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Modul 1 RelationshipUnit1: Look at my family tree单词:Tree 树 father 父亲 mother母亲Grandmother 奶奶 grandfather爷爷 daughter女儿brother兄弟 sister姐妹 aunt姨,舅妈uncle叔叔 son儿子 cousin堂兄弟姐妹,表兄弟姐妹 who谁 she她, her她的he他 their他们的 tall高的his他的 shes =she is她是 hes = he is他是 whos=who is是谁 who谁 right对的so那么, child小孩,孩子 children孩子们have有, family tree 家谱, husband,丈夫 wife妻子短语:1.family tree家谱 2.my mothers brother 我的母亲的兄弟3.three children 三个小孩 4.their children 他们的孩子5.his wife 他的妻子 6.your grandmother 你的奶奶7.my grandfathers son 我的奶奶的儿子 8.her husband 她的丈夫句型导学:1. whats? 特殊疑问句,问什么?Eg: Whats that? Its my family tree.2. whos? 特殊疑问句,问一个人物的提问(谁,单数)?Eg : Whos Betty Webb? Shes my grandmother.Whos he/she/the man/the boy/the woman/the lady/the girl?Hes/Shes+姓名/称呼.3. Is he/she/人物名称? 一般疑问句,问某人是不是. 回答:Yes,he/she is. No,he/she isnt.4.have的用法,have,有的意思,只用在主语是复数(they,we,you,two men、three women)和I,you之后。eg : They have three children. I have three apples. Do you have a cat? Yes,I do. No,I dont. My father and mother have two children.5.and的用法 and,表示和的意思,表示前后两个事物,放在句子前面作主语时,be动词用复数are。Eg:David and Linda are my friends.放在句子中间动词后面Eg:Mary and you are sister and brother.Unit 2: Who Are They? 单词:old 老的 small,小的 beautiful,漂亮的 pretty,漂亮的美丽的 tall,高的 short,矮的 strong,强壮的 long,长的 cute,逗人喜欢的 boy,男孩 girl,女孩 bady婴儿women,妇女 man,男人 about,关于with有,和在一起what about怎么样 those,那些her,她的 look at,看 lady,女士 lim,苗条的短语导学:1.My aunt Jane 我的Jane阿姨 2.a beautiful women 一个漂亮的女人3.a tall man 一个高大的男人 4.uncle Sams son Sam叔叔的儿子5.a cute baby 一个可爱的婴儿 6.an old man 一个老人7.a short woman 一个小个子妇女 8. very pretty 十分漂亮9.a lady with grey hair 长着灰色头发的女士 10.look at that cute baby 看看那位可爱的婴儿句型导学:1.who is/are? 特殊疑问句,对人物是谁的提问。whos? 对某一人物(单数)是什么人的提问。Who is the man/boylady/girl/women? He/shes.who are+名词复数或复数代词? 对某些人物(复数)是什么人的提问。Eg:Who are the children? They are Mary and Tom.Who are they? They are2.Is it ? 一般疑问句,它是不是? Eg: Is it your bag? Yes,it is . No,it isnt.3. with的用法with,表示有,和在一起的意思 The girl with long hair is my sister. 那个有一头长发的女孩是我的妹妹。 Come here and sit with me .过来跟我一起坐。4. what about?的用法。What about?.怎么样?是对于前面问题的一个省略的提问,跟前一个问题是一样的Eg:A:Who is the girl in white?B:She is my sister.A:What about the tall man?=(who is the tall man?)B:He is my cousin. Unit 3 Lets go further句型导学:1. My name is+人物的姓名.我的名字是Eg: My name is XiaoMing. Modul 2 AnimalsUnit 4:We like Your farm单词:any一些 pig, 猪 some,一些,有些 cow,奶牛 duck,鸭子 goose,鹅 geese,鹅(复数) chicken,鸡 goat山羊, sheep,绵羊 horse马, dog,狗 cat,猫 farm,农场 do,助动词dont=do not 不, have,有 has,有(单数) like,喜欢 big,大的 Here they are. 在这儿bull,公牛 wow,哇 horn,角短语:1.very pretty 非常美丽 2.look at 看句型导学:1.Whats this/that? 对事物单数这、那是什么的提问。 回答:Its.Eg:Whats this? Its my cat.2.have跟has运用上的区别I/you/they/we/复数名词+haveHe/she/it/单数名词+hasEg: I have a cat. They have two children. Lucy and Lily have some books. She has a cute rabbit. The cat has a long tail.3.some 和any 的区别和用法some 和any都表示有一些,某一些的意思,后面接的一般是名词复数,但用法上有区别,some一般用在肯定句,而any一般用在疑问句和否定句中,但在疑问句中,想得到别人肯定回答的或真的很希望别人答应的就用some。