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Module 1名词性物主代词在本模块中,我们要学习名词性物主代词的用法。物主代词可分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。它们有什么区别呢?让我们来看一下:1. 形容词性物主代词起形容词的作用,用在名词前。例如:Is thisyourfootball?这是你的足球吗?Aremycrayons there too?我的蜡笔也在那里吗?2. 名词性物主代词起名词的作用。为了避免重复使用名词,我们经常用名词性物主代词来代替“形容词性物主代词 + 名词”的形式。例如:Look at the two pencils. The red one isyours(=your pencil) and the blue one ismine(=my pencil).看这两支铅笔。红的是你的,蓝的是我的。He likesmypen. He doesnt likehers(=her pen).他喜欢我的钢笔,不喜欢她的。让我们再来看一些例句:May I use your pen?Yoursworks better.我可以用一下你的钢笔吗?你的更好用。I dont like my watch. I likeyours.我不喜欢我的手表,我喜欢你的。Is this your book ormine?这本书是你的还是我的?最后让我们一起总结一下英语中的物主代词:人称物主代词形容词性名词性第一人称单数:我的mymine复数:我们的ourours第二人称单数:你的youryours复数:你们的第三人称单数他的hishis她的herhers它的itsits复数:他们的 / 她们的 / 它们的theirtheirsModule 2情态动词can如果你想表达自己能做某事,该怎么说呢?你可以说:I can speak English.我会说英语。I can dance.我会跳舞。I can play table tennis.我会打乒乓球。在表达“某人能做某事”时,一般可以用“can + 动词原形”的结构。如果表达“某人不能做某事”,可以在 can 的后面直接加 not,成为 cannot,也可以缩写为 cant。例如:I cant play football. Dick cant speak Chinese.我不会踢足球,迪克不会说汉语。can 是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,否定式都用 cannot (cant)。例如:Daming can ride a bike. He cant drive a car.大明会骑自行车,不会开车。They can swim. They cant dance.他们会游泳,不会跳舞。She can play football. She cant play basketball.她会踢足球,不会打篮球。如果要询问某人能不能做某事,则须将 can 提至句首,例如:Can you speak Chinese?你会说汉语吗?Yes, I can. / No, I cant.是的,我会。/ 不,我不会。Can she swim?她会游泳吗?Yes, she can. / No, she cant.是的,她会。/ 不,她不会。从以上例子可以看出,can 引导的疑问句的回答十分简单,肯定用 can,否定用 cant。下面我们来总结一下与情态动词 can 相关的各种句式:肯定否定一般疑问回答I can play football.I cannot (cant) play football.Can I play football?Yes, I can.No, I cant.You can swim.You cannot (cant) swim.Can you swim?Yes, you can.No, you cant.He/She can speak English.He/She cannot (cant) speak English.Can he/she speak English?Yes, he/she can.No, he/she cant.It can speak like man.It cannot (cant) speak like man.Can it speak like man?Yes, it can.No, it cant.We can swim.We cannot (cant) swim.Can we swim?Yes, we can.No, we cant.They can play table tennis.They cannot (cant) play table tennis.Can they play table tennis?Yes, they can.No, they cant.请大家注意,否定形式 cannot 比缩略形式 cant 要正式。口语中一般用缩略形式。can 有多种含义,本模块中的 can 所表示的基本意思都是“能力”。另外,can 表示的“能力”为现在的能力,而不表示过去或将来,这一点请同学们一定要注意。Module 3一般将来时:be going to如果想表达自己打算做某事、计划做某事或者有意做某事,可以用 be going to do sth. 的结构,例如:Im going to check my email this evening.今天晚上我打算查看电子邮件。He is going to have a piano lesson this weekend.他这个周末有堂钢琴课。They are going to have a picnic this weekend.他们这个周末会去野餐。be going to 在句中一般用在其他动词之前。根据 be 的句法要求,可以推断出 be going to do sth. 的否定形式和疑问形式,如下表所示:肯定否定一般疑问回答I am going to visit China.I am not going to visit China.Am I going to visit China?Yes, I am.No, Im not.You are going to the park tomorrow.You are not going to the park tomorrow.Are you going to the park tomorrow?Yes, you are.No, you arent.He/She is going to buy some clothes.He/She is not going to buy any clothes.Is he/she going to buy any clothes?Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isnt.It is going to rain.It is not going to rain.Is it going to rain?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.We are going to have a picnic.We are not going to have a picnic.Are we going to have a picnic?Yes, we are.No, we arent.They are going to have a party.They are not going to have a party.Are they going to have a party?Yes, they are.No, they arent.如果要询问某人在将来某一段时间打算做什么,一般要说:What is he going to do this afternoon?他今天下午要做什么?What are you going to do this weekend?