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一、 同类词1.动物:cat(猫) dog(狗) fish(鱼) bird(鸟) bear(熊)tiger(老虎)mouse(老鼠) lion(狮子) monkey(猴子) duck(鸭子)horse(马)panda(熊猫)elephant(大象) 2.颜色:red(红) pink(粉) black(黑)yellow(黄) white(白) blue(蓝) green(绿) brown(棕)gold(金) grey(灰) purple(紫) orange(橘色)light(明亮的)dark(暗的)3.衣服: dress(连衣裙) sweater(毛衣) coat(外套) shirt(衬衫) T-shirt(T恤) blouse(女式外罩衫) jacket(夹克衫) skirt(裙子)overcoat (大衣) jean skirt(牛仔裙) school uniform(校服) sock (短袜) cap(帽子) shorts(短裤) 4.国家: China(中国)America(美国) Britain(英国) Japan(日本) Canada(加拿大) France(法国)Australia(澳大利亚) 5.星期: Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Friday 星期五Thursday星期四 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期天weekend周末6.学具: pencil(铅笔) pen(钢笔) eraser(橡皮book(书)bag(书包) ruler(尺子) marker (彩笔)pencil-box(铅笔盒)knife(刀子)7.季节: spring (春)summer(夏) autumn/fall(秋) winter(冬)8.水果: apple 苹果 peach 桃 banana 香蕉 pear 梨 grape 葡萄orange(橘子)mango 芒果lemon 柠檬 watermelon 西瓜 pineapple 菠萝9.基数词:1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11.eleven 12.twelve 13. thirteen 14.fourteen 15.fifteen 16.sixteen 17.seventeen 18.eighteen 19.nineteen 20.twenty 30thirty 40forty 50.fifty 60sixty 70seventy 10.序数词:first第一 second第二 third第三 fourth第四 fifth第五 sixth第六 seventh第七 eighth第八 ninth 第九 tenth第十 eleventh第十一 twelfth第十二 thirteenth 第十三 twentieth第二十11特殊疑问词:what(什么,询问事物)where(在哪里,询问地点) when(什么时候)how(怎么,怎么样)why(为什么,询问原因)who(谁,询问人)whose(谁的)which (哪一个,哪一些)how much(多少,询问价格)how many(多少) how about怎么样 how old(几岁)12.形容词: big(大的small(小的)thin(薄的; 细的,瘦的)fat (胖的) long(长的)short(短的、矮的)tall(高的)beautiful(美丽的)ugly(丑陋的)handsome(帅的)difficult(困难的) busy(忙的)easy(容易的)13.球类:football(足球) baseball(棒球) basketball(篮球) tennis(网球) table tennis(乒乓球)ice hockey(冰球)rugby(橄榄球)golf(高尔夫)badminton(羽毛球)14.家庭成员: father(父亲) mother(母亲) son(儿子) daughter(女儿) uncle(叔叔) aunt(阿姨) grandpa(爷爷) grandma(奶奶) cousin(堂兄弟姐妹) niece(侄女, 外甥女) nephew(侄子, 外甥)15.交通工具:car(汽车, 轿车) bus(公共汽车) taxi(出租车) subway(地铁) bike(自行车) ship(轮船) train(火车) plane(飞机) jeep(吉普车) boat(小船) truck(货车, 卡车)16.职业:teacher(教师) doctor(医生) driver(司机) nurse(护士) cook(厨师) singer(歌手;歌唱家)dancer(舞蹈家) player(选手)postman(邮递员)milkman(送牛奶的人) policeman(警察) 17.月份 January(一月)February(二月)March(三月)April(四月) May(五月)June(六月)July(七月)August(八月)September(九月)October(十月)November(十一月) December(十二月)18.身体部位head (头)eye(眼睛) hair(头发) nose(鼻子) mouth(嘴) ear(耳朵) neck(脖子) arm(胳膊) hand(手) leg(腿) foot(脚)19.课程 English(英语)Chinese(语文)math(数学)music(音乐)art(美术)computer(计算机)PE(体育)science(科学)20.房间bathroom(浴室)kitchen(厨房) bedroom(卧室)living room(客厅) 21.食品egg(鸡蛋) fish(鱼) chicken(鸡肉) cake(蛋糕) bread(面包) rice(米饭) hamburger(汉堡) pizza(比萨)pie(馅饼)noodles(面条) sandwich(三明治)hot dog(热狗)dumpling(饺子)beef(牛肉)pork(猪肉)meatballs(肉丸子)pork ribs(猪排) bean(豆)chicken nuggets(鸡块)chicken wing(鸡翅)French fries(薯条)22.三餐 breakfast(早饭) lunch(午饭) supper(晚饭) dinner(正餐)23.天气 hot(热的) cold(冷的) warm(温暖的) cool(凉爽的) sunny(晴朗的) windy(有风的) rainy(下雨的) snowy(下雪的) foggy (有雾的)24.饮料tea(茶) juice(果汁) milk(牛奶) coffee(咖啡) water(水) Coke(可乐) soup(汤)25.方向 east(东) west(西) north(北) south(南) left(左) right(右)center(中间)26.