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六年级英语毕业专项复习(句型、语法部分)第一部分:复习要点:(一)了解这些语法知识吗。尽可能能运用在实际中运用这些语法知识。(1) 句子的构成可包括含to be, there be, to do的肯定式、否定式、一般疑问式。 观察下面的句子,找出一些规律: I. That is an English story book. That isnt an English story book. Is that an English book? II. There are some teachers in the office. There arent any teachers in the office. Are there any teachers in the office. III. He lives near the school. He doesnt live near the school. Does he live near the school?(2) 在我们小学阶段写过不同时态的句子。观察下面的句子,找出一些规律: I. He is a teacher. He will be/is going to be a teacher next term. He was a teacher ten years ago. II. There is a lamp on the table now. There will/is going to be a lamp on the table. There was a lamp on the table an hour ago. III. He often plays the piano in the evening. He is going to play the piano tomorrow. He is playing the piano.He played the piano yesterday, 表示不同的时态的句子常有一些表示时间的提示,看下表:一般现在时现在进行时一般将来时一般过去时always, usually,often, sometimes,every day/morning/afternoon/evening,on Sunday/Monday /nowLook!Listen!tomorrow,tomorrow morning/ afternoon/the day after tomorrownext Sunday/week/month/yesterday,yesterday morning/ afternoon/the day before yesterday,last nighttwo hours/a year/ ago(3) 不同时态的句子还有疑问句式和否定句式。观察下面的特殊疑问式的句子,你能总结一些特殊疑问句的构成的规律吗?肯定式否定式一般疑问式She a student.She is not a student.Is she a student?They are working here.They arent working here.Are they working here?They will/are going to playFootball.They wont/arent going to play football.Will they/Are they going to play football?He often reads in theEvening.He doesnt read in theevening.Does he read in the evening?He was here yesterday.He wasnt here yesterday. Was he here yesterday?He helped us yesterday.He didnt help us yesterday. Did he help us yesterday?(4) 句子还有特殊疑问句的句的句型。观察下面的特殊疑问式的句子,你能总结一些特殊疑问句的构成的规律吗?I.Who lives there.Who is singing in the room?Who was at home yesterday?Whose father is a teacher.II.What does he do?What is he doing?What did they do?When does he usually get up?When did she have dinner yesterday?Where is he now?Where are they planting trees?Where did they play football?How is your mother?How is he coming?How did they get there?Why does he go there?Why did she go there?III.Whose book is this?Whose parents are coming here?Which book is yours?Which presents did he give you?(5) 小学阶段还接触和学习过如下的句型, 要求能理解这些有关的句子。 I. 含情态动词的句子: We can swim in the sea. I cant ride a bike. Can you see that man over there? I must find it before six. You mustnt lend this book to others. Must I come here before nine? You may sit here. May I come in? We should take exercise very often. We shouldnt eat too much chocolate. Should we help her? He will visit the USA. They wont go there tomorrow. Will he come to see us? We shall meet at the gate of the zoo. Shall we meet here? We would like to work with you. Would you play games with us?II. 选择疑问句型: Is your mother a doctor or a nurse? Are they in the classroom or on the playground?Do you like the long jump or the high jump? III. 状语从句:I want to be a teacher when I grow up.If you eat me, you will not be happy. IV. 宾语从句:I think he is good at playing football.I hope I can play football.I wish I could be a fairy. V. 复合句: I like hamburgers and my brother likes sandwiches, I cant swim and my sister cant swim either. He is tall but he is not strong. VI. 过去进行时的句子:The farmer was working on the fields then.The children were reading at that time.(6) 在小学阶段,同学们所学的名词的知识可有: I. 可数名和不可数名词: (A) 我们学过的多数名次是可数名词有(countable noun): bun, cabbage, tomato, potato, mushroom, vegetable, carrot, hamburger, sandwich, book, ruler, desk, bus, (B) 不可数名词有 (uncountable nouns):milk, water, juice, tea, bread, rice, soup, chicken (鸡肉), fish (鱼肉), beef, beefsteak, porridge, pasta, toast等 (C) 有些名词可用作可数名词和不可数名词,但意思不一样,如 pepper 辣椒(c), 胡椒(n);chicken 鸡(c), 鸡肉(u);fish 鱼(c), 鱼肉(u) (D) 可数名次的但输变复数有如下规律: a. 