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必修四 Unit1 Women of achievement 语法导学案主谓一致 SubjectVerb AgreementTeaching aims:Enable the students to grasp “Subject V Agreement”概念引入:I am a teacher She often does her homework in the morning. There is only one box on the table. There are 50 students in our class.语法讲解:什么是主谓一致? 1) 语法形式上要一致,即单复数形式与谓语要一致。2) 意义上要一致,即主语意义上的单复数要与谓语的单复数形式一致。3) 就近原则,即谓语动词的单复形式取决于最靠近它的词语。一般来说,不可数名词与可数名词单数用动词单数,可数名词复数用动词复数。 在英语的句子中,谓语动词的形式应与主语的人称和数保持一致。如何判定,则要看句子的意思。多数情况下,根据句子的主语形式就能判定,但有的则要看整句的意思,及强调的内容。下面我们就常用的、易混的几种情况作一下解释。 比如:He are a teacher. I is a student.分类讲解一、语法一致原则1、单数主语,不定式,动名词或从句作主语时,谓语动词用单数A student is studying English. Serving the people is my great happiness. When we deliver the goods hasnt been decided. When and where we will go hasnt been decided.但当what引导的句子做主语,若后面是 “be +名词”的结构时,谓语随名词变化。 What you did is right. What you need are these dictionaries.2、 复数名词、代词作主语,谓语动词一般用复数形式 All the students _clever. They _English very much. 3、 用and或bothand 连接的单数名词、代词、动词不定式短语、动名词短语及主语从句 作主语谓语动词用复数形式。 1). Both my father and my mother _farmers. 2). What I think and what I do _been fairly in disagreement. 注意:(1)当and连接的并列单数名词前有each,every, no或者many a 等限定词时,谓语动词通常用单数。 1). Each student and each teacher _been given a task. 2). Every flower and every bush _to be cut down. (2)当主语由and连结时,如果表示同一人或同一物时,谓语动词用单数,此时and后面的名词无冠词。 1).The worker and writer _(be) from Wuhan. 2). The worker and the writer _(be) from Beijing. 4、不定代词somebody, someone, something, anybody, anything, everybody, everyone, everything, nobody, no one, nothing等作主语,谓语动词用单数形式; Something _ (has / have) gone wrong with my watch. Anybody who _ ( break / breaks) the rule will be punished. 5、 each of/either of./one of谓语动词用单数.none of/neither of可单可复,根据说话人的意思决定;*但代表不可数名词时,用单数 1) Each of the students _a book. 2) None of us _perfect. 3) Neither of them _the answer. 4) None of this _me. None of this money _mine. *neither作形容词时与单数名词连用,谓语动词用单数。Neither statement _true. 6、“many a +单数名词 more than one+单数名词 one and a half +复数名词”作主语,谓语动词用单数1.) many a foreigner_ been to the Great Wall. 2.)More than one student_ turned up at the meeting. 3.) One and a half bananas _eaten by the boy. 7. Some /a lot of /half of./the rest of./part of/plenty of/分数(%)+ofthe majority of + 名词”等作主语,谓语动词的单复数取决于of后的名词或代词的单复数形式。1). Two-thirds of the students _from countryside. 2). Ninety percent of the work _ been done. 8. 定语从句中的主谓一致。 1)与先行词一致。定语从句中主语是关系代词who, that, which 时,从句谓语动词应与先行词保持一致。 I, who _your teacher, will share happiness and sorrow with you.(am)2) .which/as代替一句话内容,谓语动词用单数 As _known, I am beautiful. 3) one of +复数名词 + 定语从句,从句中的谓语用复数形式; the only/exact one of+复数名词 + 定语从句,从句中的谓语用单数形式。 Tom is one of the students who_ good at playing football. Tom is the only one of the students who_ good at playing football. 2、 意义一致原则:9. 集体名词family, audience, crew, club, class, company, committee, party, crowd group, army, government, the public等作主语时,如果作为一个整体看待,谓语用单数形式;如果指集体中的各个成员,谓语动词用复数形式。 The group _ made up of nine students. The group_ dancing happily. 注意1:集合名词cattle, clothes, people, the police表示复数意义谓语动词永远复数.people 民族(可数名词,peoples) The Chinese people _a brave people Chinese people_ making our country richer and richer. 2. Population The population of China _over 1.3 billion and 80% of the population_ farmers 10.