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Unit4.Topic1.What can I do for you?1、 核心词汇 madam buy over there try seventy thirty forty fifty sixty eighty ninety hundred just pair shop need kilo salt bottle heavy worry fat mouse rabbit ant2、 常用词组 buyfor over there try on how much think of how about think about all the same do some shopping two kilos of how many shopping list3、 重点句子 I want to buy some clothes for my daughter. The clothes are over there, madam. Can I try it on? How much is it/are they? Its/Theyre only seventy yuan, madam. How do you like the pants? Jane, what do you think of this green skirt? How much salt do we need?4、 交际用语 What can I do for you, madam? May/Can I help you? It looks very nice on you. We will take it. How about the blue one? Are you kidding? Thank you all the same. Could you help me do some shopping, Ben? Is that all?六、金点剖析1 What can I do for you, Madam? 此句与May/Can I help you? 用法相同。使用范围较广,在不同的场合句意不同:在商店里售货员询问顾客“你要买什么东西?”;在饭店里,服务员询问顾客“你要点什么菜?”; 在图书馆里,图书管理员询问“你要借什么书刊?”。 如:What can I do for youi? I like some chicken. -May/Can I help you? -I want to borrow an English book.2 I want to buy some clothes for my daughter. Buy sth for sb=buy sb sth 意为“给某人买某物” 如: My mom buys a school bag for me.=My mom buys me a schoolbag. 3 How much is it/are they? 多少钱? (1)how much 用来询问价钱,意为“多少钱”。句子里的be 动词取决于后面的主语(名词或代词),主语为单数时用is,为复数时用are. 如:-How much are the books?-They are 29 yuan【拓展】询问价钱还可用句型 Whats the price of.? Whats the price of the jacket?- Its 100 yuan.【即时演练】按要求改写句子。How much is the phone?(同义句转换) _ _ _ _ the phone?(2) how much 还常用来提问不可数名词的数量。如:-How much milk do you want? -I want a glass of milk. 4. Well take it. 这里的take 相当于buy, 意为“买下”。在口语中,当选定商品,决定购买时,常说“ Ill take it.,而不说 I ll buy it. Take 原意为“拿走,运走。” take sb (sth) to把某人(某物)带到某地。 如:I take my little brother to his school. 5.Why not try on that pair? Try on ,试穿,试戴。on在此处为副词,故 try on 被称为副词短语,其短语后的宾语为人称代词it/them时,代词须放在动词和副词之间, 如:try it/them on; 但如果宾语为名词时,它可以放在短语之间,也可以放在短语之后。 如:These shoes are good. You can try them on. Try on these shoes.= Try these shoes on. 试试这双鞋。【拓展】pair n 一对,一双,一条. 如: a pair of pants in pairs 成双成对 如:Students work in pairs.学生们两人一起工作。【即时演练】 I like this red skirt and that pink dress. Can I _? A try on it B try it on C try on them D try them on6 Jane, what do you think of this green skirt? What do you think of .? 相当于 How do you like? 这个句型常用来询问别人对某人或某物的看法、喜好程度。 如: What do you think of the movie? -I like it very much.我非常喜欢。【即时演练】 How do you like the pants?(同义句转换) _ _ you_ _ the pants?7. Thank you all the same.这句话常常用来表示别人帮你做某事,但是由于某种原因没有做成,你同样要表示感谢。相当于Thank you anyway. 如:-Do you know Tianan Men Square? Sorry, I dont know. -Thank you all the same.8 How many bottles? how many 常用来提问事物的数量,后面应接可数名词的复数形式。 如:-How many students can you see in the picture? -I can see only one. 【链接】当提问事物的数量时,how much 接不可数名词,how many 接可数名词复数。 如:How much salt do you need? How many pens do you need? 【即时演练】 1_ feet does a man have?(How many/How much) 2._bread do you want?(How many/How much) 3._is the chicken?(How many/How much)9. Is that all? 该句用于购物时善意的提醒,相当于问“您还需要其他东西吗?” 在日常交谈中该句可用于提醒对方“您说完了吗?就这些吗?” 答语可以说Thats all.Thanks.如:-Is that all, sir? -No,and two kilos of apples,please.不,还要两公斤苹果。 【拓展】该句相当于 Is that everything? 如:-What can I do for you? -Two bags of milk, three kilos of apples and some bread. -Is that everything? -I think so. 10 Dont worry.别担心。 (1)worry v 担心,着急。 (2)这是一个表示否定意义的祈使句,其结构为“Dont +动词原形+.,表示劝告、命令对方不要做某事。如:Dont draw on the wall. Dont do it like that. 12 How about some bread?Some 和any 的意思都是“一些”。