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U5词组1. producer 制片人2. cameraman 摄像师3. make-up artist 化妆师4. lighting manager 灯光师5. scriptwriter 编剧6. costume/set designer 服装/背景设计师7. stuntman 替身演员8. should be 本该9. war/action/science fiction/romantic/horror film 战争/动作/科幻/爱情/恐怖 片10. realist 现实主义者11. reality 现实12. realise 实现13. stand by 袖手旁观14. stand by to fire 准备开火15. stand for 代表16. the film industry 电影工厂17. not only/just but(also) 不仅而且(就近原则)18. Not only had the poor man been arrested, but also he had been sent to prison.这个可怜的老人不仅被逮捕,还被送进了监狱19. the loss of 的损失20. a lost/missing boy 一个走失的男孩21. mourn for/over 因而悼念22. take ballet lessons 上芭蕾课23. at a very young age = when sb was very young 在小时候24. dream of becoming 梦想做25. enter for 报名参加26. put ones effort into doing sth/sth 全身心投入做27. put into 投入之中28. put on 穿衣服29. put up 搭建30. put out 灭火31. put down 写下32. put away 把 放好33. put up with 忍受34. attract/draw/catch ones attention 吸引注意力35. attract sb to sp 把吸引到36. be made into 被制成37. insist on/upon sth/doing sth 坚持做38. her dream was to become a successful ballet dancer 她的梦想是去成为一名成功的芭蕾舞演员39. She had put most of her effort into ballet training before she entered the film industry. 在进入电影业前,她将她的全部精力投入到芭蕾训练中。40. play the lead role in 在扮演主角41. play the lead role of 扮演的主角42. during ones lifetime 在一生中43. earn four more/another four Oscar nominations 赢得了额外四次奥斯卡提名奖44. make an appearance 露面45. remember A to B 代A向B问好46. remember sb for 因为而记住47. be honoured with 被授予奖48. honour sb with 授予奖49. present sth to sb 给授奖50. throughout the world 遍及全世界51. be beyond repair 无法修52. prefer doing A to(介词) B53. devote oneself/be used/ pay attention/ look forward/ keep onself to(介词) doing54. pass away 逝去55. In her sleep 在她的睡梦中56. make her final appearance 最后露面57. Hepburn wanted to remind us that we should protect the environment.赫本想要记起要保护环境58. Herburns achievements went beyond the film industry.赫本的成就远远高于电影业。59. the President of the United States 美国总统60. of great charm 很有魅力61. charming 迷人的62. a play based on her novel 一部基于她小说的剧本63. film telling beautiful love story 讲述美丽爱情故事的电影64. romantic film 爱情片65. science fiction film 科幻片66. western 西部电影67. leave sb./ sth. to sp./表示地点的介词短语 把某人/某物落在某地68. happen 偶然发生69. take place (有预谋地)发生70. take a deep breath 深呼吸71. hold ones breath 屏住呼吸72. out of breath 上气不接下气73. out of sight 在视线外74. out of date 过时的75. all five of us=we five all 我们五个76. read the film review 看影评77. be suitable for all ages 适合全部年龄层次78. Its a documentary which is suitable for all ages.这是一个适合全部年龄层次的纪录片。79. It tells the story of family that once lived in hutong. 它讲述的是一个曾经住在胡同里的家庭的故事。80. Its an amazing film , which brings dinosaurs alive on screen.这是一个把恐龙栩栩如生带到屏幕上的令人惊讶的电影。81. Its a romantic film that is not suitable for children. 这是一个不适合儿童观看的爱情电影。82. Its about a woman who falls in love with a man when she travels on a ship. 它讲的是一个在船上旅行时与一位男人坠入爱河的女人。83. s special offer 一个特价84. fight against 反对而战85. fight 战斗力(不可数)/打斗(可数)86. fight with 与并肩作战87. fight for freedom 为自由而战88. What do you think about fights in action films? 你认为动作片里的打斗怎么样?89. have a bad effect on 对有坏的影响90. an experienced actress 一位有经验的女演员91. play the role of strong Chinese women very well 扮演坚强的中国女性十分好92. the Central Academy of Drama 中央戏剧学院93. a talented boy 一个才华横溢的少年94. a boy with lots of talent 一个有才华的少年95. Best Supporting Actress最佳女配角奖96. critics circle 评论团97. is consider as 被认为98. star 扮演角色99. be considered as /to be 被认为100. be about doing 打算做某事101. one-and-a-half hour film 一个半小时的电影102. one hour and a half 一个半小时


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