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M 1Unit 11、不管你做什么,我都同意你。 1. No matter what you do, I agree with you.2、在我看来,友谊是很重要的。 2. In my opinion, friendship is very important. 3、出什么事情了?我们刚才听见很大的声音。 3. Whats the matter? We heard a great noise just now.4、谁知道这条河有多宽? 4 .Who knows how wide the river is? 5、大明的学校有2000多学生。 5 .There are more than 2 thousand students in DaMings school . Unit 21、我知道他在那里,但是天太黑,什么也看不到。1.I knew he was there, but it was too dark to see anything. 2、他们到我们学校时,天正下着雨。2.They came to our school, it was raining. 3、我下了车,穿过大门,沿着一条小路走着。3.I got out of the car, walked through the gate and walked along a path. 4、长城是世界上最伟大的奇观之一吗?4. Is the Great Wall one of the greatest wonders of the world?5、飞机将在云消散后起飞。5. The plane will take off after the clouds dissipate. Unit 31、过马路前,你要左右看。1.Before you cross the road, you have to look around. 2、他们昨天上午九点钟在上英语课。2. They had an English class at nine oclock yesterday morning. 3、五分钟后我们就会到达大峡谷了。3. Five minutes later, well get to the Grand Canyon.4、你昨天晚上看电视了吗?4. Did you watch TV last night? 5、我正在写一篇名称为什么是世界奇观的作文。5.I am writing a composition called what is the wonder of the world. M 2Unit 11、国庆节我们有三天的假期。1.We have three days holiday on national day. 2、通常五一假期一结束我们就返回学校。2.Usually we return to school on the first day of the May Day holiday. 3、我们待在教室里,直到她来。3.We stayed in the classroom until she came. 4、你的家人在度假期间通常做什么?4. What do your family usually do during the holiday? 5、我们学校有各种各样的课外活动。5.There are a variety of extracurricular activities in our school. Unit 31、妈妈在看书,而我在弹钢琴。1.My mother is reading a book, and I am playing the piano. 2、当我看电视的时候,电话响了。2. When I was watching TV, the telephone rang. 3、我一到上海就给你打电话。3. I will call you when I arrive in Shanghai.4、在老师来班级前,我们已经把一切事情都做完了。4.We had done everything before the teacher came to our class. 5、自从来到这所学校,我交了许多新朋友。5. Since I came to this school, I have made many new friends.M 3Unit 11、为了下次能取得好成绩,你应该更加努力学习。1.In order to get good grades, you should study harder. 2、她有坚强的意志,所以能获得成功。2. She has a strong will, so she can get success.3、她退役之后,去了国外上大学。3.After she retired, she went to a foreign university.4、无论我们做什么,都不要放弃。4. No matter what we do, dont give up. 5、成龙是我的英雄,因为他是世界上最好的演员之一。5. Jackie Chan is my hero, because he is one of the best actors in the world. Unit 21、那时候,医生很少,所以他必须独自努力工作。1.At that time, the doctor was very little, so he had to work hard. 2、为了拯救更多的生命,他发明了很多特殊的医疗器械。2.In order to save more lives, he invented a lot of special medical equipment. 3、迈克什么都没说就离开了晚会。3.Mike left the party without saying anything.4、因为生病,他没有参加会议。4. He didnt attend the meeting because he was ill.5、尽管下雨了,我们还是继续篮球比赛。5.In spite of the rain, we went on to the basketball game. Unit 31、作为学生,我们应该独立完成作业。1. As a student, we should finish the homework independently. 2、他从来就没有放弃成为医生的梦想。2. He never gave up his dream of becoming a doctor.3、每年有很多人死于吸烟。3.Every year, many people die from smoking.4、她开了两个小时的车,最后终于到家了。4. She drove the car for two hours, and finally got home.5、老师让学生们保管好新书。5.The teacher asked the students to keep a new book. M 4Unit 11、这次会议对我们很重要。1.The meeting is very important to us. 2、注意门。出去时务必锁好门。2.Attention door. You need to lock the door.3、别担心。