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英语七九年级词组汇总1.Good morning 早上好 2. Good afternoo上午好 3. Good evening晚上好 4.How are you? 你好吗? 5.in English 用英语 6.what color 什么颜色7.Nice to meet you !=Glad to meet you 很高兴认识你 8.a set of一套,一副9.telephone number电话号码 10.family name=last name 姓氏11.first name=given name名字 12. Excuse me请原谅 13.answer the question回答问题 14.look at看 15.lost and found 失物招领 16.have a look at看一看 17.computer game电子游戏 18.thanks for /sthdoing sth=thank you for/sth doing sth 为、而感谢19.in the backpack在书包里 20.next to.旁边 ,靠近21.under the table在桌子底下 22.on the sofa在沙发上 23.on the sofa在沙发上 23.behind the door在门后24.How do you do !你好 25.in front of the classroom在教室的前面26.video tape录像带 27.take sth to sb带某物给某人 28.bring sth to.=bring sthe to some where 带某物到 .29.sound good听起来很好 30.play volleyball打排球31.play soccer 踢足球 32.play tennis打网球 33.sports club体育俱乐部 34.play computer games玩电脑游戏 35.watch TV 看电视36.play basketball打篮球 37.every day每天 38.lots of=a lot of 许多39.watch sth sb on TV在电视上看 某事或某人 40.magazine article杂志文章41.likes and dislikes好恶 42.go on a picnic去野餐 43.a group of .一群,一帮 44.make a list of .列出45. how much 多少(不可数名词) 46.how many 多少(可数名词)47.Here you are给你 48.Youre welcome 不客气49.at a very good price价格合理 50.bags of sports 运动51.come and see for yourself 来亲自看看 52.on dale出售53.for example例如 54.October tenth十月十日55.basketball game篮球运动 56.English speech contest英语演讲比赛57.school trip学校旅行 58.School Day 学校上课日59.Art Festival艺术节 60.Chinese Contest汉语比赛 61.Music Festival音乐节 62.Spring Festival春节63.English Party英语聚会 64.how old多大 65.years old、岁66.at the age of.在.岁时 67.in September 在九月68.on December fifth在十二月五号 69.Happy Birthday生日快乐70.Happy Birthday生日快乐 71.want sth想要某物 72.want to do sth想要去做某事 73.go to a movie去看电影74.see an action movie看动作片 75.action movie 动作片76.what kind of .那种、 77.Beijing Opera 京剧78.Chinese history中国历史 79 at/on weekends=on weekdays在周末 80.clothes store 服装店 81.T-shirts in red =res T-shirts红色体恤82.a girl in red 穿红色衣服发女孩 83.learn about.学到关于、84.join the art club参加美术俱乐部 85.play chess下棋 86.play the guitar弹吉它 87.play the drums打鼓88.speak English讲英语 89.play the piano弹钢琴 90.be good at sth/doing sth 擅长 91.English club英语俱乐部92.call /phone /ring sb(up)给某人打电话 93.what time几点94.call sb at 1234455给某人打电话拨1234455 95.get up 起床96.a little(接不可数名词)a few(可数名词)少许,少量 97.go to work去上班98.go to school去上学 99.take a shower淋浴,洗澡 100.get to/arrive at(in)/reach somewhere 到达 101.listen to听 102.do homework做作业 103.brush ones teeth刷牙104.eat breakfast=have breakfast 吃早餐 105. on wedndsday在星期三106.all night整夜 107.in the morning在早上108.get home到家 109. in the afternoon在下午/at noon 在中午 110 .in the evening在晚上 /at night 在夜晚 111.play with 与.玩耍112.tell sb about sth 告诉某人某事 113.know about 知道、了解、114.have mathclass上数学课 115.play the trumpet 吹喇叭116.after class课后 before class 课前 117.run around 四处跑118.be strict with 对某人要求严格 119.be strict in sth 对某事要求严格 120.pen pal笔友 121.be from=come from来自、122.the United States=the US=America美国 123.write to sb 给某人写信124.the United Kingdom=the UK英国 125.post office邮局126.at school/in the school 在学校 127.on Center Street在中心街128.pay phone公用电话 129.across from在、的对面 130.between.and.