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八年级暑假预习作业Unit 1 FriendsUnit1 Welcome to the unit / comic strips一、 读第6,7 两页的单词并会默写。1 口渴的_ 2 诚实的 _ 3 秘密_ 4 保守秘密 _5 欢乐 _ 6 关心 _ 7 你自己 _ 8 青少年 _9 杂志 _ 10 好看的 _ 11 幽默的 _ 12 礼貌的 _13 整洁的 _ 14 成为 _ 15 信任 _ 16 谎言 _17 确实的 _ 18 玩笑 _二、 预习本课,完成下列填空。(语言点归纳)1 Can I have _ _? (一些喝的东西)2 _ _ some milk? (来一点- 怎么样)3 Does she _ _ (关心) you when you are sad?4 _ she _ _ help when you have problems? (乐于帮忙)5 You can trust them because they never _ _ (撒谎).6 They can also tell you _ _ (滑稽的笑话).7 My friends are very _ (help) and kind.8 There is _(not anything) in the fridge.三、短语翻译。 1 保守秘密 _ 2 使我快乐 _3 分享我的快乐 _ 4 有困难 _四、试着背诵漫画部分。Unit 1 Reading 一、读8,9,10 三页的单词并会默写。1 慷慨的 _ 2 乐意的 _ 3 在任何时候 _4 嗓音 _ 5 歌手 _ 6 几乎,差不多 _ 7 圆形的 _8 感觉 _ 9 幽默 _ 10 无聊的 _ 11 可容纳 _12 碰,撞 _ 13 到-的上面 _ 14 笔直的 _ 15 微笑 _16 可爱的 _ 17 个性 _ 18 选择 _二、预习本课,完成下列填空。(语言点归纳)1 Betty is _ _ _ _ (我最好的朋友之一)2 She _ _ _ _(乐意分享) things with her friends3 She is also helpful and _ _(乐于)help people _ _. (在任何时候)4 She always gives her seat on the bus to _ _ _(需要帮助的人)5 She wants to be a singer when she _ _(长大).6 They _ him _ _ (使-看起来精干)7 Max _ a _ _ _ _(很幽默)8 I never _ _(感觉无聊)with him.9 When he _ _ (走过) our desks, he often _ our books and pens _ the floor.(把- 碰到上面)。10 She is _ _ I am. (比- 矮)11 She smiles often and never _ a _ word _ anyone(说人的坏话)12 I can tell her _(任何一件事) because she can _ _ _(保守秘密)13 He is the _(最高的) boy in his class.14 Who would you _ your best friend, Suzy?(选- 作为)三、试着背诵Reading.Unit1 Grammar 一、读第11, 12两页的单词,并会默写。1 更差 _ 2 最差 _ 3 高度 _ 4 重量 _ 5 秒 _ 6 竞赛 _ 7 测试 _ 8 游泳者 _二、读11页的表格,从中发现形容词比较级与最高级的构成规则。1 在词尾加 _ , 如 shorter/shortest, taller/ tallest2 以“e” 结尾在词尾加 _, later/ latest, nicer/ nicest3 一辅音字母结尾的,变 _, 如: noisy - noisier4重读闭音节 _, 如:slim - slimmer5 多音节 _, 如beautiful- more beautiful不规则的有 _三、 试着完成第12页的题目。四、 完成下列习题。1、The Changjiang River is the_(long)river in China.2、Sue is a little_(beautiful) than her sister 3、My room is not as_(big)as my brothers 4、-How difficult is physics? -Im not sure -Is it_(difficult)than maths? -I dont think so5、-Annie plays the piano very_(well).Sue plays it _(well)than Annie. And Sally plays it the_(well). 6、Saturday is my_(busy)day in a week. 7、Her mother is getting _(fat)and _(fat). 8、I think its too expensive. Id like a_(cheap)one. 9、He comes to school much _(early) than I. 10、This book is not as_(interesting)as that one. 11、Your classroom is _(wide)and_(bright)than ours.Unit1 Integrated skills一、读13,14两页的单词,并会默写。1 打算_ 2 社会工作者 _ 3 马尾辫 _ 4 害羞的 _二、预习本课,完成填空。1 交朋友 _ 2 仔细听人们讲 _ 3 周游世界 _4 在所有中国艺术家中 _三、背诵Speak up.Unit1 Task 一、 读16,17两页的单词,并会默写。1 方形的 _ 2 微笑的 _ 3 英俊的 _ 4 胖的 _5 勤奋的 _ 6 耐心的 _ 7 微笑 _ 8 不快乐的 _ 9 杰出的 _二、读,理解并背诵17页范文。三、以“My best friend” 为题写一篇短文。_


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