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七年级上知识点汇总Starter Module 1-41.put up 举起 2.sit down坐下3.stand up 起立4.telephone number电话号码5.in English用英语 6.in spring在春天7.play football踢足球 8.go swimming去游泳9.介绍别人:This is这是10.该做某事了,到做某事的时间了Its time to do sth.11.How many,多少, 用于可数名词的数量提问后跟名词的复数.12.How old 问年龄, 13.What grade 问年级14.What class问班级 15.Whats ones name问名字.16.What day 问星期 17.What date 问日期.也可:Whats the date ?18.Whats this/that?问这或那是什么?19.How are you ?你怎么样(问身体等).结构:How +be +sb.(人)?20.Whats the weather like?=How is the weather?问天气.回答用Its +天气.21.Whats ones favourite sport?问最喜欢的运动是什么.22.ones favourite sport is 最喜欢的运动是23.lets =let us,让我们.let 后面跟动词原形.24.What colour问颜色.25.我的my ,你的your, 她的her,他的he ,26.Whats the time =What time is it.问几点.27.in the morning在早上 28.in the afternoon在下午29.in the evening在傍晚 30.at night在晚上.Module 1.1first name=given name名字 2.last name=family name姓3.in Chinese 用汉语 4.in English 用英语5.speak Chinese 说汉语 6.years old岁.7.this year今年 8.next year明年9.last year去年 10.talk about 谈论(内容)11.talk with/to 与.谈论 12.Mr,(先生).Miss (小姐),Mrs (夫人),Ms(女士),后跟姓,13.形容词性物主代词:1)单数:my (我的),your(你的),his(他的),her(她的),its(它的)2)复数:our(我们的),your(你们的),their(他们的,她们的,它们的.)14.人称代词的主格1)单数:I (我),you (你),he(他),she(她),it(它)2)复数:we(我们), you(你们),they(他们,她们,它们)15.Whats your name?=May I know your name?询问对方的名字?16.My name is /Im自我介绍.17.Nice to meet you =Nice to see you 见到你很高兴.18.Where are you from?=where do you come from?你来自哪里?/你是哪里人?结构:where +be +人+from?=where do/does +人come from?19.be from =come from, is from=comes from20.How old are you?=whats your age?你多大了.?21.How about =what about.提出建议,后跟V-ing.22.welcome to .欢迎到23.Class One,Grade One,一年级一班, 班在前,年级在后. 第一个字母大写.24.big,大的, 反义词small小的,25.at first首先 26.at last 最后27.all,三者或三者以上都,both两者都. 28.be the capital of 是.的首都,.是.的省会.29.Its +adj.+to do sth . 30.meet sb./sth.遇到某人/某事31.from .to 从.到 32.last name=family name姓33.first name=given name名 34.full name 全名35.at the age of +数字=at+ 数字, 在. 岁时.36.your teacher你的老师 37.my student 我的学生38.our friends我们的朋友, 39.the capital of China中国的首都40.everyone,只用来指人, every one可指人,也可指物,后可跟of.41.this这个,复数these这些, that 那个,复数those那些.42.make friends with.sb.,与某人交朋友,43.人称代词的用法人称形式主格形容词性物主代词单数be复数be第一人称Iamwearemy(我的)our(我们的)第二人称youareyouareyour(你的,你们的)第三人称heistheyaretheirheristheyareitistheyare口诀:我(I)用am,你(you)用are, is连着他(he),她(she),它(it). 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are,变否定更容易,be后not加上去;变疑问,be前提,句末问号莫丢弃;还有一条需注意,句首大写莫忘记Module 21.family家庭,指一个家庭时,动词用单数形式,指每个成员时,用复数形式.2.on the left,在左边 3.on the right在右边4.on the right of在.