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答案全解全析第二章 分类突破 第一节 书信 基础训练Writing 1【思路点拨】 由题目要求及图表内容可判断,书写本文的重点是:根据图表内容,用正确的英语语言表达出不同学生的饮食习惯(go to school withouthaving breakfast,eat snacks,be particular about food,eat or drink toomuch);最后就此发表自己的看法及建议(Its necessaryweshould)。【参考范文】Dear Mr Wang, You asked me to conduct a survey On studentseating habitsHere arethe results 30of the students go to school without having breakfast30of themlike eating snacksAbout 20are particular about foodThey just eat thefood they likeIn addition,there are 20of the students eating or drinkingtoo muchI think all of these are bad for studentshealth Its necessary for us students to have a healthy dietWed better havebreakfast before going to schoolWe should exercise more to keep healthyAnd We cant eat Or drink too much Yours sincerely, Tom【知识卡片】重点短语1in addition另外 2be bad for对有害处 3had better do sth最好做某事 4have breakfast吃早餐5keep healthy保持健康高级句型1In additionthere are 20of the students eating or drink-ing too much另外,有20的学生饮食过量。2Its necessary for us students to have a healthy diet对于我们学生来说,拥有健康的饮食很有必要。Writing 2【思路点拨】 这封书信可分三部分写。首先表达出写信的原因,然后介绍李琳,最后提出愿望或祝愿。写信原因可开门见山地说:I want to introducemy good friend,Li Lin,to you介绍李琳时,要充分利用提示词语,从外貌、性格、学习、爱好等方面进行介绍。【参考范文】Dear Mark, How is everything going?Now I want to introduce a good friend ofmine,Li Lin,to youShe wants to be your pen pal,too Li Lin is a beautiful girlShe has curly black hair and shes mediumheightShes more outgoing than meShes funny and often makes me laughHer favorite subject is math and she does very well in itIn her free time,shelikes traveling around the world Would you like to make friends with her?Write to us soon Yours, Liu Fang【知识卡片】重点短语1introduce sbto把某人介绍给2do well in在某方面做得好3write to sb给某人写信高级句型Shes funny and often makes me laugh她很有趣,经常逗我笑。 提升训练Wtiting 1【思路点拨】 本文为一封书信,所以在书写时注意格式的正确性。首先应表示问候,然后重点描写“学校图书馆卖旧报纸杂志”这个事,以及自己对此事的看法。最后表达自己盼望收到回信的心情(Im lookingforward to)。【参考范文】Dear Mike, How are you going? Now I want to tell you a surprising thingIn our school library there aremany old English magazines and newspapersAnd most of them were sold asrubbishBut I think they are usefulThey should be sold to students at suitable pricesIt will be helpful for the students who like English,and thesehool can also collect some moneyDo you agree with me? Im looking forward to receiving your letter Yours, Zhang bling【知识卡片】重点短语1at suitable prices以合适的价格 2agree with同意3.look forward to doing sth盼望做某事高级句型1They should be sold to students at suitable prices应该以适当的价格把它们卖给学生。2It will be helpful for the students who like English,and the school can also eoUect some money这对喜欢英语的学生会有帮助,同时学校也能获得一些资金。Writing 2【思路点拨】 这封回信可先用句子“Thanks for your letter”引出写作的重点给Li Ming提一些学好英语的建议。所提建议内容可以从词汇、语法、听说等方面展开。信的末尾可加上自己对Li Ming的希望或祝福,如Ihope,Best wishes等。【参考范文】Dear Li lVling, Thanks for your letterYou have asked me the ways to learn Englishwell in your letterNow I can give you some advice We know vocabularies are important in learning EnglishYou shouldcheck your vocabulary notebook every dayIts also a good idea to listen tothe radio and read a newspaper in EnglishRemembering some grammar isalso importantHow about writing down your mistakes and correcting them? Different people have different ways of learning EnglishI hope you canfind your favorite ways Best wishes! Yours sincerely, Wang Fei【知识卡片】重点短语1the best ways to do sth做某事最好的方法 2give sbsome advice给某人一些建议 3write down写下高级句型1Its also a good idea to listen to the radio and read a news-paper in English听英语广播和读英文报纸也是一个好主意。2How about writing down your mistakes and correcting them?把你的错误写下来并加以改正怎么样? 冲刺训练Writing 1【思路点拨】 本文为一封感谢信。