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新目标英语九年级第十四单元词组1 remember doing sth2 special memories3 help you to look for it4 Thanks for saving my life that day5 be scared of6 at the end of junior school7 be kind to sb8 Take a break from running9 write a letter to sb10The dreaming of doing sth11 a lot of hard work12 Hope to do sth in the future13 pass the exam14 get into senior high school15 win a prize for .16 would like to be astronaut17 go into space18 Be exciting19 Believe in sb20 have a party21 would like sb to do sth22 Miss sb the most23 Be patient with24 work out the answer yourself25 no matter26 guide sb to do sth27 do much better in.28 take time to do sth29 Explain things to sb clearly30 encouraged me in English class31 put in more effort32 my exam scores doubles33 get each of them a card to say thank you34 try to be on time for doing sth35 many long hours of training36 pride of overcoming fear37 Remember starting day38 Never speaking to anyone39 helping each other with homework40 Get better together41prepaire for art festivals42 Make a great big mess43 have fun at New Years parties44 English brings many challenges45 its time to do sth46 try to keep cool47 our kind and caring teachers48 wonderful memories of ours49 Starting the first day in Grade Seven50 get poor grades in English51 look forward to doing sth52 Become much better at doing sth53 study much harder for exams54 win the school basketball competition55. used to take dance lessons56. have problems with57. At the end of the year58. Thank you for coming today to Attend the graduation ceremony59. Meeting all of you60. At this school61. Be so full of energy62. Be thirsty for knowledge63. Be a little difficult to deal with64. Be full of hope for the future65. Be proud of66. Work very hard 67. Over the last three years68. None of you did it alone69. Remember the important people in your lives who help and supported You.70. what they mean to you71. Never fail to be thankful to the people around you.72. The end of junior high school is the The beginning of the life.73. need to do sth74. Ahead of you75. Make mistakes along the way76. To learn from yourmistakes77. Never give up78. But along with difficulties,there will Also be many exciting things waiting for you.79. chances to do sth80. Have the ability to do sth81. To make your own choices82. Be responsible for you decisions and actions.83. Go your separate ways84. In a few years time85. Come back to visit our school86. As you set out on your new journey87. You shouldnt forget where you come from.88. The future is yours.89. Hope to see you again.1. 记得做过某事2. 特别的记忆3. 帮助你找它4. 谢谢你那天为我帮忙5. 害怕6. 中学结束的时候7. 对某人和善8. 从跑步中停下来休息一下9. 给某人写一封信10. 做某事的梦想11. 很多艰苦的工作12. 希望在未来做某事13. 通过考试14. 进入高中15. 赢得.奖16. 想成为宇航员17. 进入太空18. 心情激动19. 相信某人20. 举行一个晚会21. 想让某人做某事22. 非常想念某人23. 对.很耐心24. 你自己找出答案25. 无论26. 引导某人做某事27. 在某方面做的更好28. 不慌不忙的做某事29. 向某人清楚的解释某事30. 在英语课堂上鼓励某人31. 投入更多的精力32. 我的考试成绩成倍提高33. 给他们每人一个卡片表达谢意34. 努力按时做某事35. 长时间的训练36. 为克服恐惧而骄傲37. 记得开始的那一天38. 从来不与别人说话39. 做作业时互相帮助40. 在一起相处的更好41. 为艺术节作准备42. 搞得一团糟43. 在新年晚会上玩的开心44. 英语带来了许多挑战45. 到了做某事的时间46. 努力保持镇定47. 我们的善良的关心我们的老师48. 我们美好的记忆49. 七年级开始的第一天50. 英语得了低分数51. 盼望做某事52. 在做某事上变得更好53. 为考试更加努力地学习54. 赢得了学校的篮球赛55. 从前经常去上舞蹈课56. 在某方面有困难57. 在一年结束的时候58. 谢谢你们今天来参加毕业典礼59. 见到你们大家60. 在这个学校61. 如此充满活力62. 对知识的渴望63. 有一点难以相处64. 对未来充满希望65. 为.而自豪66. 学习非常努力67. 在过去的三年里68. 你们没有一个人是独立走过来的69. 记住你们生活中给你们帮助和支持的重 要的人们70. 他们对你有重要意义71. 不要跌倒在感恩你周围的人上72. 初中生活的结束是新生活的开始73. 需要做某事74. 在你的前头75. 一路走来会犯错误76. 从错误中学习77. 永远不要放弃78. 但是伴随着困难,将会有很多激动人心 的事在等着你们79. 做某事的机会80. 有能力做某事81. 做出你自己的选择82. 对你的选择和行为负责83. 踏上你们不同的路程84. 在未来的几年里85. 回来看看我们的母校86. 在你们即将要踏上你们新的旅程之际87. 你们不应该忘记你们来自哪里88. 未来是你们的89. 希望再见到你们90.91.


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