的右边. 5.in front of 在.的前面(外面)6.in the front of 在.的前面(里面) 7.a family photo 一张全家福8.take photos拍照 9.感叹句结构:what a/an+形容词+单数可数名词; How +形容词/副词(+主语+谓语)10.next to 在.旁边 11.by bus 乘公共汽车 12.take the bus乘共汽车 13.bus stop/station公共汽车站14the same as.和一样 15.look the same看起来一样16.be different from与不同 17,a photo of的一张照片18.at a school在学校,at 后接小地方,in 后接大地方19.问职业:1)what do you do ?=what are you =whats your job?结构:What+be+人?=What+do/does+人+do?=Whats ones job?20.on a farm在农场 21.for example例如22.teachteacher(教师),workworker(工人)23.at the table在桌旁 24.at table在吃饭25.in the school在学校里 26.at school在读书27.感叹句的两种结构: 1) What +(a/an)+形容词+名词+主语+谓语2)How +形容词+主语(the 名词)+谓语28.at the same hospital在同一家医院29.This is 介绍一个人用,These are.介绍两个人以上用.this(单数 这个)these(复数 这些) ,that(单数那个)those(复数 那些)30.冠词:an一个,一件; 用于以元音素开头的单词前,a.一个,一件; 用于以辅音素开头的单词前,the ,定冠词,这,那,特指.31.the same to you,同样的祝福送给你,用于公共节日的回答.Module 3.1.How many多少,用于可数名词的数量提问,后跟名词复数2.a lot of =lots of 大量,许多,相当于可数的many ,不可数的much.3.a map of the world一张世界地图4.There be句型,表示有,句子里不能用have (有),be 用is 或are,就近原则.be 提前成疑问,be 后加not,变否定.5.some和any.some用于肯定句中,表示一些,修饰可数和不可数名词,any 用于疑问和否定句.6.dining hall,饭厅,饭堂 7.in the middle of在.中间8.betweenand在.之间9.on在.上面, in 在里面, under在.下面, behind在后面, next to.在旁边. between在之间in front of,在前面(范围外)in the front of,在前面(范围内部)10.on the left of在.的左边11.基数词的构成:one, two, three, four, five ,six, seven, eight, nine ,ten ,eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, f ifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen,(1-19)整十末尾是ty, twenty(二十), thirty (三十), forty(四十),fifty(五十), sixty(六十), seventy(七十), eighty(八十), ninety(九十). 几十几:整十-几12.表达某人的,即所有格,常在末尾加s,或者s.1)一般情况下加s,2)以s 结尾的加,3)几个分别拥有,每个后面加s, 几个共同拥有,最后加s.13.at the front of=in the front of在.的前面 (里面)14.watch TV看电视 15.on TV在电视上,通过电视16.whats like?是什么样子的.?like,像. 17.with,.和.一起, 具有,18.between,用于两个之间,among用于三个及以上之间/19.around the world=all over the world全世界20.go to school,去上学 21.primary school,小学, go to primary school去上小学22.secondary school中学 23.leave school毕业Module 4.1.go shopping去购物 2.have got拥有3.lots of =a lot of大量,许多 4.all right行吧,好吧5.be good for 对.有帮助的 6.be bad for对有害的7.healthy food健康食品 8.stay healthy 保持健康,=keep healthy,=stay fit,=keep fit9.a bit有点儿,修饰形容词或副词,相当于a little10.a bit of,有点儿,修饰不可数名词,相当于a little11.what kind什么种类. 12.be kind to sb.对某人友好13.all kinds of各种各样的, 14different kinds of不同种类的15.a kind of一种 16.kind of 有点儿,稍微17.lets 让我们,lets do sth.