高中英语Unit 20《Communication Workshop & Culture Corner》课件 北师大版 选修7(1)

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高中英语Unit 20《Communication Workshop & Culture Corner》课件 北师大版 选修7(1)_第1页
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高中英语Unit 20《Communication Workshop & Culture Corner》课件 北师大版 选修7(1)_第3页
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Epidemics Explained,Do you remember SARS ?,What did you feel when SARS was spreading?,Whats the outcome of SARS ?,Besides SARS, what other diseases can be epidemic?,AIDS, flu, TB, Justinians Plague, the Black Death,Epidemics throughout history,Match the five paragraphs (A-E) with gaps 2,4, 7, 9 and 11 in the text.,A B C D E,Paragraph 2 Paragraph4 Paragraph 7 Paragraph 9 Paragraph 11,Reading strategies: Sequencing of information 1.Read the text with gaps to get the general idea and see how it develops 2.Read the sentences before and after the gaps to give you an idea of what the beginning or end of the missing paragraph might refer to 3. Read the missing paragraphs and look for these references. 4. If a paragraph doesnt seem to fit , you may have made a mistake, so carefully reread each paragraph.,Justinians Plague,North Africa The Mid East Europe,25-50 percent of the population,In the 1330s,Asia - worldwide,one half to one third,1918,The Great Flu Epidemic,25-50 million,2002- 2003,SARS,China - worldwide,Match each epidemic with the statements,Justinians Plague,one of the earliest on record,Perfect conditions were provided for the disease to spread,The most acute worldwide epidemic,It was actually a disease called bubonic plague,It was one of the key causes of the fall of an empire,The Black Death,Perfect conditions were provided for the disease to spread,Less populated areas were less severely affected,It was completely new to physicians,Most people had no natural defenses against the disease,The Great Flu Epidemic,The most acute worldwide epidemic,It is also called the Spanish Flu,It struck near the end of the First World War,More people died of the flu than died in the war,It was completely new to physicians,SARS,It was completely new to physicians,It began with an abnormal lungs disease,Most people had no natural defenses against the disease,Yet , it has been forgotten by history,Discussion Work in group of 4. Imagine you are a futurologist. Now you predict an epidemic in the future. Try to use as many words and expressions you have learnt in the passage as possible. Name ? When ? Where ? Effect ? will be spreading, will have killed,Language points,Detail reading Underline important collocations and work out their meanings.,on the rise in historical accounts was attempting to do sweep through die from / die of one of the key causes in the 1330s climate change a lack of,providefor spread worldwide in highly populated areas it is believed to in history begin with spread to/ spreadto the number of globe cases natural defences against the disease was harmful to make up stop the virus in its tracks,on the rise 在增长 in historical accounts 历史记载 was attempting to do 试图做 sweep through 席卷 die from / die of 死于 one of the key causes 主要原因之一 in the 1330s 十四世纪三十年代 climate change 气候变化 a lack of 缺乏 providefor 为。提供。 spread worldwide 世界范围内蔓延,in highly populated areas人口密集地区 it is believed to 被认为。 in history 历史上 begin with 以。开始 spread to/ spread to扩到。 the number of globe cases全球病例总数 natural defences against the disease 疾病的自然抗体 was harmful to 对。有害 make up 构成 (弥补,化妆,编造) stop the virus in its tracks 当场制止病毒传播,Use the following phrases to finish the exercise on the rise die from die of a lack of providefor was harmful to make up 1.The hotel_ a reservation of tickets _ its residents. 2.How can we _ to you for what you have suffered? 3.His father _ cancer when he was 10 years old. 4.Eating much and exercising little _ your health. 5.The cost of living is _ as prices are increasing at present,provides,for,make up,died of,is harmful to,on the rise,somehow: (1) for some vague reason or other 莫明其妙地 , 不知怎么地,反正,Somehow I dont trust that man.,She somehow got lost.,她不知道怎么就迷了路。,(2) 设法地,借某种方法,我们总得设法找钱付房租。 我们总会有办法到那里的。,We must find money for the rent somehow.,We shall get there somehow.,abnormal : adj 不正常的,反常的;变态的,我们认为这样的反常现象不会持续很久。,We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long.,populated: adj 有人居住的,a thickly / highly populated city 人口稠密的城市,The new land was quickly populated by the new settlers.,severely: adv (1) 严格地;严厉地,不小心驾驶会受到严惩.,Dangerous driving should be severely punished.,(2) 严重地,患重病/负重伤,be severely ill / wounded,lack (1) n.缺乏, 短缺的东西, 常与 of 连用,There is no lack of vegetable. The plants died for lack of water.,vt. 缺乏;不足;没有 lack sth,He lacks courage / confidence . I lack words with which to express my thanks.,be lacking in =lack sth.,alarm 1)vt.使惊慌,使恐慌 2)n. 警报的声音或信号 fire alarm 火警报警铃 alarm clock 闹钟 alarming adj. 使人惊动的, 令人担忧的 alarmed adj . 担忧的,惊慌的,1 effects a) doctor 2 abnormal b) bad 3 physician c) get 4 harmful d) part 5 staff e) grow 6 aspect f) results 7 expand g) records 8 techniques h) unusual 9 accounts i) ways 10 acquire j) workers,Match the words from the passage their meanings (a-j).,7. Find the correct prepositions to complete each of these phrases from the text. 1 . the beginning _ life _ Earth . (para. 1) 2 . 25% and 50% _ the areas population died _ the disease . (para. 3) 3 . was one _ the key causes _ the fad _ the Roman Empire . (para. 3) 4 . struck _ the end _ the first World War and continued _ the war . (para. 6),of,on,of,from,of,of,of,near,of,after,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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