书写本文时,首先要点明感谢的原因;接着表达要感谢的事情;最后在结尾处再次表达感激之情,这样既可以充分体现感激之意,又与开头相呼应。【参考范文】Dear Jim, Thank you very much for your English grammar bookIt is the bestpresent I have got on my birthdayIt is of great help to meAfter reading it,I know how to use English correctlyI also learn a lot about English gram-marIt is a good tool for my English studyI like it very much and I read itevery dayMy English is improving quickly now Thanks again for your kindness Yours, Li Hua【知识卡片】重点短语1thank sbfor因而感谢某人 2be of great help to sb对某人有很大的帮助 3a good tool for的好工具高级句型1It is the best present I have got on my birthday这是我生日收到的最好的礼物。2After reading it, I know how to use English correctly读了它之后,我知道了该怎样正确地使用英语。Writing 2【思路点拨】 本文为自荐信,开头要有称呼,结尾要有落款。由提示内容可知,首先应点明自己想参加的比赛项目(I want to take part in);然后再说明理由(because I am good at),说明理由时,要以所给的问题为主,即你从事这项运动的时间、你多长时间进行一次这项运动、你现在是否在某个球队等;最后可提出自己的愿望。【参考范文】Dear Sir or Madam, I want to take part in the basketball matchbecause I ain good at pla-ying basketballI started playing basketball when I was eight years oldI likewatching basketball matches。and I practice playing basketball every dayIam playing for our school basketball teamOur team has WOn many prizes indifferent matchesI hope I can have the chance to take part in the basketballmatch Yours, Li Wei【知识卡片】重点短语1take part in参加 2be good at擅长 3have thea chance to do sth有机会做某事高级句型1I started playing basketball when I was eight years old我八岁时开始打篮球。2Our team has won many prizes in different matches我们的团队在不同的比赛中获得了许多奖项。Writing 3【思路点拨】 从帖子的内容可看出,这位妈妈的问题是:女儿上网,不学习,不听劝说等。在书写时,应针对这些问题提出自己的建议。如:请求老师或女儿朋友的帮助;告诉女儿上网的弊端;鼓励女儿做些其他有意义的事情等。因为是提建议,可用一些祈使句或you should,youd better等句式。【参考范文】Dear Madam, Im sorry to know that you have so much trouble with your daughterButdont worryYou can ask her teacher for help or you can invite some of herfriends to have a word with herYoud better encourage her to realize thatspending too much time on computer games is bad for her health and stud-iesTry to encourage her to do other things instead of playing computergamesBesides,you may find some other topics that your daughter is interest-ed in,and then she may talk with youDont lose heartIt will be all right John【知识卡片】重点短语1ask sbfor help请求某人的帮助 2have a word with sb与某人交谈高级句型1Youd better encourage her to realize that spending too much time on computer games is bad for her health and studies你最好鼓励她意识到花费太多时间在电脑游戏上对她的健康和学习都没好处。2Besidesyou may find some other topics that your daughter is interested in,and then she may talk with you另外,你可以找一些女儿感兴趣的其他话题,那样她可能会与你交谈。 第二节 日记 基础训练Writing 1【思路点拨】 这是一篇日记,要注意格式。首先应交代时间及天气,然后开始写正文。正文部分要说明旅行的地点、那里人们的表现、“我”的活动和感受等四个方面。在描写活动时,可用多种句型表达,如感叹句、复合句等。书写时用一般过去时表达。【参考范文】May 1st,Sunday Fine The weather is fine todayI went to the beach for a trip with myclassmatesHow beautiful the beach was!There were many people on vaca-tionThey were fiiendlv to each otherWe SWalTI in the sea and then playedbeach volleyballWhen we were tired,we lay on the beach and relaxedAtnoon we felt a little hungry,so we went to have seafoodIt was very deli-cious! All of us had a great time【知识卡片】重点短语1go to the beach去海滩 2on vacation度假 3be friendly to对友好高级句型1How beautiful the beach was!海滩真美呀! 2When we were tired,we lay on the beach and relaxed当我们累了,就躺在沙滩上休息。Writing 2【思路点拨】 日记的特点就是记叙当天的主要事件。由于l3记的开头已给出,我们只要按要点提示依次将事件写出即可。注意事件之间的连贯性,可用一些连词如and,but,so等。【参考范文】May 6th,Wednesday Fine When I got home after school in the afternoonI found my mother was illin bedMy lather was away on business,so I sent my mother to hospital andbought some medicineLuckily,my mother was not badly ill After we got home,I began to cook dinner and do some washing for mymotherMy mother was very happy and praised me I think I have grown up now and I should help my parents do something【知识卡片】重点短语1on business出差 2do some washing洗衣服高级句型I think I have grown up now and I should help my parents do something我想,现在我已经长大了,我应该为父母做些事情。 