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词汇手册上的句型整理:注:不会句型的用法可依据相应页数看词册上的例句 加了底纹表示为高频句型1. Im afraid that. 恐怕 词册P92. 祈使句+ and/or.(后半句用一般将来时) 词册P143. It appears (to sb) that. = sth/sb appear to do (在某人看来)似乎 There appear(s) (to be). 似乎有(appear单复数看后面名词) 词册P16 4. I would appreciate it (very much) if you would/could. 如果你我就很感激了 词册P185. On (ones) arrival (at/in sp) (某人)一到(某地)就 词册P196. just as (连词) 正如;正当7. bear/keep in mind that. 牢记 词册P308. It + will (not) be + 一段时间+before (does) (没)过多久发生某事 词册P319. It + was(not) + 一段时间 + before (did) (没)过多久发生某事 词册P3110. It is generally believed/considered/thought that. =sth/sb be generally believed/considered/thought to do sth. 人们普遍认为 词册P3211. not.but. 不是而是 (就近原则) 词册P4112. not only. but (also). 不仅而且 (就近原则) 词册P4113. can not/never . too . 再也不为过 词册P4414. in case (连词) 以免;万一 (从句用一般现在时或 should) 词册P4715. It is certain that. 是确实的 词册P4916. When it comes to. 当谈到(to为介词) 词册P5817. If (it is) convenient (to/for you) 如果你方便的话 词册P6918. There is no doubt that.= No/Without/Beyond doubt. 毫无疑问 词册P9019. It is estimated that. 据估计 词册P10520. even though (连词)尽管 词册P10521. even if (连词)即使 词册P10522. except for 除之外(排除非同类); except that (连词)除了 词册P10723. take it for granted that. 认为是理所当然的 词册P 14024. It (so) happens that.=sth/sb happen to do. 碰巧 词册P14525. There happen(s) to be. 碰巧有 词册P14526. It is a great honor for sb to do sth. 做某事是某人极大的荣耀 词册P15427. only if (连词) 只有 词册P15928. It is impossible that/(for sb)to do. 不可能 词册P16129. What impressed me most was that. 令我印象最深刻的是30. instead of 代替;而不是 词册P16631. It is/was + 强调成分 + that/who. 正是怎么样 词册P17032. It is + 形容词 + for/of sb to do sth. 某人做某事是的 词册P17033. sb find/consider/make/feel/believe it 形/名 (for sb) to do/that/wh-. 词册P17034. judging from. 从判断(状) 词册P17235. judge.by. 根据判断 词册P17236. As we all know = As is known to all = It is known to all that. 众所周知 词册P17737. It is likely that. = sth/sb be likely to do 很可能 词册P18638. no longer = not.any longer 不再 词册P18939. as/ so long as (连词)只要 词册P18940. at a loss(for/wh-) 茫然不知所措 词册P19141. It is good/bad manners to do sth. 做某事有/没礼貌 词册P19542. no matter how/when/where/what/who 无论怎样/何时/何地/什么/谁 (引导状从) 词册P19843. What matters is that. 重要的是44. the moment/minute/instant (连词) 一就 词册P20545. The more. the more. 越越 (前半句用一般现在时) 词册P20646. There is no need (for sb) to do sth.(某人)没有必要做某事 词册P21147. neither.nor. 既不也不 (就近原则) 词册P21148. now that (连词)既然 词册P21449. It is obvious that. 显而易见(=obviously) 词册P21650. It (never) occurred to sb that. 某人突然(从没)想到 词册P21751. On/Upon doing. 一就 词册P21952. in order that 为了(从句用can/could/may/might) 词册P22153. It is a pity that. = What a pity that.! 真遗憾,可惜 词册P23354. There is no point (in) doing. 做无意义 词册P23555. There is a/no possibility that/of. 有/没有的可能性 词册P23756. It is possible that/(for sb) to do 可能 词册P23857. The reason why. is/was that. 的原因、理由是 词册P25458. It is recorded that.=sth/sb be recorded to do 据记载 词册P25559. It is reported that. =sth/sb be reported to do 据报道 词册P26160. make it a rule that/to do 规定 词册P26861. It is said that. =sth/sb be said to do 据说 词册P27262. as the saying goes 常言道 词册P27263. It seems (to sb) that. = sth/sb seem to do (在某人看来)似乎 There seemr(s) (to be). 似乎有(seem 单复数看后面名词) 词册P27664.as soon as (连词)一就 词册P29065. in spite of = despite (+名词词组) 尽管 词册P29366. It (never) struck to sb that. 某人突然(从没)想到 词册P29867. make sure that/wh- 确保;查明 (只跟从句) 词册P30368. It takes sb some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多少时间 词册P30669. There is no doing. 不可能;不允许 词册P31270. Its time for sb to do sth. 是某人做某事的时候了 词册P31471. Its (high) time (that) sb did sth. 