我会做几样简单的菜。3.Dont worry。 I will do some simple dishes.4、请在五点叫醒我。我不想错过早班火车。4.Please wake me up at five. I dont want to miss the early train. 5、我们的老师每周给家长发一次短信。5.Our teacher sends a message to the parents once a week. 6、虽然他很年轻,但很有经验。6.Young as he is, he is very experienced.7、这个电话太贵,以致很少有人购买。7.The telephone is so expensive that few people buy it.Unit 21、他每周打扫房间两次。1.He cleaned the room two times a week.2、我厌倦了城市的生活。2.Im tired of living in the city.3、他一整天都在为明天的测试而担心。3.Hes worried about tomorrows test.4、虽然作业很多,但我还是按时上交了。4.Although there are a lot of homework, I have to hand in my time.5、贝蒂太喜欢这部电影,以致昨天又看了一遍。5. Betty likes the film so much that he saw it again yesterday. Unit 31、他太累了,以致没吃晚饭就睡觉了。1. He was so tired that he went to bed without having supper.2、这本书太有趣了,以致每个人都很喜欢他。2.This book is so interesting that everyone likes him very much. 3、尽管他已经15岁了,但还是很依赖父母。3.Even though he is 15 years old, he is still very dependent on his parents. 4、虽然他在我们班个子最矮,但他跑得最快。4. Although he is the shortest in our class, he runs the fastest. 5、我喜欢去不同地方出差,因为我可以品尝各种美食。5. I like to travel to different places, because I can taste all kinds of delicious food. 6、去年我的愿望实现了。6.My wish came true last year.7、 我学会了一些基本的生活技能,如做饭、洗衣服。7.I have learned some basic life skills, such as cooking and washing clothes. 8、明天我们需要把作文交给老师。8.We need to hand in the composition to the teacher tomorrow.9、我不擅长物理。事实上,我的物理很差。9.Im not good at physics. As a matter of fact, my physics is very poor.10、妈妈一离开家,托尼就开始玩iPad。10.As mother left the house, Toni began to play iPad. M 5Unit 11、 这个博物馆有很多规章制度。1, the museum has a lot of rules and regulations.2、你不可以在这儿拍照。 2. You cant take photos here.3、不要在阅览室内大声喧哗。3, do not talk loudly in the reading room.4、吸烟是违反校规的。4, smoking is a violation of the rules and regulations. 5、不要越过那条绳子。那边很危险。5. Dont cross the rope. Its dangerous over there. 6、我想汤姆又有麻烦了。6. I think Tom is in trouble again7、昨天我生病了,不得不呆在家里。7. I was sick yesterday. I had to stay at home.8、我现在必须完成作业,否则妈妈会惩罚我的。8. I must finish my homework now, or my mother will punish me.9、不用担心。到楼下失物招领处看看。9, do not worry. Downstairs to see Lost and Found Office.10、他们在上体育课。难怪教室是空的。10. They are in physical education class. No wonder the classroom is empty.Unit 21、 在博物馆内,你不可以触摸任何东西。1, in the museum, you can not touch anything. 2、孩子们正在谈论他们的博物馆之行。2, the children are talking about their trip to the museum. 3、你能把这些瓶子装满水吗?3. Can you fill the bottles with water?4、上周末我们每个人都过得很棒。4. We had a great weekend.5、大连的天气于北京很不一样。5. The weather in Beijing is very different from that in Dalian. 6、这家超市24小时营业。6, the supermarket is open 24 hours a day.7、在英国,足球受到所有年龄段的人的喜爱。7. In England, football is popular with people of all ages. 8、如果你有麻烦,请给我打电话。8, if you are in trouble, please give me a call.9、如果你感到不舒服,就去看医生。9, if you feel uncomfortable, go to see a doctor. 10、如果你来大连,一定要参观滨海路。10, if you come to Dalian, be sure to visit the coastal road.Unit 31、 不要在汽车上大声喧哗。1, do not speak loudly in the car. 2、博物馆里禁止吃东西。2, forbidden to eat in the museum. 3、在数学考试中,不允许你使用计算器。3, in the math exam, do not allow you to use a calculator. 4、他们的学校生活与我们的不同。4. Their school life is different from ours. 5、让我们比较一下中美两国的学校生活吧。