在、之间 131.in front of在、的前面 132.turn left向左转 133.turn right向右转 134.on the left在左边 135.on the right 在右边136.in the neighborhood在邻近、在附近 136.take a walk散步137.have fun/have a good(great ) time/enjoy oneself 玩得开心 138.go straight直走 139.the way to .去、的路 140.take a taxi打的 141.the beginning of.的开端142.have a good trip旅途愉快 143.welcome to .欢迎来到、145.kind of . 有点儿a kind of.一种. 145.go out出去147.in the day 在白天 148.let sb do sth让某人做某事149.police station警察局 150. make sb do sth 使某人做某事151.be interested in .对感兴趣 152.want ad 招聘广告153.eat grass吃草 154.shop assistant店员155.TV station 电视台 156.get sth from sb 从某人那取某物157.bank clerk银行职员 158.in the hospital在医院in hospital住院 159.work hard努力工作 160.work for magazine为杂志社工作161.wait for 等待 162.do ones homework 做作业 163.pretty good 相当不错 164.on vacation在休假165.talk on the phone在电话里谈话 166.TV show 电视节目167.read books读书 168.write a letter写信169.at home/bein 在家be out 不在家 170.in France在法国171.a photo of my family 我的家庭照片 172.look like看起来像、 173.on vacation在假期 174. in the last photo在最后的照片里175.a group of people一群人 176.be surprised to对.感到吃惊177.medium build中等体格 178.medium height 中等身材 179.curly hair卷发 180.a litter bit有点儿,一点儿181.straight hair 直发 182.tell jokes讲笑话 183.long hair长发 184.stop doing sth停止做正在做的事185.short hair短发 186.stop to sth停下来做另一件事 187.in Class FIve在五班 188.pop singer流行歌手189.love to do sth =like to do /doing sth =enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事190.the captain of .的队长/首都 191.wear glasses戴眼镜192.go shopping去购物 193.new look 新形象 194.would like .想要、 195.a bowl of 一碗、196.on Saturday morning 在星期六的早上 197.have a party开晚会 198. study for a test复习考试 199.do some reading 读书200.practic English练习英语 201.go to the beach去海滩202.last weekend上周末 203.stay at home 呆在家里204.go to (some place)去某地 205.visit sb 拜访某人206.go to the mountains去爬山 207.go shopping去购物 208.clean ones room打扫某人的房间 209.last week 上周210.play sports=do sports做运动play cards 打牌 211.talk show谈话节目 212.read a book about history读关于历史的书 213.go for a walk去散步214.cook dinner for sb为某人做饭 215.take a walk散步216.look for寻找 217.summer camp 夏令营218.Its time to do sth =Its time for sth 该做某事的时间了219.Central Park中心公园 220.sit down坐下221.pretty good 相当好 222.hot and humid 又热又湿223.go on vacation度假 224.take a vacation去度假 225.all day 整天 226.have fun doing 做某事令人愉快227.in the corner 在角落里 228.find sb doing 发现某人在做某事229.be lost迷失,迷路 230.make sb feel happy使某人感到愉快 231.walk back to some where 走回某地 232.the Palace Museum故宫 233. Tianan Men Square天安门 234.the Great Wall长城235.soap opera肥皂剧 236.sports show 体育节目237.game show游戏节目 238.Healthy living健康生活239.cant stand doing 无法忍受做 240.in fact事实上 241.Sports News体育新闻 242.Culture China中国文化 243.Chinese Cooking中国烹饪 244.Animal Wold 动物世界245.English Today今日英语 246.Weekend Talk周末访谈247.a thirteen-year-old boy一个十三岁的男孩 248.think of认为249.think about考虑 250.Tell it like it is!实话实说251.ask sb about sth问某人关于某事 252.school magazine校刊253.put .in .把.