢蓝色。 3. You look great! Your dress is very beautiful.你看起来很棒!你的裙子真漂亮。 Thank you.谢谢。 4.Its a birthday present. 它是一个生日礼物。(dress, skirt, cap , hat, pants等服装)Q 1.I have a friend. She has straight hair. Shes young. Shes in yellow. Who is she?我有一个朋友。她有直直的头发。她很年轻。他穿着黄色的衣服。她是谁?2. He has a big head. He has curly hair. Hes not old. Hes in green. Who is he?他有一个大大的头.他有卷曲的头发。他不老。他穿着绿色的衣服。他是谁?(light blue, dark green)R 1.Do you have a toy car?你有玩具小汽车吗? Yes,I do.是的,我有。/No,I dont.不,我没有。 2.What colour is the car?汽车是什么颜色的? Its yellow.它是黄色。 ( car, taxi, bus, ship, train, plane )S 1.Can he swim?他会游泳吗? Yes,he can.是的,他会。 2. Can she swim?她会游泳吗? No,she cant.不,她不会。 3. Can it swim?它会游泳吗? Yes,it can.是的,它会。4. Can you fly a kite?你会放风筝吗? Yes,I can. 是的,我会。/ No,I cant.不,我不会。5. Who can do housework? 谁会做家务? 6.Come and look at my dog.过来看看我的狗。(do housework,play cards, ride a bike, fly a kite)T 1.What can he do?他会做什么? He can jump.他会跳。第四单元:U 1.Whats 12 plus 15?十二加十四是多少? Its 27.是二十七。 2.Lets do sums.我们做算术题吧。V 1.Whats 90 minus 30?九十减三十是多少? Its 60.是六十。 Whats the missing number? 空缺的数字是多少? Sorry,I dont know.对不起,我不知道。 The missing number is eight. 空缺的数字是八。 What a clever boy!真是一个聪明的男孩!W 1.This is an elephant. Its gay. Its nose is long. Its ears and feet are very big.这是一只大象。它是灰色的。它的鼻子很长。它的耳朵和脚很大。 Its legs are very strong. Its tail is small and short. 它的腿很强壮。 它的尾巴又小又短。 What about this monkey? 猴子呢? It is clever.Its arms are long.X 1.Do you like swimming? Yes,I do. / No,I dont.你喜欢游泳吗? 是的,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。 I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳。 I like playing football.我喜欢踢足球。(basketball, table tennis)Y 1.Wheres the ant? Its on/in/under/behind the pencil-box. 蚂蚁在哪里? 它在文具盒的上面/里面/下面/后面。 2.Wheres the spider? Its on your head.蜘蛛在哪里? 它在你头上。 3.Dont move.不要动。 4.Come and help me. 快来帮帮我。 5.Im afraid of spiders.我害怕蜘蛛。期末题型复习及练习听力题(40分)一、选择与所听内容相符的图片,在“”内打“”。(5个题10分)二、按听到的顺序用1-10为下列图片标上序号。(10个题10分) 三、判断下列图片与所听内容是否一致,一致的画笑脸,不一致的画哭脸。(10个题10分)四、选出你所听到的句子。 (5个题10分)读写题(60分)一、英汉连线.(数字、缩略词)(10个题10分) ( 重点:1,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,100) 1.数字: 1-10: one、two、three、four、five、six、seven、eight、nine、ten 11-19:eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen、sixteen、seventeen、eighteen、nineteen20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100:twenty、thirty、forty、fifty、sixty、seventy、eighty、ninety、one hundred2.缩略词.USA美国 UK英国 a.m.上午 p.m.下午 DIY自己做 IOU欠条 KFC肯德基 UN联合国 WTO世界贸易组织 UFO不明飞行物 PRC中华人民共和国 CCTV中国中央电视台 WC厕所 IT信息技术 HK香港 SOS紧急求救信号 DVD数字电影光盘 HK香港例1 (1) thirty-two 7 (2) a.m. 自己做 seven 32 UN 联合国 forty-five 80 DIY 上午 one hundred 45 PRC 肯德基 eighty 100 KFC 中华人民共和国例2 (1) sixty 98 (2) UFO 下午 twenty-one 60 IOU 中国中央电视台 three 21 CCTV 世界贸易组织 fifty-four 3 p.m. 不明飞行物ninety-eight 54 WTO 欠条例3 (1) twenty 76 (2) USA 英国 thirty-nine 43 UK 美国 forty-three 20 WC 信息技术 fifty 39 IT 紧急求救信号 seventy-six 50 SOS 厕所二、根据问句,选择正确的答案。(5个题10分)1.Where are you from? Im from the USA.2.Whats your name? My name is Rose.3.May I come in? Yes,please.4.Whats this? Its a shark.5.Whats that? Its a butterfly.6.Whats for supper? Chicken,fish and vegetables.7. Whats your favourite colour? Pink.8.Do you have a toy car? Yes,I do. / No,I dont.9. Can you fly a kite? Yes,I can. / No,I cant.10. Can she swim? Yes,she can. / No,she cant.11. What can he do? He can drive a bike.12.Whats 12 plus 15? Its 27. 