你这个周末要做什么?What are they going to do this evening?他们今天晚上要做什么?根据询问的具体情况,可以在句首加不同的疑问词,例如:When is Helen going to visit her granddaughter in China?海伦什么时候去看望她在中国的孙女?Where is he going to have his birthday party?他要在哪里办生日聚会?如果表示计划到某地去,由于谓语动词 go 与 going 重复,一般可以只说“be going to + 地点”,例如:We are going to Hong Kong for a holiday.我们要去香港度假。They are going to China for a visit.他们要去中国游览。Module 4一般将来时:will 如果我们想描述未来的事情或表达对将来的预测等,该采用什么方式呢?我们可以用“will + 动词原形”来表达,例如:There will be a computer on every desk in the future.将来每个桌子上都会有一台电脑。Planes will be very large so flying will be very cheap.飞机将会很大,所以坐飞机会很便宜。It will probably be hot all year.很可能一整年都很热。No one will do heavy work.任何人都不做重活儿。从例句中可以看出,will 表示的是一般将来时,本身没有人称和数的变化。如果要表达“将来不会”,就要用其否定形式,可以在 will 后直接加 not,构成 will not,或缩略为 wont。例如:Students will study on the Internet. They wont use books.学生将在网上学习,他们将不使用书了。The teachers wont write on the blackboard with chalk.老师不会用粉笔在黑板上写字了。如果询问将来的事,我们就要用其疑问句形式,即将 will 提到句首,例如:Will students go to school in the future?将来学生还会去学校上学吗?Will there be computers in school?将来学校里会有电脑吗?Will people do many things on the Internet?人们会在互联网上做很多事情吗?下面我们将 will 的句式总结如下:肯定否定一般疑问回答I will have many presents.I will not (wont) have many presents.Will I have many presents?Yes, I will.No, I wont.You will write a book.You will not (wont) write a book.Will you write a book?Yes, you will.No, you wont.He/She will do dull jobs.He/She will not (wont) do dull jobs.Will he/she do dull jobs?Yes, he/she will.No, he/she wont.It will happen.It will not (wont) happen.Will it happen?Yes, it will.No, it wont.We will win.We will not (wont) win.Will we win?Yes, we will.No, we wont.They will do heavy work.They will not (wont) do heavy work.Will they do heavy work?Yes, they will.No, they wont.There will be a computer on every desk.There will not (wont) be a computer on every desk.Will there be a computer on every desk?Yes, there will.No, there wont.Module 5特殊疑问句疑问句主要包括一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和附加疑问句。我们已经学过前两种疑问句,在以后的学习中还会遇到后两种。本模块中出现了很多特殊疑问句,我们来看一下:(1) What is Lingling going to buy for her mother on Mothers Day?玲玲将在母亲节为她母亲买什么礼物?(2) What can I do for you?我能为你做什么?(3) What about this one?这个怎么样?(4) What colour does she like?她喜欢什么颜色?(5) What size does she take?她穿多大号的?(6) How much are they?它们多少钱?(7) When are they going to the shops?她们什么时候去商店?(1) (3) 中 what 为疑问代词,单独使用,后面不需要再接名词; (4) (5) 中,what 为疑问形容词,后面需要接名词来表达询问的具体方面,类似的结构还有“which/whose + 名词”; (6) (7) 是由疑问副词引导的问句,其他疑问副词还有 where,why 等。另外,请同学们仔细观察这些句子所用的时态。(1) 和 (7) 句是一般将来时,其他为一般现在时。不同的时态在表达类似意思的疑问时可选择相同的疑问词。因此,在学习其他时态时,大家只要掌握其基本结构和正确的疑问词就可以很容易地推导出特殊疑问句了。Module 6方位的表达方式本模块需要注意的有两点,一是方位介词的使用,二是问路与指路的表达方式。1. 方位介词我们可以用介词表达方位,常用的表达方式有:on the left/right在左边 / 右边next to.与紧挨着opposite.在的对面on the corner (of.)在(的)拐角处between. and.在和之间请看下面的例句:Her house is on the right of the street.她的房子在街道的右边。The bank is next to the market.银行在市场的旁边。The supermarket is opposite the restaurant.超市在饭店的对面。I get my newspaper from the shop on the corner.我在拐角处的商店里买报纸。The bookshop is between the cinema and the hotel.书店在电影院和旅馆之间。2. 问路与指路问路与指路是一种重要的交际功能,常见的相关表达方式有很多,例如:Where is the bank?银行在什么地方?How can I go/get to the bus stop?到汽车站怎么走?Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the park?打扰您了,请问到公园怎么走?Can you show me the way to Tsinghua University?您能告诉我到清华大学怎么走吗?Take the No. 22 bus.乘坐22路公共汽车。Go along the main street.沿着主街走。Follow the road.沿着这条路走。Turn left/right.向左 /右拐。

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