Eg: I have some pets. Do you have any pets? Yes,I do.I have a dog and a rabbit. No,I dont have any pets Do you want to have some drink?4.Do you have? 你有没有什么? Yes,I do. No,I dont.Eg:-Do you have a pen? -Yes,I do. No,I dont.5.Does he/she/it 名词单数? 助动词do在主语是单数的时候要用单数形式,回答的时候也要主意主语和谓语一致。Eg:-Does he have a borther?-Yes,he does. No,he doesnt.- Does Lily have a rabbit?- Yes,she does. No,she doesnt.6. what about?的用法。What about?.怎么样?是对于前面问题的一个省略的提问,跟前一个问题是一样的Eg:A:Who is the girl in white?B:She is my sister.A:What about the tall man?=(who is the tall man?)B:He is my cousin. Unit 5:I have cute pets单词:rabbit, 兔子 mouse ,老鼠 mice,老鼠(复数) small,小的 big,大的 pet,宠物 tail,尾巴 fish, 鱼 dont=do not,不 but ,但是 frog,青蛙 turtle,乌龟guinea pig,豚鼠 goldfish,金鱼短语导学:1.a turtle and a frog 一只乌龟和一只青蛙2.four legs 四条腿3.a short tail 一条尾巴4.a big mouth 一张大嘴巴句型导学:1.Do you have? 你有没有什么? Yes,I do. No,I dont.Eg:-Do you have a pen? -Yes,I do. No,I dont.2.have跟has运用上的区别I/you/they/we/复数名词+haveHe/she/it/单数名词+hasEg: I have a cat. They have two children. Lucy and Lily have some books. She has a cute rabbit. The cat has a long tail.3. a是不定冠词,表示一(个,支,本,块)的意思,用在辅音素开头的单数名词前,如:a pencil(一支铅笔),a book(一本书);如:a clock 一座钟 a book 一本书 名词复数的变化规则 英语名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。其中,可数名词超过一个时,必须用复数形式。一下是名词复数的变化规则:1一般名词复数是在名词后面加上“s”,如mapmaps, bagbags等; 2以s, sh, ch, x等结尾的词加“es”,如busbuses, watchwatches等; 3以辅音字母y结尾的词,变y为i加es,如babybabies等;以元音字母 y结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数,如monkeymonkeys, holidayholidays, storeystoreys(楼层); 4以o 结尾的名词变复数时: a)加s的名词有:photophotos ,pianopianos, radioradios, zoozoos b)加es的名词有: potatopotatoes tomatotomatoes 5以f或fe结尾的名词变复数时: a)加s的名词有: beliefbeliefs roofroofs safesafes gulfgulfs b)去掉f, fe 加ves的名词有: halfhalves knifeknives leafleaves wolfwolves wifewives lifelives thiefthieves Unit 6 Lets go further句型导学:1. have跟has运用上的区别I/you/they/we/复数名词+haveHe/she/it/单数名词+hasEg: I have a cat. They have two children. Lucy and Lily have some books. She has a cute rabbit. The cat has a long tail.2. be from,表示来自什么的意思 Its from my grandpa.它来自我的外公/是我的外公送给我的。3. share 分享Lets share our happiness.4. but,但是,表示转折,于前文意思优异。 Too ,也是意思,一般用在句子的后面表示也的意思。Eg:I have a long tail .You have a tail too.But its short. 我有长长的尾巴,你也有尾巴,但你的尾巴很短。 Modul 3 NationlitiesUnit7: I have Many Stamps单词:American,美国人,美国的,美国人的 USA,美国 Chinese,中国人 ,中国人的,汉语Canadian,加拿大人,加拿大的 toy,玩具 train,火车 stamp,邮票 too,太,也 only,只有,仅仅 from ,来自 postcard,明信片 Australian, 澳大利亚人,澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人的French,法语,法国人,法国的,法国人的 Japanese, 日语,日本人,日本人的 German ,德国人,德国人的,德国的 because 因为短语导学:1. from the USA 来自美国2. an American stamp 一枚美国邮票3. a Chinese stamp 一枚中国邮票4. a Japanese stamp 一枚日本邮票5. a French stamp 一枚法国邮票6. an Australian stamp 一枚澳大利亚邮票7. a Canadian stamp 一枚加拿大邮票8. a German stamp 一枚德国邮票9. French train 法国火车 句型导学:1.What are +复数名词/复数代词? .是什么? They are .Eg: What are these?They are Chinese postcards.2. Are they +名词复数?