13.Whats 90 minus 30? Its 60.14.Do you like swimming? Yes,I do. / No,I dont.15.Where s the ant? Its on the pencil-box.16.Wheres the spider? Its on your head.17.What colour is the elephant? Its gray.例1 ( )1.Whats that? A.Its blue . B.Its a picture. ( )2.Where are you from? A.Im from France. B.Im here. ( )3.Do you like swimming? A.I do. B.No,I dont. ( )4.Can she swim? A.Yes,I can. B.No,I dont. ( )5.Whats 12 plus 15? A.Its 27. B.Its 3.例2 ( )1.Whats your favourite colour ? A.Its big. B.Its green. ( )2.Whats for supper?A.Rice,beef and vegetables. B.I dont like apples. ( )3.Can you ride a bike? A.Yes,I can. B.No,he doesnt. ( )4.Whats 90 minus 30? A.Its 120. B.Its 60. ( )5.Wheres the spider? A.Im from America. B.Its on your head. 例3 ( )1.Whats your name? A.Im Summer. B.My names Rose. ( )2.May I come in? A.Yes,please. B.Im coming.( )3.Whats this? A.Its a whale. B.You are right.( )4.Do you have a toy car? A.No,you dont. B.Yes,I do. ( )5. Where s the rabbit? A.Yes,we do. B.Its in the hat.三、按要求连线。(反义词、单复数)(10个题10分)1.反义词 thisthathighlow fastslow coldhot summerwinter comego thinstrong youngold bigsmall straightcurly coolwarm springautumn lightdark longshort tallshort blackwhite fatthin 2.单复数childchildren footfeet lilylilies mousemice goosegeesebusbuses dressdresses tomatotomatoes boxboxes foxfoxes peachpeachessunflowersunflowers carnationcarnations roserosespeapeas beanbeans carrotcarrots vegetablevegetablesskirtskirts capcaps hathats carcars planeplanesshipships taxitaxis traintrains headheads eyeeyes earears leglegs tailtails armarmsmoon cakemoon cakes play cardplay cards人称代词单复数 Iwe youyou he/she/itthey例1 (1) high hot (2) child ships fast go lily buses cold low bus lilies cool slow ship arms come warm arm children例2 (1) summer strong (2) foot dressescurly winter tomato feetthin small dress legsbig young hat tomatoesold straight leg hats四、根据情境提示,选择正确的答案。(5个题10分) ( )1.当你想知道别人来自哪里时,应说:A.Who are you? B.Where are you from?( )2.当你想知道别人的名字时,应说: A.Whats your name? B.My name is Bin Bin.( )3.当你向妈妈介绍说:“这是我的朋友婷婷”时,应说: A.This is my friend,Ting Ting. B.This is Ting Ting.( )4.当你想要进入某人的房间时,应说:A.May I come in? B.Come in,please.( )5.当你想说:“我喜欢荔枝”时,应说: A.I like litchis. B.I dont like litchis.( )6.教师节来了,你应对老师说: A.Happy Childrens Day! B.Happy Teachers Day!( )7.当你想要夸这些花“好美”时,应说: A.How beautiful! B.I like flowers.( )8.当别人夸你的英语讲得不错时,应该回答说: A.You are welcome. B.Thank you.( )9.当你想要别人或某物走开时,应说: A.Go away! B.Come here,please.( )10.当你想夸赞今天天气真凉爽时,应说: A.A Sunny Day! B.What a cool day!( )11.我会唱英文歌ABC,应该说: A.I can say my ABC. B.I can see my ABC.( )12.当询问对方喜欢什么颜色时,应说:A.Whats your favourite colour? B.Whats your name?( )13.当你想说:“我最喜欢的颜色是粉色”时,应说: A.Pink is my favourite colour. B.I like pink.( )14.当你想告诉别人它是一个生日礼物时,应说: A.This is a present. B.Its a birthday present.( )15.当你赞美别人看起来很美时,应说: A.Youre right. B.You look great!( )16.你想知道Ting Ting在哪里,该怎么问? A.Wheres Ting Ting? B.What is Ting Ting doing?( )17.“你会干什么?”用英语怎么说? A.What can you do? B.What are you doing?( )18.当你要表达书在书包里时,应说: A.The book is on the bag. B.The book is in the bag.( )19.你告诉别人你会踢足球应该怎么说? A.I can play table tennis. B.I can play football.( )20.当你想让别人“不要动”时,应说: A.Dont talk. B.Dont move.( )21.当你遇到危险求救时,应说: A.Come and help me,please. B.Can I help you?( )22.