让我们做某事18.go fishing去钓鱼 go swimming去游泳 go skiing去滑雪 go skating 去滑冰go camping去野营 go climbing去爬山19.too much太多,修饰不可数名词, too many太多,修饰可数名词much too ,太,非常修饰形容词 ,20.eat breakfast=have breakfast,吃早饭eat lunch=have lunch吃午饭eat dinner=have dinner吃晚饭21.child复数children ; tooth复数teeth; foot复数feet22.remember to do sth.记得要做某事; remember doing sth记得做过某事 、记)23.every morning每天早上 24.every day每天, everyday每天的.25.buy sth for sb.=buy sb. Sth., 给某人买某物26.for breakfast 就早餐而言,27.whats your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么? Favourite最喜爱的,相当于like .best.28.some 一些, 用于肯定句,或希望对方的回答是肯定的疑问句中. any任何,一些, 用于否定句和疑问句.29.talk about sth.谈论某事或某物30.talk with sb./talk to sb 与某人谈论31.a bit tired有点儿累32.get fat 变胖33.in the fridge在冰箱里 34.in the west 在西方35.some juice一些橙汁 36.favourite drink最喜欢的饮料37. 可数名词单数变复数规则:1.直接加S;2,以s, x ,ch ,sh ,结尾的末尾加es;3.以辅音字母加y结尾的,变y 为i,再加es;4.以f或fe结尾的,变f或fe为v ,再加es.5.黑人(negro)是英雄(hero),爱吃土豆(potato)和西红柿(tomato),这四个词后加es.6.不规则:toothteeth; footfeet; mousemice; womanwomen; childchildren;Sheepsheep; ChineseChinese; JapaneseJapanesetwo apple trees.两棵苹果树man,woman,修饰名词复数时,用复数.two men teachers两个男老师口诀:单数变复数,规则要记住,一般加s,特殊有几处:/s/,es 不离后,末尾字母o,大多加s,两人两菜,es不离口,词尾f,fe, s前有v和e,没有规则词,必须单独记. Module 5.1.on Monday在星期一 2.at five to nine在八点五十五分3.on用于具体的某一天,或对早中晚进行修饰的词语前,at 用于具体的时刻,几点; in 用于年,月,季节,一段时间.4.时间的读法:1)先点后分,整点:数字(+oclock); 时间不是整点:先读点,再读分, 0读成O.2)先分后点:a 分钟数30分以内(小于等于30),用past结构:分钟+past+ 点钟b :分钟数大于30,用to ,结构:(60-分钟数)+to +下一点.30分,可用half,6:30读成thirty past six或half past six15分钟用quarter, 6:45 读成fifteen to seven或a quartet to seven口诀:时间表达法歌谣“时”在前,”分”在后,quarter, half不能有.如果出现past ,to ,我们可要看清楚,前是”分”,后是”点”,past 或to 立中间,past 要加,to 要减.如果表示”几点半,”要用half,past 加钟点.5.问几点?1)what time is it? =whats the time?6.be good at =do well in擅长,后跟v-ing7.be good to 对好 8.be good for对.有好处9,on Sunday and Saturday在星期六和星期日10.next to my house与我家相邻 11.have a break(课间)休息12.on the playgroud在操场13.do my homework做我的家庭作业 do ones homework做某人的家庭作业14.go home 回家,home为副词,其前省略to类似的有here, there, come here来这儿,go here 去那儿15.play football,踢足球, 球类前也不加冠词, play the piano弹钢琴 乐器类前要加the16.go to the park去公园 17.do sports做运动18.a busy day 繁忙的一天 19.wash my hand and face洗手洗脸20.on Friday evening在星期五的晚上 21.after school放学后22.have a look看一看 23.have classes/lessons 上课24.have a good time玩得高兴 25.have a drink喝饮料(酒)26.have a rest 休息一会儿 27.have to do sth不得不做某事28.tell a story讲故事 29.tell sb.sth=tell sth to sb.告诉某人某事30.on weekdays在工作日 31.at the weekend在周末.32.go to work上班 33.go to bed去睡觉34.go to cinama去看电影 35.go to the doctor去看病36.do housework做家务 37.do some shopping 去购物38.be interested in对感兴趣 39.say及物动词,后跟说的内容; speak说话,发言,演讲等,跟语言,说某种语言;tell, 及物动词,告诉,讲述.tell sb. Sth告诉某人某事.tell sb to do sth .