提升训练Writing 1【思路点拨】 日记的格式已写好,接下来应正确理解图画内容:早晨8点钟骑车去农场;到达后去钓鱼(go fishing in a fiver);下午1点在农场唱歌(sing in the open air);下午4点回家。为了句子的连贯性,可适当地利用一些连接词(如:as soon as,after,and等)。最后用一句话概括今天的经历(a very special experience)。【参考范文】Saturday Sunny Today I rode to a farm with my MendsThere we had a good timeIn themorning we started at 8 oclock by bikeIt took us about two hours to getthereAs soon as we got there,we went fishing in a river,and enjoyed thebeautiful sceneryAt 12 oclock we had lunch on the farmAfter lunch we sattogether and sang happily in the open airAt about four oclock in the after-noon,we went back home together It was a very special experience for us【知识卡片】重点短语1as soon as一就2go fishing去钓鱼3on the farm在农场4in the open air在户外高级句型1It took us about two hours to get there我们花了大约两个小时到达那里。2As soon as we got there,we went fishing in a river,and enjoyed the beautiful scenery我们一到那里就去河里钓鱼,并且欣赏美丽的景色。Writing 2【思路点拨】 在书写这篇日记时,首先要点明事情发生的时间、地点,然后描写“我”帮助外国人买书的原因及结果,最后表达“我”的感想,如“我”要努力学习,提高自己的英语水平等。【参考范文】October 1st2009 Fine This morning,I went to Xinhua Bookstore to buy some booksIn thebookstore,I saw a foreigner trying to explain something to a librarianBut thelibrarian couldnt understand himThey were both worried and didnt knowwhat to doJust then I walked up to them and told the librarian that the for-eigner wanted to buy a Chinese dictionaryAt last,the foreigner got his bookHe smiled to me and thanked me a lot I was happy that I could help people in EnglishI decide to study har-der to improve my English【知识卡片】重点短语1see sbdoing sth看见某人正在做某事2at last最后高级句型1He smiled to me and thanked me a lot他对我微笑并且非常感谢我。2. I decide to study harder to improve my English我决定更加努力地学习,提高我的英语水平。 冲刺训练Writing 1【思路点拨】 本文为图画作文,书写前应理解图画的内容:图画:你骑自行车去上学;图域:由于你骑车太匆忙,结果撞到了一辆车上;图画:司机从车里出来,而你自己摔倒在地;图画:交警告诉你应遵守交通规则等。 【参考范文】July 19th,Monday Fine This morning I got up at 7:00I was afraid that I would be lateso Irode my bike to school in a hurryBecause it was the rush hour,there werelots of cars and people in the street and the traffic was heavyWhen I came toa crossing,a car suddenly appearedI hit the car and fell off my bikeThedriver got out of his car to make sure that I was OKJust then,a policemancame overHe told me to be careful next time and asked me to follow thetraffic rulesNow I know the safety is veryimportantWe must be very care-ful【知识卡片】重点短语1get up起床2in a hurry匆忙3follow the traffic rules遵守交通规则高级句型1Because it wasthe rush hour,there were lots of cars and people in the street and the traffic was heavy因为是交通高峰期,所以街上车辆和行人很多,交通很拥挤。2The driver got out of his car to make sure that I was OK司机从车里出来,确认我是没事的。Writing 2【思路点拨】 由开头句可知,下面应用一句话引出美国环保专家Black先生(invite the American expert,Mr Black,to give us an English speech about);接着表达这次“演讲背景”的内容(destroy the earth,cut down trees,leaverubbish everywhere);最后陈述自己的感想(be worried about,do ourbest,make a contribution to)。【参考范文】October 28th,Thursday Fine Today our school held a speech about how to protect the earthWe invi-ted the American expert,Mr Black,to give us an English speech about itHetold us humans were destroying the earthSome people cut down trees;somepeople left rubbish everywhere;some people were polluting the environmentbecause they didnt know the earth was in danger After heating the speech。