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江苏牛津版高一英语模块4第3单元Project导学案(02)内容:M4U3课题: Project- Journey to the Centre of the Earth The Time Machine课时: Project2学习要求: project Journey to the Centre of the Earth The Time Machine自主学习:1.【原句再现】They came across huge insects and many strange creatures. (P58)come about 发生 come at 扑向 come down 下跌/下落/传下来 come on 加油/ 快点 come out (书被)出版, (消息,秘密被)传出,结果是 come to 达到 (an end / an agreement / a stop /a conclusion),苏醒,合计,总共是 come over 走过来 come up 走近,被提出(讨论) come up with 某人提出 come across 偶然碰到 come back 回想起 come into (sight/being/existence/use/notice/effect)1) How did it come _ that you both got lost? I thought you had a map. 2) It suddenly came _ to me where I had seen the boy before. 3) Come _ now, or else we shall be late. 4) He came _ me like a tiger. 5) The price of petrol has come _ since the beginning of this year. 6) The word came _ use many years ago. 7) When the examination result came _, he had already got a job. 8) The bill came _ over a thousand dollars. 9) He came up to me and told me that the security issue came _ at the meeting just now. 10) The truth is that her new book will come _ soon2.in ones opinion在某人看来In my opinion, it is about we had new computers. in ones view= in the view of sb 在某人看来In my view, the foreign policy of the government is wrong.as far as sth/ sb is concerned 就-而言As far as I am concerned, this plan is impractical.3.It is (about/ high) time (that) sb did sth/ It is (about/ high) time (that) sb should do sth. 4. get away 逃脱,离开,脱身 get away with 侥幸逃脱 get along / on (with) 进展,相处 get out 逃走,泄露get over从-中恢复,克服 get through通过,完成,接通(电话)Do you _ your classmates?Sorry, Im late. I was attending a meeting and couldnt _.It is very hard for him to _ the shock of his mothers death in no time.After several attempts, he finally _ the hot line.5.As they were wandering around, they noticed a man sitting against a tree in the distance he was at least four meters tall.句中as they were wandering around用作时间状语;sitting against a tree in the distance是现在分词短语,用作宾语a man的补足语。介词against意为“靠着”。My dad placed the piano against the wall.6.Scared and cold, the Time Traveller starts back towards the present. 又惊又冷,时光旅游者踏上了回到现在的旅程。 scared, cold 是形容词作伴随状语。表示主语实施谓语动作时伴随的状态二、词汇识记(一)单词部分1.方案;提议(n.)_2. 喜不自胜的狂的(adj.)_ 3.讯问(vt.)_ 4.流行,受欢迎(n.)_ 5. 批评(vt.) _ 6. 逐渐暗淡/消逝/衰退(vi.) _ 7. 表达,吐露(vt.) _8. 营救,援救(vt.) _ 9.现实,真实_(n.)_ 10.人物(n.)_ 11.使能够(vt.)_ 12.投资(v.)_ 13.缺乏经验(adj.)_(二)词块部分1. 以为背景_ 2. 传递_ 3. 成千上万的_ 4. 与相连接_ 5最后但同样重要_ 6. 创办,创立_ 7. 关闭_ 8. 在某人看来_三、巩固练习 (一)单项填空:选择能填入题干空白处的最佳选项。(40分)1. -Shall I give you a ride since you live so far away?-Thank you. _. A. Thats very kind of you B. Of course you could C. If you liked D. If you are convenient2. -The 3-D film provides new experiences of _ space.-Yes. You can even take _ journey to the end of the solar system.A. the; a B. 不填; a C. the; the D. 不填; the3. Some people were tricked_ believing what he said, but _reality, he is always telling lies.A. to; in B. into; in C. to; on D into; on4. New Yorkers have their own _way of celebrating Saint Patricks Day, which you cant find in other cities.A. passive B. amazing C. winning D unique5. Not only_ us around places of interest, but also_ us a wonderful lecture.A. did Kevin show; he gave B. Kevin showed; he gaveC. Kevin showed; did he give D. did Kevin show; did he give6. I had no idea about how to make the most of my spare time, so my father _ several good suggestions to guide me.A. looked forward to B. put forward C. rose up against D came across7. Generally speaking, one is paid _ the amount of work he does. A. as to B. along with C. according to D aside from8. The more money the man earns, the more feelings of pleasure he has. He hasnt realized that money cannot bring true _.A. kindness B. happiness C. Sadness D darkness9. Can you telephone me _ your convenience to arrange a meeting? A. at B. for C. on D with10. Bruce didnt invite Mary to his party just because of the fact _ Mary isnt fond of singing and dancing. A. what B. which C. that D when11. John is very _he is sure that he has the ability to deal with the difficult situation.A. unusual B. innocent C. fortunate D confident12. Speaking of all the works _ he has designed, I think this is the best-known one, because it makes him world-famous.A. how B. with which C. that D. in which 13_ has been shown that children who are not active or whose diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly. A. There B. What C. As D. It课 后 作 业题源:

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