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最后阶段,把词性转换全面复习一下, 把做过的作文整理一下, 结合考点词组化把中考第二部分的考点浏览一下初三中考复习讲座周兴强阅读部分1. 1.是非判断题2. 2.选择理解题3. 3.完形填空题4. 4.首字母填空5. 5.回答问题题要点1. 1.初读全文,抓住主题2. 2.精读细研,初填试选3. 3.瞻前顾后,反复推敲4. 4.复读全文,校对答案比较选择1. 1.The radio is too aloud. Please turn it down. (down, up)2. 2.Mike never wastes any money. After all, any coin does not come easily. (after all, in return)3. 3.You neednt wait for him any longer. He has gone home. (mustnt , neednt)4. 4.Great success depends on hard work. (leads to, depends on)5. 5.Since there werent enough rooms, my sister and I had to share a bedroom and a bed. (buy, share)6. 6.They work hard in their jobs, but they like to play hard, too. (and, but)7. 7.I work as a babysitter, and its been a lot of fun, I really enjoy it. (fun, pain)8. 8.I took some travel sickness pills, but these never seem to make me feel better. (never, always)首字母填空一、 一、功能性填空介词、冠词、连词(只有一个答案)e.g., He is going to buy a book and a pen.二、 二、语义性填空名词、形容词、副词、动词等实义词(有几个答案,需要通过上下文理解)e.g., He is going to buy a book/ bag/bat.He is happy/ sad/ helpful/ angry/homeless.历年所考副词10年:hardly, together 09年:again, instead08年:probably, perhaps, only07年:never, earlier, soon06年:ago, also, where05年:anywhere, hardly04年:still03年:unluckily, enough, else02年:again, instead00年:together, much99年:clearly, inside, when98年:still such副词的位置(句首)Finally, Luckily,Unluckily,PerhapsInsteadProbablyHowever,副词的位置(句尾)Again, everywhere, before, back, clearly, outside, carefully, down, heavily, away, fast, over, instead, upstairsMore practice1. 1.He hopes to come here s . (soon )2. 2.Lets do the work c_. (Completely )3. 3.L_, he finished the work. (Luckily )4. 4.We a_ get up at six. (Always, actually )5. 5.Jack jumped e_ farther than Mike. (Even )6. 6.The room is r_ clean. (Really )历年所考的形容词10年:biggest, long09年:different, less08年:boring, nearest, great, good07年:difficult, unusual, best, worried05年:another, easier04年:next03年:past02年:better99年:young, sweet98年:no, impossibleMore practice1. 1.Our life is_.(nice /rich )2. 2.The question is _. (easy/ difficult )3. 3.Our school is _. (big )4. 4.The meeting is _. (important )5. 5.He bought a _ book there. (nice/ beautiful )6. 6.Please keep the bottle _. (empty/ full )如何训练填动词_1. 1.后接名词(谓语)raise a f_flagraise the p_priceraise your v_voiceraise your h_handraise the t_temperatureraise a d_dograise m_moneyraise a b_buildingraise a q_questionraise a s_smile2. 2.逆向训练r_ the dograisew_ the dogwalkt_ the dogteacht_ the dogtrainl_ the dogloveb_ the dogbeath_ the doghatef_ the dogfollowf_ the dogfeedt_ the dogtestMore practice1. 1.Make a c_cake2. 2.Make a d_decision3. 3.Make a f_film4. 4.Make a p_plan5. 5.Make a f_fire6. 6.Make n_notes7. 7.Make a n_noise8. 8.Make a s_speech9. 9.Make a l_living10. 10.Make a c_change11. 11.Make a m_mistake12. 12.Make an e_experiment13. 13.Make m_money14. 14.Make a t_trip15. 15.Make p_progress16. 16.Make a g_guess17. 17.Make the b_bed18. 18.Make t_tea单句训练(名词)1. 1.Tom lives on the eleventh floor. He has to take the l_ every day.(lift)2. 2.Mr. Li is ill today, so Mr. Wang will take it p_. (place)3. 3.Alana was on a d_, so she was not allowed to eat her favourite food. (diet)4. 4.In my o_, its necessary for us to hold a d_ about the p_. (opinion, discussion, party)5. 5.The earthquake killed thousands of people. N_ like that ever happened in the city! (Nothing)6. 6.Be careful when you are on a b_ street. (busy )7. 7.Dave was my a_, but Bessie was a year younger. (age)8. 8.Dont believe him. Hes just k_. (kidding)9. 9.You must look to the left and right before you go a_ the road. (across)10. 10.“You c_ eat chicken or eggs, Frank,” said the doctor. “These foods will make you in t_.” (cant, trouble)11. 11.You can read a book almost a_: in a car, in a waiting-room, on a plane, in bed e_ in a bath. (anywhere, even)12. 12.Polly has said g_ to her boyfriend, Peter. We were very sorry, because they s_ to be in love. (goodbye, seemed)13. 13.China became the first c_ to win all four womens short track events at a s_ Winter Olympics. (country, single)14. 14.In the past few years, Jack has proved his a_ by breaking three r_. (ability, records)15. 15.Many people seem to be h_ for money. Some of them even lose their lives for it. Money does have its most useful e_ on the poor. But o_ a person has a rich life, a lot of more money doesnt mean more h_. (hungry, effect, once, happiness)段落训练The mobile phone is one of the popular means of modern communication. As a modern way of communication, its c_ and useful. For example, it can be easily carried about in pockets, so you can take it a_.