I was worried about our environmentWeshould do our best to protect our earthEveryone should make a contributionto it【知识卡片】重点短语1invite sbto do sth邀请某人做某事2cut down砍倒(树) 3in danger处于危险之中 4be worried about担心 5make a contribution to为做贡献高级句型1He told us humans were destroying the earth他告诉我们,人类正在破坏地球。2. some people were polluting the environment because they didnt know the earth was in danger一些人正在污染环境,因为他们不知道地球正处于危险之中。Writing 3【思路点拨】 因为日记的开头已给出,所以可直接写要表达的内容:父母各自做什么,我打扫什么地方,垃圾的处理方法等。因为是罗列一些动作,为了使句子连贯,可适当地使用and,then,but,however等连接词。最后要陈述感受,如We all felt tired,but when we saw the clean house,we werehappy等。【参考范文】May 24th,Sunday Sunny Today is SundayI didnt go to schoolMy parents wanted me to cleanthe house witIl themMum cleaned the kitchen:Dad cleaned the living roomand swept the floorAnd I cleaned my bedroom and then threw out the rubbishMum told me to sort the rubbish into paper,plastic,metal and otherthingsMum said that most rubbish can be recycledI think its a good ideato do that so we can make less pollutionIt took us about two hours to finishcleaning the houseAt last,we all felt tired,but when we saw the cleanhouse,we were happy【知识卡片】重点短语1go to school去上学2throw out扔掉3sortinto把分成 4at last最后高级句型1Mum said that most rubbish can be recycled妈妈说大部分垃圾可回收。2I think its a good idea to do that so we Call make less pol-lution我认为那样做是一个好主意,这样我们可以减少污染。 第三节 通知 基础训练Writing 1【思路点拨】 通知标题、称呼、日期、落款都已给出,我们可直接表达出通知的内容即可,即“活动内容”、“集合时间及地点”等,最后可陈述“要求”。写通知时应直截了当,避免哕嗦。【参考范文】 Notice May 22nd,2010 Boys and girls, We are going to the Center Park to do some cleaning as volunteers tomorrowWell meet at the school gate at 8:00 in the morningPlease take your broom with youDont be late,please StudentsUnion【知识卡片】重点短语1be going to打算,将要 2do some cleaning打扫卫生高级句型1Please take your broom with you请带上扫帚。2Dont be late,please请不要迟到。Writing 2【思路点拨】 本文首先表达校环保俱乐部的决定,然后再提出对成员的要求,即穿戴什么,带什么物品,集合时间、地点等。【参考范文】 Notice HeH0,everyone!The day after tomorrow is SundayIt8 our duty to pro-tect our environmentSchool environment club decides that all the memberswill go to the Peoples Park to pick up litterPlease wear old clothes andgloves and take plastic bagsIts hot,so we need to take some water with usWe will meet at eight oclock at the park gate on Sunday morningPleasedont be late Thats allThanks for listening School Environment Club【知识卡片】重点短语1the day after tomorrow后天2pick up拾起,捡起高级句型Please wear old clothes and gloves and take plastic bags请穿旧衣服、戴手套,并带上塑料袋。 提升训练Writing 1【思路点拨】 书写本文时,首先要引出话题周六进行登山活动,然后按时间顺序写出表格里的活动安排,最后可提出一些注意事项和祝愿等。【参考范文】Hello! Everyone, Attention,please Here is good news for youWere going to climb the hill and have a pic-nic together on Saturday Well meet at the school gate at 7:00 in the morningThen well set offat 7:20First we will climb the hill at about 8:00At about 11:30 well havea picnicAfter the picnic,we are going to have an English party from 2:00 to4:00Well go back at 4:30 Everybody needs to take some food and drinks for the picnicDont belateAnd I believe well have a great weekend【知识卡片】重点短语1have a picnic进行野餐2set off出发高级句型And I believe well have a great weekend而且我相信我们会有一个愉快的周末。Writing 2【思路点拨】 本题要求根据广告要点写通知。很明显,通知要点应包括英语晚会的时间、地点、节目安排和领票地点等内容。【参考范文】Boys and girls, May I have your attention,please?There is going to be an English eve-ning held by StudentsUnion,Foreign Language School in Room 316 MeetingHall at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday,May 29thDuring the party,you will enjoyprogrammes,such as songs,dances,stories and playsAnyone who wants totake part in it,please go to Room 205 Office Building for tickets Thank you!【知识卡片】重点短语1such as例如2take part in参加高级句型Anyone who wants to take part in it,please go to Room 205 Office Building for tickets任何想参加晚会的同学,请到办公楼205室领票。 冲刺训练Writing 1【思路点拨】 根据通知的书写要求可知,接下来应书写通知的正文部分,即表达通知的事由、时间、地点等。