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主谓一致知识点总结 由and 连接两个名词性主语时,and 后面的名词没有冠词,其谓语动词用单数形式。由 and 连接两个名词作主语表示不同的人或事,句中的谓语动词用复数。 1. The worker and writer _(work) in their factory. 2. A cart and horse _(see) in the distance. 3. Mary and Rose _(like) English. 二、 有下列做主语的定语时,动词形式与主语一致: 主语+ with + sth +V.(动词与主语保持一致) together with along with but,(unlike) except, including besides; as well as 4.A famous doctor together with some nurses, _ to help us. A.have sent B.has sent C.has been sent D.have been sent 5.No one except my parents _ about it. A.know B.knows C.knowing D.to know 三、 many a (n.), more than one +单数名词+动词单数形式 (许多) 6.Many a student _ collecting stamps. A.like B.liking C.is like D.likes 7.More than one student _(have ) been to BeiJing. 四、Each, any, every, the number of, either, neither, noand no, no, eachand each, everyand every 后跟单数名词,谓语动词也用第三人称单数。 8.The number of student _(be) 70. 9.Neither of them _(have) been to the Great Wall. 10.No one except Jack and Tom _ the answer. A.know B.knows C.is knowing D.are known 五、The +adj. (形容词名词化)指人,谓语用复数, 指事用单数。 11.The wounded _(have) been sent to hospital. 12. The unusual _(be) what he likes. 13.The poor_(not, have)enough food. 六、 none作主语时,若代表可数名词其谓语用单数,也可用复数 none作主语时,若代表不可数名词其谓语用单数。 14.None of us_(have)a dictionary. 15.None of them _(like) the play. 16.None of the work _(have)been done. 七、 What, which, who, any, more, most, all等作主语时,其谓语动词可以用单数也可以用复数,主要根据句子单复数来定。 17.Which _(be) your dictionaries. 18.Which _(be) your room. 19.All _(go) well. 八、表示时间、重量、长度、价值等的名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 20.One hundred Li _ (be) covered in single night. 21.Twenty dollars a week _(be) the total of their income. 22.Two hours _(be) enough to do the work. 23.The net two days _(be) full of happiness. 九、不可数名词前若有表数量的复数名词,当其作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。 24.Fifteen tons of wheat _(have) been burnt. 25.Three bags of rice _(be) 100 dollars. 十、在定语从句中谓语动词应和先行词保持一致。 26.I was the only peoson in my family who _(be) invited. 27.I was one of the persons in my family who _(be) invited. 十一、clothes, trousers, shoes 作主语时谓语动词用复数. A pair of ( this pair of )+复数名词: 谓语动词用单数。 28.This pair of glasses _(be) worth 100 dollars. 29.When clothes _(be) washed, they dontt dry easily in winter. 十二、a piece of a kind of + n. 谓语动词用单数。 a type of pieces of kinds of + n. 谓语动词用复数。 types of 十三、A number of +名词复数: 谓语用复数。 The number of +名词复数:谓语动词用单数。 30.A number of students _(be) playing on the playground. 31.The number of students _(be) sixty. 十四、all, some, half, a lot, plenty, any, part, the rest, most, percent of +名词作主语, 若of后的名词是复数,谓语动词用复数;若of后的名词是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。 32.All of the work _(have) been done. 33.The rest of the students _(be) still in the classroom. 34.Part of the villagers _(work) in the factories. 35.Seventy percent of the work _(be) done by children. 36.Fifty percent of the students in our school _(be ) boys. 十五、学科名词如:physics, maths, politics, 等 以 “ s ”结尾的名词作主语时,谓语用单数。 37.Physics _(be) very interesting. 38.Politics _(be) very important. 十六、倒装句的主谓一致: 39.On each side of the street _ a lot of trees. A.are grown B.is standing C.grows D.stands 40.Here _ two buses. A.come B.comes C.is coming D.goes 41.On the wall _famous paintings. A. have B.are C.is D.has 十七、当family,team,class等表示集体概念时用单数单数,但指 “人”时用复数. 42.My family as well as I _ glad to see you. A.was B.is C.are D.am 43.My family _ a happy one. A.are B.was C.were D.is 44.The whole class _ greatly moved at his words. A.was B.were C.had D.is 十八、当each放在句首时是代词,用单数;但当each放在句中或句尾时是副词,谓语与主语一致。 45.Each of us _(have)a new pen. 46.They _(have) a new pen each. 47.They each _(have) a new pen. 十九、用and 连接的两个单数名词前分别有every, no 时,谓语用单数。 48.Both wheat and rice _ grown in that country. A.is B.are C.was D.has 49.No teacher and no student _allowed to touch the machine. A.are B.were C.is D.has 50.Every flower and every bush _ to be cut down. A.is B.are C.were D.will 51.Each man and each woman _ asked to attend the meeting. A.are B.is C.has D.were 二十、all在句中作主语,指物时用单数,指人时用复数。 52.All but him and me _ to the cinema. A.are going B.is going C.was going D.has gone 53.All of the fruit _ ripe. A.looks B.look C.looked D.looking 54.All but one _ here just now. A.is B.was C.has been D.were

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