病 cold(伤风) fever(发烧) headache(头疼) flu(流感) toothache(牙疼)stomachache(胃疼)backache(背疼)27.场所zoo(动物园) school(学校) park(公园) cinema(电影院) hospital(医院) supermarket(超市) shop(商店) hotel(饭店) bookshop(书店)market(市场)library(图书馆)caf(咖啡厅)theatre(剧院)28.介词on(在上) in(在里) at(在) before(在之前) after(在之后) beside(在旁边) behind(在后面) between(在两者之间) in front of (在前面)about(在周围)29.时间today(今天) tomorrow(明天) yesterday(昨天) morning(早上) afternoon(下午) evening(晚上) 30.植物各部分:leaf(叶子) flower(花) trunk(树干) root (根) stem(茎) fruit(果实)seed (种子)31.建筑材料:wood(木头) rocks(石头) iron(铁) steel(钢) cement(水泥)32.比较级 better (好的)bigger(大的) smaller(小的) longer(长的) shorter (短的)fatter(胖的) thinner(瘦的)33.鞋 slippers(拖鞋)boots(长筒靴) sneakers(旅游鞋) sandals(凉鞋)34.餐具bowl(碗)dish(盘)glass (玻璃杯)cup(茶杯) plate(盘子) spoon(勺子) knife(刀子) fork(叉子) opener(启子)35.人称代词主格I我you你,你们he他she她it它they他们we我们宾格me我you你,你们him他her她it它them他们us我们形容词性物主代词my我的your你的,你们的his他的her她的its它的their他们的our我们的名词性物主代词mine我的yours你的你们的his他的hers她的its它的theirs他们的ours我们的36.节日New Years Day 新年 一月一日 January 1st Chinese New Year春节 在一月或二月in January or FebruaryWomens Day妇女节 三月八日March 8thMay Day劳动节 五月一日May 1stThe Dragon Boat Festival端午节 农历五月初五the fifth day of the fifth month in the Chinese calendar Mothers Day母亲节 五月的第二个星期日the second Sunday of MayChildrens Day儿童节 六月一日June 1stFathers Day 父亲节 六月的第三个星期日the third Sunday of JuneTeachers Day教师节 九月十日September 10ththe Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节 在秋天的中间in the middle of autumn National Day国庆节 十月一日October 1stHalloween 万圣节 十月三十一日October 31stThanksgiving Day感恩节十一月第四个星期四the fourth Thursday of NovemberChristmas Day圣诞节 十二月二十五日December 25th二、 词组Unit 11.more interesting 更有趣2.more storybooks更多故事书 3.eat carrots吃萝卜 4.eat meat吃肉 5.grow flowers 养花6.keep birds养鸟 7.collect stamps 集邮8.collect key rings 收集钥匙链9.like better更喜欢10.go skating去滑冰 11.make a snowman 堆雪人12.too cold太冷 13.listen to听 14.do best in在某方面做得好 15.popular language流行的语言 16.in life在生活中 17.like best最喜欢 17.a bit一点儿 18.Chinese fairy tales中国童话故事i 19.more interesting than比。更有趣 20.like drawing 喜欢画画 Unit 21Would like to=would love to愿意2.呆在家里stay home3wait for等待.4.too bad 太糟糕5 of course 当然.6 study together 一起学习.7.ride a scooter滑滑板车8 finish my homework 做完作业.9.go swimming去游泳10.surf the internet上网11.open the gift box打开礼物盒子12.the English Evening英语晚会13go to the dancing class去上舞蹈课.14go out to play出去玩.15.raining outside外面下雨了16.borrow your cell phone向你借手机17wait for a call等电话.18.go shopping去购物19.play games做游戏20 water the plants给植物浇水.21.each other互相22.climb the mountain爬山23.clean the room打扫房间24.plant trees种树Unit 31.Mid-Autumn festival中秋节2in the middle of在。中间.3get together聚在一起.4.moon cake月饼5.the bright full moon明亮的满月6.sweet food甜的食品7.different shapes and tastes不同的形状和口味8.一双a pair of 9.化妆dress up 10.knock on敲。11.许多a lot of 12.dragon boat race龙舟赛13.computer room计算机教室14.art room 美术教室15at the night 在晚上.16.in the year of the horse在马年17.take care of照顾Unit 51be from.从。来2.in America在美国3.mother tongue母语4.in the east of在。东部5.the capital of。的首都 6.in the south of在。