是某人做某事的时候了 词册P31472. by the time + 过去的一段时间 主句用过去完成时 by the time + 将来的一段时间 主句用将来完成时 (连词)到时候为止 词册P31574. every/each time (连词)每次 cice P31575. next time (连词)下一次的时候 词册P31576. the first time (连词)第一次的时候 词册P31577. be only too.to do 非常去做 词册P31878. Its ones turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事 词册P32479. not. until 直到才(短暂性动词) 词册P32780. Its up to sb to do sth 做某事是某人的责任 词册P32781. Its no use/no good doing sth 做某事没有用处/没有好处 词册P328-32982. There used to be. 过去有 词册P32983. What worries/surprises/impresses sb is that. 令某人担忧/惊讶/印象深刻的是词册P33984. A is to B what C is to D A对B的关系犹如C对D 的关系 词册P33985. What if.? 如果怎么办? 词册P33986. It was + 时间 + when. 的时候是何时 词册P33987. be about to do sth when 正要做某事,这时 词册P33988. Whether.or. 无论是还是 词册P34089. No wonder(that). = It is no wonder (that) . 难怪;不足为奇 词册P34390. Word came that. 消息传来 词册P343倒装句:1、 完全倒装1. 副词:here,there 表示位置移动的副词:in,out,up,down,high,away,back 或:now,then,ahead等词位于句首 主语是名词时 句子完全倒装。注: 不适用于进行时 当主语是人称代词时 不用完全倒装例:Here comes the bus.Here he comes.2. 充当地点状语的词位于句首时3. 某些表语位于句首结构。(“,”之后也算句首)2、 部分倒装1. 具有否定意义的副词位于句首:not,never,seldom,hardly,rarely,scarely,little,few等 具有否定意义的介词短语位于句首:By no means/At no time/In no case/On no account 绝不 否定副词/介词短语提前,后面紧跟助动词+主、谓、宾。例:原句:He seldom realizes the importance of communicating with others.倒装:Seldom does he realize the importance of communicating with others.2. 用于表示强调的句型当中 含义为“一就”、“刚就”No sooner had sb done than sb did.Hardly/Rarely/Scarely had sb done when sb did.例:原句:He had hardly arrived home when his wife started complaining.倒装:Hardly had he arrived home when his wife started complaining.不但而且Not only + 倒装 + but(also) + 陈述句.例:原句:He not only realized his weakness but also desired to overcome it. 倒装:Not only did he realize his weakness but also he desired to over come it.直到才Not until + 陈述/时间状语 + 倒装.例:原句:I didnt know anything about his life abroad until he told me by means of e-mail. 倒装:Not until he told me by means of e-mail did I know something about his life abroad.3. Only + 状语词组 + 部分倒装. 只有才例:倒装:Only when there is a power cut will we realize how important electricity is.4. 让步、原因状语从句adj. 系动词/助动词n.(无冠词)+ though/ as + 主语 + 动词分词/动词/adv. 动词/情态动词例: 原句:As he tried hard,he could not get admitted to the key university. 倒装:Hard as he tried,he could not get admitted to the key university. 原句:Though my father is busy,he never seems in a hurry. 倒装:Busy though my father is,he never seems in a hurry. 倒装:Try as I might,Icould not remember what the teacher said.5. so.that/such.that的句子结构中,若so/such和与其所修饰的词置于句首,实行部分倒装。 So/Such + adj./adv. + 部分倒装 + that .例:原句:The child is so naughty that he often upsets his parents.倒装:So naughty is the child that he often upsets his parents.原句:She is such a warm-hearted person that she devotes much of her spare time to the volunteer work.倒装:Such a warm-hearted person is she that she devotes much of her spare time to the volunteer work.6. 例:Tom likes swimming. So does Mary. 表示Mary也是。 So he does. 表示另一个人也同意这个观点。 例:Tom likes swimming and he swims everyday.(包含两件事) So it is with Mary. 表示Mary也是。 情态动词的零碎用法:情态动词:can,may,must,need,will/would,shall,should,ought.1.can/could=be able to 表示许可 表示可能性 cant be doing 对现在的否定猜测2. may/might might be doing 对现在的肯定猜测 May sb + v. 祝你3. will/would will:表示意愿自然属性 would:表示习惯(will表现在的,would表过去的)4. shall 用于第一、三人称 表示征询意见 用于第二、三人称 表示命令、警告、允诺、威胁 法律、法规、条款、规定5. should 应该、责任、义务 猜测,表示合理推断能发生的事情 惊讶语气,不耐烦、不相信6. must(主观) must do (命令) mustnt do (禁止)ought to/should have done 本该做而未做(包含责备语气)oughtnt to/shouldnt have done 本不该做而做了(包含责备语气)could have done 本能够做而未做 过去的可能性推测 多用于疑问句couldnt have done 本不可以做而做了 cant have done 对过去的否定猜测neednt have done 本不必做而做了might have done 过去的可能猜测mightnt have done 本不可以做而做了must have done 过去的肯定猜测

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