放进. 254.wear a uniform穿校服255.arrive late for class=be late for class 上课迟到 256.be in bed睡觉257.run in the hallways在走廊里跑 258.sports shoes运动鞋259.on school nights在学校晚自习日 260.make dinner做饭八年级上册 1. once a week一周一次 2.go skateboatding去滑板3.twice a month一月两次 4.how often 多久一次5.three times two months两月三次 6.hardly ever几乎不7.surf the Internet上网冲浪 8.the results of.的结果9.as for至于,关于 10.want sb to do sth想让某人做某事11.high school中学would like to do sth=want to do sth 想要做某事12.junk food垃圾食品 13.be good for对.有益14.be bad for 对.有害try ones best to do sth 竭力全力做某事15.try to do sth尽量做某事 16.of course当然 17.look after照顾 18.have a heathy lifestyle拥有健康的生活方式19.get good grades取得好成绩 20.the same as .与、相同21.keep in good health保持健康 22.have a cold 感冒23.lie down躺下 24.see a dentist看牙医25.have a stomachache肚子痛 26.have a sore throat嗓子痛 27.lie down and rest躺下休息 28.hot tea with honey加蜂蜜的热茶29.drink lots of water喝大量水 30.have a toothache牙痛31.have a headache头痛 32.go to the party去参加晚会33.be .stressed out 紧张的 34.get tired=feel tired 感觉累35.for example例如 36.stay healthy=keep healthy 保持健康37.keep fit 保持健康 38.Its easy to do sth.做某事是容易的39.at the moment此时,现在 40.a balanced diet均衡饮食41.too much(不可数名词)too many. (可数名词)太多的.42.Its important to do sth.做某事是重要的 43.host family寄宿家庭44.Its important for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是重要的45.go camping hiking去露营 46.get back/be back /come back 回来47.go sightseeing去观光旅行 48.send sb sth送某人某物49.go away离开 50.go fishing去钓鱼51.rent videos租录像带 52.go bike riding骑自行车 53.ask sb some question about .问某人一些关于.的问题54.decide on决定 decide to do sth 决定去做某事55.do something different做不同的事情 56.plan to do sht计划做某事57.make a plan 作计划 58.the famous movie star著名的电影明星59.take the subway/by subway 乘地铁 60.take the train/by train 乘火车61.get to school到校 62.ride a bike/by bike 骑自行车 63.by bus/take the bus 乘公共汽车 64.walk to school走着去学校65.on foot 步行 66.leave for somewhere 动身去某地67.how far多远 68.around the world世界各地69.have breakfast 吃早餐 70.take sb to.带某人到某地71.by boat 乘船 72.the subway station地铁站73.from .to.从、到、 74.North America北美洲75.on the school bus乘校车 76.depend on 依赖,依靠77.the way of doing sth做某事的方法 78. take a taxi/by taxi 乘出租车79.be ill in hospital 生病住院 80.be different from与、不同81.how many多少 82.have a piano lesson上钢琴83.how long多长 84.have a problem有麻烦85.get back返回 86.go to see the doctor去看病 87.come to .来到、 88.go to the concert去音乐会89.baseball game棒球比赛 90.have tennis training进行网球比赛91.go to the mall 去商场 92.the day before yesterday前天 93.keep quiet 保持安静 94.the day before yesterday前天 95.the day after tomorrow后天 96.come over to .顺便来访97.in some ways在某些方面 98.look the same看上去一样 99.look different看上去不一样 100.more than多于,超出 101.in common共同的 102.the same as .与、相同103.make sb laugh使某人发笑 104.primary school小学 105.most of 大多数 106.laugh at sb 嘲笑某人107.more than 超出 108.have opposite views持不同的观点109.begin with开始 110.swimming pool 游泳池111.cut up切碎 112.put sb into.把、放入、113.turn on打开 114.pour sth into sth把、倒入、115.mix up混合 116.a piece of .一片、一块、117.add.to .把、加到、 118.go to the aquarium去水族馆119.take photos照相 a photo of .一张.的照片120.hang out 闲逛 121.win a prize 获奖122.a cup of.