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日常医学对话用语 问诊常用语 1、HelloMay I help you?How can I help you?您好,我能为您效劳吗?我能为您做些什么?2、Whats wrong with you?您哪儿不舒服?3、When did the trouble start?什么时候开始不舒服?4、How long ago was that?症状是什么时候开始的?5、How long have you been feeling like this?这种症状有多久了?6、What kind 0f treatment have you had?您接受过什么治疗?7、Would you mind I do a physical examination for you?我现在要检查一下您的身体,您不介意吧?8、Id like to have a few tests for you我想给您做些检查。9、I suggest that you have a blood testsputum testchest X-rayECGultrasound scan我想给您做验血验痰胸部x光心电图超声波检查。10、Please point to the part of your body where you feel paindiscomfort请指出您身体哪部分感到疼痛不舒服。11、Do you have any history of illness?您既往曾患什么疾病?12、Do you have any other existing health problems?您现在患有其他病吗?13、Are you on medication for existing illness?您有没有作药物治疗?14、Are you taking any other medication for any reason?(egcontraceptive pillsvitamins)您还因为别的原因吃其他的药吗? (如避孕药、维生素之类)15、Have you had any bacterial or viral infection recently?您最近是否受过细菌或病毒感染?16、Have you had any medical tests recently?您最近做过什么检查?17、Do you smoke? How many cigarettes a day do smoke?您吸烟吗?每天抽多少?18、Do you drink alcohol? How much do you drink a day?您喝酒吗? 一天喝多少?19、Is there anything you need to tell me that you think will be helpful?您是否还有其他对病情有用的信息可以提供给我?20、Im afraid you will have to be hospitalized for further treatmentinvestigation您需要住院治疗检查。21、We may need to do some more tests before we make diagnosis我们会做进一步的检查来确诊。 呼吸系统疾病 22、How long have you had cough?您咳嗽多久了?23、Do you have chest pain when you cough?您咳嗽的时候胸痛吗?24、Does your chest hurt when you breathe in and out?您呼吸的时候胸口痛吗?25、Do you have any sputum when you cough?您咳嗽的时候有痰吗?26、Whats the sputum like? What color is it?痰是怎样的? 什么颜色?27、It is yellow and thick,clear and thin它是黄色黏稠痰稀薄痰。28、Do you suffer from asthma?您有哮喘病吗?29、I need to listen to your lungsWould you help me?我需要听一听您的肺,请配合一下行吗?30、I need to take your temperature, feel your pulse and measure your blood pressure我需要量一下您的体温、脉搏和血压。31、The results of your physical examination show that you suffer from mild pneumoniaYou need to have intra-venous antibioticsand Ill prescribe some pain-killers for your chest pain您的检查结果表明您有轻度肺炎。您需要静脉点滴抗生素,我会给您开些止痛药缓解胸痛。32、As your pneumonia is mild, I will also prescribe some oral tablets for youBut if you do not feel better in three days, please come back to see me您患的是轻度肺炎,我会给您开些口服药。如果您三天内没有好转,请再来就诊。 心血管紧统疾病 33、How long have you had palpitation?您感觉心悸有多长时间?34、Does it get worse if you do any exercise,climbing the stairs for example?您运动时,比如说爬楼梯的时候心跳会加剧吗?35、Do your chest pain radiate?您有放射性胸痛吗?36、Do you ever have dizziness or lost consciousness?您曾感到晕眩吗?您曾昏倒过吗?37、Have you ever had heart disease? Please show me your medical record您以前有心脏病吗? 请给我看一下您的病历。 消化系统疾病 38、How long have you had abdominal pain? Can you show me where it is?您腹痛有多长时间了?您能指给我看是什么位置吗?39、Are you vomiting? What do you vomit? What does it look like?您呕吐吗? 吐的是什么东西? 呕吐物像什么?40、How is your appetite?您的胃口怎样?41、Have you ever taken any contaminated food?您有没有吃过不洁食物?42、The food may have been contaminated食物可能被污染了。43、How long have you had diarrhea? How many bowel movement have you had a day?