(convenient, anywhere)Your family can keep in touch with you at any time wherever you are. B_, with a mobile phone, you can easily contact a police station or a hospital in case of emergency. Whats more, young girls really look s_ with a mini phone with their necks.(Besides, smart)Recently, engineers have d_ a new modern of mobile phone. With this phone, you do not look up the number of the person you want to call. You j_ say the name of the person. Then, the phone will recognize the name, and dial the wanted number.(developed, just)If you are a f_ person, this could be the phone for you. You can r_ up to 20 different numbers. In addition, you can also play games, go on-line or store short information with the new model. To many m_, it has become a necessary office tool.(forgetful, record, managers)Bobby came from a poor family. He wanted to buy his mother a Christmas present, b_ he only had ten cents. He walked from shop to shop, looking into each w_. Everything seemed so beautiful but too expensive for him. Finally he went into a flower shop. Bobby h_ the cents to the shop owner and asked if he could buy just only one flower for his mother as a Christmas present. The shop owner said to him, “You j_ wait here and Ill see what I can do for you.”(but, window, handed, just)The shop owner came out after a while. There, before Bobbys eyes, l_ twelve beautiful roses. “Those cost ten cents, boy. I just h_ to have some roses on sale for ten cents. Would you like them?” Bobby couldnt believe it was true until the man put the flowers into his hands. The boy left the shop h_.(lay, happen, happily)As the shop owner returned inside, his wife came out, “Who were you talking to and w_ are the roses?” Looking out of the window, he replied, “A little boy came into the shop and wanted to buy a flower for his mother with ten cents. When I looked at him, I saw m_ many years ago. I was a poor boy with n_ to buy my mother a Christmas present. A man that I didnt know stopped me on the street and told me that he wanted to give me ten dollars. So when I saw the little boy tonight, I put twelve roses together with my best w_.”(where, myself, nothing, wishes)写作篇优秀水平标准1. 1.能准确运用词汇和句型结构,较生动和详细地描述情境或叙述所给话题,能准确自如地表达态度和感情。2. 2.能用流畅的语言组织常见体裁的短文,逻辑清楚,结构完整,层次清晰,内容充实,问题恰当。3. 3.能在写作中恰当地引用资料,能用谚语、俗语等,能清楚地阐述自己的观点和评述他人的观点,具有一定的人文意识。内容分(7分)是否紧扣主题,是否涉及到所要求的几个方面学会审题(写人物,写事件,写物件,写场所,写感想)03 年 To be a lovely Shanghainese (做一个可爱的上海人)04年Leaving school (毕业时分)05年Growing pains and gains (成长的烦恼与快乐)06年I have a dream (我有一个梦想)07年Things I hate to do (我不喜欢)08年Love around me (我身边的爱)09年I want to do something for my school (我想为学校做点事)10年I am proud of myself (我为自己感到骄傲)Chinglish1. 1.I want to buy a present for every taught me teacher.2. 2.Schools cleaning is everyones face. So our face must be cleaned every day.3. 3.I is very confidence I can eat five chicken everyday.4. 4.Sometime the playground are pieces of paper. Some students look like no see.5. 5.I want to clean the fans, the fans are tall, but Im not short, so its easily.常见错误1. 1.句型单一2. 2.东拉西扯3. 3.时态错误4. 4.用词不当5. 5.结构松散6. 6.脱离主题7. 7.字迹潦草怎样改进写作1. 1.学习写作的步骤和方法2. 2.学会套题的技巧和思路3. 3.用好题目的提示和问题4. 4.使用点睛之句和习语谚语5. 5.3+1的综合写作模式套题的技巧和思路WaterWater is one of the most important natural resources in the world. Man cant live without water. But only 3% of the water is fresh water and 5% of the fresh water is available in lakes and rivers. So we must save and protect water resources. Fix any leaky tap and take a shorter shower. Dont let the tap run when you brush your teeth. The less water we waste or pollute, the more well have for tomorrow.Things I hate to do我不喜欢(07中考作文)Suggestions:1. 1.What are the things you hate to do?2. 2.What do you hate doing most? Why? (Give at least two reasons)You can begin like this :Most of the time I do things that I enjoy. However, there are still things I hate doing, such as Things I hate to do Most of the time I do things that I enjoy. However, there are still things I hate doing, such as littering or jay-walking. And something I hate doing most is to waste water because water is one of the most important natural resources in the world. Man cant live without water. But only 3% of the water is fresh water and 5% of the fresh water is available in lakes and rivers. So we must save and protect water resources. Fix any leaky tap and take a shorter shower. Dont let the tap run when you brush your teeth. The less water we waste or pollute, the more well have for tomorrow.Something most Id like to do 我最想做 (杨浦区08学年初三期中考作文)Suggestions:1. 