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2016年漳州市中考模拟试卷(二)相信自己行 英 语 试 题 (满分:150分;考试时间:120分钟)友情提示:请把所有答案填写(涂)到答题卡上!请不要错位、越界答题!姓名 准考证号 I. 听力测试A. 句子理解:听句子,从所给的三幅图中选出与你所听到的句子情景相同(相近)的图画。(每小题读两遍) B对话理解:根据你所听到的对话内容,选择最佳选项回答问题。(每段对话读两遍)第一节听下面6段短对话,回答第6至11小题。( )6. Whats the man doing? A. Borrowing a book. B. Cooking at home. C. Buying something to eat.( )7. What pet does the neighbor keep? A.A dog. B.A bird. C.A rabbit.( )8. Which hotel is the closest to the bus station? A. The one on the hill. B. The one in the south part of town. C. The one near the river.( )9. What does the woman mean? A. She threw away the old shoes. B. The old shoes are under the chair. C. She has never seen the old shoes.( )10. Where is John now? A. In the library. B. In the park. C.In the zoo.( )11. What time is it now?A. 6:30. B.7:00. C.7:10.笫二节 听下面三段长对话,每段对话后各有三个问题,选择最佳选项回答问题。听第1段长对话,回答第12至14小题。( )12. What troubles the man? A. The noise. B.The waste. CThe heavy traffic.( )13. How long has the road been built? A. For three months. B.For six months. CFor ten months.( )14. What suggestion does the woman give to the man?ALeave for vacation. B. Hold a neighborhood meeting. C. Report the situation to the government.听第2段长对话,回答第15至17。小题。( )15. Who has just finished reading the new book? A. Linda. B.Jimmy. C.Mike.( )16.Which kind of books does the man prefer? A. Science fiction. B. Love stories. CScary stories.( )17. What will the speakers do together? A. Write a book. B.Buy some books. CGo to the library.听第3段长对话,回答第18至20小题。( )18. How old is Carl now?A6 B7 C8 ( )19. What is Carls father probably doing now? AAnswering the phone. BSelling ice cream. CGoing home.( )20. Where does Carl want to have his party? A. At home B. In a park near the bank. C. At an ice cream house.C短文理解:听短文,选择正确答案(短文读两遍)( )21. Steven went to a movie _. Alast Saturday morning Blast Sunday morning Clast Sunday evening( )22. The young man needed to go to_. A. the post office B.the police station Cthe hospital( )23. Steven felt a little_after the movie. A.angry B.worried C.sad .( )24. The young man said_in the letter. Asorry BThanks Ccongratulations( )25. Stevens father told him to_. Abe careful Bbe brave Cspread love D表格填空:根据你所听到的短文内容,填写下面表格,每空填一词(短文读三遍)Paula has a new part-time jobWorkplaceA(n) 26. _ shopWork time27. _ nights a week from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.Her feeling about the jobIt is a bit tiring but its 28. _ to have a part-time job.Her phone number 29. _The thing shed like to buyA(n) 30. _. 单项选择(每小题1分,计15分)。从A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳答案。( ) 31. -_ Smiths are friendly. -Yes. And they always help _ old. A. 不填; an B. The; the C. The; an( ) 32. -Grace and Helen are close friends.-Yes. And they often talk with each other on QQ for hours_ a break. A. without B. under C. against( ) 33. You can take _ of the two toy cars and leave the other for your brother. A. bothB. neitherC. either( ) 34. -Could I borrow your bike? -Yes, of course you_.A. could B. can C. will( ) 35. The idea hongbao_ by WeChat in 2014. Now giving and receiving hongbao is regarded as a new way for people to express feelings of thanks, love andfriendship. A. is introduced B. was introduced C. introduced( ) 36. -Rita, _ the TV a little, please. Dad is sleeping.- Sorry, I will do it right now.A. turn up B. turn off C. turn down( ) 37. -Im looking forward to seeing you soon.- I dont know_ I can see you again.A. how long B. how often C. how soon( ) 38. _ honest the boy is! He never cheats in the exams. A. What a B. How C. What an( ) 39. -Dont touch it! Look at the sign _. -Sorry, I wont do it again. A. B. C.( )40. -Though most of the earths surface is covered by water, we are living in a world_ water for many reasons.-So we should try our best to save water.A. thankful to B. pleased with C. thirsty for( ) 41. _ you do your homework, _ mistakes you will make. A. The more careful. the lessB. The more carefully. the less C. The more carefully. the fewer( ) 42. -What did Frank do last night? - _. Maybe he went swimming A. Im afraid he has no time B. He hopes so C. I m not sure of that( ) 43. In the bookshop, a reader asked the shop owner _ Who Moved My Cheese had been sold out. A. thatB. howC. if( ) 44. When Robinson Crusoe got to the island, the first thing _ he did was to look for some food. A. thatB. which C. who( ) 45. -If we have more people, we can finish the task on time. -Right.A. Practice makes perfect. B. Many hands make light work. C. The early bird catches the worm. 