一杯 123.buy a souvenir买纪念品124.at the end of .在、末/第 125.take a class上课126.go swimming去游泳 127.go for a drive 开车兜风128.day off 休假 129.take .back to.乘、返回到130.go camp去野营 131.have a yard sale 进行庭院销售132.win first prize获一等奖 133.singing competition歌咏比赛134.world record 世界纪录 135.see you soon再见136.in the future在将来 137.too.to.太、而不能138.ice skating滑冰 139.the nation table tennis team 国家乒乓球队140.for example 例如 141.free time 业余时间142.free time 业余时间 143.take part in 参加144.major in主修 145.table tennis乒乓球运动146.because of 因为 147.football player足球队员148.be born出生 149.play for.为、效力150.grow up 长大 151.computer programmer电脑程序设计师152.computer science 计算机科学 153.sound like 听起来像154.professional basketball player 职业篮球选手155.take acting lessons上表演课 156.save money存钱157.at the same time 同时 158.hold art exhibitions举办美术展159.fashion show 时装表演 160.all over the world全世界161.send .to.把、送往 162.make the soccer team组建足球队163.hold the 2008 Olympic Games主办2008奥运会 163.do the dishes洗餐具164.play an instrument演奏乐器 165.get good grades取得好成绩166.learn a foreign language学习一门外语 167.sweep the floor 扫地168.communicate.with sb.与某人沟通 169.make the bed整理床铺170.take out the trash倒垃圾 171.fold ones clthes叠衣服172.go to a meeting 去开会 173.have a meeting开会174.have a test考试 175.work on 从事、忙于176.do chores干家务 177.invite sb to do sth要求某人做某事178.do the laundry 洗衣服 179.borrow some money借钱180.stay out late很晚不回家 181.take care of照顾182.get angry生气 183.radio station广播电台184.take out 取出 185.clothing store 服装店186.do a survey of.对、进行调查 187.close to .靠近188.talent show才艺表演 189.good quality高质量190.in the east of 在.的东方191.be in collage 上大学 192.free time空闲时间193.in five years在五年内 194.on the space station在太空站195.go skating 去滑冰 196.fall in love with 喜欢,爱上197.do sth for fun 做某事玩 198.the World Cup世界杯199.come true实现 200.next time 下次last time 上次201.hundreds of 数百计的 202.in the future 将来,未来203.over and over again一遍又一遍 204.look for寻找205.wake up醒来 206.argue with sb与某人争吵207.get bored感到厌烦 208.out of style过时的209.be in style 流行的 210.on the telephone在通话 211.do sth wrong 做错事 212.be angry with sb 生某人的气213.pay for付钱 214.get a part-time job得到一份兼职工作215.borrow sth from.从.借某物 216.get a tutor找家教217.find out找到 218.ask sb for sth向某人索要.219.ask .to do sth要求做某事 220.buy sth for sb为某人买某物221.science fiction movies科幻电影 222.the same as 与、同样的223.have a fight with sb与某人打架 224.on the one hand 一方面225.give sb some advice 给某人提建议 226.get out of 从、出来227.be/feel under pressure有压力 228.all kinds of 各种各样的229.get on well with sb与某人相处融洽 230.complain about 抱怨、231.as much as possible 尽可能多 232.on the other hand 另一方面233.do sth by oneself亲自做某事 234.take off起飞,脱掉235.run away 逃走 236.at the doctors在医生诊所237.come in进来 238.as.as.与.一样239.hear about 听说 240.win the gold medal获金牌241.the Museum of Flight航天博物馆 242.land on着陆243.walk down the street沿街走 244 .at the train station在火车站245.jump down跳下 246.walk around the station绕车站走247.in history在历史上 248.at that time在那时 249.ake place 发生250.in silence 默默地 251.all over the world全世界252.be mad at.