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2010小升初英语试卷(8)一、 写出下列单词的适当形式(10%)1.buy(过去式 )_ 2.stop(过去式 )_3.play (现在分词 )_ 4.give(过去式) _5.watch (过去式 ) _ 6.went( 原形 ) _7.photo( 复数 )_ 8.eat ( 过去式 )_9.win (过去式 ) _ 10.is (过去式 )_二、 英汉互译(10%)1.打棒球 6. take.into2.给我买枝钢笔 7. buy some flowers for my mum3.棒球队 8.about space travel4.汤姆的小弟弟 9.put. in5.在自行车上 10.buy me a bicycle三. 选择题(10%)( )1.Whats English for “禁止吸烟”?A. No swimmingB.No Smoking .C.No parking.D.No photos( )2.I _ to school by bus this morning .A. walked B.went C.come D.rode( )3.Where is the bird ? _ the tree.A. Inside B.In C.On D.At( )4.Is she a student or a teacher ?A. Yes, she is.B.No, she isnt.C.She is a teacher .( )5.A.Ive got many apples . B.Are they big _ small ?A. or B.and C.either( )6.This is _ picture . Look at _ picture .A.a , the , B.a, C.an, the D.,( )7.Mr. White often has _ supper at home .A. an, B. C.the D.a( )8.I like playing _ violin .A. an B. C.the D.a( )9.It often rains in _ April, May and July.A. an B. C.the D.a( )10.I often go to _ bed at 9:30.A. an B. C.the D.a( )11.I _ to the park yesterday.A. go B.went C.goes( )12.The book _ interesting .A. look B.looked C.looks( )13.This cap is _ my brother .A. for B.to C.from( )14.He _ TV last night .A. watch B.watches C.watched( )15.We can _ a basketball team.A. have B.has C.had( )16.China sent Yang Liwei _ space in 2003.A. into B.in C.to D.at( )17.He _ little about the film until he _ it yesterday evening .A. know , see B.know, saw C.knew, saw D.knew, see( )18.Daming and Simon _ to a baseball game in America.A. goes, B.gos C.went D.go( )19.The students are playing _.A.a football B.footballs C.the football D.football( )20.Whose sweaters are these ? _, I think .A.They B.Their C.Theirs D.Them五、找出错误并改正:(5%)1.China sended a man into space._2.Its for play baseball. _.3.He gived it to me. _.4.I has a book about America. _5.Damingis back in China with her family. _六、根据首字母提示,完成下列句子。(10%)1.I b_ you this yesterday. Its for p_ the trumpet.2.This American s_ took a man into space.3.The R_ sent the first animal into space.4.This book l_ interesting.5.This video is about his space t_.6.The dog is singing very l_7.Shenzhou went into space. It made l_ sound.8.Daming is b_ in China with his family.9.She put the basket on the bike. Then she w_ away.1O.On C_ Day, the children often get many presents .七、先阅读短文,然后回答问题:(5%)This is a nice classroom. You can see some boys and girls in it.Do you know the boy in a black and green shirt? His name is Mike. He sits beside the window. The boy behind Mike is Liu Tao. Hes a Chinese boy. He likes stamps. He has many Chinese stamps. The girl next to him is Lucy. Shes American. Her twin sister is Lily.They are in the same row but in different groups. Look at the girl in a green dress. She is Wang Ying. She sits between Mike and Helen.Shes Helens good friend.1What colour is Mikes shirt? _.2 Wheres Lily? _.3Who are in the same? _.4 Whats the name of the girls in the green dress?_.5 Who is the nearest to the teachers desk?_.八.小作文:请你以My present.为题,写一写谁、什么时候送给你的,干什么用的,是是否喜欢?北京英语家教求职-英语一对一辅导老师NO.1:我是北航在校大二一名学生。英语很好,高考英语成绩140,大学英语四六级均一次顺利高分通过。语法扎实,适合初高中英语家教。本人责任心强,会全心全意地帮助您的孩子提高英语成绩。北京英语家教求职-英语一对一辅导老师NO.2:对英语家教比较偏爱,具备较强的英语听、说、读、写、译等能力,其他文科科目也较喜欢。性格稳重、待人热情、真诚。北京英语家教求职-英语一对一辅导老师NO.3:擅长英语和数学家教,初中时曾获全国英语竞赛特等奖和全国数学竞赛(河南赛区)一等奖,本科时获得全国大学生英语竞赛A级三等奖,高考时为本校第一名。文章来源:http:/www.caijj.com/jjxg/2073.html

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