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闽教版四年级下册英语知识点复习一、动词转换 sitsitting runrunning swimswimminggetgetting shopshoppingwwW .x kB 1.c Ommakemaking havehaving comecomingSingSinging gogoing passpassingplayplaying dodoing boatboatingwashwashing cookcooking drawdrawing readreading eateating wearwearing 二、交通工具1、by bus 2、by bike 3、bymotorcycle 4、by car5、on foot 6、by train 7、by plane 询问做什么交通工具句式为:How do you(they) go to school?或者How does he(she) go to school? 新 课标 第 一网三、食物吃东西用的动词为第一、二人称(如你、我、我们、他们)时用“have”第三人称(如他、她、它)用“has”:1、we have hot dogs 2、we have noodls 3、we have rice and fish4、we have ice cream 5、we have hamburgers 6、we have dumplings四、单复数1、dumplingdumplings 2、vegetablevegetables3、hamburgerhamburgers 4、eggeggs5、peachpeaches 6、grapegrapes7、cakecakes 8、appleapples9、carrotcarrots 10、hot doghot dogs只能是单数表示的东西:1、ice cream 2、fish 3、melon 4、rice5、tea 6、fruit 7、soap 8新| 课|标| 第 |一| 网五、房子结构(要注意搞清楚哪些东西是在哪个房间的)1、a sitting room 2、a bedroom 3、a dining room4、a kitchen 5、a study 6、a bathroom六、方位词(on、in或near)1、一般在某个物体里面的用“in”如:、Blackboard in my classroom 、windows in my classroom、piano in the music room 、pencils in my pencil-case、ice cream in the fridgex k b 1 .c o m2、如果是在某个物体上面,不被包住的用“on”如: 、clock on the wall 、pictures on the wall、book on the table 3、在某个物体的边上就用“near ”七、课目(注意有些课目第一个字母要大写,有些整个词都得大写)1、English 2、Chinese 3、math 4、computer 5、music6、art 7、PE 8、science八、句式1、做什么交通工具?How do you(they) go to school?或者How does he(she) go to school? 新 课标 第 一网回答:I(they) go to school by bus。或者he(she) goes to school by bus。2、吃什么东西?What do you(they) have for lunch?或者What does he(she) have for lunch?回答:I(they) have noodls 。或者he(she)has noodls。3、今天星期几?What day is today?回答:It is Wednesday.4、有没有数学、语文课?www .Xkb 1.co M Do you have a math class on Monday?回答:Yes, I do.5、你喜欢的课是什么?Whats you favorite subject?回答:I like math.或者简单回答:math如果是问他或她喜欢什么课,回答时要用“likes”6、问价格?How mush is it?或How mush are they?回答:Sixty-eight yuan.7、我们需要买些什么?What do we need? wwW .x kB 1.c Om回答:We need fish ,eggs,milk and a chicken.8、什么时候用“there is“什么时候用“there are”?当问或回答的物品是复数且数量是2个以上时用“there are”除此之外都用“there is“。新课标第一网系列资料 www.xkb1.com

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