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Unit 4 第1课时Warming up.根据汉语意思完成句子1看到她伤得那么严重,我很难过。I _ _ _to see how seriously she was hurt.2不要为考试烦恼。Dont_ _about the exam.3他朋友的去世使他很伤心。His friends death_ _very much.4他的演说得到热烈的喝彩。His speech_ _ _cheers.5他们说了许多表示欢迎他的话。They _ _ _many expressions of pleasure.答案:1.was very upset2.upset yourself3.upset him4.was greeted with5.greeted him with.单项填空从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1How about going camping with us this weekend?_.AIs that right?BId like to, but I have no time.CWhat are you planning?DWhats for?答案:BId like to, but I have no time.我很想去,但却没时间。2Believe it or not, this old custom has a history of over 2,000 years, and it has_into the twentyfirst century.AflowedBsurvivedCspread Dfollowed答案:Bsurvive“幸存下来;保存下来”,符合句意。3Id like a room_window looks out over the sea.Athat Bin whichCwhose Dwhich答案:C关系代词whose在定语从句中作定语,whose相当于of which。题意:我想要一个窗户面临大海的房间。4The special clothes are_for the children who are disabled.Adesigned BplannedCchanged Dexpected答案:Abe designed for“为设计”。题意:这类特殊的服装是专门为残疾儿童设计的。其他选项不符合语意。5_the doctors really doubt is_my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.AWhat; when BThat; howCWhat; whether DThat; what答案:Cwhat在主语从句中作doubt的宾语;因为句中有soon,所以第二空不选when。6It was _by the railway board that the cost of rail fares would be increased by ten percent.Anoticed BstatedCsuggested Dnoted答案:B本题考查动词的辨析。state“宣布,通告,声明(口头的或书面的)”,suggest“建议”,后接宾语从句时,从句中要用虚拟语气(should动词原形),note(notice)“注意到”。根据句子意思可知,B为正确答案。7(2009江苏,33)What s the matter with Della?Well, her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the party, but she still _.Ahopes to Bhopes soChopes not Dhopes for答案:A考查省略。一般情况下,不定式的省略,承接上文保留到to。8(2009山东,30)Poor Steve! I could hardly recognize him just now! _. He has changed so much.ANever mind BNo problemCNot at all DMe neither 答案:D本题考查交际用语,根据He has changed so much可知选D。Me neither在这儿相当于Neither could I我也没认出来。.完形填空请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。We were about to gather up our trip things and return to our car when a man appeared. He looked_1_and asked us_2_we realized that these grounds were private property. Father looked very puzzled and the man pointed to a notice which_3_that camping was strictly_4_. Poor father explained that he had not seen the notice and didnt know that camping was not allowed. Though father_5_, the man did not seem satisfied and asked him_6_his name and address. All the way home, we were so_7_that hardly anyone spoke a word. This_8_event had spoiled a wonderful day in the country.For the _9_of the week, we wondered what_10_. The following Sunday, we stayed at home_11_it was a fine day. About noon, a large and expensive car stopped _12_our house. We were_13_when we saw several people_14_to have a picnic in our small garden. Father got very angry and went out to ask them_15_they thought they were doing. You_16_imagine his surprise when he recognized the man who _17_our address the week before! Both men burst out _18_and father welcomed the strangers into the house. _19_, we became good friendsbut we learned_20_we have never forgotten.1A.happy BangryCtired Dworried答案:B从本句的后半句来看,我们未经他同意而把旅行车停在他的私人地盘上,必定会招致他的愤怒,据此,B为正确答案。2A.if BbecauseCbefore Dthat答案:A本题四个选项均为连词,从句意来分析,此人是要问我们是否知道这些场地是他的私人财产。由此可知,ask后接的是一个宾语从句,所以B、C两项可排除。