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Lesson 1一、 找出你所听到的单词( )1. A. from B. front C. friend( )2. A. come B. some C. name( )3. A. back B. desk C. bike( )4. A.seat B. sit C.meat( )5. A. class B. glass C. ask二、 在画线部分读音相同的单词后面画“”,不同的画“”1 . our your ( ) 2 . welcome come ( )3 . eleven egg ( ) 4 . seat please ( )5 . class back ( ) 6 . here there ( )7 . good food ( ) 8 . morning short ( )9 . his Chinese ( ) 10 . have name ( )三、选择填空( )1. I some new books . A . has B . have C . there is ( )2. two new friends in our class. A .There is B. There are C. have( )3. Welcome our class. A .in B.to C. at( )4. Please go back to esat . A .you B. your C. my( )5. I come Britain . A. from B. in C. on( )6. eleven. A. I B. Im C. My( )7. Lets begin class. A. us B. we C. our( )8. Where you from? A. is B.are C. amLesson 2一、 听问句,选择最佳答语( )1 . A .Hes five. B.Im ten.( )2 . A .I come from China. B.Im in China.( )3 . A .Yes , I am B.Yes .he is .( )4 . A .Bob is from Britain. B. Im Bob .二、 将画线部分读音不同的单词的序号填入题前括号内( )1. A. ten B. twelve C. she D. eleven( )2. A. that B. maths C. apple D. name( )3. A. Bob B. coke C. home D. tomato( )4. A. eleven B. English C. jacket D. desk( )5. A. good B. look C. foot D. goose三、选择填空( )1. Where Tom and Mary from ? A. am B. is C. are( )2. They come China . A. from B. at C. in( )3. Bob , please go back to your . A. seats B. a seat C. seat( )4. I some good friends . A. has B. have C. there is ( )5. thirty . A. I B. My C. Im四、用方框内所给内容补全对话A: Good morning , Peter .B: (1) Bob. a. Whats the time,A: (2) please ? b. Good morning,B: Its seven fifty . Its time for our class . c.Whats the first class?A: (3) d.OKB: English. e.Do you like English?A: (4) B: Yes , I do .A: Lets go to the classroom .B: (5) ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5) Lesson3一、 找出你所听到的短语( )1. A. my name B. your name C. his name( )2. A. Purple Street B. Green Street C. Blue Street( )3. A. be friends B. good friends C. many friends( )4. A. how about B. what about C. talk about( )5. A. Class One B. Grade One C. Number One二 在与例词划线部分读音相同的单词后面画“”不同的画“” name ( ) four ( )1 same 2 your maths ( ) our ( ) do ( ) here ( )3 go 4 where Potato ( ) there ( ) give ( ) father ( )5 five 6 class driver ( ) park ( )三 用适当的词填空1. Look my new book .2. We have maths lessons Monday .3. How books do you have ?4. a nice car !5. Shall we talk English ?四 回答下列问题1Whats your name ? Name is .2. What class are you in ? Im in , .3. Where are you from ? Im from .4. Whats your father ? is a teacher .Lesson4一、 听问句,选择最佳答案,将其序号填入题前括号内( )1. A. Im in Class Two . B. Im in Grade Four .( )2. A. Im ten years old . B. Im Number 21 .( )3. A. I live at 23 Purple Street . B. Im at home .( )4. A. Yes. it is . B. Yes , I am .二 找出画线部分读音不同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内( )1. A. grade B. name C. same D. apple( )2. A. are B. warm C. park D. car( )3. A. five B. milk C. big D. this( )4. A. home B. go C. dog D. coke( )5. A. what B. water C. watch D. want三 选择填空( )1. Your name Tom . A. am B. is C. are( )2. We are in class . A. same B. same of C. the same( )3. I live Apple Street. A. on B. at C. in ( )4. I want home . A. to go B. go C. going四 用所给词的适当形式填空1. We have some .(friend)2. Let begin our class .(we)3. I from China .( be)4. Thats a girl . is ten .(she)5. Boy, go back to your 。(seat)6. I come from .