表示时间、距离、金钱,度量衡等复数名词作主语,表达一个整体概念时,谓语动词则用单数形式Two years _ passed since I left NingboOne million dollars _ a great sum of money. 11. 有些名词如:fish, deer, sheep, means, works, species, 等用作单数或复数均可,谓语动词 随其含义而定。1 This glass works _built in 1978. 2 Two steel works_ east of the city. 3 Every means_ been tried. 4 Many species _ died out. 12. 学科名词,或 以-ics结尾的学科名称作主语时,如physics, mathematics, mechanics, optics, acoustics, politics. statistics, economics, linguistics, athletics等, 谓语动词通常用作单数。 Physics _a fundamental subject in science. 13. 成双成对出现的复数名词如glasses, shoes, trousers, pants, gloves, socks, slippers, scissors 等作主语时,谓语通常用复数,*但如果前有a/the pair of, a/the suit of等词语修饰时,谓语动词与pair, suit等一致,用单数 1) My trousers _very nice. 2)A pair of shoes_under the bed. 14. 主语是疑问代词who, what, which,不定代词all, more, most, any, none等以及名词half, part, the rest等既可表示复数意义又可表示单数意义,其谓语视它们所代指的名词而定。 1). Which _more valuable, health or wealth? 2).Which_ prettier, these or those? 3). we had some paper, but the rest _put back. 15. theadj.作主语,theadj.,表示一类人,谓语动词用复数,如the old, the young, the rich, the poor等,the+ adj.,表示某个人或一类抽象的事物,谓语动词用单数,如the beautiful, the good等1).The old _ taken good care of in our society. 2).The rich _ for the decision but the poor _against it. 3). The wounded _ a young boy. 4). The beautiful _not always the same as the good. 16. a/this/that + kind of +名词(单数或复数)作主语时,谓语动词用单数;如果主语是kinds(types) of+名词或复数名词of+ a ( this, that)kind时,谓语动词用复数形式。即 kind(s) of +n.,谓语与kind一致 n+ of this kind 谓语与名词一致 The kind of apples _ well.(sell) Men of this kind _ dangerous . 注意 : 由kind, form, type, species, series 等修饰的主语,其谓语形式取决于这些词的单复数,而不是他们后面所跟的名词1). This new type of machine_ now on show. 2). Some new forms of art _discussed at the meeting. 17. 主语是a large/small quantity of +名词(可数或不可数)谓语动词用单数;如果是“large (great) quantifies of +名词(可数或不可数)”时,谓语动词要用复数。也就是说谓语动词随quantity单复数而定 There _a large quantity of milk/apples on the farm Large quantities of water /coal/bricks _needed here 18. a number of (a group of , a variety of)+名词复数作主语时谓语动词用复数形式;The number of(the variety of.) +名词复数谓语动词用单数形式。 A number of workers _out of work. The number of the students in our school _eight thousand. 19. 两数相减或相除,谓语动词用单数;两数相加或相乘,谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数。 Sixty minus seventeen _forty-three. (leave) Six and eight _fourteen. (make)20. 若英语是书名、片名、格言、剧名、报名、国名等的复数形式,其谓语动词通常用单数形式。 “The Arabian Nights”_ an interesting story-book. The United states _on the south of Canada. 21.名词性物主代词作主语,谓语动词根据指代对象而定 Your shoes are white; Mine _ black. His coat _yellow; Hers_ red. 三. 就近一致原则谓语动词的单、复数形式决定于最靠近它的词语。22. 由or, nor, either.or, neither.nor, not only.but also连接的并列结构作主语,随后的动词 形式通常按照“就近原则”处理。1.You or she _good at English. 2._either you or he wrong? 23. 以here, there开头的句子,谓语动词的单复数形式看后面的主语而定,如果主语不止一个,谓语动词与最近的主语保持一致。 1). Here _some bread. 2). There _a pen and three pencils on the desk.24. 在倒装句中,谓语动词的数应与其后的主语一致 Such _the result Such _the facts On the wall _many pictures 四随前原则25.当主语后面跟有as well as, as much as, no less than, along with, with ,like, rather than, together with , but , except, besides, ,including等引导的词组时,其谓语动词的单、复数由主语的单、复数而定。1. The teacher with two students _ at the meeting . (be)2.E-mail, as well as the telephones, _ an important part in daily communication. A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play

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