一般疑问句,是不是Eg:Are they Canadian stamps? Yes,they are. No,they arent.3.Are these/those+名词复数? 一般疑问句,这些/那些是不是? Yes, they are. No,they arent.Eg:Are these you books? Yes, they are. No,they arent.4.Is this/that+名词单数?一半 疑问句, 这/那是不是? Yes, it is. No,it isnt.Eg:Is this your bag? Yes, it is. No,it isnt.5. be from,表示来自的意思,本文表示来自什么国家。Eg:It s a postcard from the USA.它是一张来自美国的明信片。6.Do you have? 你是否有? Yes,I do. No,I dont.Eg: Do you have any stamps? Yes,I do. No,I dont.7. any表示有一些,某一些的意思,后面接的一般是名词复数, any一般用在疑问句和否定句中,Eg: Do you have any pets? Yes,I do.I have a dog and a rabbit. No,I dont have any petsUnit 8: Where Are They From?单词:China, 中国 PRC,中华人民共和国 UK,英国,联合英国 Britain,大不列颠,英国 toy玩具 we 我们 were=we are,我们是both , 两者都 all,全部的 Canada,加拿大 Japan,日本 Germany,德国 France,法兰西,法国 Australia,澳大利亚 guess猜短语导学:1. from Janpan/China/Germany/Britain 来自日本、中国、德国、英国句型导学:1.Where be (is、are)+人称 from? 问别人来自哪里,一般是对国籍的提问。回答为be from +国籍。Eg:Where are you from? I am from Japan,Im Japanese.Where is he/the man/boy/she/the woman/girl from? He/she is from China.2.Be+某人+ from +国籍?一般疑问句,是不是来自某个国家?Eg:Are you China? Yes,I am. No,Im not. Is he from Canada? Yes,he is. No,he isnt.3.Do you have? 你是否有? Yes,I do. No,I dont.Eg: Do you have any stamps? Yes,I do. No,I dont. Unit 9 Lets go further句型导学:1. welcome to 欢迎。eg:Welcome to our school.2. be from,表示来自的意思,本文表示来自什么国家。 Eg: I am koto from Australia.3. pleaed to很高兴.Eg:Pleaed to meet you .Modul 4 My RoomUnit 10: It Is My Bedroom单词:room, 房间 Bedroom,卧室 wall,墙壁 door,门 window,窗户 stool,凳子 draw,画 picture,图片 of course,当然 ceiling,天花板 wardrobe,衣柜 ha-ha,哈哈短语导学:1. in the bedroom 在卧室2. tow bedrooms 两间卧室3. on the table 在桌子上4. draw an apple 画一个苹果句型导学:1.Draw your bedroom! 祈使句 OK!2.Where be+名词/代词? .在哪里?对事物所在位置的提问, 回答: It is/they are on/in/under/beside/behind/at/by.、Eg:Where is the book? It is on the table. Where are the apples? They are in the fridge.3.What be +代词(this/that/these/those)? 是什么?回答: It is/they are .Eg:What is that? Its a dog. What are these?They are China stamps.4.Do you have? 你是否有? Yes,I do. No,I dont.Eg: Do you have a stool in your bedroom? Yes,I do. No,I dont. Unit 11:Put The Table against The wall 单词:map, 地图 lamp,台灯 TV,电视clock,闹钟 by,在.旁边 under,在下面 in front of,在前面 behind,在 后面 theres=there is,有 there are,有 put,放 which, 哪一个 them, 他们 draw,画shelf,架子 sofa,沙发 shelves,架子(复数) against,靠着 idea,主意 Good idea! 好主意Spider ,蜘蛛 corner,角落短语导学:1. against the wall 挨着墙 2.in the corner 在墙角3.on the foor 在地板上 4.on the shelf 在架子上5.under the bed 在床底下 6.on the ceiling 在天花板上句型导学:1. Put the books on the desk. 祈使句 :动词放在句子前面。回答: All right./ OK.Eg:Put the bed by the window. OK.Put the books on the shelf. All right. Which one? The one beside the wall. Lets put the chair against the shelf. OK!2. which,哪一个,两者以上中的一个,特殊疑问词。Eg:Which book do you want?The red one.3.Where be+名词/代词? .在哪里?对事物所在位置的提问, 回答: It is/they are on/in/under/beside/behind/at/by.Eg:Where is the book? It is on the table. Where are the shelves? They are on the floor/.On the floor.3. There be句型主要用以表达“某处(某时)有某人(某物)。”