(British)7. They are chairs . (child)8. the boy and the girl in Class One ? ( be ) Lesson 5一、 根据听到的内容选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号内( )1. Whos boy ? A. this B. that C. the( )2. name is Bob. A. My B. His C.Her( )3. Is she good at ? A.maths B. Chinese C. English( )4. How old is ? A.he B. she C. it( )5.She has hair . A. short B. long C. black二 、在画线部分读音相同的单词后面画“”。不同的画“”1. long old ( ) 2. good school ( )3. sorry short ( ) 4. Chinese desk ( )5. cute put ( ) 6. maths grade ( )7. name same ( ) 8. ten twelve ( )9. how window ( ) 10. driver milk ( )三、根据括号内的中文完成各句1. Whats (他的)name?2. What (年级)are you in ?3. How old is (你哥哥)?4. Were in (五年一班)。5. Shes good at (唱歌跳舞)。四、按要求改写各句1. Im in Class Three . (就画线部分提问) you ?2. I live at 47 Green Street .(就画线部分提问) you ?3. Will you come to my home? (改为肯定句) I home.4. I want to play football . ( 就画线部分提问) you ?5. His name is Tom (就画线部分提问) Name ?Lesson 6一 将你听到的短语的序号填入题前括号内( )1 A. short hair B. long hair C. brown hair( )2 A. small eyes B.big eyes C. black eyes( )3 A.a small mouth B.a big mouth C.a mouth( )4 A. a clever girl B. a quiet girl C.a pretty girl( )5. A. her name B. his name C. your name二 在与例词画线部分读音相同的单词后面 “”。不同的画“” milk ( ) girl ( )1 his 2. her five ( ) teacher ( ) old ( ) same ( )3. nose 4. name long( ) happy ( ) music ( ) seat ( )5 student 6 green duck ( ) coffee ( )三 补全对话A: Excuse me ,where is your uncle ?B: Oh, he is from England. He is .A: does he ?B: a teacher .A: What does he teach?B: He English .A: Are you in the school ?B: No , hes in a different school .A: does he go to work ?B: on a bike .A: Does he often help you with your English ?B: Yes ,Tomorrow hes help me again .Revision一、 听问句,选择最佳答语,将其序号填入题前括号内( ) 1. A . Yes, it is . B. No, it isnt . C. No, Im not. D. Yes, I am not.( ) 2. A. A computer B. A keyboard C. A mouse D. On TV( ) 3. A. Yes , I am B. No, Im in Row 3 C. Im Number 3 D. Yes,Im in Class 3( ) 4. A. How are you? B. Im eleven. C. Im old. D. Im not old( ) 5. A. Yes ,it is . B. No , its five. C. Its seven D. Its eight二、根据括号内的中文完成各句1. We are (在同一个年级)。2. She has (圆脸)3. That is a (可爱的图片)三、阅读短文,完成表格 Carl is a good boy. Hes ten years old . He is from England . He is in Row Three , Im in Row Four. I sit just behind him . Hes Number Four . Cathy has black hair. She is eleven. She is in Row Five. She is Number Seven. She comes from America . Tom is an Australian boy . He and I are in the same row .His number is six. Today is his lenth birthday. Name Country Age Row Number Tom Carl Cathy Lesson 7一 讲你听到的短语的序号填入题前括号内( )1. A. my new friend B. his new friend C. her new friend( )2. A. yellow hair B. black hair C. long hair( )3. A. blue eyes B. black eyes C. big eyes( )4. A. a maths class B. a maths teacher C. a maths book( )5. A. his name B. her name C. my name二 找出画线部分读音不同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内( )1. A. good B. too C. zoo D. school( )2. A. name B. same C. game D. maths( )3. A. come B. old C. coke D. home( )4. A. twelve B. seven C. she D. yellow( )5. A. look B. book C. food D. good三 选择填空( )1. Whats name? A. hes B. his C. he( )2. How old is ? A. shes B. her C. she( )3. Is Peter good Chinese ? A. in B. at C. of( )4. My father from Australia A. come B. comes C. be( )5. a good-looking boy! A. How B. What C. Where( )6. - is the girl ? - Shes ten . A. How many B. How old C. How much( )7. your name ? A. What B. Whats C.How( )8. Whats your name? A. father B.fathers C. fathersLesson 8一 在画线部分发音相同的单词后面画“”不同的画“”1. how yellow ( ) 2. twelve eleven ( )3. old home ( ) 4. nine this ( )5. she these ( ) 6. are car ( )7. look good ( ) 8. name cap ( )二 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Are you good at ? (skate)2. Its time to have (we) English class.3. Tom , go back to your . (seat) 4. What would you like ? Id like some . (knife)5. What about (fly) a kite tomorrow ?6. Let (they) watch TV over there .三 就画线部分提问1. Hes twelve . is he ?2. Youre from China . are from ?3. Shes in Class Two . class she ?4. His name is Peter . his ?5. Her mother is a teacher . is mother ?6. Its seven oclock . the ?7. Toms brother is ten . is brother ?8. Im in Grade Five . grade you ?Lesson 9一 将你听到的句子序号填入题前括号内( )1. A. This is Tom . B. Im Tom .( )2. A. Glad to meet you B. Good morning.( )3. A. Im good at singing B. Shes good at singing. ( )4. A. Where are you ? B. Where are you from?( )5. A. lets sing together . B. Lets dance together .二 将与所给例词划线部分读音相同的单词序号填入题前括号内( )1. from A. home B. love C. long( )2. good A. food B. too C. look( )3. nice A. nine B. sing C. this( )4. where A. here B. there C. near( )5. glad A. name B. China C. maths( )6. come A. welcome B. old C. love三 阅读理解根据短文内容判断正误,正确的在题前括号内画“”错误的画“”Its nine oclock in the evening .My mother and I are at home . My mother is mending some clothes and Im watching TV . Wheres my father? Hes in his school. I think hes at work. He comes back at nine thirty. Look! Whats on TV now? Foot-ball ! An American team and an English team are playing football! The American team are wearing blue sweaters , and the English team are wearing red sweaters . Oh, I like football !( )1. There sre three people in my family.( )2. My mother and I are watching TV.( )3. My father is a student.( )4. Theres a football game on TV.( )5. The American team and the English team are wearing different sweaters.Lesson 10一、 将你听到的句子的序号填入题前括号内( )1. A. Im in Tianjin. B. I come from Tianjin.( )2. A. Im twelve . B. Hes twelve.( )3. A. Shes in Class One. B. Hes in Class One.( )4. A. Yes,it is. B. Yes,he is.( )5. A. His name is Tom B. Her name is Lucy二 听问句选择正确答语,将其序号填入题前括号内( )1. A. I live in Beijing . B. I come from Tianjin( )2. A. Im good at maths. B. Im cute. ( )3. A. I like a quite place. B. She likes dancing. ( )4. A. Shes eleven. B. She has a big mouth.三 在画线部分发音相同的单词后面画“”不同的画“”1. from old ( ) 2. Japan France ()3. China this ( ) 4. where here ( )5. dance France ( ) 6. song long ( )7. at cat ( ) 8. come from ( )四 根据括号内的中文补全下列各句1. (几岁)are you ? Im twelve.2. Rose isnt very (伶俐的)3. My bike is very (旧的)4. (怎样)is your grandfather?5. Feifei is a (害羞的)girl. 6. How (有趣的)the book is !7. Ann is pretty and (安静的)。8. My grandmother (看上去)young.五 用适当的词填空1. She blue eyes .2. a good-looking boy he is !3. I live 78 Apple Road.4. What are you in? Class One.5. She has a brother. Name is Tom.Lesson 11一 将你听到的句子序号填入题前括号内( )1. A Where does she come from? B Where is she from ?( )2. A She sings very well. B He sings very well.( )3. A She likes playing the piano. B Shes good at playing the piano.( )4. A Were good friends. B Theyre good friends.( )5. A Do you know the girl with long hair? B Do you know the girl with short hair?