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Lesson 19 第一课时一、教学内容: 1.四会单词:tennis, golf, British认读单词:rugby, football, favourite, horse racing, exciting2句型:Whats your favorite game? Its rugby.3.课文:-Come on! Go! Go! Oh, Im sorry. -Its OK. What sports do you like in the U.K.? -We like rugby, football, tennis, and golf. -Whats your favorite game? -Its rugby. -You also love horse racing, right? -Yes, we do. Its fun and exciting. -So you British are sports lovers. -Yes, we are. 二、教学目标:(一)知识与技能目标: 1. 能初步运用“what s your favorite game?”询问他人的运动爱好,并用 “Its”回答。 2. 能结合语境辨别、认读有关体育活动的词汇rugby, badminton, basketball, tennis, ice hockey, baseball, golf。 3. 能分角色朗读对话,并尝试表演对话。 4. 能了解到英国人是体育爱好者,激发自己热爱体育活动的动机。(二)过程与方法目标: 1.通过听录音和讲解理解课文创设情景为学生搭建平台,进行表演。 2. 通过课文讲解,使学生理解和使用四会词汇。 3. 通过练习功能句理解相应的词汇。(三)情感态度价值观目标: 1. 培养学生积极思维,勇于创新,积极参与的主动学习精神。 三、教学重难点:(一)重点: 1. 句型“whats your favorite game?”及其答语 “Its ”的初步应用。2. 词汇tennis,British, golf的听说读写和rugby,horse racing的认读。(二)难点: 1. 能分角色朗读对话,并尝试表演对话。2. 理解部分情景词汇,如:You also love horse racing, right? Yes, we do. Its fun and exciting. British are sports lovers. 四、教具准备:录音机,单词卡片,本课ppt以视频资料 五、教学过程:导入: 利用第一单元关于课程的图片词卡做游戏,后问T: which subject do you like best?Ss: .is my favourite subject。I like . best. T:which color do you like best?T:which animal do you like best?food、drinks、numberT:what about the game?Which game do you like best?Ss:football、basketball【设计意图】让学生在复习旧知的基础上自然过渡到本节课的主题,学生可以轻松的进入新课的学习中,并为以下环节做了铺垫。 活动一、看一看,猜一猜教师ppt出示遮挡的图片让学生猜运动,同时将新词融入,初次接触。活动二、课文理解【活动目标】在情景中了解对话背景,学习对话【实施方法】1. 教师出示课文主题图,引导学生按一定的方法观察背景图,并适时提问。2. 出示主题图学习课文:T: Look at the picture. What can you see in the picture?S: T: Now, lets listen to a dialogue. who can ask some questions by these words?(what?where?who?)S: what are they talking about? who are they? where are they?T: and who can answer?【设计意图】通过看图说说活动,引导学生整体感知课文,为新知学习做铺垫。同时初步培养学生整体观察能力和看图初步表达的能力在学习新词后,学生能较容易通过听力活动找出答案,培养听力,加强学习兴趣。活动二,听一听,学一学【活动目标】使学生在听的过程中,纠正自己的语音语调,训练听力【实施方法】1.播放第一遍录音T:what are they talking about?Ss:they are talking about the sports.2.播放第二遍Yangyang与Mike的对话,tick the words you heard Tick()the words you heardrugby ice hockey basketball football tennisbadminton baseball golf horse racing3.播放第三遍录音,回答问题whats the boys favourite game? Afootball B.golf C.rugbywhy do they love horse racing?A Because its useful.B Because its fun and exciting.C Because its difficult.5.重复播放整段录音,请学生进一步听清、理解对话内容。逐句跟读T: Now, we will see a picture about L19 T: Please listen to the tape together, and try to answer the questions.活动三,练一练【实施方法】1.根据学生的实际情况,选择灵活方式,帮助学生进一步理解,记忆所学词语的词义与读音。tennis,golf, rugby ,horse racing借助图片理解各种运动British:英国的 She is from the U.K., so we say she is a British.2.在理解词语、对话内容的基础上,模仿录音中的语音语调3.开展pair work,同桌学生轮流扮演不同的角色,模仿课文中表演,做对话练习。4.请2-3对同学在全班表演对话,教师给予激励性评价。跟读对话。要让学生重复跟读Mike的答语,至大多数学生基本上会读为止。有阶段性的体验,借助教师ppt。5.教师和一名学生分别扮演Yang yang和Mike,表演对话。6.开展pair work, 学生轮流扮演不同的角色,练习对话。7.请准备好的学生在全班表演对话。T: Lets listen to the tape together.T: Now, Im Yang yang. Who wants to be Mike?T: Can you make a dialogue with your partner?T: Who can show your dialogue here?活动四、五分钟阅读【活动目的】让学生在最后五分钟时间里巩固关于运动的检测【实施方法】A.the U.K. B.British C.tennis D.golf E.football F.friends( )Tobby is from .( ) is Tobbys favourite game.( )He often plays that with his after school.( )His father likes Best. ( )His mothers Favourite game is .( )So they are sports lovers.活动五,作业布置(教师自拟): Unit 6 Lesson 19Whats your favourite game?Its .六、板书设计:


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