其基本结构为“There be某物(某人)某地(某时)”其中there是引导词,没有词义;主语是be后面的名词, be是谓语动词,在一般现在时中be只用is和are两种形式。下面这首歌诀可帮你巧记there be句型结构:(1)There be放句首,主语跟在后。地、时放句末,强调置前头。如:There is a book on the desk.有时为了强调地点,也可把介词短语放在句首。如:On the desk there is a book.(2)There be句型中的be动词如何确定呢?请先看看下面这首歌诀:Be动词,有三个,am,is还有are。“There be”真特别,不留am只留俩,那就是is还有are。要用is还是are,须看其后的名词是单数还是复数。若是单数或不可数名词用is,否则就用are。如:There is a tree behind the house.There is some water(水)in the bottle(瓶子).There are some pears in the box.(3)注意:如果“be”后的主语是由and连接的两个或两个以上的名词,那么be的形式要遵循“远亲不如近邻”的原则。也就是说,“be”的形式是由与它最近的那个名词来确定的。若那个名词是单数或不可数名词要用is,是复数就用are。如:There is a book and some pens on the floor.There are some pens and a book on the floor. Unit 12 Letgo further句型导学:1.Where be+名词/代词? .在哪里?对事物所在位置的提问, 回答: It is/they are on/in/under/beside/behind/at/by.Eg:Where is the book? It is on the table. Where are the shelves? They are on the floor/.On the floo2.There be句型主要用以表达“某处(某时)有某人(某物)。”其基本结构为“There be某物(某人)某地(某时)”其中there是引导词,没有词义;主语是be后面的名词, be是谓语动词,在一般现在时中be只用is和are两种形式。下面这首歌诀可帮你巧记there be句型结构:(1)There be放句首,主语跟在后。地、时放句末,强调置前头。如:There is a book on the desk.有时为了强调地点,也可把介词短语放在句首。如:On the desk there is a book.(2)There be句型中的be动词如何确定呢?请先看看下面这首歌诀:Be动词,有三个,am,is还有are。“There be”真特别,不留am只留俩,那就是is还有are。要用is还是are,须看其后的名词是单数还是复数。若是单数或不可数名词用is,否则就用are。如:There is a tree behind the house.There is some water(水)in the bottle(瓶子).There are some pears in the box.(3)注意:如果“be”后的主语是由and连接的两个或两个以上的名词,那么be的形式要遵循“远亲不如近邻”的原则。也就是说,“be”的形式是由与它最近的那个名词来确定的。若那个名词是单数或不可数名词要用is,是复数就用are。如:There is a book and some pens on the floor.There are some pens and a book on the floor. Modul 5 My homeUnit 13: Come in !单词:house,房子 glass, 玻璃 kitchen厨房, come,来 watch,看 sit,坐 come in ,进来 cookie,曲奇饼 cupboard,碗柜 juice,果汁 welcome,欢迎 Youre welcome!不客气 Opps ,哎呀 tissue 纸巾短语导学:1. watch TV 看电视2. in the living room 在客厅3. sit with me 跟我坐在一起4. on the sofa 在沙发5. on the table 在桌子上6. in the cupboard 在碗柜里7. in the kitchen 在厨房里8. Heres you juice. 给你果汁。9. Come in。进来。10. sit with me 跟我一起坐句型导学1. with的用法with,表示有,和在一起的意思 The girl with long hair is my sister. 那个有一头长发的女孩是我的妹妹。 Come here and sit with me .过来跟我一起坐。2. Be there?有没有?Eg:Is there a book on the desk? Yes,there is. No,there isnt. Are there any cookies in the fridge?Yes,there are. No,ther arent.2. some 和any 的区别和用法some 和any都表示有一些,某一些的意思,后面接的一般是名词复数,但用法上有区别,some一般用在肯定句,而any一般用在疑问句和否定句中,但在疑问句中,想得到别人肯定回答的或真的很希望别人答应的就用some。Eg: I have some pets. Do you have any pets? Yes,I do.I have a dog and a rabbit. No,I dont have any pets Do you want to have some drink?Yes,thank you.3. Thank you ! 谢谢你! 4. Youre welcome! 不客气。5. here be,表示给的意思eg:Heres the tissue. Thank you !Unit 14: This Is My House In England单词:Living room,客厅 England,英格兰 bathroom,浴室computer,电脑 study,书房 lovely,可爱的 have a look 看一看 garden, 花园 garage,车房 upstairs,楼上 downstairs,楼下 fridge,电冰箱 messy, 杂乱的短语导学:1. in England 在英国2. in the fridge 在冰箱里3. come and have a look来看一看4. all the bedrooms 所有的卧室5. in the study 在书房里6. a lovely house 一间可爱的房子句型导学:1. Be there?