告诉某人做某事 .talk, 不及物动词,强调与人交谈.40.be good with sb.和某人相处很好41.四看:watch:用来注视移动着的物体,如看电视,看球赛,看戏等. See. 指通过视觉器官看到物体,强调结果,看风景,看电影,看病人,看朋友. Look 表示看时,强调动作,不强调是否看见. Read 表示同文字相关的读;阅读.42.get up 起床 43.play with sb .和某人一起玩.44.一般现在时1)一般现在时表示经常性或习惯性的动作或状态.句中常常有always ,usually,often ,sometimes, seldom, never, at times ,every day(year,.)once a week,in the morning.,2)be 常用am ,is ,are. 其余动词在第一人称和第二人称及复数后面用原形, 在第三人称单数后面的动词要加s 或es.3) 否定形式:1.am/ is /are +not;2.此时态的为主动词若为行为动词,则在其前加dont; 若主语为第三人称单数时,用doesnt ,m同时行为动词还原为原形。4)一般疑问句:1.把be 放在于句首;2.用助动词do 提问;若主语为第三人称单数,则用does,同时,行为动词还原为原形。5)动词在第三人称单数后面的变化规则:a.一般直接在动词后加s;b.以s,x ,ch,sh结尾的词在末尾加es;c.以辅音字母+o结尾的,加es,d.以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i,再加es.口诀:动词三单现在式,一般词尾加s; s,x, ch ,sh在词尾,直接加上es.词尾若是辅音o,加上es不用愁,辅音+y来结尾,变y为i是正规,es后边紧跟随.Module 61.a trip to the zoo动物园之旅 2.welcome to Beijing欢迎到北京3.many kinds of许多种类 4.such as例如5.come from=be from来自 6.look at 看7.be different from与.不同 8.Shall we do sth .?提出建议9.a little 少量 10.as well as并且,还11.all over the world遍及全世界12.leaf叶子,复数leaves; half-haves; self-selves; wife-wives, knife-knives.; shelf-shelves; wolf-wolves; thief-thieves, life-lives. 口诀:树叶 半数 自己 黄, 妻子 拿 刀 去割粮,(leaf) (half) (self) (wife) (knife)架 后窜出一只 狼 , 就像 小偷 逃命忙(shelf) (wolf) (thief)13.alone,独自地,单独,指个体,alone =by oneself=on ones own, lonely. 用于内心孤独14.in fact 实际上15.carry, 带着,搬运,携带,指随身携带,有背着,扛着等意思,不表明来去的方向, bring拿来,带来,指将某物或某人拿 到或带到你所在的或所说的地方. take拿走,带走,指把某物或某人从这里”带到”或拿到别处支产. get 拿来,常指去别处将某物拿来或带来.16.across,穿过,指从一边到另一边,强调横穿. through,穿过,指从内部通过.17.from to 从到 18.the same as.和.一样19.other, 其后可以跟可数名词的单数,也可以跟复数,表泛指. another, 泛指三者或三者以上中的任何一个 the other特指两者中的另外一个,常说成onethe other, 表示两者中的一个另一个 others. 其后不跟名词,指人或物 the others.特指其他的人或物,后不跟名词.20.in danger,处于危险中, 21.out of danger脱离危险22.四个也,too,肯定,句末, 逗号隔开; also,肯定,句中,行为动词前,be 后,either,否定句末,逗号隔开;as well,肯定句末,不要逗号.23.给某人打电话: call sb.;=call sb. up=give sb. a call=ring sb.=ring sb. up=phone sb.=telephone sb.=make a telephone call to sb.24.询问来自哪里?Where do/does +主语+come from?=Where +be +主语+from?25.look for ,寻找 26.look after=take care of =care for照顾27.look up 查找,查字典等 28.look around向四周看29.live in 住在 30.few,little的用法含义意义所修饰的词few几乎没有否定可数名词a few少量,一些肯定little几乎没有否定不可数名词a little少量,一些肯定Module 71.turn on打开 2.turn off关掉3.turn up 开大 4.turn down关小5.connectto把.连接到. 6.open a new document打开一个新文件7.save the document保存文件 8.on the computer在电脑上,通过电脑9.go on the Internet上网 10.make travel plans制订旅游计划11.buy tickets买票 12.listen to music听音乐13.watch movies看电影 14.search for information搜寻信息15.send email发送电子邮件 16.play computer games玩电脑游戏17.connect.with.