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Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 1 Try not to translate every word.繁华初中 丁建梅课型:听说课【学习目标】1. 知识目标:掌握下列重点单词的意思及用法:translate, correct, match number, advice, mistake, message, each, spelling,pronunciation, newspaper, excellent. 掌握下列短语的意思及用法:give sb. some advice, write it/them down, speak English, in class, do some concerts, try (not) to do sth., each other, help sb. with sth.2. 能力目标:能用下列句式向别人提出建议。You should How about .? Why dont you ? Try not to 3. 情感目标:掌握学习英语的方法,提高学习英语的兴趣,懂得与人交流,注意语言的得体性。【教学重难点】: 1.重点句式:How about listening to the radio and reading a newspaper in English? Try not to translate every word. You should always speak English in class. Why dont you write down your mistakes? 2.难点:提建议的常用表达方法。【教学过程】课前朗读: 朗读translate, correct, match number, advice, mistake, message, each, spelling,pronunciation, newspaper, excellent, 根据音标读出单词并注意单词的重音,了解汉语意思,养成学生自主学习词汇的习惯,促使学生迅速进入学习状态。检查词汇预习:a.采取学生结对、小组互查等形式来检查学生对词汇的预习情况。b.朗读单词,注意发音。一、情境导入教师可问学生:Do you like English? How do you study English? Which is the best way to study English? Do you want to know how to study English well? 这样会调动学生用英语思维的积极性,以此为情境,导入本课。二、小听力(自主完成,合作释疑)1.理解 Activity 1 中单词的意义并进行匹配,使单词得以更好地应用。 2.听Activity 2,将单词与短文内容匹配,理解这五个单词在英语学习中的含义。三、大听力 多层听1. 一层听。Listen and choose the correct answer. ( ) 1). How many people are talking ? A. One B. Two C. Three ( ) 2) What language should we speak in the English class? A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese ( ) 3) Wheres Linglings pen friend from? A. China B. England C. America 2.二层听: Listen again and complete the notes(每空一词) (降低Activity 4难度 )learning vocabularycheck every dayspellingwrite down in your notebooksmistakeswrite down correct and next to the mistakesreading Englishread a in Englishtranslationtry not to every wordlistening to EnglishListen to the in English完成后让学生小组内交流答案。四、理解意思小组间合作解决Activity 3中不懂的地方,教师适时点拨。五、突破重点与难点(一)对重点内容和疑难问题进行合作探究学习。1.Try not to translate every word. try not to do 意思是_ , try to do 意思是_ _.【练习运用】尽量多吃蔬菜,尽量不要吃太多垃圾食品。_ more vegetables and _ too much junk food.自主造句:_2.Why dont you write it down? write down 意思是 _, 如果后面的宾语是名词,可以放在中间,也可以放在后面; 如果宾语是代词,则只能放在_. 学过的这类词组还有_Why dont you +动词原形? 是委婉提出建议的一种表达法,还可以表达为_ ?【练习运用】 Why dont we _(meet) a little earlier? =Why not _(meet) a little earlier?自主造句:_3. And you should write down your mistakes in your notebooks. should 是一个情态动词,意思是_,该句的否定句为_. Activity 3 中类似的句子还有_ _. 4. What else? else与 _ 都有“别的,其他的”意思,else修饰不定代词和疑问词,放在这些词之后。other 用来修饰名词,放在名词之_. 【练习运用】Where _ did she go and who _did she see? Whats that in your _ hand? 自主造句:_5. Its a good idea to check your vocabulary book every day. Its a good idea to do sth. 是一个常见句型,意思是_【练习运用】放学后打篮球是个好主意。_ 6. How about listening to the radio or reading a newspaper in English? How about?=_? 意为“怎么样?” 用于征求对方意见或向对方提出建议,后跟动词时,要_.【练习运用】听音乐怎么样?_ (二)自主完成后,小组合作,交流学习成果,共同释疑。(三)学生朗读巩固以上重点知识。六、归纳短语1.通过对对话的学习,让学生归纳本课的短语,可以小组合作,然后通过展示呈现出一个小组的成果,然后其他小组补充完善。 1)_ 2)_ 3) _ _ 4)_ 5)_ 6)_ 7) _ _ 8) _ 应当包括以下短语:1. give sb. some advice 2.write it down 3. speak English 4. in class 5. try ( not) to do sth. 6. each other 7. do some concerts 8. help sb. with sth.2.疯狂朗读,听写落实,组长交叉监督。对默写错的进行改正,直至巩固。七、诵读积累(一)跟录音机朗读对话,模仿语音语调。(二)读熟对话(三)读烂下列重点句子1. Because its a new term, Im going to give you some advice. 