1.What is the thing that youd most like to do?2. 2.Why would you like to do it most? (give at least two reasons)Something most Id like to do is to save and protect water resources, because water is one of the most important natural resources in the world. Man cant live without water. But only 3% of the water is fresh water and 5% of the fresh water is available in lakes and rivers. So we mustnt waste the water resources. We should fix any leaky tap and take a shorter shower. And we also cant let the tap run when you brush your teeth. The less water we waste or pollute, the more well have for tomorrow.An Unforgettable Thing一件难忘的事(杨浦区07学年初三期中考作文)Suggestions:1. 1.When and where did it happen?2. 2.Why do you think it unforgettable?You can begin like this Everybody has something forgettable. For me was such a story.Everybody has something forgettable. For me, an English lesson about water resources was such a story. Last Friday we had an English lesson. From the lesson I knew that water is one of the most important natural resources in the world. Man cant live without water. But only 3% of the water is fresh water and 5% of the fresh water is available in lakes and rivers. After class we all promised to save and protect water resources. The lesson is so important that Ill remember it forever.On my way to school 上学路上 (杨浦区07学年模拟考作文)Suggestions:1. 1.I saw on my way to school.2. 2.a fire hydrant (消防龙头) was leaking3. 3.call the firemen 4. 4.ask to fix the leaky hydrant5. 5.be late for school6. 6.be happyYesterday on my way to school I saw a fire hydrant was leaking. I was very worried because I knew that water is one of the most important natural resources in the world. Man cant live without water. But only 3% of the water is fresh water and 5% of the fresh water is available in lakes and rivers. So we must save and protect water resources. I immediately called the firemen and asked them to fix the leaky hydrant. After that, I went to school. Although I was late, I felt very happy.A story about my parents爸爸妈妈的故事(08年上海试运转作文)Suggestions:1. 1.take every opportunity to 2. 2.if the tap is leaky 3. 3.when they brush 4. 4.told me My parents always take every opportunity to save water. If the tap is leaky, they will fix it at once. When they brush their teeth, they never let the tap run. They often tell me that water is one of the most important natural resources in the world. Man cant live without water. But only 3% of the water is fresh water and 5% of the fresh water is available in lakes and rivers. From their words I learned the importance of saving water. I think although my parents are ordinary people, they are real heroes in my heart.I want to do something for my school 我想为学校做点事(09年中考作文)Suggestions:1. 1.What do you want to do for your school?2. 2.Why do you want to do it?3. 3.How are you going to do it?用好题目的提示和问题06年中考作文Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “I Have a Dream.”Sentence patterns for reference:1. 1.My dream is to be / to do/to go 2. 2.I enjoy/ like /prefer 3. 3.To make my dream come true, I 4. 4.If my dream comes true, My dream is to be a teacher. I think that the students are very lovely. To make my dream come true, I will study harder. I will read more books in order to broaden my mind and enrich my knowledge. It goes without saying that No pains, no gains. Practice makes perfect. If my dream comes true, Ill treat my students as my best friends.Everybody has his own dream. My dream is to be a tour guide. Some people may think its tiring to be a tour guide. But I dont think so because I can visit many places of interest around the world and I can learn different culture and customs. Besides, I can also meet different people in different places. So I really want to be a guide. It is an exciting job. To make my dream come true, I must study geography well. I think through my hard work, my dream will come true in the future.07年中考作文Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “Things I Hate to Do.”Use the following points as a guide.1. 1.What are the things that you hate to do?2. 2.What do you hate doing most? Why ? (Give at least two reasons)Things I hate to do Most of the time I do things that I enjoy. However, there are still things I hate to do Most of the time I do things that I enjoy. However, there are still things I hate to do. I hate to keep pets and tell lies. The things that I hate doing most is smoking. As we all know, smoking is not only bad for ourselves not also harmful to others. Whenever my father smokes, I feel rather sick. Besides, it is a waste of money to smoke, I think. Whats more, smoking pollutes the air. So I hate smoking most.08年中考作文Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “Love around me”Use the following points as a guide.1. 