二 在与例词画线部分读音相同的单词后面画“”不同的画“” do ( ) China ( )1. done 2. like come ( ) sing ( ) go ( ) how ( )3. so 4. know to ( ) yellow ( ) fly ( ) singing ( )5. my 6. with Many ( ) driver ( )三 用适当的词填空1. Are you Class Three ,Grade Five ?2. Where are you ?3. Im good dancing and singing.4. The girl short hair is my sister.5. Mary is good friend .6. How old your father?7. grade are you ?8. She from Canada.Lesson 12一 根据听到的问句,将正确答语的序号填入题前括号内( )1. A Yes,she does. B Yes, he does.( )2. A She comes from England . B I come from England.( )3. A Im in Class Two B Hes in Class Two.( )4. A Im from Shanghai B Yes ,Im from Shanghai.( )5. A Im twelve. B Its twelve.二 找出画线部分读音不同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内( )1. A like B sing C China D driver( )2. A read B speak C bread D please( )3. A book B look C good D too( )4. A piano B long C go D so( )5. A he B she C twelve D Peter三 选择填空( )1. Is that girl good dancing ? A in B at C with( )2. Mary is singing now. A song B songes C a song( )3. Helen is from . A English B American C Canada( )4. Let introduce his friends. A his B he C him四 补全对话A: Would you go to see a film today?B: Id .But I have to my homework .A: tomorrow?B: Yes, that will fine, By the way , is the film good ?A: Yes, its really a nice film .B: will it start ?A: It will start at 9:30 .B: OK . See you tomorrow .Revision一 将与听到的句子意思相近的句子序号填入题前括号内( )1. A. She is very pretty . B. Shes very well .( )2. A. He comes from China. B. Hes good-looking.( )3. A. You look smart. B. Youre twelve.( )4. A. He looks funny. B. He has a long pencil. ( )5. A. Her name is Mary. B. Her mother is a teacher. 二 在画线部分发音相同的单词后面画“”,不同的画“”1. hair where ( ) 2. long song ( )3. come love ( ) 4. has have ( )5. do does ( ) 6. good look ( )7. very twelve ( ) 8. pretty well ( )三 选择填空( )1. I a new kite . A. has B. have C. am( )2. He a long nose . A. has B. have C. is ( )3. My father from Canada . A. come B.comes C.coming( )4. her name, do you know? A. What B. Whats C. Where( )5. Where you come from ? A. are B. does C. do( )6. Where your mother from? A. does B. is C. do( )7. My brother very funny . A. look B. looks C. are( )8. - is the girl? - Shes ten . A. Where B. What C. How oldLesson 13一 根据听到的内容,补全下列短文This is boy. Name Peter. He comes England. Hes a student. Hes in Class , Grade . His father is a postman . His is a teacher .二 找出画线部分读音不同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内( )1. A. father B. France C. maths D. dance( )2. A. teacher B. read C. bread D. please( )3. A. family B. at C. am D. name( )4. A. brother B. does C. do D. come( )5. A. student B. computer C. rubber D. new三 根据括号内的中文完成各句1. The boy (在左面)is my brother.2. She (看起来像) her mother .3. Heres a picture of (幸福家庭)4. The book (在中间) is new .四 用适当的词填空1. The boy the right is Tom .2. The girl long hair is my sister .3. The man the middle is a postman .4. We are sister .5. Im Class Two , .6. Lets help .7. You look your mother .8. She likes a kite .9. Where your brother from ?10 - How old you ? - Im ten.Lesson 14一 找出与听到的单词属于同一类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内( )1. A. tailor B. tail C. write( )2. A. farmer B. farm C. class( )3. A. father B. funny C. sunny( )4. A. pretty B. new C. twenty( )5. A. my B. you C. him二 在与例词画线部分读音相同的单词后面画“”不同的画“” Like ( ) her ( )1 driver 2 sister Big ( ) tailor ( ) come ( ) she ( )3 mother 4 these to ( )


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