5, let us compare the school life between China and the United states. 6、如果你们有时间,去看场电影吧。6, if you have time, go to a movie.7、如果你对物理感兴趣,买一本物理方面的书。7, if you are interested in physics, buy a book on physics.M 6Unit 11、 如果他不努力学习,考试就会不及格。1. If he doesnt work hard, he will fail in the exam. 2、真遗憾你们这么快就要走了。2. Its a pity that you have to leave so soon.3、如果她来得及时,就可以和我们一起去。3, if she comes in time, you can go with us. 4、我想让你养成一回家就做作业的习惯。4. I want you to get into the habit of doing your homework as you go home.5、你应该考虑什么才是最重要的事情。5, you should consider what is the most important thing.Unit 21、原因是他认为如果我在电脑上玩游戏,电脑就会出问题。1, because he thinks that if I play games on the computer, the computer will be a problem.2、如果你告诉他们真相,就会证明你是诚实的。2, if you tell them the truth, you will prove that you are honest. 3、我们把这个游戏拷到电脑上,结束后就把它从电脑上卸了下来。3, we put the game copy to the computer, after it has been removed from the computer.4、如果你打碎杯子,我会生气的。4, if you break the cup, I will be angry. 5、如果你主动提出放弃你的零花钱,你爸爸会认识到你是真的感到抱歉。 5, if you take the initiative to give up your pocket money, your father will realize that you are really sorry. Unit 31、 如果你努力学习,就会取得高分。1, if you study hard, you will get high marks. 2、如果你做好记录,便能记住你朋友们的生日。2, if you make a good record, will be able to remember your friends birthday.3、我的成绩不好,我父母很生气。3, my performance is not good, my parents are very angry. 4、我爸爸说我只能用电脑来做作业。4, my father said I can only use the computer to do homework.5、我想要拒绝他,因为我认为那样做是不诚实的。5, I would like to refuse him, because I think that is not honest. M 7Unit 11、今天,仍然有许多人在读孔子的论著。1, today, there are still a lot of people in the reading of Confuciuss works. 2、每年有数百万人看莎士比亚的戏剧。2, millions of people every year to see Shakespeares drama. 3、你为什么不参加讨论,谈论你喜欢的作家呢?3. Why dont you take part in the discussion and talk about your favorite writer? 4、事实上,我们仍然受他们思想的影响。4. In fact, we are still influenced by their thoughts.5、今天莎士比亚的戏剧扔对我们意义重大。5, Shakespeares play today is of great significance to us.Unit 31、宋祖英是公认的出色的歌唱家。1, Song Zuying is recognized as an excellent singer. 2、很多青少年受到这个作家的影响,开始写作。2, a lot of young people by the influence of this writer, began to write.3、这本书讲述了一个由许多冒险经历的小男孩儿的一些激动人心的故事。3. This book tells the story of a little boy with many adventures. 4、这个故事很容易理解,因为他是用日常英语写的。4, the story is easy to understand, because he is written in everyday English. 5、今天汤姆索亚历险记仍然被全世界的人阅读和喜爱着。5, today, the adventures of Tom is still being read and loved by people all over the world.M 8Unit 11、我正在为下周的大型比赛训练。1, I am for next weeks big game training. 2、那将是一场艰苦的比赛。2. It will be a tough game. 3、如果我没记错的话,比分是 HAS 98分比 BIG 52分。3, if my memory is correct, HAS 98 points to BIG 52 .4、这个赛季两支队伍间没有不同。4, two teams this season, there is no difference between the two teams. 5、托你,面对现实吧,你们没有机会了。5, care for you, face the reality, you have no chance. 6、托你,记得投球,而不是踢球!6, care for you, remember pitching, not playing! 7、他对我们如此生气以至于他将更加努力去赢得比赛,只是为了证明我们是错的。7. He is so angry with us that he will try to win the game, just to prove that we are wrong. 8、我们将去那儿为他们加油。8. We will go there to cheer them on.Unit 21、首先,刘翔被邀请参加世界各地的比赛。1, first of all, Liu Xiang was invited to participate in the game around the world.2、起初,刘翔并不是一名成功的运动员。 