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小升初英语连词,形容词,副词真题练习题1) ( 2010年,海淀区,某顶级中学) Come on ,_ youll be late .A and B but C or D so 2) ( 2012年,海淀区,某顶级中学分校) Jim i s _ honest boy that everybody likes him .A so B in which C such an D such a 3) (2012年,海淀区,某顶级中学)Linda tried to become an excellent teacher , _ at last she succeeded .A so B for C but D and 4)(2010年,海淀区,某理工附中)_Monday _ Tuesday is OK.I will be free then .A Either ; or B Neither ;nor C so ;that D Both ;and 4) (2010 年,海淀区,某顶级中学) _ Wei Hua _Ann were on the team .A Both ;and B So ;and C Either ;or D So ;that 5) ( 2009年,海淀区,某顶级中学分校) Kates mother was ill,_she had to take care of her .A but B or C because D so 6) ( 2012 年,海淀区,西南部某市重点中学)-Did you call Sara back ?- I didnt need to ,_ We will have a meeting together tonight .A though B unless C because D if 7) (2010年,海淀区,某顶级中学)I have _ time _ money, so I cant go travelling with you .A or ; or B either ; or C neither ; nor D both; and 8) (2011年,海淀区,某顶级大学附中)I wont believe that the five -old -boy can read magazine _ I test him myself.A if B when C after D until 9) ( 2011年,海淀区,某顶级中学分校) He is_full _- he cant eat any more .A very ; that B too; that C so ;that D too ; to 10 ) (2012年,海淀区,某顶级中学本部)Basketball has a history of over 100 years .Today it is still loved by _ the young _ the old .A both ; and B either ; or C not ; but D neither ; nor 11) (2012年,海淀区,某理工附中)-A re you feeling better today ,dear ?- No , even _. A well B better C bad D worse 12) ( 2009 年,西城区,某全国一流中学) The number of giant pandas is getting _ ,because their living areas are becoming farmlands.A less and less B larger and larger C smaller and smaller D fewer and fewer 13) (2011年,海淀区,某师范附中)He never does this work _ Mary . A as careful as B so careful as C as carefully as D carefully as 14) (2011年,西城区,某实验中学)The more you smile ,the _ you will feel .A happy B happier C happily D more happily 15) (2012年,海淀区,某顶级中学本部)-_ is it from your home to the shopping mall? - About fifteen minutes ride .A How long B How far C How often D How much 16) (2010年,海淀区,某顶级中学分校)Learning will become much _ if you find the proper way .A more easier B easiest C easy D easier 17) (2011年,海淀区,某顶级大学附中)Dont worry . He is _ to take good care of little Betty .A carefully enough B enough careful C careful enough D enough carefully18)(2011年,海淀区,某实验中学)Either of them can take this job ,but I wonder who does everything _.A the most careful B more careful C most carefully D more carefully 19) (2012年,海淀区,某顶级中学本部)Jack did quite _ at the World Table Tennis Championship ,but Tom did even _.A better ; well B well ;well C well ; better D better ; better 20) (2012年,海淀区,某师范附中) No one speaks French _ him.So he can be a TV host of a French programme .A as beautiful B as badly as C worse than D better than 21) (2010年,海淀区,某著名民办中学)- We all like Miss Wang .- I agree with you . She always makes her English classes _. A interested B interest C interesting D interests


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