一般情况在原名词后加-s,如: penpens, studentstudents, cardcardsb: 以s, x, she, ch结尾的名词在原名词后加-es, 如: busbuses, boxboxes, benchbenches, fish(鱼类)fishesc. 部分o结尾的名词,如: heroheroes, tomatotomatoes, potatopotatoes (但radioradios, photophotos)d. 以辅音字母加-y的名词,改y为i在加-es, 如: citycities, factoryfactories, babybabies, familyfamiliese. 部分名次的单复数变化是不规则的,如: sheepsheep, fishfish, childchildren, manmen, womanwomen, toothteeth, goosegeese, mousemice (E) 不可数名词与动词的搭配用法与名词单数一样:例如: There is some water in the bottle. Is there any coffee in the cup? There isnt any milk in the glass. (F) much, a lot of, plenty of 可以修饰不可数名词,如: much rice, a lot of milk, plenty of water (G) many, a lot of, plenty of 可以修饰可数名词,如: many hills, a lot of houses II. 注意专有名词的写法: (A) 人名:Mr Smith, Miss Webb, Tom White (B) 地名:Canada, China, Britain, London, New York, Beijing (C) 单位名:No. 1 Hospital, the International School of Guangzhou (D) 节日名:Spring Festival, Christmas, New Years Day (F) 月份名:January, February, March, April (G) 星期名:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday (H) 语言名称:French, Chinese, English, Japanese III. 名词所有格: (A) 一般情况在原名次后加-s,如: the boys name, the headmasters office, (7) 关于冠词a, an, the的使用方法:I. 表示一个(支、条、只)或某一种类的名次前用a, 如: a dictionary, a uniform, a book 但在表示一个(支、条、只)或某一种类的原音发音名词前用an, 如: an egg, an apple, an ice cream, an orange, an hour, an honest boyII. 表示特指的一个(支、条、只)或某一种类的名次前用the, 如: the forest near the hill, the teacher of our classIII. 在句子中再次提及该物品时,物品前加the, 如: I saw a book. The book was from the library.IV. 在最高级的形容词前用the: the biggest room on this floor, the hottest day in this week(8) 你掌握some, any及some-, any-, no-, every-的用法了吗? (1) 多用在肯定句或表示请求的句子: We have some picture on the wall There is something on the plate. Someone will come and help us. Would you like something to drink? (2) any- 多用于疑问句或否定句: There isnt any water in the lake. Is there anything in the bottle? We dont want to see anyone of them? (3) no- 是事实的否定: There is no milk in the glass now. There is nothing in the room. Nobody can do that.(4) 代词some-, any-, no-, every- 语法上看成是第三人称单数: There is something in the bottle.Everyone likes it.(9) 关于形容词、副词的比较级和最高级I. 形容词一般放在被修饰的名次之前,如: a naughty boy, an honest girl, a beautiful lady, a big boxII. 副词放在被修饰的动词之后: He works hard. She studied well.III. 表示频度的副词放在be的后面和行为动词的前面,如: He is always late for school. They often comes here after school. 有时放在句前或句后,如: Sometimes he works hard. He comes here very often.IV. 你知道形容词、副词的比较级和最高级构成的一些规律吗? A. 一般情况下加-er, -est: long longer, longest; small smaller, smallest B. 重读闭音节,双写最后一个字母再加-er, -est: big bigger, biggest; hot hotter, hottestC. 辅音字母加y,改作后一个字母y为i再加-er, -est: funny funnier, funniest, lucky luckier, luckiestD. 部分双音节和多音节词,加more, most: slowly more slowly, most slowly; more delicious, most deliciousE. 不规则变化: good better, best; bad worse, worst V. 你知道形容词、副词的比较级和最高级句子的构成吗? A. This book is newer than that one. The English book is the newest of the three. Mike runs faster than John. Mike runs fastest in his class. B. This flower is more beautiful than that one. This tree is the oldest in the park. The girl is swimming better than the girl. Jim swims best in his group. C. Snakes are more dangerous than frogs. The meeting is the most important. The old man walks more slowly the young man. Kate jumps highest in her class. D. Tim has more books than Jim. Tim has the most stamps in his class.(10) 你能正确识别下面的代词?读例句并总结他们的用法。IYouhesheitweyoutheyMeYouhimheritusyouthemMyyourhisheritsouryourtheir They often help me. (在动词后作宾语) We often do our homework from eight to nine. (做主语) The doctor checked their teeth. (修饰名词) This book isnt mine. Its hers. (索命前面的物品所属)(11) 关于基数词和序数词 I. 基数词表示数目和号码, 如: : The population of this city is one million and three hundred thousand. His phone number is 89276310. The live at 12, Bill Street. II. 序数词表示顺序,如: Take the second right. They live on the third floor. III. 