2. At first, Liu Xiang was not a successful athlete.3、2001年,(国家)创立了一个特殊项目来帮助年轻的男女运动员。3, 2001, (the state) created a special program to help young men and women athletes. 4、事实上,他训练如此努力以至于伤了他的脚。4. In fact, he trained so hard that he hurt his foot. 5、从2008年开始,他因脚部问题而备受折磨,但是他没有放弃。 5, from the beginning of 2008, he was suffering from foot problems, but he did not give up. 6、但是,他仍然是勇气和成功的象征,我们依然为他感到自豪。6, however, he is still a symbol of courage and success, we are still proud of him. Unit 31、故事如此有趣,以至于我们都笑了。the story is so interesting that we all laughed. 2、起初,婴儿很安静,但后来他便开始哭起来。2. At first, the baby was quiet, but then he began to cry. 3、这些杂志不允许被带出图书馆。3. These magazines are not allowed to be taken out of the library.4、去年在这加体育中心后面建了一个游泳池。4, last year built a swimming pool at the back of the sports center. 5、每个学生都应该为自己感到自豪,因为每个人都有优点。5, every student should be proud of yourself, because everyone has the advantage.M 9Unit 11、 它们将被放在学校的网站上。1, they will be on the schools website.2、在因特网上可以看到它们。2, you can see them on the Internet.3、将来,时用电脑会比输更多吗?3, in the future, when the use of computers will lose more than you do? 4、在过去,我们主要从纸质书籍中获取信息。4, in the past, we mainly get information from paper books. 5、那是可以解决的。5, that can be solved.6、你必须保证会看管好它。6, you must ensure that you will take care of it.Unit 21、每天晚上,我妈妈都在家翻阅杂志。1, every night, my mother is at home to read the magazine.2、那时,书是靠手工制作的,一次只能制作一本。2, at that time, the book is made by hand, one can only make one. 3、结果,书籍数量不多,价格又贵。3, the results, the number of books is not much, the price is expensive. 4、从某种程度上讲,我们可以把纸张和印刷术的发明与20世纪因特网的引入相提并论。4, to some extent, we can compare the invention of paper and printing with the introduction of the Internet in twentieth Century.5、电脑将会取代书籍吗?5, the computer will replace the books?Unit 31、 这件衬衫是手工做的还是机器做的?1. This shirt is made by hand or by machine? 2、印刷术给世界带来了巨大的变化。2, printing has brought great changes to the world.3、造纸术被认为是世界上最重要的发明之一。3. Papermaking is considered one of the most important inventions in the world.4、我可以把电脑借给你,但你必须答应看护好它。4. I can lend you the computer, but you have to promise to take care of it. M 10Unit 31、看!山上和田野里有许多羊。1, look! There are many sheep in the mountains and in the fields.2、在大堡礁时,他对海里美丽的余感到惊奇。2, in Great Barrier Reef, he was surprised at the sea beautiful.3、现如今,喜欢记日记的人越来越少了。3, now, like to keep a diary of the person is less and less.4、请根据这篇文章回答问题。 4. Please answer the questions according to the passage. 5、当你遇到困难时,不要试图避开。5, when you are in trouble, dont try to avoid it. M 11Unit 11、这次考试整体水平高很多。1, the overall level of the examination is much higher. 2、我有种感觉你有很大的机会获得第一名。2, I have a feeling that you have a great chance to get the first place.3、拍些你和家人度假的照片再加上一些你们学英语的照片。3, take some pictures of you and your family on vacation plus some pictures of your English.4、这些困难很好解决,问题是需要一些时间。4, these difficulties are very good to solve, the problem is to take some time.5、这是我最近才拍的照片。5. This is the only photo I have taken recently. Unit 21、老师对我们在英语学习上取得的进步感到很满意。1. The teacher is satisfied with the progress we have made in English learning.2、尽管我没有获得“中国梦”这个主题的奖项,但是我也很高兴参加这样有意义的比赛。