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冀三起五 第三单元石家庄ListeningPart.听力部分(30分).listen and choose. 选择听到的单词。(10分)() 1. A treeB.TripC. big()2.A .inviteB.leavesC.arrives()3. A farB. fromC. four()4. A. expensiveB. cheapC. slow()5. A. AustraliaB. SaturdayC. ThursdayIIListen and write. 写出听到的数字。(10分)IIIListen and choose.选择听到的句子。(分)()a.A. We can go to Beijing by train.B.We can go to Beijing by plane.()b.A . No,A bus is slower than a car.B.Yes.Abus is faster than a car.()c.A. Its about six thousand kilometers.B.Its about sixteen thousand kilometers.()d.A. We leave on June eighteenth.B.We leave on June twenty-eighth.()e.A. By plane .Its fast.B.By train. Its fast.听力材料I1. Trip2.leaves3. far4.cheap5.SaturdayII1. nine thousand sixhundred.2. two hundred seventy-eight.3. seventhousandthreehundredsixty.4. eight thousand five hundred5.six thousand nine hundrd six.IIIa. How can we go to Beijing? We can go to Beijing by train.b. Is a bus faster than a car? No .A bus is slower than a car.c. How far isit? Its about sixteen thousand kilometers.d. When do you leave ? We leave on June twenty-eighth.e. How do you go ? By plane. Its fast.Reading and Writing Part笔试部分(70分).Choose.单选。(10分)()1.Lets _a train.A.takeB.by C.at()2.We leave forBeijing_ February first _the moring.A.ononB.ininC. onin()3._is it from Shijiazhuang to BeiJing?A.How far B.When C.Where()4.-May I live in BeiJing?-Yes,_.A.You may notB.You are notC.You may()5.We will leave _BeiJing next week.A.in B.at C.for()6.May I invite _,Mum?A. them B.they C.he()7.Is BeiJing the capital city of China?A.Yes ,it is B.No,it is C.No ,it isnt()8.I want to go _.A.shop B.shopping C.shops()9.Come and _,They are the same.A.leave B.go C.arrive()10. Is an airplane faster than a train?A.Yes ,It is B. Yes, It does. C. No, It is.请从方框中选择单词填入句子的空白处。有的词可以反复使用,有的词要有所变化。(14分)1.My father and mother often go _trips.2.Beijing is the _ofChina.3._isTiananmenSquare?Its inBeijing.4.Sometimes I eat in _.5.Its about 400kilometers_Shijiazhuang_Tianjin.6.My brother is three years old.He is _ young _go to school.7.The U.S.A is far _ our country.8._ I go out in the evening?Yes, you _.9.They want to go to Shanghai _ airplane.10.A train is _ than a bus .But _ than an airplane.Read, look and choose.判断 图与句子是否相符。(8分)()1。图:公园图几个小孩在放风筝。Where do you want to go,liming?I want to go to the park to fly a kite.()2。图:学校里,许多学生在体育馆里运动。Where do you want to go,Jenny?I want to go to the department store to buy a dress.()3.图:美国地图。I live in the country south ofCanada,What country do I live?()4.图:一群儿童在快乐的玩耍。Liming wants Jenny and Danny to go on a trip to Beijing.Makesentencesusing the cards.连词成句。(10分)a.airplane we May the to go._.b.is A faster train bus a_.c.do weWhen leave_?d.I want go bus to dont by_.e.China far is from Canada_.f.about thousandIts nine hundred sixkilometersfrom Edmonton toShijiazhuang(.)_.g.bus a is than cheapera plane(.)_.h.for We leave Beijing February on first the in morning( .)_.i.are they tripgoing on a to Beijing ._.J. How buses are many there (?)_?.Choose the correct sentences and complete the dialogue.选择正确的句子补全对话。(8分)A: Excuse me ,sir?Where is the hotel?B: _You may ask the policeman over there.A:Thank you .C: No, there isnt a hotel here ,but there is one near the Bank of China(中国银行)。A: _C:Its about two kilometres.A:_C:You can take a cab.A:_C:Youre welcome.a.Thank you very much.b.Sorry,Idont know.c.How can I go there.d.How far is it from here.e.Is there a hotel near here.Answer the questions.看图回答问题。(10分)1. Who does LiMing want to come?图:LiMing想Danny和Jenny一起去2. How far is it from BeiJing to ShiJiazhuang.图:石家庄到北京之间的距离278公里3. How many planes are there?图:12架飞机4. Is BeiJing the capital city of our country?图:一幅中国地图5. When does he leave for BeiJing?图:日历 11 月 23日.Read and answer.阅读并回答问题。(4分)Thismoring Mrs Li talks with Liming.Mrs Li says“Danny and Jenny arrive today.”Limingfeels happy.“May we go to the airport by train?”asksLiming.“No, Thetrain doesnt go to the airport”says Mrs Li.“May we take a cab?”“No, a cab is faster than a bus. But a bus is five yuan .a cab is twenty yuan. Lets take a bus.”They take a bus to the airport at 4:30.They wait and wait at the airport.At 6:00 Danny and Jenny arrive, They are hugging ,Jenny gives Liming aCananasflag.问题;1.Whowill go to the airport to arrive Danny and Jenny?_.2.Will they take a bus at 4:30?_.3.When will Danny and Jenny arrive by airplane?_.4.Does Danny give a gift to Liming?_.作文,制定一个旅行计划。(6分)你喜欢旅游吗?请制定一个旅行计划。要求:用上“where”“when”“who”“how”。


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