你想让别人和你一起玩游戏,应该怎么说? A.Im playing a game. B.Lets play games together.五、选择填空,请将正确答案的番号填入题前括号内。(10个题10分)( )1.Its dragonfly.A.a B.an( )2.Its elephant. A.a B.an( )3. is coming.Its hot.A.Autumn B.Summer( )4.I a dress.A.have B.has( )5.She a big head.A.have B.has( )6.I like .A. moon cake B.vegetables( )7.He is France. A.from B.behind( )8.My hair long and straight. A.is B.are( )9.She old. A.is B.are( )10.You thin. A.is B.are( )11.They young.A.is B.are( )12.Its legs very big.A.is B.are( )13.He is Autralia.A.behind B.from( )14.Jim is my friend.He is green.A.in B.at( )15.Lets TV. OK. A.see B.watch( )16.Come and my dog. A.see B.look( )17.We like . A.run B.swimming( )18.What you? A.do B.about( )19. can do housework? A.How B.Who( )20.Today is Mid-autumn Festival.Lets moon cakes. A.drink B.eat六、英汉连线。(5个题10分) 1.Whats your name?你叫什么名字? 2.Happy Teachers Day!教师节快乐!3.How beautiful! 真漂亮啊! 4.I like carnations.我喜欢康乃馨。5.May I come in?我能进来吗? 6.Its a crab.它是一只螃蟹。7.Sorry,I dont know.对不起,我不知道。 8.Youre right. 你说得对。 9.Your English is good.你的英语讲得不错。 10.Whats for supper?晚饭吃什么?11.I dont like tomatoes.我不喜欢吃西红柿。 12.Are you hungry?你饿了吗? 13.What about an apple?吃个苹果怎么样? 14.Oh great! A rainy day again. 哦,太棒了!又是一个下雨天。15.What a cold day!天真冷呀! What a cool day!天真凉爽呀!16.Its a sunny day!今天是个晴天。 17.Come here.来这儿。18.Im coing.我来了。 19.I cant wait.我等不及了。20.Its hot .天气很热。 Its cold.天气很热。21.Its your turn.轮到你了。 22.Lets sing our ABC.我们一起唱字母歌吧。23.He is very strong.他很强壮。 24.I like blue.我喜欢蓝色。25.You look great!你看起来很棒! 26.Its a birthday present. 它是一个生日礼物。27.Who can do housework谁会做家务? 28.Lets do sums.我们做算术题吧。29.Its on the pencil-box.它在文具盒的上面。 30.Dont move.不要动。 31.Im afraid of spiders.我害怕蜘蛛。 32.Come and help me. 快来帮帮我。例1 A B( )1. I like lilies. A.你叫什么名字?( )2. A rainy day. B.快来帮帮我。 ( )3. How cute! C.我喜欢百合花。( )4. Whats your name? D.一个下雨天。( )5. come and help me. E.多么可爱啊! 例2 A B( )1.What about an apple? A.我们做算术题吧。 ( )2.I cant wait. B.吃个苹果怎么样?( )3.Come here,children. C.我等不及了。( )4.Lets do sums. D.我不喜欢鸡肉。( )5.I dont like chicken. E.孩子们,来这儿。单词 A America美国 Australia澳大利亚 New Zealand新西兰 France法国B sunflower向日葵 carnation康乃馨 lily百合花 lilies百合花(复数) rose玫瑰花C crab螃蟹 dolphin海豚 whale鲸鱼 shark鲨鱼D picture图画 butterfly蝴蝶 dragonfly蜻蜓 ladybug瓢虫E high高的 low低的 fast快的 slow慢的F pea豌豆 bean豆;豆科植物 tomato西红柿 tomatoes 西红柿(复数) carrot胡萝卜 vegetable蔬菜H cold寒冷的 hot热的 cool凉爽的 warm温暖的I rain雨 go away走开 come来 snow雪 wind风J moon cake月饼 autumn秋,秋天 watch TV看电视 listen to music听音乐K spring春,春天 summer夏,夏天 winter冬,冬天 season季,季节L house房子 window窗户 door门 wall墙 roof屋顶M pupil(小)学生 child孩子 children孩子(复数) say说 see看见O hair头发 curly卷曲的 straight直的 strong强壮的 thin瘦的P dress连衣裙 skirt裙子 cap软帽 (有帽舌) hat帽子 pants长裤Q young年轻的 old老的 head头 light blue浅蓝色的 dark green深绿色的R car小轿车 taxi出租车 bus公共汽车 ship轮船 train火车 plane飞机S do housework做家务 play cards打牌 ride a bike骑自行车 fly a kite放风筝U twenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40 fifty 50 ( one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 )V plus加,加上 sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 90 one hundred 100 minus 减,减去 ( six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10 )W gray灰色的 leg腿 feet 脚(复数) tail 尾巴 arm手臂X swimming 游泳 football足球 volleyball排球 basketball篮球 table tennis乒乓球Y spider 蜘蛛 on 在上面 in在里面 under在下面 behind在后面


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