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学案: Language points of Module 3 Unit 1 The world of our sensesPart III Word power1. He met me in Park Street and walked me the rest of the way home. 他在公园街遇见我,与我一起走完剩下的回家的路。(1)句中walk作及物动词,表示“陪伴.走,护送.”。_ _ _ _ _ _.我每天都带我的狗去散步。walk也可作不及物动词,表示“走,步行,散步”。He walked in the park他在公园散步。 walk还可作名词用,表示“步行,散步,步行的距离”。She _ _ _ _ _ _. 她带着狗去散步。The station is _ _ _ from my house. 从我家到车站步行需10分钟。2. In some cases, different parts of speech ( usually a noun and a verbhave the same spelling but different meanings. 在有些情况下,不同的词性(通常是名词或动词)有相同的拼写,但是具有不同的含义。(1)in some cases意为“在某些情况下”,case在这里是名词,表示“情况,情形,事例”。That isnt the case with Peter. _。If _ _ _, I must as well try. 如果情况是这样,我也一定要试一下。(2)case作名词还表示:nC病例,患者,病情。 The worst case has been sent to hospital. 最严重的病人已被送到医院去了。Her case was very serious. 她的病情很严重。nC案情,案件。They began at once to investigate the case. 他们立刻开始调查案情。n. C;U(语法)格。Case is an important part of the grammar of many languages. 格是许多语言的语法中一个重要的组成部分。as the case stands 事实上 in any case 无论如何,总之 in case 假使,免得,以防(万一)in no case 决不 in case of 假使,如果发生;万一 in the case of 就.来说;至于.3. Poor people often have to go hungry because they cannot afford the increase. 贫穷的人们不得不经常挨饿因为他们无法负担物价的上涨。(1)go link-v(自然地或人为地)变(坏、糟糕等)go hungry 挨饿She cant bear the thought of . 她想到孩子们挨饿就受不了。go blind 变瞎 go mad 变疯 go bad 变坏 go deaf 变聋 go nervous 紧张不安 辨析go,get,become与turngo 用作系动词表示变化时,通常指由好到坏的转变;get 常用来表示状态、情感方面的变化;become,turn亦可用作表示变化的系动词,后跟单数名词作表语时,turn+单数名词,become+冠词(aan)+单数名词。(2)because conj. 因为 I cant go because I am ill我不能去,因为我病了。辨析)because,since,as与forbecause,since,as,for均可用作连词,表示原因,语气由强到弱依次为becausesinceasfor。其中because,since,as为从属连词,引导原因状语从句;for为并列连词。because 因为,表直接原因,回答why的提问,一般放在主句之后,也可单独存在;since 因为,既然,侧重主句,从句表示显然的或已知的理由; as 由于,鉴于,主从并重,从句说明原因,主句说明结果,为常用词; for 因为,由于,表明附加或推断的理由,引导的分句前常有逗号,且不能放于句首。(3)afford vt负担得起(费用、损失、后果、时间等)Id love to go on holiday 我想去度假,可是抽不出时间来。4谈论天气的常用语句:_? 今天天气怎样?_? 今天气温多少度?The maximum is 38最高温度38摄氏度。The minimum is -15最低温度零下15摄氏度。_. 看起来要下雨。_? 今天天气预报是怎样的?_? 今天天气很好,不是吗?_! 多好的天气啊!_! 多糟糕的天气啊!_. 冷死了。_. 热死了。_. 雾开始消散了。常用描述天气的形容词: sunny 阳光明媚的,windy 刮风的,rainy 下雨的,hot 热的,warm 暖和的,cool 凉爽的,chilly 寒冷的,cold 冷的, wet 湿的,humid (damp) 潮湿的,foggy 大雾的。 Part IV Grammar and Usage1. Since it is believed that strong smells can affect the senses, volunteers were required not to eat or drink for eight hours before the experiment. 由于人们相信强烈的气味可以影响人的感觉,因此志愿者们被要求在实验开始之前八个小时不能吃喝。 experiment(1)n.C;U实验The students _ _ _ _ _ in physics. 学生们正在进行物理实验。(2)vi. 做实验,用做实验(常与介词onupon连用)The scientist _ _-_ frogs. 这个科学家用青蛙来做实验。 辨析experiment与experienceexperiment指科学家进行的实验或用来表示人们为了检验某种效果而进行的任何活动;experience指人们经历过的事情,即生活中所遇到的事情或通过学习、实践取得的经验。experimental adj实验性的 experienced adj有经验的,熟练的2. Scientists are interested in whether the sense of smell is related to pain. 