您腹泻有多久了? 一天腹泻几次?44、What does your stool look like? Is there any bloody stool?您的粪便是什么性状的? 粪便中带血吗?45、Do you have abdominal pain when you have diarrhea?您腹泻的时候会腹痛吗?46、Do you feel thirsty?您感到口渴吗?47、I need a specimen of your stool for test您的大便样本需要化验。48、You must take more fluid, and just have a light diet until you feel better您需要补充水分,好转之前最好清淡饮食。 泌尿疾病 49、Are you able to pass water normally? How often do you pass urine?您排尿正常吗?您一天排几次尿?50、Do you have to get up to pass urine at night?您晚上需要起来小便吗?51、Do you have pain when you pass urine? What color is your urine?您小便的时候痛吗?您的小便是什么颜色?52、Have you noticed any blood in your urine?您的尿液有血吗?53、Have you had any backache recently?您最近后背痛吗?54、I need to examine youhave your urine tested,and perhaps schedule an ultrasound scan of your kidneys.我需要为您做体检、小便化验,并安排您做肾脏超声波检查。55、You may suffer from kidney stones.您可能有肾结石。56、I pass urine more frequently than usual.我小便次数比平时多。57、My urine is cloudy and it smells strong.我的小便混浊,有异味。 外伤、感染 58、How are you hurt? Where do you hurt and how painful is it?您是怎么受伤的? 什么部位受伤? 有多痛?59、Can you move it? Can you walk on it?您能移动那个部位吗?您能走路吗?60、Is your foot (finger) swollen?您的脚 (手指) 肿吗?61、Do you have any pins or tingling?您是否感到刺痛或者麻痹?62、Do you have any restricted movement?您是否行动不便?63、Do you have any trouble on walking?您走路有问题吗?64、You need to have a bandagea plaster cast您需要绑绷带打石膏。65、I think Ive twisted my ankle我的脚踝扭伤了。66、You need to have a splint on your legarm.您的腿手臂需要用夹板固定。 妇科疾病 67、Do you menstruate regularly?您的月经正常吗?68、When was your last period?您最后一次月经是什么时候?69、How many days does your period last?您的月经一般持续多少天?70、Do you think you could be pregnant?您觉得有可能是怀孕吗?71、I noticed occasional spotting of blood between periods我发觉在月经周期之间时有出血。72、There is a little bit itchy in my vaginal area我感到阴部发痒。73、I have painful periods and abnormal vaginal discharge我有痛经,而且阴道有不正常的分泌物。74、Have you had any miscarriages?您曾有过流产吗? 皮肤科疾病 75、What is your problem with your skin?您的皮肤有什么问题?76、Is it very itchy and sore?它痒和痛吗?77、Where did it spread?它蔓延到什么地方了?78、Have you had any creams or ointments?您的皮肤局部有涂过药膏吗?79、Has the skin condition improved after treatment?治疗后皮肤的情况有好转吗?80、I need to take a swab specimen from your skin and it wont hurt我需要从您的皮肤里取些样本做检查,检查时不会引起疼痛。81、Please dont scratch it, otherwise, it easily causes infection请不要挠抓,否则容易引起感染。 五官科疾病 82、When does the pain occur? Does it hurt only when you are eating or throughout the day?疼痛一般发生在什么时候?吃东西的时候痛还是整天痛个不停?83、This tooth has decayed quite badlySo I think it will relieve you a lot if I remove the tooth这颗牙蛀得很厉害,只有把它拔了,你才能摆脱痛苦。84、The gum around the tooth is swollenWe cant have the tooth extracted till we get the swelling down周围的牙龈肿了,必须消肿之后才能拔牙。85、There is a small cavity to be filled有个蛀齿的小洞要填补。86、Do you also get a headache while you have a earache?当您耳朵痛的时候会伴随头痛吗?87、Has your hearing got worse or you have lost it?您有听力减退或丧失吗?88、I need to examine your ear with an otoscope我需要用耳镜检查您的耳朵。89、You need to have an MRI scan您需要接受核磁共振成像扫描。90、You have acute otitis media您患了急性中耳炎。91、Has your nose been hurt? Do you get any nose bleeding?您的鼻子是否受过伤? 您有流鼻血吗? 