把.和.连接起来 18.use.to do sth.用.做某事19.save ones life拯救某人的生命 20.a piece of paper一张纸21.祈使句:肯定祈使句: V原形开头,;否定祈使句, Dont +V原形22.of course =certainly=sure,当然 23.share sth.with sb.和某人分享某物,24.plan to do sth .计划做某事 25.listen to music听音乐26.a piece of music一首乐曲27.看电影:watch a movie/movies/a film/films; see a movie/movies /a film/films go to a movie/movies=go to the cinema28.information,不可数名词,a piece of information一条信息29.sometimes,有时,用于一般现在时; some times几次; some time一段时间 ;sometime某时30.a visit to 的参观,的访问 31.on the computer在电脑上,通过电脑32.on TV在电视上,通过电视 33.on the Internet 在互联网上,通过互联网34.on the telephone在电话上,通过电话 35.make travel plans制订旅游计划36.make plans制订计划 37.help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事38.help sb .with sth .帮助某人做某事 39.send sth to sb.=send sb.sth .送给某人某物40.a maneger of一个的经理 41.listen to 听,强调动作; hear听见,强调结果42.on foot 步行, 43.对交通工具提问用how44.at first 首先 45.first of all第一,首先46.at last=in the end =finally最后47.play a joke with sb.与某人开玩笑48.play with sb.(sth.).与某人(某物)玩 49.write to =write a letter to 给某人写信50.receive a letter from sb.=get a letter from sb.=hear from sb 收到某人的来信51.how old 问年龄 52.how often多久一次,对频率提问.53.send for 派人去请 54.send up 发射 55.send away驱散,解雇 Module 81.get up 起床 2.get back返回,回去,;回家3.get to 到达=arrive in(大地方),/at (小地方)=reach 4.get down下来 5.get off 从下来,下车6.get out 出去 7.get on上车(船,飞机等)8.get dressed穿衣服 9.get home 回家10.get through通过,接通(电话) 11.get ready for为.做准备12.get out of 从出去 13.get along well with sb. =get on well with sb.与某人相处融洽,某事进展顺利14.like to do sth .喜欢做某事,暂时性的喜欢.15.like doing sth 喜欢做某事,习惯性长期的喜欢16.birthday party生日聚会 17.make a cake做蛋糕18.get presents得到礼物19.would like to do sth=want to do sth =feel like doing .想要做某事20.would like to do ?回答:肯定:Yes ,Id love to =Yes ,Id like to 否定回答:Id love/like to ,but .21.Would you like sth.?邀请某人吃东西, 肯定回答:Yes ,please.否定回答:No,thanks.22.would like sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事23.频度副词:always总是,usually通常,often经常sometimes有时,seldom极少,never从不24.give sb.sth =give sth.to sb.把某物给某人 25.go to concert去听音乐会26.at weekend在周末 27.get some exercise锻炼身体28.花费:1) spend: sb. spend time/money on sth.在某事或某物上花费时间或金钱 Sb. spend time (in) doing sth 花费时间/金钱做某事2) take:it takes sb. time to do sth 做某事花费时间3) pay for :sb. pay money for sth 4) cost: sth cost sb. some money29.give a concert 举行音乐会. 