科学家们对这样的问题很感兴趣:嗅觉是否与痛苦有关。这是一个主从复合句。主句谓语是are interested in,宾语是由whether引导的从句。宾语从句除了可以作动词的宾语外,也可以作介词的宾语。 People are talking about _ _ _ _ _ _. 人们正在谈论谁将会是下一届总统。This is a problem of _ _ _ _ _, not a problem of whether you will do it.这问题是你将怎么做,而不是你是否要做。be related to 和.相关,和.有联系All things were related to all other things. 所有事物与其他事物都互相关联。I cant _ _he does _ _ he says. 我不能把他所做的与他所说的联系起来。related adj有联系的,相关的 relation n关系,联系relate vt把联系起来,有关联;讲述, 叙述;vi. 涉及,有关(与to连用)relationship n. 关系 relate to 有关,涉及;理解 relating to 涉及,有关in relation to 关于,与.相关bear no relation to 与无关(完全不符) 3add(1)vt把力口到上_ _ _ _ _ you have 8. 五加三等于八。The fire is going out, will you add some wood? 火要灭了,你添加点木柴好吗?(2)vt. 补充,继续说“Ill come later,” he added. “我随后就到,”他又说道。Is there anything youd like to add, David? _?(3)vi.增添,添加,增加(常与介词to连用)The music _ _ _ _. 音乐给我们增添了快乐。Their coming _ _ _ _. 他们的到来增加了我们的困难。addition n加,增加物;新增部分 additional adj附加的,追加的,补充的 add in包括在内 add up to合计,加起来是,共达 add to增加了 add.to. 把.到.上 add fuel to the fire 火上浇油 in addition 另外 in addition to 除.之外 add insult to injury 把关系弄得更糟,雪上加霜4be linked to 和.有联系的,和.有关联的_ _ _ _ _ _. 他的病与吸烟有关系。_ _ _ _ _ _ _? 你与这次交通事故有关联吗?5. It is added that while our sense of sight is used too much, our senses of touch and smell have been ignored.他补充说,尽管我们过度使用了我们的视觉,但我们的触觉和嗅觉却被忽视了。touch(1)vt接触,触及(其他某物)One of the branches was just touching the water. _。(2)vt感动,触动Her tragic story . 她的悲惨故事深深地感动了我们所有人。Her tragic story touched our hearts with sorrow. _。(3)vt. 轻触,轻碰 (某人某物)Can you touch the top of the door? 你够得着门的上面吗?He 他碰了碰我的胳膊。(4)n.C触,接触(常用作单数)I felt a touch on my arm. _。(5)nU触觉Blind people rely a lot on touch. 盲人很大程度上依靠触觉。staykeep in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系 get in touch with sb与某人取得联系 lose touch with sb. 与某人失去联系 be out of touch with sb与某人失去联系6. While having dinner, listen to some enjoyable music rather than watch television .吃饭时,听一些喜欢的音乐而不是看电视。rather than而不是 (意思相当于instead of,通常用于平行结构中), 按要求英译下列句子: _. (两个形容词)我宁愿把房间漆成蓝色,而不是红色。_. (两个状语词组、我宁可夏天去而不是冬天。_. (两个不定式)我决定写信而不是打电话。or rather 更确切地说 would rather 宁愿,宁可 rather too 相当,颇7. While sleeping, wear a nightshirt that is pleasant to touch-it will make us sleep well.睡觉时,穿一件摸上去很舒服的睡衣-它会使我们睡得很沉。deeply adv深,深深地The government said _ _ _ _ _the situation. 政府表示对局势非常关注。辨析)deep与deeplydeep常常用于表示空间上“深深地”或“到达空间的很大深度”,还可用于表示时间上“很晚地”;deeply带有抽象和比喻的意味,主要用于比喻义,起增强语气的作用。deeply可用来修饰形容词和过去分词,但deep不能。Part V Task1. If possible,Id like some time to think it over如果可能,我希望有时间认真考虑这件事。(1)句中if possible是if it is possible的省略,it指主句的整个内容。这里it is常常是可以省略的。在when,where,if引导的从句中,若状语从句的主语为it,系动词是be,可把it和be省略,只留形容词。Lets practise speaking English _ _ _ _. 无论何时何地尽可能让我们多练习讲英语。Ask them for help _ _. 如果必要的话,请找他们帮忙。在when,where,if等引导的句子中,若从句的主语与主句的主语一致,且从句中含有be动词,可把从句主语和be省略。