传 染 病 92、Please tell me about your travel historyHave you had any contact history with live birds or other poultry?请告诉我有关您的外出旅游史。您有没有和活禽的接触史?93、Have you received any vaccinations?您有没有接受过疫苗接种?94、To protect others, please wear a mask, and cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing为了保护他人,请戴上口罩,咳嗽或打喷嚏时遮住口和鼻子。95、Do you have a fever / headache / muscle and joint pain or a rash?您有发热头痛肌肉和关节痛皮疹吗?96、Have you been to a dengue fever epidemic area recently?你近期到过登革热疫区吗? 中 医 97、If you agree, Id like to treat you with acupuncture如果您同意,我想用针灸给您治疗。98、After insertion, the needles may be stimulated by being connected with a mild electric current针刺入以后,通过连接到微弱的电流产生刺激。99、Traditional Chinese-Medicine (TCM) is one of the great cultural legacies of the Chinese nation with a long history中医学是中华民族的伟大文化遗产之一,有着悠久的历史。100、Do you have neck pain and backache? Massage will relieve your symptoms您有颈痛和背痛吗? 按摩会缓解您的症状。常用医学词汇 症状常用语 I have a feverhave a headachehave chest painhave a stomachachefeel breathlesshave been spitting bloodhave heart palpitationsfeel nauseoushave been vomitinghave been vomiting bloodhave blood in my stoolhave diarrheafeel dizzyfeel faint我发烧头痛胸痛腹痛呼吸困难咯血心悸恶心呕吐呕血便血腹泻头晕晕厥。呼吸系统疾病 viral infection 病毒感染chest infection 胸部感染TB (pulmonary tuberculosis) 肺结核pneumonia 肺炎bronchitis 支气管炎secondary chest infection 胸部继发性感染emphysema 肺气肿upper respiratory tract infection 上呼吸道感染pleurisy 胸膜炎chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)慢性阻塞性肺病lung cancer 肺癌pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞pneumothorax 气胸stabbing pain 刺痛sharp pain 锐痛The pain comes in waves阵痛dyspnea 气促chest pain 胸痛cough 咳嗽sticky sputum 痰液黏稠thin sputum 稀痰sore throat 咽喉痛tonsillitis 扁桃体炎sneezes 打喷嚏running nose 流鼻涕decompensation 呼吸困难cyanopathy 发绀chest fluoroscopy 胸透chest radiogram 胸部照片心血管系统疾病dizziness头晕palpitation 心悸arrhythmia 心律失常electrocardiogram 心电图abnormal electrocardiogram 不正常心电图echocardiography 心脏B超检查angiocardiography 心血管造影cyanosis 紫绀hypotensor 降血压药cardiovascular problems 心血管问题myocardial infarction (M.I.) 心肌梗死angina 心绞痛pericarditis 心包炎a sense of pressure 压迫感hypertensionhigh blood pressure 高血压hypotensionlow blood pressure 低血压rheumatic heart disease 风湿性心脏病coronary heart disease 冠心病arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化症acute myocarditis 急性心肌炎angina pectoris 心绞痛stroke 中风cardiac failure 心力衰竭coronary thrombosis 冠状动脉血栓coronary atherosclerosis 冠状动脉粥样硬化hypertensive heart disease 高血压性心脏病消化系统疾病diarrhea 腹泻abdominal pain 腹痛bloody stool 血便loose stool 稀烂便bloody purulent stool 脓血便stomachache 胃痛constipation 便秘diabetes 糖尿病food poisoning 食物中毒dysentery 痢疾intestinal obstruction 肠梗阻dehydration 脱水irritable bowel syndrome 肠道易激综合征bowel tumor 肠肿瘤enteritis 肠炎appendicitis 阑尾炎peptic ulcer 消化性溃疡cholecystitis 胆囊炎cholelithiasis 胆石病 (胆结石)pancreatitis 胰腺炎泌尿系统疾病 urodynia 尿痛frequent micturition 尿频urgency of urination 尿急bloody urination 血尿urinary incontinence 尿失禁prostatitis 前列腺炎bladder tumor 膀胱肿瘤chronic cystitis 慢性膀胱炎carcinoma 0f prostate 前列腺癌difficulty in passing urine 排尿困难urethritis 尿道炎nephritis 肾炎carcinoma of the kidney 肾癌kidney stones 肾结石urine infection 尿路感染外伤、感染 dislocated 脱臼sprained 扭伤achilles rupture 脚踝扭伤amputation of截肢fracture