完形填空(每小题1.5分,计15分)从A、B、C三个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Everyone wants a blue ribbon(丝带)Blue means first place and the best. However, I was 46 a blue-ribbon person in sports. One spring weekend our class took a field trip to a park. After lunch, our teacher 47 the idea of having a three-legged race. A little boy got me for a partner. This boy was the second most athletic (健壮的) boy in our class. He often won. But I knew that, 48 me, he didnt have a chance. The gun sounded, and we started to 49 . Unbelievably when we turned around and headed back, we were in the lead! Then only two steps from the finish line, I tripped (绊) and 50 .Bad luck! We were so close that my partner could have easily dragged (拽) me across the finish line and won. He could have, but he didnt. Instead, he stopped and helped 51 up. Then another couple crossed the finish line. In the end, we got red ribbons.A few years after we left school, I gave a speech to that same 52 of students. None of them even remembered that moment. So, I told them about that little boy who had made a53 that helping a friend up was more important than winning a blue ribbon. I told them 54 I kept that ribbon. To me, that ribbon is a reminder (提醒) that you dont have to win at everything. The world may see you as a failure or a success, 55 those closest to you will know the truth. ( ) 46. A. always B. again C. never ( ) 47. A. sold B. changed C. got ( ) 48. A. on B. with C. for ( ) 49. A. run B. sing C. eat ( ) 50. A. won B. fell C. stood ( ) 51. A. me B. him C. her ( ) 52. A. part B. age C. group ( ) 53. A. wish B. decision C. promise ( ) 54. A. when B. where C. why ( ) 55. A. and B. but C. soIV阅读理解(A、B、C、E篇:每小题2分, D篇:每小题1分,计45分)A、B、C篇:根据所提供的内容,从四个选项中选择最佳答案。A How to get to central London from Gatwick Airport By trainThe Gatwick Express goes from Gatwick Airport to London Victoria train and underground station in central London. Trains go every 15 minutes and the journey to central London takes half an hour.Buy your ticket online or at the station ticket office. There is a discount(折扣) when you book online. For example, an adult ticket costs 19.90 at the station, but the online fare is 17.75.By taxiThere are taxis outside the airport day and night. The journey to central London takes 55-70 minutes. A London taxi takes up to 5 people.The average cost from the airport to central London is 75-100.By carGatwick Airport is 47.5 km south of central London. There are 4 car parks next to the airport. The journey to London takes 60-75 minutes.All cars have to pay 8 to go into central London.By busNational Express and EasyBus have services to central London. EasyBus services go every 20 minutes. The journey takes one hour and costs from 2 for Internet reservations(预订) .There is one National Express bus an hour. The journey takes 90 minutes and costs 7.60.( ) 56.If you buy two adult tickets for the Gatwick Express online, how much should you pay? A. 17.75 B. 19.90 C. 35.50 D. 39.80( ) 57.How long does it take to get to central London by taxi ?A. 30 minutes. B. 45minutes. C. 55 to 70 minutes. D. 75 to 100 minutes.( ) 58.Where is Gatwick Airport ?A. In the north of central London. B. In the south of central London. C. In the east of central London. D. In the west of central London.( ) 59.If you just missed a National Express bus, how long do you have to wait before the next one comes?A. About 20 minutes. B. About 30 minutes. C. About 60 minutes. D. About 90 minutes.( ) 60.Which of the following is TRUE according to the material ?A. A London taxi can take up to 6 people. B. You can go into central London by car for free. C. Its faster to go to central London by car than by train. D. There are taxi services outside Gatwick Airport all day.BSome researchers at Rice University wanted to see if the latest mobile technology could be used by students to learn. They make a study. In the study, each student was given a free iPhone.When given their new handsets, the students said that they would certainly help them do better in tests and get better grades(成绩). However, the researchers discovered the opposite was true. During the year, many students used the phones to make friends and listen to music rather than help with their studies; they couldnt put their heart into their studies.The researchers asked the students some questions before and after the study and their answers were given a score. The higher the score, the more positive the answer. When asked at the beginning if they thought the phones would get them higher grades, the students gave an average(平均) score of 3.71. But a year later, when asked if they had helped them perform better in tests, the average score dropped to 1.54.The researchers believed that its not enough to give students the right technology; they need guidance(指导) on how to make good use of it.( ) 61.What did the researchers want to find out ?A. How many students have mobile phones. B. What students do with their mobile phones. C. How much time students spend on their mobile phones. D. Whether mobile phones can help students with their studies.( ) 62.What does the underlined word “handsets” mean ?A. Tasks. B. Studies. C. Mobile phones. D. High scores.( ) 63.What was the students average score after they used the mobile phones for a year ?A. 5.25. B. 3.71. C. 2.17. D. 1.54.