_ (_ _) _ _ _, you must be careful. 过马路时你一定要小心。Ill attend the party _ (_ _ )_. 如果被邀请,我会去参加聚会的。I would like to think over the matter. 我要认真考虑一下这件事情。2Liu Weihai is making good progress刘伟海先生病情已很有起色。 make progress表示“取得进步,有进展”。The ship _ _ _ _ the rough sea. 船在汹涌的海中缓慢前进。progress nU进步,进展;v. 进步,进展 progression nU前进,进行 progressive adj先进的,进步的;逐步发展的 in progress 在进行中,在举行3.It will be hard for Liu Weihai, but it is expected that in the next few months his body will accept the hand as his own without any disability. 他知道这对刘伟海来说会很困难,但是他说在接下来的几个月里,刘伟海的身体很有可能会接纳移植的手。hopefully adv有希望地,但愿Hopefully,well get more news next week希望我们下星期能得到更多的消息。 hope n. &v. 希望,期望,渴望 hopeful adj. 有希望的,抱乐观态度的 hopeless adj. 没有希望的 hopelessly adv没有希望地,处于绝境地注意hopefully用作副词,修饰整个句子;与之用法相同的还有:luckily,fortunately,strangely,frankly speaking,generally speaking等。Part VI Project1. There are nearly 400 different types of sharks, but only about 30 types have ever been reported as attacking human beings.将近有400种不同种类的鲨鱼,但根据报道仅有大约30种鲨鱼曾经攻击过人类。 (1)have been reported 用的是现在完成时的被动语态形式,其结构是“have been + 过去分词”,表示“已经被”。The thieves have been caught. 那些小偷已经被抓了。The moon has been visited by man. 月球已经被人类造访过了。(2)report.as.表示“将.报道为.”,as后面跟名词、v-ing形式或过去分词。The media reported him as a hero. 媒体将他报道为英雄。The US Army torturing prisoners of War. 美军曾被报道虐待战俘。The body-bomb blasts were reported as terrorist attacks. _。(3)as常用在一些动词后面,表示“作为;当做.”。Dont . 别把我当傻瓜。The Browns . 布朗夫妻把宠物狗当做他们的儿子。I considered the problem . 我认为这个问题解决了。(4)type n.C类型,型号;典型,榜样The horticulturist developed a new type of rose. 这个园艺师培育了一种新品种的玫瑰。辨析type,kind与sorttype 强调“型,类型”;也可表示“典型,榜样,样本”等;kind 种类,特指某种性质相同,而且有极相似特征的东西,足以用某种方法分类,并置于一起;sort种类,常与kind同义,在口语和商业语言中更常用,还可表示轻蔑的意味。2. However, there are still two other sharks which are fierce.可是,还有其他两种凶猛的鲨鱼。(1)two other sharks表示“另外两种鲨鱼”。表示“另外的,附加的”可以用三种结构:数词 + other + 名词; 数词 + more + 名词;another + 数词 + 名词。完成这项工作我还需3个小时。I need to finish the job. I need to finish the job.I need to finish the job.3. Hit the shark on the nose.击打鲨鱼的鼻子。 打某人物的某一部分,可用“hit + sbsth+ on + the + 部位”表示。 . 他打了我一耳光。 . 她打了那只狗的背。4. Dont be frightened by sharks as there is 30 times greater chance of being hit by lightning than being attacked by a shark. 不要惧怕鲨鱼,固为人类被闪电击中的几率要比遭受鲨鱼攻击的几率大30倍。(1)句中30 times greater chance of.than.用的是比较级。其结构为“倍数 + 比较级 + than”,表示“比大(多,好,长,远等)倍”。There is in car accidents than in air crashes.死于车祸的几率比死于空难的几率大100倍。There are in this school than in that school.这个学校的学生比那个学校的学生多3倍。(2)倍数表达法:常见的倍数表达法有三种形式。 A + 谓语 + 倍数 + as + adj. adv+ as + B A + 谓语 + 倍数 + 形容词或副词比较级 + than + B A + 谓语 + 倍数 + the + n.(size / length / height / width / depth, etc.) + of + B这个房间是那个房间的三倍大。This room is that one. This room is that one.This room is that one.

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