1.Is there any love around you?2. 2.How do you feel when you get love from him/ her/ them?3. 3.What are you going to do to show your love?(1)There is love around me. For example, my mother took good care of me when I was sick every day. Whats more, she always buy a lot of drinks and food I like for me, as well as many toys. She also helps with my study so that I can make great progress. Thus (2)I feel deeply moved. Im thankful to her for the things she did for me these years. So I have made up my mind that (3)I will work harder at my study to show my love to her.Its widely accepted that everyone needs love. And (1)I think there is always love around me. My parents show love to me by looking after me well. My classmates help make me feel their love. (2)I am so moved that words cant express how much I love them! So I will (3)spare no effort to help my parents do the housework and help my classmates in return. Finally, I really want to say thanks to them from the bottom of my heart.Im a lucky teenager because (1)there is a lot of love around me. For example, my parents love me very much. They encouraged me to be brave when I failed to pass the 800-meter race last term. Im very thankful to them. Their love makes me (2)feel warm and powerful. In order to my love, Im going (3)to help them with the housework. This will enable them have more time to rest. Love around me is great.09年中考作文Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “Im proud of myself.”Use the following points as a guide.1. 1.What kind of person are you?2. 2.What makes you proud yourself? (Give an example/ examples)3. 3.Why are you proud yourself?(1)Im a sunny boy with confidence and the joy of life. As a music lover, (2)playing the piano makes me proud of myself. Every day, I often play the piano for a while to relax myself. Also, my family members quite enjoy the wonderful melodies. I believe music is of great power. And playing the piano enables me to learn the joy of life. (3)So, I am proud of myself because I bring happiness to my family as well as myself by playing the piano. (1)Im person who is always confident and ready to try anything new. However, swimming has once been a nightmare for me after falling into the water. (2)When I finally ruled the water around my body, I felt rather proud of myself. At the beginning of the swimming test, I took a deep breath and then jumped into the water. Fears disappeared when I went straight ahead. (3)I reached the wall in the end full of joy and pride. Since then, I realized the meaning of the saying, Nothing ventured, Nothing gained!(1)Im a common student who has the most ordinary face and the most extraordinary personality. I am proud of myself (2)because of my confidence and kindness, especially my strong will. There is a saying, Nothing is impossible. This powerful sentence is inspiring. So I meet a trouble, I wont give up. Instead I fight against it bravely. (3)The strong personality makes me be proud of myself. I have already got ready. Let me give the future a big smile. (1) used to be a shy girl, but after that experience, I have become more and more confident. (2)It was my turn to give a speech to the whole class on how to learn English well. At first, Im afraid that I nearly wanted to ask the teacher if I could give up the chance. However, I told myself that I should give myself a challenge because it was really necessary for a person to be confident. I prepare a lot and encouraged myself much. At last, to my great happiness, (3)the speech was perfectly successful. Im proud of myself (3)because I am no longer a shy girl. Ive changed myself to a girl who is full of confidence.3+1的写作模式3 = 对三个问题的完整回答+ = 对某个重点问题的扩写1 = 点睛之句的点题和收尾The most important things in my lifeUse the following points as a guide1. 1.What are the most important things in your life?2. 2.Which one do you think is the most important thing?3. 3.Why do you think so?(students writing)There are many important things in my life, such as my eyesight, my subject. Now, the most important thing in my life is the test in June. If I do well in it, I will study in a good school, but if I do badly in it, I will study in a school that I dont want. Its very important, I think. (62 字)点评:内容空乏,选材俗套,结构不严谨,缺乏立意深刻的中心思想的表达。1. 1.Wha

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