语言应简洁明了,内容要有条理。当然,必须注意句子之间的安排,使之符合逻辑,条理清楚。【参考范文】Boys and girls, Attention,pleaseTomorrow well go to the museum to see tIle exhibitionof some pictures about mud-rock flow in Zhouqu County,Gansu ProvinceWemust be at the school gate before 9:00 a.m. We will go by busPlease re-member to take your pens and notebooks with youDuring the visit,weshould watch carefully and write down anything unforgettableAfter the visit,we have to write a report and hand it in next Monday Thats allThank you【知识卡片】重点短语1at the school gate在学校门口2take sthwith sb某人随身携带某物3write down写下,记下4hand in上交高级句型1Tomorrow well go to the museum to see the exhibition of some pictures about mud-rock flow in Zhouqu County,Gansu Province明天我们将去博物馆观看有关甘肃省舟曲县泥石流灾害的图片展览。2During the visit,we should watch carefully and write down anything unforgettable在参观过程中,我们应该仔细观察,记下每一件令人难忘的事情。Writing 2【思路点拨】 本文为书面通知,为了醒目起见,正文上方要写上NOTICE。通知的内容包括目的、集合地点、时间、去的方式及注意事项等。 【参考范文】 NOTICE Tomorrow is Tree Planting DayWe will have no classesWe will go toplant trees in the parkWe will meet at the gate of our school at 8:00 in themorning and go there by bikeWe will have lunch therePlease bring somewater and food with youDont be late The Headmaster Office March 11th【知识卡片】重点短语1Tree Planting Day植树节2have lunch吃午饭高级句型Please bring some water and food with you请随身带一些水和食物。Writing 3【思路点拨】 本文可先表明举行音乐会的原因、时间及地点;然后表明音乐会的活动形式及内容;最后提出要求。【参考范文】Hello! Everyone, AttentionpleaseIn order to help the flood victims in south part of ourcountry,our school decided to hold a concert in our school music hall at nineoclock next Sunday morningThe concert will last for two hoursMany fa-mous musicians will comeThey will play music and sing songs to raise mort-eyThe money we get will be given away to help the flood victimsPlease at-tend it on time Thanks for your listening! StudentsUnion【知识卡片】重点短语1in order to为了2hold a concert举行一场音乐会3raise money募捐4give away捐赠高级句型1In order to help the flood victims in south part of our country,our school decided to hold a concert in our school music hall at nine oclock next Sunday morning为了帮助我国南方的水灾灾民,我校决定下星期天上午九点在学校音乐厅举行一场音乐会。2The money we get will be given away to help the flood victims我们得到的钱将捐赠出去以帮助那些水灾灾民。 第四节 便条 基础训练Writing 1【思路点拨】 从对话内容可判断,这是Betty执笔为Mr Smith写的电话留言,内容为:Fred打电话给“你”,但“你”不在。他让“你”给他回电话。电话号码为3458965。【参考范文】Telephone MessageFrom:Fred To:Mr Smith Date:October 9th Time:9:00 Message:Mr Smith,Fred called you,but you were out at thattimeHe asked you to call him upHis phone numberis 3458965 Betty【知识卡片】重点短语1be out外出,不在家2call sbup给某人打电话高级句型He asked you to call him up他让你给他打电话。Writing 2【思路点拨】 在写这个便条时,首先应对别人的邀请表示感谢以及对不能前去参加表示歉意;然后要说出不能参加的理由;最后要表达自己对邀请人的祝愿。【参考范文】Dear Mary, Thank you for inviting me to your birthday partyBut Im very sorry that I cant go to the party because I must visit my grandmother with my parentsthis SundayShe is ill in hospitalI hope you will have a good time Yours, Tom【知识卡片】重点短语1be ill in hospital生病住院2have a good time玩得愉快高级句型Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party谢谢你邀请我参加你的生日聚会。 提升训练Writing 1【思路点拨】 这是一份留言条,首先要有称谓,即Dear Wang Hai;接着陈述写此留言条的原因,即今天晚上8点在家举行派对(have a party),并邀请他参加;然后提出对王海的期望;最后是落款。【参考范文】Dear Wang Hai, I am going to hold a party with several other friends at home todayThe party will start at 8:00 p.m. I sincerely hope you can attend and we will have a happy time togetherPlease come on time Yours, Li Lei【知识卡片】重点短语1hold a party举行派对2at home在家高级句型I sincerely hope you can attend and we will have a happy time together我真诚地希望你能参加,而且我们在一起将会玩得很开心。Writing 2【思路点拨】 本题采用图示与提示相结合的方法,要求写一篇留言条。写作重点是根据图示告诉Rob


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