注意下面基数词变为序数词的不规则变化: onefirst, twosecond, threethird, fivefifth, eighteighth, nineninth, twelvetwelfth IV. 注意下面十位数基数词变为序数词的不规则变化: Twentytwentieth, thirtythirtieth, fiftyfiftieth(二)学习语法和句型要注意的问题:(1) 应学会在大量已学的句子中学会观察、归纳和分析,找出语言的规律;(2) 学习语法和句型不是目的,而学习句型和语法目的是更好运用语言,但学习句型和语法可以准确地更好地理解和表达。(3) 要巩固句型与语法的知识,必须更多地运用,在语言的实践中加深对语法知识的理解。(4) 不需要背诵语法条条,更重要的是理解。第二部分:练习1. Rewrite the following sentences after the model. 按要求改写下面的句子。 Model: The young men are playing football. (basketball) Do the young men playing basketball? No, they arent. They are playing football. (1) There is a big garden behind the house. (in front of) _ _ (2) The teachers are in the classrooms. (teachers room) _ _ (3) Mike lives on the first floor of that building. (second floor) _ _ (4) All the students look happy. (worried) _ _ (5) The children are planting kapok trees on the hill. (pine trees) _ _ (6) The pupils can swim in the swimming pool. (lake) _ _ (7) Jim was born in New York. (Washington DC) _ _ (8) Ben saw a film last night. (listened to a concert) _ _2. Make up sentences with the given words. 连词成句。 (1) plays, often, who, tennis, you, with ? _(2) born, you, were, where ? _(3) when, play, piano, she, does, the ? _(4) clean, kitchen, who, will ? _(5) people, many, there, how, are, family, in, your ? _(6) job, your, what, is, fathers ? _(7) do, what, going, are, to, you, Saturday, this ? _(8) which, pets, rabbits, cats, like, better, you, or, do ? _(9) stamps, whose, these, are ? _(10) what, like, weather, yesterday, was, the, here ? _(11) you, which, do, prefer, the, the, toy, toy, toy, car, train ? _(12) the, much, jeans, are, how ? _3. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the where necessary. 在必要的地方选择a, an 或 the 填空。(1) There is _ apple and _ pear on the table.(2) My grandfather watch _ TV _ every evening.(3) My uncle lives on _ second floor of that tall building.(4) John goes to _ at about ten at _ night.(5) _ first girl from the right is my best friend Judy.(6) My father gets home at about five thirty _ every afternoon.(7) We can see _ office next to the canteen.(8) Whats _ weather like there today?(9) I saw _ animal in _ oak tree in _ garden.(10) _ sun is red, _ sky is blue. It will be _ sunny day.(11) I think my cousin is _ honest boy.(12) He stayed there for _ hour _ this morning.(13) Chongqin is _ biggest city in China.(14) Billy played chess with me _ yesterday afternoon. (15) Go ahead and take _ first right.4. Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks with in, on, beside, behind, in front of, under, from or of. 看图用 in, on, beside, behind, in front of, under, from, of填空。图:一幅客厅上,墙壁挂着一张家庭照片,沙发边有一张小桌子,桌前有一张小凳子,桌子下有一只小猫,桌子旁有一个冰箱,冰箱上有一些花。在窗的旁边有一个钟。This is a picture _ my friend Mr Webbs living-room. Mr Webb is _ the UK. _ the wall _ the living-room there is a picture _ his family. There is a sofa _ the living-room. _ the sofa there is a small table. There is a small stool _ the table. _ the table there is a fridge, _ the fridge there are some flowers. _ the window there is a clock. Look, whats _ the table? Oh, there is a cat.5. Fill in the blanks with the right words. 用适当的词填空。 (1) Yao Ming is good _ playing basketball. (2) The girl _ a red coat is my friend. (3) My sister often goes shopping _ my parents. (4) We live far away _ the supermarket. (5) We are going to visit the museum _ half past eight _ the evening. (6) Winter lasts _ December _ February there. (7) We are going to live there _ three months. (8) The Asian Game will be held in Guangzhou _ 2010. (9) His mother is worried _ him.(10) She usually gets to school _ a quarter to eight. (11) Does she often play badminton _ Saturday? (12) Sometimes we go skating _ Sunday afternoon. (13) _ the way, do you go to school _ foot or _ bus? (14) Help yourself _ some steakbeef. (15) He does well _ maths.6. Fill in the blanks with the right words. 