对、恼火 253.on thursday night在星期四晚上254.pass on 传递 255.be supposed to do sth 被期望(被要求 )做某事257.soap opera连续剧 258.be in good health 身体健康259.get nervous 感到紧张 260.pass on message传递信息261.first of all首先 262.copy ones homework抄袭某人的作业263.get over恢复,克服 264.care for照顾,照料265.be good at sth/doing sth=do well in sth /doing sth 在某方面做得好266.be better at sth /doing sth在某方面做得更好 267.make money挣钱268.do better in sth /doing sth在某方面做得更好 269.get over 克服270.be sorry to do sth抱歉做某事 272.report card成绩单273.let sb in允许某人进入 274.be surprise to sth对.感到惊奇 275.take away拿走 276.go to college上大学278.make a living谋生279.enf-of-year exams/final exam 期末考试279all the time 一直,总是 280.change ones life改变某人的生活281.laugh at sth .嘲笑. 282.theChinese Young.Pioneers中国少先队283.in order to.为了. 284.raise money for charity为慈善募捐285.collect stamps集邮 286.make sb feel sick使某人感到恶心287.open up eyes开阔眼界 288.travel around the world环游世界289.run out of用完,用尽 290.by the way 顺便,附带说说291.be interested in对、感兴趣 292.the Olympic games奥林匹克运动会293.get an education接受教育 294.a professional athlete专业运动员 295.in fact 事实上 296.a pair of .一对,一双297.three and a half years三年半 298.thousands of数以千计299.on my fifth birthday在我的五岁生日上300.the more.the more.越.越多 301.be far away from 远离,在远处302.right away/at once/in a minute 立刻.马上 303.put on 穿上,戴上304.wait .a minute稍等一会儿 305.wait in line排队等候306.cut in line插队 307.turn down调小turn up 调大 308.clean the yard打扫院落. 309.keep down控制(价格,声音等)400.at first 首先,起初 401.follow sb around紧跟某人左右 402.take care小心,当心 403.break the rule不服从,不遵守404.get annoyed感到烦 405.in public在公共场合406.put out熄灭,扑灭 407.take care of 照顾,照料408.pick up捡起 409.fall asleep/be asleep /go to asleep 入睡410.rather than sth 与其、 411.encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事 412.give away 赠送 413.take an interest in doing sth对做某事感兴趣414.make progress取得进步 415.make friends with与、交友416.hear of听说28.a good way to learn English学英语的好办法 417.the winner of.的获胜者 418.English-speaking country讲英语的国家419.the best way to do sth 做某事的最好办法 420.a tour guide 导游421.three quarters四分之三 422.choose to do sth选择做某事423.all year round 终年 424.look through浏览41.at least 至少425.on board在船上 426.be friendly to sb 对某人友好427.get along with与。相处 428.come along出现。发生九年级1.make mistakes犯错误 2.not at all 根本不,一点也不3.laugh at 嘲笑 4.deal with 处理,应付5.not at all没关系 6.be afraid to do sth 害怕/不敢去做某事 7.be afraid of sth 害怕(某事/某物) 8.take notes 做笔记,做记录9.be angry with 对感到生气 10.Why dont ?为什么不11.change into把变成 12.compare to/with 把与相比13.end up(doing sth)结束( 做某事) 14.make up,组成 编造,拼凑15.later on,后来 16.native speaker 说本族语的人17.look up, 查(字典) 18.to begin with 做某事最好的法19.break off分裂;中断 20.on ones way to在某人去某地的路上21.write down 写下,记下 22.give up(doing sth ) 放弃( 做某事)23.once more 又一次,再一次 24.make flashcard制作生词卡25.ask the teacher for help向老师请教 26.study grammar学习语法27.practice conversations with sb和某人练习对话28.study with a group参加小组学习 29.listen to tapes听录音30.speaking skills说的技能 31.read aloud大声朗读32.by making vocabulary lists通过列词汇表的方式33.watch English-language videos看英语录象34.memorize the words of pop s


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