在A、D之间,if作“是否”解释,that无实际意义,很显然A为正确答案。3A.spoke BnoticedChad Dsaid答案:D表示布告、通知上的内容时,若用notice、announcement作主语时,谓语动词用say,且用主动语态,say与speak的区别在于say着重于说话的内容,而 speak着重于形式或语言,至于选项B、C,更不合题意。4A.welcomed BcontrolledCplanned Dforbidden答案:D根据上下文内容,该地是私人财产,在上面野营肯定是不允许的,并根据下句中not allowed推断,forbidden为正确选择。welcome显然不妥;control和plan有“控制”、“计划”之意,与下句的not allowed相比较,也有矛盾之处,故也应排除。5A.excused BapologizedCstopped Dwent away答案:B此时父亲只能向他道歉,故B项apologize为正确选择。A项的excuse虽也用来表示道歉,但该词是及物动词,通常都用 Excuse me来表示歉意;C项的stop意为“停止”,若用在这里则模糊不清,使人不知要停止干什么;D项中的go away更不符合题意。6A.because of BforCtelling Dwriting答案:B我们常用ask sb. for表示“向某人要(问)”,此人是问父亲的名字,故用for。ask后还可用不定式作宾语补足语,但不能用动名词,故C、D应排除;A项中的because of表示原因,用在这里也不妥。7A.moved BfrightenedCupset Dpleased答案:C在野营过程中,遇到这种事情,心情不可能高兴或感动,故A、D应排除,当然也不会感到害怕或恐怖,所以B项的frightened也不合适,只有C项的upset“沮丧”适合于表示这种心理状态。8A.unpleasant BsadCunkind Dunjust答案:A本题要求用一个适当的形容词修饰event,上述事情应该用unpleasant更恰当。sad是“悲伤”,unkind是“不友好”,unjust是“不公正”,用来修饰event均不妥。9A.end BrestCnext Dfollowing答案:Bnext和following意思相同,可修饰名词,但后面不能接of的介词短语,故该两词应予排除。本题的意思是:由于上述的遭遇,真不知在余下的时间里还会发生些什么,故应该用rest表示这一周余下的时间,end一般表示周末,但前面的介词应该用at。10A.would happen Bwould take placeCwill happen Dcome out答案:A本题的意思是不知道还会发生什么事,由于主句用过去时态,从句应该用过去将来时,故只能在A、B之间选择。happen与take place都可作“发生”解,都没有被动语态。其区别在于前者着重于偶然发生的事,后者往往指比较重大的,或有准备有预谋的事,根据本题的意思,A为正确答案。11A.while BbecauseCeven though Das if答案:C本题要求为状语从句选一个连词,while引导时间状语,because引导原因状语,even though引导让步状语,as if引导方式状语。从句意及上下文来看,由于有上次的不愉快事件,接下来一个周末,即使天好,我们也呆在家里,据此,C项的even though是合适的答案。12A.behind BinCinside Doutside答案:D此题很明显D项为正确答案,汽车只能停在房子外面,不可能停到里面或后面。13A.surprising BpleasedCastonished Dexciting答案:C根据when从句中所看到的事实,主人的心情肯定是非常的吃惊(astonished),而不可能高兴(pleased),A、D两项是现在分词,不能用来描述人的心理状态。14A.sitting BpreparingCplanning Dprepare答案:B本题描述了我们看到车上下来几个人欲在我们的小花园里野餐,要求选一个动词see的宾语补足语,由于看到的是正在进行的动作,故D项可排除。其余的三项中sitting表示坐在那里野餐,而事实上还刚下车,故与句意不符;planning表示的是还在计划中尚未付诸实施的动作,只有preparing表示正在准备,符合题意。15A.how BwhereCwhy Dwhat答案:D本题要选的词在句中作doing的宾语,因为本句的大意是:父亲很恼火,问他们想要干什么。选项中A、B、C都是疑问副词,只有D项的what是疑问代词,可作doing的宾语。16A.can BmustCshould Dhave to答案:A此处要求填入的情态动词表示可能性,即“你可以想象他的惊奇”,只有can可作此解释;must和have to都意为“必须”,前者强调主观因素,后者着重于客观因素;should表示应该,不合句意。17A.wrote BtookChad written Dhad taken答案:D本题表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前,故应该用过去完成时,所以A、B两项因时态错误而排除,本题的意思是:“上周记下我们地址的那个人”,D项应为正确答案,若用write表示“记下”、“写下”,应说write down。18A.crying BlaughClaughing Dcry答案:C句中burst out意为“突然”,后接动名词,故本题只能在A、C两项中选择,根据下文,父亲欢迎这些陌生人进屋,显然应选laughing。19A.On time BIn timeCBy time DAt time答案:Bby time和at time,在英语中无此词组,首先应排除,A项的on time为“准时”之意,B项的in time作“及时”、“终于”、“总有一天”解,在本题中作“终于”解释,即我们终于成了好朋友。20A.a lesson BknowledgeCa skill Dan experience答案:A这件事显然是一个教训,而不是“经验”、“知识”或“技巧”,故应选A项的a lesson。.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Arabs consider it extremely bad manners to start talking business immediately. Even the busiest government official always takes extra time to be polite and offer refreshments(茶点). No matter how busy you are, you should make time for this.The conference visit is a way of doing business throughout the Arab world. Frequently, you will have to discuss your business in the presence of strangers, who may or may not have anything to do with your business. Do not be surprised if your meeting is interrupted several times by people who come into the room unannounced, whisper, or speak softly to