有没有?Eg:Is there a book on the desk? Yes,there is. No,there isnt. Are there any cookies in the fridge?Yes,there are. No,ther arent.2.Lets open the fridge.祈使句,让我们打开冰箱。 All right.3. some 和any 的区别和用法some 和any都表示有一些,某一些的意思,后面接的一般是名词复数,但用法上有区别,some一般用在肯定句,而any一般用在疑问句和否定句中,但在疑问句中,想得到别人肯定回答的或真的很希望别人答应的就用some。Eg: I have some pets. Do you have any pets? Yes,I do.I have a dog and a rabbit. No,I dont have any pets Do you want to have some drink?Yes,thank you.Unit 15 Lets go further句型导学:1whose?谁的?Eg:Whose bed is this? Its my bed.Whose shoes are these?they are very nice. They are Lilys.2.Where be+名词/代词? .在哪里?对事物所在位置的提问, 回答: It is/they are on/in/under/beside/behind/at/by.Eg:Where is the book? It is on the table. Where are the shelves? They are on the floor/.On the floo Modul 6 My schoolUnit 16: Clean The Classroom单词:classroom,课室 between,在.两者中间 backboard, 黑板exercise,练习 clean,清洁 near 在.附近little, 小的 exercise book,练习书 board, 板 board rubber,黑板擦 tape recorder,录音机 chalk,粉笔 dictionary字典短语导学:1. clean the classroom 打扫教室 2. under the desk 在桌子下面3. in Miss Whites desk 在White老师桌子里4. in that coener 在那个角落5. on the shelf 在架子上6. beside the exercise book 在作业本旁7. between the dictionary and the tape recorder 在字典和录音机之间8.句型导学:1.Where be+名词/代词? .在哪里?对事物所在位置的提问, 回答: It is/they are on/in/under/beside/behind/at/by.Eg:Where is the book? It is on the table. Where are the shelves? They are on the floor/.On the flooWhere is the board rubber? It is on the teachers desk.1. Lets clean the classroom. All right.2. Put the exercise book on the desk. All right,Unit 17: Visit Our School. 单词:school,学校 building,大楼 office,办公室toilet,厕所 gate,大门 our,我们的 teachers room,老师办公室 visit,参观swimming pool,游泳池 playground,操场 flowerbed,花坛 library,图书馆 clinic,诊所 canteen,餐厅 statue 雕塑,雕像 opposite,在对面headmaster,校长 hungry. 饥饿的短语导学:1. in the building 在大楼里面2. school building 教学楼 3. headmasters office 校长办公室4. in the school 在学校5. in the classroom 在课室里6. between the book and the cat 在书和猫之间7. near our classroom 在我们教室附近句型导学:1. Where be+名词/代词? .在哪里?对事物所在位置的提问, 回答: It is/they are on/in/under/beside/behind/at/by.Eg:Where is the book? It is on the table. Where are the shelves? They are on the floor/.On the flooWheres the library? Its in the school building.2.How many +可数名词复数+are there?How many +不可数名词+is there?问数量的特殊疑问句。Eg:How many classrooms are there in your school? There are sixteen./Sixteen/16.How many juiceis there in the glass? There is a little.3. be opposite to 在的对面eg:The library is opposite to the teachersroom.4. betweenand在什么和什么之间eg:Its between the teachers room and the clinic.5. There be句型主要用以表达“某处(某时)有某人(某物)。”其基本结构为“There be某物(某人)某地(某时)”其中there是引导词,没有词义;主语是be后面的名词, be是谓语动词,在一般现在时中be只用is和are两种形式。Eg:There are some toilets near our classroom. There is a boy under the tree.5. be hungry 感到饥饿eg:Im hungry.

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