具体用法如下:(1)some 一般用于肯定句中,修饰不可数名词和可数名词的复数。如:I have some milk in the glass. He has some books.(2) some 有时也可用于疑问句中,但一般表示征求对方的意见并希望得到肯定回答。如:Why not have some milk?(3) any 一般用于疑问句和否定句中,通常也修饰不可数名词和可数名词的复数。如:I dont want any milk. Do you have any friends here.【即时演练】用 some 和 any填空1.-Could you give me_ bread?-Sure.2 I dont have_ oranges, but I have_pears.3.-Can I have_eggs?-Sorry, we dont have_4.Would you like_bread for breakfast?13.可数名词和不可数名词名词是表示人或物的名称的词。它分为可数名词和不可数名词两类。(1)可数名词有单数和复数两种形式,前面可以用不定冠词a/an修饰。如:a bag 一个包an apple一个苹果 three boxes 三个盒子 some eggs 一些鸡蛋(2)不可数名词 1)不可数名词通常是一些物质类名词、抽象意义的名词及液体、气体、溶液类名词。 如:glass 玻璃 wood 木头 water 水 2)不可数名词一般没有单数和复数形式之分。不能直接用冠词和数次来修饰。 3)不可数名词可用little, some, much, any, a lot 等词修饰。若要表示量的多 少时,则需要借助单位名词(即量词)+of来表达。如:two bags of salt two glasses of milk.(3) 有些名词有时是可数,有时是不可数。 如:chicken小鸡(可数)鸡肉(不可数) glass 玻璃(不可数) 玻璃杯(可数)练习:I. 根据句子意思,填写所缺单词。(词首字母已给出。)1We can buy some clothes in a s_.2. -Could you do me a f_? -Sure, what is it?3. That coat is too e_, we dont have much money.4.There are s_ seconds (秒)in a minute(分钟)5. There are t_days(天) in a month.6. Forty and sixty is one h_.7. Dont w_.Lets help you.8. -How do the pants f_? - They are too long.9. I want to buy the things on the shopping l_.10. These shoes are on s_ for 10%off.II. .根据句子意思,用单词的适当形式填空。1.My shoes are worn out, what about_(you)?2._How much _ (be)this skirt?3.How much _(be) these apples?.4._ (who) bicycle is this?5.Here is _(you) change.6.I would like three_(kilo) of salt.7.Lets try _(they) on.8.His friends have two _(radio) .9.How many _(umbrella) do you need?III.英汉词组互译。1. try on_ 2. look for_3on sale_ 4. 八十包大米_ 5. 两公斤盐_ 6.be out of_ 7. running shoes _ 8. 多少钱_IV.选择填空。( )1. How do I look _ this dress?A. on B. for C. in D. with( )2. Would you like to try _ another pair?A. on B. for C. in D. with( )3. -_?I am just looking, thanks.A. What can I do for youB. Could you do me a favorC. May I take your order D. What would you like ( )4.This house is _ sale.A. on B. for C. in D. with( )5 I am _ a jacket for my son.A.looking at B. looking after C.looking for D. looking like( )6. Could you do some shopping forn me, we need _ thing.A. a little B. little C. much D. a few( )7. -_? - Two hundred yuan.A. How much is this apple B.How is your dogC. How much is that recorder D. How do you like this recorder( )8.-What is she? -_? A.Fine,thanks B. A waitressC.Shes Jane D.Shes thin and tall.( )9. You can buy a_ in a clothes shop.A.hat B.recorder C. fridge D.VCD player( )10.This is _ umbrella.A.a B. the C.an D./V. 情景交际。根据上下文选择下列选项完成对话,其中两项为多余选项。J: Jerry S: SalesgirlS:_1_?J: Yes,I am looking for s dress, but I cant decide which one to buy.S: It doesnt matter. Let me help you. _2_?J: I like pink.S: what about this one?J: It looks nice,_3_S: Of course. The changing room is over there.(Jerry tries on the dress.)J:_4_S: You look very nice.J:_5_S: One hundred yuan.J: Im afraid it is too expensive. What about 80yuan?S: All right, 80 yuan.A: How much is it?B: Can I have it for 100 yuan?C: Could you do me a favor?D: What color do you like?E: How do I look in this dress?F: Can I try it on?G:May I help you?1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._拓展探究VI.用how 完成下列对话。1.-_it? -H-A-T, hat.2.-_people are there in your family? -Five.3-_? -I am five.4.-_ this computer? - Five thousand yuan.5.- _ your grandfather? - Hes fine,thanks6.-_ the food? - I like it a lot

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