南部7.all over the world全世界 8.Big Ben大本钟 9.interesting places名胜10.cross the bridge穿过大桥11.get to到达12.the other side of 另外一边13.North America北美 14.national flag国旗 15.a red maple of leaf一片红枫树叶16.in the center of在中间 17.ice sports冰上运动Unit 61.love sports喜爱运动2.favorite game最喜欢的运动3.play football踢足球4.popular game流行的运动5.ride a horse骑马6.horse race骑马比赛7.every year每年8.in many countries在许多国家9.play base打棒球10.American football美式足球11.TV channel电视频道12.all kinds of各种各样的13.sports lovers运动爱好者14.sports games运动项目15.the NBA games美国职业篮球联赛16.be good at擅长17.in winter在冬天18.ice hockey team冰球队19.table tennis team乒乓球队20.women volleyball players女排运动员21.in China在中国22.go skating skiing sledding滑冰、雪、雪橇Unit 71.be going to 打算做某事2.Chinese New Year春节 3.visit grandparents看望祖父母4.by train坐火车 5.by plane乘飞机 6.would like to 愿意7.the Great Wall长城 8.the Summer Palace颐和园 9.the Palace Museum故宫10.winter holiday寒假11.in the world世界上 12.one of the oldest dam最古老的大坝之一13.Mount Tai1泰山4.the Yellow River黄河 15.get up起床 16.have breakfast吃早饭 17.leave home离开家 18.come back回来 19.wait for等待 20.pick up the child接孩子 21.Its time for是该做。的时间了 22.have dinner吃晚饭三、功能句型1 Winter or summer , which season do you like better? 冬天和夏天,你更喜欢哪个季节? I like summer better because the days longer than the nights.我更喜欢夏天,因为白天比夜晚长。2. Which class do you like best?你最喜欢哪一门课程? I like Chinese best.我最喜欢语文。I do best in Chinese. 我在语文方面做的好。3. I like stories better. 我更喜欢故事。I read more storybooks. 我读更多故事书。I like drawing animals better. 我更喜欢画动物 I draw more animals. 我画更多动物4. Would you like to come to my house? 你愿意来我家吗?Id love to but I cant . 愿意,但是不行。 I must stay home to wait for my brother. 我一定要在家等我哥哥。5. May I use your computer? 我可以用你的电脑吗 Sorry you cant.对不起,不行I need to find something on the internet我需要上网找资料.6. The windows are dirty. 窗户脏了 They need cleaning需要打扫Shall we clean them this afternoon?我们今天下午打扫吧?7.When is the Mid-Autumn Festival? 中秋节在什么时候呀 Its in the middle of autumn.在秋天的中间8. Can you tell me more about Halloween? 你能告诉我关于万圣节的事情吗 Children dress up at night. 孩子们在晚上化妆9. Can you show me that sweater with a horse on it? 你能把那件带马图案的毛衣给我看一下吗 Here it is. 给10. Where are you from?你从哪来 Im from New York. 我从纽约来11. Where is Britain? 英国在哪里 Its in Europe. 在欧洲Which city is the capital of Britain ? 英国的首都是哪个城市 Its London. 伦敦12. Can you tell me more about Ottawa? 你能告诉我关于渥太华的信息 Its in the east of the country. 在个国家的东部13. Whats their favorite game? 他们最喜欢的运动是什么 Its rugby.橄榄球运动14.I know bowling is also very popular. And so is boxing. 我知道保龄球也非常流行 拳击也是15. What are you good at ? We are good at ice sports. 你们长什么 我们擅长冰上运动We have the best figure skaters and the best ice hockey teams in the world.我们有世界上最好的花样滑冰运动员和最好的冰球队16.my parents and I are going to visit my grandparents。 我和我父母要去拜访我爷爷奶奶。Are you going by train or by plane? 你们要乘坐火车还是飞机呀?Its faster to go by plane than by train.飞机比火车快17.What will you do in Chengdu ? We will visit my grandparents.你们在成都要做什么 我们要拜访爷爷奶奶18. What time are we going to get up tomorrow? 我们明早几点起床呀?We are going to get up at7 oclock.我们七点起床。

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