2, although I did not get the Chinese dream theme of the awards, but I am also very happy to participate in such a meaningful competition. 3、两个女孩儿在实验的照片表现了学生们对于学习物理的浓厚兴趣。3.Two girls in the experimental photos showed the students strong interest in learning physics. 4、以校园活动为内容的照片表现了学生们在学校学习的经历以及他们校园生活的一些美好回忆。4, the campus activities as the content of the photo shows the students in school learning experience and some of the good memories of their campus life.5、多亏了身边每一个人对我的帮助,我才实现了我的梦想。5, thanks to everyone around me to help me, I realized my dream.6、我最喜欢的一张照片呈现的是一个男孩帮助他的同学解决数学问题。6, my favorite photo shows a boy to help his classmates to solve mathematical problems.7、它让我感受到了同学们刻苦学习的精神。7, it makes me feel the spirit of the students study hard.Unit 31、我有种感觉,我们一定会解决这些困难的。1, I have a feeling, we will solve these difficulties. 2、这张照片表现了医生没?如何教孩子们保护好眼睛不受阳光的伤害。2, this picture shows the doctor did not? How to teach children to protect their eyes from the sun. 3、大家对自己的考试结果很满意。3, we are very satisfied with the results of their examination.4、谁获得了“最受欢迎老师”奖? 4, who won the most popular teacher award?5、向获胜者表示祝贺并感谢每一位参赛选手。5, congratulations to the winners and thank each of the contestants. M 12Unit 11、污染是我们的强敌,我们必须和它斗争。1, pollution is our enemy, we must fight it. 2、如果河水被污染了,农民们就不能用这些水灌溉庄稼了。2, if the river is polluted, the farmers cant use the water to water the crops. 3、来自工厂的污染蔓延到了城市和村庄。3, the pollution from the factory spread to the city and village.4、污染危害我们的健康。 4, pollution hazards to our health.5、每个班级收集可回收利用或者可再次使用的垃圾。5, each class collection can be recycling or reuse of garbage. 6、学校把垃圾卖了,并且用这些钱来帮助贫困地区的孩子们。6, the school to sell the garbage, and use the money to help children in poor areas. 7、学生们学会节能和在家中回收利用垃圾的方法。那意味着更少的浪费。7, students learn to energy saving and recycling of garbage at home. That means less waste. 8、尽管现在污染很严重,但我认为并不是没有希望。8, despite the current pollution is very serious, but I think it is not without hope.9、如果大家都开始做点事情,就会拯救世界。9, if we all start to do something, it will save the world.Unit 21、玩电脑游戏对我们的学习有害。1. Playing computer games is bad for our study.2、尽可能多的帮助身边的人,你也会觉得幸福。2, as much as possible to help people around you, you will feel happy.3、购物的时候不要去要塑料袋,最好自己带一个布袋。3, when shopping, do not go to plastic bags, preferably with a bag.4、尽管努力学习,会让你有点儿累,但也比整天睡觉好。4, despite efforts to learn, will make you a little tired, but also better than the whole day to sleep. 5、我以前不爱护环境,我必须改变。5, I do not care for the environment, I have to change.6、尽管我们无法期待快速的进步,但是今天,让我们采取这些简单的措施来提升我们的学习吧。6, although we can not expect rapid progress, but today, let us take these simple measures to improve our learning bar.Unit 31、谈论我们不能做的事情是没有用的。1, it is no use talking about things we can not do.2、尽管现在污染很严重,我认为不是没有希望的。 2, despite the current pollution is very serious, I think it is not hopeless.3、不需要登的时候就关掉,因为这样可以节能。3, do not need to board when it is turned off, because it can save energy.4、为了保护环境,政府鼓励我们少用塑料袋。4, in order to protect the environment, the government encourages us to use less plastic bags. 5、你最好走路去上学,不要坐车上学。5, youd better go to school on foot, dont go to school by car.

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