the person with whom you are talking, and leave. Act as though you do not hear, and never show displeasure at being interrupted.Making decisions quickly is not an Arab custom. There is a vagueness(含糊)in doing business in the Middle East which will puzzle a newcomer. Give yourself lots of time and ask lots of questions.When an Arab says“yes”, he may mean“maybe”. When he says“maybe”,he probably means “no”. You will seldom get a direct“no”from an Arab because it is considered not polite. Instead of “no”, he will say“inshallah”,which means“if God is willing”. On the other hand, “yes” does not necessarily mean“yes”. A smile and a slow nod might like an agreement but in fact your host is being polite. An Arab considers it rude to disagree with a guest.1The main purpose of this article is to explain_.Awhy you need extra time when you visit Arab countriesBhow to be polite when doing business in the Arab worldCwhy Arab officials are so busyDwhat Arabs say when doing business答案:B推理判断题。本文描述阿拉伯人在谈生意时的礼仪,其目的是告诉人们在阿拉伯做生意时要按阿拉伯人的风俗习惯去做。2According to the article, which of the following would be considered polite?AYou leave angrily because of interruptions.BYou demand an immediate decision.CYou refuse a cup of tea and show pictures of your product right away.DYou look out of the window while a stranger comes in to speak with your host.答案:D细节判断题。根据文章第二段第三、四句Do not be surprised if your meeting is interrupted. never show displeasure at being interrupted.可知,对于被打断对话等行为不要表现出吃惊,而应该表现出不在意的样子,因此,D为正确答案。3From this article we know that_.Awhen an Arab wants to say “yes”, he often says “maybe”Ban Arab seldom disagrees with a guest to his faceCwhen an Arab agrees, a smile and a slow nod will be givenD“inshallah”is an English word答案:B细节判断题。根据文章第四段的第二、三、四句.You will seldom get a direct“no”from an Arab because it is considered not polite. Instead of “no”, he will say“inshallah”, which means“if God is willing”可知,直接说“不”是不礼貌的,而应该说“如果上帝愿意”,因此,B为正确答案。4Which of the following is NOT an Arab custom?ATo dislike being interrupted during their meeting.BOften to give you a vague answer.CSeldom to say “no” directly.DSeldom to hesitate to start talking business in the presence of strangers.答案:D细节判断题。阿拉伯人在谈生意前都不直接进入主题,而D项与这一习惯相反,所以选D。.书面表达(2010湖北)请你根据以下提示,结合生活中的一个事例,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈微笑的作用。The best example of universally understood body language may be the smile. A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers. A smile can open doors and tear down walls.注意:1.无须写标题;2内容只需涉及一个方面;3词数为100左右。_参考范文:I still remember how nervous I was on my first day in the new school three years ago, when I found it difficult to follow my teacher in the first English class. The teacher spoke English throughout the class, which was totally different from the lessons I had taken before.In the morning class the next day, the English teacher came to me while was reading the text aloud as other students. After listening to me for a while, she gave me a big smile and said she liked my voice very much. The smile shone on the whole day and the following days. A week later, I volunteered to take charge of English study in my class.Thanks to the comtorung smile in my first morning class. I began to be confident.


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