2. Why dont you write it down? 3. You should always speak English in class.4. And you should write down your mistakes in your notebooks.5. Its a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day.l6. How about listening to the radio or reading a newspaper in English?7. She can help me with my homework.(四)默写,组长交叉监督,各组统计好分数,评出优胜小组。八、说的训练 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions (Activity 7)(教师鼓励学生尽可能多地用上对话中的重点词汇和句型,使语言得以更好地运用)九、当堂检测:1、选择填空:( ) 1)Our new teacher is going to give us _ this term. A. some advices B. an advice C. some advice D. a advice( ) 2) This is a new word. Please _. A. write down it B. write it down C. write down them D. write them down( ) 3) Are you free? How about _ chess? A. play B. to play C. playing D. played( ) 4) She doesnt want to do it. We have to find _ to do it. A. nobody else B. somebody else C. else somebody D. else anybody( ) 5) -What can I do this weekend? -Why dont you _at home? A. having a good rest B. to have a good rest C. have a good rest D. has a good rest2. 句型转换。(1) You should play basketball every day.(变为否定句) _ _ .(2) Why dont you write it down? (同义句)_ _.7. (3) I can help her do her homework. (改为同义句) I can _ _ homework. 3. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子 1.我要给你们提一些建议。Im going to _ _. 2. 为什么不把它记下来呢?Why dont you _ _ ? 3. 她经常帮我学英语。She often_ English.4.她在课堂上一直说英语。She _ _ in class. 5. 每天检查你的词汇笔记本是个好主意。_ a good idea _ every day. 6. 尽力不要逐字翻译。Try _ every word.十、Homework1. 在作业本上用本课的重难短语、句式进行造句 2. 绘制本单元的知识树,包括短语、知识点、重点句子等。3. 继续疯狂朗读对话,背熟。Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 2 Please help me!繁华初中 丁建梅课型:读写课【学习目标】1. 知识目标:掌握下列重点单词的意思及用法: send, language, improve, basic, watch, guess, just, yourself, shy, conversation, deep, breath, smile, remember, forget, piece, place, count, borrow, group, mark掌握下列重点短语的意思及用法:ask for advice, enjoy doing, take a long time, a great way to learn English, enjoy yourself, take a deep breath, all the time2. 能力目标: 通过阅读短文,了解短文大意,运用课文中学过的知识写出学英语的困惑与提高英语水平的方法。3、情感目标:通过同学间的英语学习交流,相互取长补短,掌握好的学习方法,提高英语学习的兴趣与成绩。【教学重难点】 1.重点句式:I enjoy watching English films and listening to real English songs. This is a great way to learn English. It takes a long time. Smiling always helps. Try to remember eight or ten words a day.2.难点:英语学习方法的叙述与写作。【教学过程】课前朗读: 朗读send, language, improve, basic, watch, guess, just, yourself, shy, conversation, deep, breath, smile, remember, forget, piece, place, count, borrow, group, mark根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思,养成自主学习词汇的习惯,迅速进入学习状态为新课的学习做好准备。课前准备小组派代表将课前归纳的短语写在黑板上。一、复习检测1.检查词汇预习:让疯狂诵读新单词或短语,培养学生的朗读习惯,同时巩固预习效果。齐读后小组长检查单词、短语等的预习情况。教师抽查。2.旧知识检测:(对应组交叉口头检查)1) 我将要给你们些建议。 2) 你们为什么不把它记下来呢? 3) 你们在课堂上应该一直说英语。4) 每天检查你的词汇笔记本是个好主意。5) 尽量不要逐字翻译。6) 她能帮我做作业。7) 听英文广播或看英文报纸怎么样?二、情境导入 教师通过介绍邓亚萍短期内学习英语成功为例,或班内英语优秀学生介绍学习方法,以激活学生的背景知识,导入新课。1. Do you know Deng Yaping? What was she? She could speak English very well in two months. Do you know why? Dont you want to learn English well like her? 2. Who studies English best in our class? Do you want to know how she studies English well? Let her tell us 三、多层阅读 自主完成,合作释疑。1、一层读:目的性泛读快速阅读,选出正确选项。 (要求学生采用跳跃式的默读方法,搜寻相关信息,并对文章的内容有一个总体的了解) ( ) 1) How many basic questions of learning English are there? A. one B. two C. three D. four( ) 2) Whats the second question about?A. real English B. speaking C. vocabulary D. writing ( ) 3) Whats the third question about?A. real English B. speaking C. vocabulary D. writing( ) 4) How many words should you try to remember a day?A. two or three B. five or seven C. eight or ten D. twenty2. 二层读:快速阅读,判断正(T)误(F)(先自主完成,然后小组讨论) ( ) 1. The first basic question is about reading. ( ) 2. Li Hao is shy and cant speak to the foreign teacher. ( ) 3. Before you begin to speak English, take a deep breath and smile. ( ) 4. Oliver forgets the English words quickly.3.三层读:细节考查:仔细默读文章,完成下列表格QuestionsAdvice from Language DoctorThe first question The second questionThe third question四、理解意思小组间合作解决Activity 2中不懂的地方,教师适时点拨。五、突破重、难点(一)对重点内容和疑难问题进行合作探究学习。1. Many students ask for advice about improving their English.ask for sth. 意为_,ask for advice 意为_ -如:他想要一些钱。_ _拓展: ask sb. for sth 意为_ _ 她向父母要了一辆自行车。_ 思考:句中为什么用improving? 【练习运用】1) When you are in trouble, you should ask the police help. A. in B. on C. with D. for2) Improve your English by (listen) to the radio.2. I enjoy watching English films and listening to real English songs. enjoy 意为_, 后可跟名词、代词和_. 【练习运用】1)Tom likes cars. He enjoys _ model cars of all kinds. A. collects B. collected C. to collect D. collecting 2) My brother enjoys _ (stay) at home.3. But it takes a long time. take 在本句中意为_ , 常用句式为:It takes sb. some time to do sth. 如:我骑自行车上学要花十分钟。_ 拓展:take 与spend 的相互转化:spend 句式:Sb. spends some time (in) doing sth.上句可改为:_ 【练习运用】1) It took me an hour (finish) my homework. 2) I spent an hour (finish) my homework.4. This is a great way to learn English. a way to do sth 意思是_ 如:你知道做饭的方法吗?_ _ 拓展:a way to do sth. 也可以表达为: a way of doing sth【练习运用】1) The best way (learn) more English is using it. 2) There are many ways of (learn) English well.(二)自主完成后,小组合作,交流学习成果,共同释疑。(三)学生朗读巩固以上知识点。六、补充短语通过对对话的学习,让学生补充短语。七、朗读训练(一)跟录音机朗读文章,模仿语音语调。(二)读熟文章(三)读熟短语(四)读烂下列重点句子1. Many students ask for advice for improving their English.2. I enjoy watching English films and listening to real English songs. 3. This is a great way to learn English. 4. It takes a long time. 5. These are good questions to start a conversation. 6. I want to remember all the new words. 7. And when you are shopping, how about counting the English words?(五)复述文章八、当堂检测(一)选择填空:( ) 1. He cant answer this question, so he wants to ask the teacher _ help. A. for B. with C. in D. to( ) 2. These words are very important, please _. A. write down them B. write down it C. write them down D. write it down( ) 3. I have some questions, please _ me. A. helping B. help C. to help D. helps( ) 4. My brother wants _around the world because he enjoys _new places. A. traveling; seeing B. to travel; to see C. to travel; seeing D. traveling; to see( ) 5. Remember _ English all the time. A. speaking B. to speak C. speaks D. spoke(二)用所给动词的适当形式填空1. The best way (learn) more English is using it. 2. _ (read) more is good for your study.3. Try _ ( remember) eight or ten words a day.4. Its hard _ _(understand) American and British accents. 5. How about _ (listen) to the radio?(三)根据汉语意思完成英语句子 1. 我喜欢看英语电影和听地道的英文歌曲。I enjoy _ English songs.2. 很多学生征求关于提高英语的建议。Many students _ their English.3. 如果你感到紧张,就深呼吸。If you feel nervous, _ _ . 九、写作训练Write a passage about how to learn English.十、Homework1. 在笔记本上整理本单元知识网络,包括知识点,短语,重点句子等。2. 背诵课文

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