of toefinger脚趾手指骨折elevated 抬高的non-mobileimmobile 固定splint 夹板sling (triangular bandage) 悬带(三角绷带)traction 牵引back slab 悬臂板rheumatoid arthritis 风湿性关节炎joint replacement 关节置换术arthritis 关节炎knee and hip replacement 膝盖和臀关节置换bunions 拇囊炎(拇指外翻)slipped disc 椎间盘突出spoils injuries 运动创伤torn meniscus (knee) 半月板(膝盖)撕裂burn 烧伤scald 烫伤control of bacterial infection 控制细菌感染妇科疾病polycystic ovaries 多囊卵巢endometriosis 子宫内膜异位症endocrine disease 内分泌疾病ectopic pregnancy 宫外孕prolapsed uterus 子宫下垂irregular menstruation 月经不调menopausal syndrome 更年期综合征dysmenorrhea 痛经pelvic inflammatory disease 盆腔炎infertility 不孕amenorrheaamenia 闭经皮肤科疾病eczema 湿疹urticaria 荨麻疹insect bites 蚊虫叮咬impetigo 脓疱病dermatitis 皮炎psoriasis 牛皮癣rash 皮疹chilblain 冻疮scabies 疥疮wart 疣五官科疾病toothache 牙痛redness and swelling of the gum牙龈红肿periodontic 牙周炎caries 龋pulpitis 牙髓炎gingivitis 牙龈炎affected tooth 病牙dental caries 龋齿suffocation 窒息deafness 聋hoarseness 声音嘶哑loss of voice 失声sore throat 喉咙痛enlargement of tonsil 扁桃体肿大rhinitis 鼻炎dumbness 哑nervous tinnitus 神经性耳鸣sinusitis 鼻窦炎cancer of larynx 喉癌otitis media 中耳炎snore 打鼾传染病whooping cough 百日咳scarlet fever 猩红热chicken-pox 水痘epidemic encephalitis B 流行性乙型脑炎mumps 腮腺炎measles 麻疹diphtheria 白喉rubella 风疹smallpox 天花meningitis 脑膜炎tetanus 破伤风infective hepatitis 传染性肝炎ascariasis 蛔虫病malaria 疟疾plague 瘟疫filariasis 丝虫病viral meningitis 病毒性脑膜炎viremia 病毒血症epidemic hemorrhagic fever 流行性出血热viral respiratory infection 病毒性呼吸道感染infectious complication 感染性并发症yellow fever 黄热病rabies 狂犬病viral gastroenteritis 病毒性胃肠炎recurrent infection 复发性感染中 医 moxibustion 灸法massage 按摩manipulation 推拿physical therapy 理疗herbal medicine 中药herbal prescription 中药处方herbal soup 中药汤剂医院部门名称Emergency Room 急诊室Outpatient Department 门诊部Inpatient Department 住院部Registration Desk 挂号处Reception Room 接待室Waiting Room 候诊室Consultation Room 诊察室Isolation Room 隔离室Admission Office 住院处Discharge Office 出院处Doctors Office 医生办公室Nursing Department 护理部Department of Internal Medicine 内科Department of Cardiology 心脏科Dermatology 皮肤科Otolaryngology 耳鼻喉科Department of Endocrinology 内分泌科Department of Gastroenterology 消化科Department of Hematology 血液科Department of Neurology 神经科Department of Nuclear Medicine核 医学科Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 妇产科Department of Oncology 肿瘤科Department of Ophthalmology 眼科Department of Orthopedics 整形外科Department of Pediatrics 儿科Department of Respiratory Medicine 呼吸科Department of Psychiatry 精神科Department of Rheumatology 风湿科Stomatology 口腔科Surgery 外科Thoracic Surgery 胸外科Department of Urology 泌尿科Vascular Surgery 血管外科Cardiovascular Surgery心血管外科Cardiac Surgery 心脏外科Gastrointestinal Surgery 胃肠外科Department of Orthopedics 骨科Department of Rehabilitation 康复科Department of Traumatology 创伤外科Urological Surgery 泌尿外科Operation Room 手术室Department of Physiotherapy 理疗科Pharmacy 药房Department of Pathology 病理科MRI Scanning Room 核磁共振成像扫描室Department of Radiology 放射科Ultrasound Scanning Room B超室Electrocardiogram (ECG) Room 心电图室Emergency Room 急诊室Disinfection Room 消毒室Dressing Room 换药室Information Desk 问询处Injection Room 注射室Laboratory of Biochemistry 生化室Observation Ward 观察室Therapeutic Room 治疗室Laboratory 检验室

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