30.go to the concert去听音乐会31.at weekends=on weekends在周末 32.at once=right now =right away立刻,马上33.cut off 切碎 34.cut down砍倒35.hear of =hear about 听说 36.be afraid of sb./sth害怕某人/某物37.be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事,担心做某事38.be afraid to do sth 不敢做某事 39.I afraid that我恐怕Module 9.1.take a photo=take a picture=take photos=take pictures拍照2.wait for等待 3.a few一些,几个4.go back回去 5.get off 下(飞机,火车,公共汽车等)6.on sale降价销售 7.by email通过电子邮件8.at this moment此刻,现在 9.have afternoon tea喝下午茶10.have a drink喝酒 11.go to the theatre去听戏剧12.stand in line排队 13.right now现在14.lie down躺下 15.lie in the sun躺在阳光下16.It takes sb. some time to do sth.17.take out 掏出 18.take off起飞,脱掉19.take away拿走,带走 20.take care=look out =be careful 当心21,take a look at 看一看 22.take a walk散步 23.take place发生 24.take part in参加 25.go for a walk散步 26.go out for a walk散步27.go to some place on foot步行去某地 28.enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事29.enjoy oneself=have a good /great time=have fun玩得高兴30.on a school trip学校郊游 31.take photos of 拍.的照片32.Its time to do sth =Its time for sth该做某事了,到做某事的时间了 33.go back to school回学校,返回学校34.leave for 前往,动身去 35.at midday/noon在中午36.go to the opera去听歌剧 37.stand in line站成一排38.in the sun在阳光 下 39.leave work下班40.see friends见朋友 41.go home 回家42.leave for离开某地去某地 43.at work,在工作44.after work下班后 45.drive home 驾车回家46.drive to +地点,开车去某地=go to +地点+by+交通工具take a bus/car /plane/train./ship/subway.to+地点=go to+地点+by bus/car/plane/train/ship/subway坐飞机: fly to+地点 ;骑自行车: ride a bike to+地点=go to +地点+by bike步行: walk to+地点=go to +地点on foot48.most of中的大多数,其后接名词代词49.go to sleep去睡觉50,in the (方位词)of.,在 范围之内; on the +(方位词)of,相邻,接壤 ;.to the +(方位)of 相隔51.cants wait to do sht 迫不及待做某事52.现在进行时: 现在进行时表示现阶段或说话时正在进行的动作或行为。时间状语:now,at this time,these days, look! Listen!. at the moment.基本结构:am/is /are doing 否定形式: am/is /are not doing 一般疑问句:把be 动词放于句首。动词的-ing 形式的变化规则:1)一般直接加ing ;2)以不音的e 结尾的,去e ,再加ing;3)重读,末尾是辅音字母+元音+辅音字母结尾的,双写这个辅音字母,再加ing4)以ie 结尾的,变ie 为y,再加ingModule 10.1.get ready for 为.做准备,强调动作 2.get ready to do sth .为.做准备,强调动作3.put away收起4.work hard努力工作,hard ,副词,努力地; 形容词,困难的,硬的.hardly几乎不,副词5.hurry up赶快 6.电话自我介绍用:This is 7.happen to sb. 某人发生某 8.happen to do sth 碰巧做某事9,be ready for sth =be ready to do sth .为某事做好准备,强调状态10.quite+a/an+形容词+名词 11.be busy doing sth 忙于做某事12.be busy with sth 忙于某事13.help sb. with sth .帮助某人做某事14.help sb. do sth 帮助某人做某事15.with the help of 在的帮助下16.in a hurry匆忙 17.have a look看一看18.sweep away扫去 19.next to 紧挨着,紧靠着20.good luck (to sb.)祝某人好运 21.a kind of一种22.because of 由于,因为,后跟名词短语或动词-ing Because后跟句子23.tell sth to sb. =tell sb. sth.告诉某人某事 24.whats happening?怎么啦?25.what happened?发生了什么事26.on a visit to去.游览27.cook the meal做饭 28.good luck好运 29.bad luck霉运


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