选择适当的单词填空。 (1) The children have _(some, any) new computers in the classroom. (2) Does your father have _(some, any) Indian stamps? (3) Would you like _(some, no) coffee? (4) Are there _(some, any) red roses on the tree? (5) That boy doesnt have _(anything, something) in his hand. (6) Is there _(anything, nothing) in the bottle? (7) Can I have _(something, anything) to drink? (8) There was _(anybody, nobody) in the house. (9) I saw _(anyone, nobody) on the playground. (10) _(No one, Anything) can do it. 7. Fill in the blanks with the right nouns in the blanks. 用适当的形式写出下面句子中括号的名词。 (1) Yao Ming and Liu Xiang are my _(hero). (2) We like eating _(pork). (3) Those _(sheep) are from Australia. (4) The baby has some _(tooth) in the garden. (5) The two _(family) are close friends. (6) There are many small _(ball) in those _(box). (7) There are three _(factory) in the city. (8) You must drink plenty of _(water). (9) Those _(snowman) are very cute. (10) I like eating _(fish) for dinner.8. Fill in the blanks with the right pronounces. 根据句子括号内的中文意思,选择这些代词填入空格内。(1) _(你的) mother is going to give _(他) a dictionary.(2) _(我们) live with _(我们的) grandparents now.(3) _(他的) room is beautiful, but _(你的) is too small. (4) _(谁的) pictures are these? Are _(他们的) or _(你们的)? (5) Are the notebooks for _(我们) or _(他们)? (6) Let _(我们) go and see _(他). (7) Could you show _(我) _(你的) new story-book? (8) This ruler isnt _(我的). Its _(你的).(9) _(她) does _(她的) housework from nine to twelve.(10) Does _(他) often help _(你们)? Yes, _(他) often comes here and helps _(我们).9. Fill in the blanks with the right verbs. 用适当的动词形式填空。 (1) A: Look !. The children _(run) over there. B: _ they often _(run) in the morning. A: Yes, they _.(2) A: _ your mother _(work) at a toy factory? B: No, she _(work) at a small hotel. She _(be) a manager there. (3) A: _ the students _(visit) the museum yesterday? B: Yes, they _. They often _(visit) the farms, factories or museums at this time of the year.(4) A: _ you _(want) to buy new clothes? B: Yes, I _. My sister _(want) to buy some too. A: Tomorrow _(be) holiday. Lets _(go) shopping. B: All right. (5) A: What time _ Lucy usually _(get) up? B: She usually _(get) up at half past six. A: Its six thirty now. B: Yes, she _(put) on her clothes now. (6) A: Where _(be) you English teacher now? B: She _ (be) here an hour ago. I think she _(work) at the teachers office now. (7) A: _ you _(live) with your parents before you came tothis city? B: Yes, I _. A: What about your brother? B: He _(live) with my grandparents before we came here too. (8) A: _ you _(clean) your bedroom the day after tomorrow? B: No, I _(clean) it yesterday evening. (9) A: _ you _(invite) Janet and Ben to the birthday party tomorrow evening? B: Yes, of course. (10) A: What _ the word near _(mean)? B: It _(mean) close to. (11) A: What date _(be) it the day before yesterday? B: Well, today _(be) July 21st. The day before yesterday _ (be) July 19th. (12) A: Premier Zhou Enlai _(study) in France when he _ (be) young. B: Yes. Deng Xiaoping also _(study) in France too. (13) A: When _ Kates grandfather _(die)? B: He _ three years ago. (14) A:Listen! Your mother _(sing) an English song. B: Yes, she _(can sing) many English songs. (15) A: Look at the dog. She _(open) the door. B: Yes, she _(want) to go out.9. (1) are running, Do, run, do (2) Does, work, works, is (3) Did, visit, did, visit(4) Do, want, do, wants, will be, go (5) does, get, gets, putting (6) is, was, is working (7) Did, live, did, lived (8) Will, clean/ Are, going to clean, cleaned(9) Are, going to invite / Will, invite (10) does, mean, means (11) was, was(12) studied, studied (13) did, die, died (14) is singing, can sing (15) is openi

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