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一、根据中文完成单词。(11分)1.w_ndow(窗户) 2.t_ _cher(教师 )3.fr_end(朋友 ) 4.g_rl ( 女孩 5.r_ler ( 尺子 ) 6.tw _ nty(二十)7.f_ rty( 四十 ) 8.m_ sic(音乐 ) 9.th_n (瘦的 ) 10. sch_ _lbag(书包) 11.st_dent(学生 ) 二、你能把它们从小到大排队吗?(填序号)(5分) A. twenty B. thirty C. forty-two D. twenty-one E . fifty 三、选出一个与其它三个不属于同一类的单词。( 15分)( )1. A. thirty B. fifty C. too ( )2. A. math B. English C. book ( )3. A. blue B. ruler C. green ( )4. A. quiet B.thirty C. forty ( )5. A. notebook B. floor C. wall ( )6. A. apple B. big C. small ( )7. A. cake B. car C. bike ( )8. A. crayon B. sharpener C. picture ( )9. A. cat B. peach C. rabbit ( )10. A. friend B. Mike C.Sarah 四、找出相应的中英文。(15分)( )1.an English book A. 看电视( ) 2.short hair B.twenty-seven ( ) 3.watch TV C.他的照片( ) 4.Youre right D.电脑游戏( ) 5.his photo E.一本英语书( )6.computer game F.短头发( )7. 13+20 G.forty-five( )8. 20+25 H.thirty-three( ) 9.my friend I. 你说对了( )10.7+20 J.我的朋友五、情景交际,选出正确的选项。(12分) ( )1.当你介绍你的好朋友留着黑色短发时,应该说:A.He has long black hair. B.He has short black hair.C.He has big eyes ( )2.当你要告诉同学们你喜欢科学课时,应该说:A. I like math. B. I like science.C.I like computer games. ( )3.当你称赞对方“做得好”时,应该说:A.Good job! B.Ok. C. All right!( )4.早上遇见刘老师时,你应该说:A.Good bye! B.Good morning C.Thanks!( )5. 当你想知道有多少只钢笔时,你应该问:A. How many friends do you have? B. How many pens do you have? C.I have 45 pencils. ( )6.当你告诉妈妈你有一位新的朋友时,应该说:A. Mom, I have a new friend.B. Mom, I have an American.C. Mon, I have a Chinese friend.( )7.Chen Jie :Let me clean the board . Amy: _. A.OK. B. Hello! C.Sure( )8.A: Wheres my seat ? B:_.(在门旁边) A. Its near the door . B. Its near the desk . C. On the pencil-case.六、根据单词选择中文意思。(10分) ( ) 1.语文书.Chinese book B. Schoolbag ( ) 2.房间.room B.home ( ) 3.钢笔 .pen B.pencil ( ) 4.兔子 .rice B.rabbit ( ) 5.强壮的 .strong .long ( )6.文静的 .quiet .thin( )7.三十 .thirty .window( )8.故事书 .story-book.notebook( ) 9. 教室 A. classroom B. class ( ) 10. 电脑 A. window B. computer 七、选择正确的答案。(15分)( )1. Whats _ the classroom. A. in B.to C. on( )2. _ is it ? Its black. A. What B.What colour C.How( )3. May I _ a look? A. have B.to have C.has ( )4.Is this a _?A. teachers office B. teacher office C. teachers office( )5. Lets go _ have a look. A.are B.and C.is ( )6. How many _ do you have? A.book B.books C.box( )7.I have _English book. A.a B.an C./ ( )8. My friend sports. A. like B.likes. C.have ( )9. He big eyes A.have B.has C.do( )10. 7. My schoolbag heavy. A.is B.are C.am 八、按要求改写句子。(8分) 1. My friend likes music ( . )(写出中文) _ 2. at, look, the, picture ( .) (连词成句)_ 3.white, is, the, wall (.)(连词成句)_4.Its white . (划线提问)_ colour is it ?九、找朋友。(9分) ( )1. How many friends do you have? A. 2 pencils and 5 books.( )2. Whats in your schoolbag? B. I have 4.( )3. What colour is your pen? C. Sure, here you are.( )4. What s her name? D. Her name is Mike.( )5. May I have a look? E Good idea! ( )6. Lets clean the classroom. F. Its black.

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