( ) 64.We learn from the study that mobile phones .A. help develop students mind B. get students to exercise less C. can do no good to students grades D. can help students feel more relaxed( ) 65.What should adults do according to the last paragraph ?A. Do not give students mobile phones. B. Pay more attention to students studies. C. Tell students how to use mobile phones properly. D. Choose different mobile phones for different students.CTu Youyou, an 84-year-old female(女性)scientist, became the first Chinese to win a Nobel Prize in science on Oct 5. Before that, she ever won the 2011 Lasker Award for finding out artemisinin (Qinghaosu), which saved millions of lives. She was grateful(感激的) for the Lasker prize, but said, “It is just a scientist duty. I will go on fighting for the health of all humans.” Tu kept her work in the 1960s and 1970s. In that age, Malaria (疟疾) could took away peoples health. Scientists all over the world had already tried over 240 000 times t but failed. Tu Youyou, a member of the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing, began to study Chinese herbs. Before 2011, people didnt know Tu very much. Many friends played jokes with her “the Professor of Three Nones” : no degree(学位), no study experience abroad, not a member of any Chinese national colleges. But she is hard-working. She read a lot of traditional Chinese medicine books and did a lot of researches on the disease. In February, 2012, Tu was named National Outstanding Females (One of the Ten) Tu is now a model of Chinese medical workers.( ) 66. Artemisinin is used to _. A. make medicine B. make food C. get award D. do the experiment( ) 67. In the 1960s and 1970s could find ways to stop the Malaria. A. Scientists in China B. only Tu Youyou B. Scientists all over the world D. no scientist ( ) 68. Tu Youyou became very famous _. A. in the 1960s B. in 1970 C. before 2011 D. after 2012( ) 69. From Tu Youyous story, we know that she is a _ woman. A. friendly B. kind C. clever D. hard-working ( ) 70. Which is NOT TRUE from the passage? A.Tu Youyou was the winner of 2011 Lasker Award B. Tu Youyou was a professor of much experience abroad C. Tu Youou is the finder of artemisinin D. Tu Youyou was one of the ten National Outstanding Females. DEnglish Language Day is celebrated each year on April 23. 71 Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. His plays continue to be performed in theaters and seen in films almost 400 years after his death.Many people consider English as a world language because it is so widely used. English was used by only 3 tribes(部落) about 1500 years ago, but today it is used by over two billion people in at least 75countries. 72 It is also the most widely used language on the Internet.73 A few years ago, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) created language days for each of the UNs six official languages. The goal was to celebrate the use of different languages around the world and different cultures. 74 The other five languages are Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.The United Nations celebrated its first English Language Day on April 23, 2010. 75 The other language days are as follows:Arabic Language Day: December 18Chinese Language Day: April 20French Language Day: March 20Russian Language Day: June 6Spanish Language Day: October 12把A-E五个选项填入文中空缺处, 使短文内容完整、正确。A. It is the main language of business.B. That day, a number of events were held in New York City.C. Another goal was to make sure of equal(均等的) use of all six official languages throughout the United Nations.D. The first English Language Day was the result of work of the United Nations.E. It is the day when William Shakespeare was born.E Every day we just throw the garbage into the garbage can. You may think that s no problem. But things are not that simple. After you throw your garbage away, it doesnt just stay in the garbage can. People have to collect the waste and move it to landfills (垃圾填埋场). There, people sort the waste and decide whether to burn, bury(埋藏) or recycle it. It takes lots of time and work of many people. So if we can sort our garbage before throwing it away, we can make a big difference. Each year, China creates around 300 million tons of garbage. Less than a quarter of the waste is recycled. Most garbage is buried in landfills or burned without being sorted. Landfills take up a lot of space in cities. It can also pollute the nearby soil and water. Things in developed countries are much better because of their sorting systems. In Japan, for example, there are strict rules for throwing away garbage. One has to put the right garbage in the right place at the right time. The garbage is usually sorted into eight categories (类别): burnable, non-burnable, plastic bottles, recyclable plastic, other plastic, paper, harmful rubbish and then hard rubbish like desks and old TV sets. China has been helping promoting (促进) garbage sorting in recent years. Beijing, for example, will start a promotion plan this year. According to the plan, people get WeChat bonus points(积分) by sorting out garbage. They can later exchange the points for shopping cards oreven cash!根据短文内容填空,每空填一词。76.After the garbage is thrown into the garbage can, it has to be_and_to landfills.77. People_ lots of time dealing with the garbage, so we should sort it out_ throwing it away. 78. Landfills take up_ space in cities and it can also_the nearby soil and water.79. People in Japan usually sort the garbage into eight categories: burnable, non-burnable, plastic _, recyclable plastic, other plastic, _, harmful rubbish and hard rubbish.80. According to the plan in _, people get WeChat bonus points by sorting out garbage and they can exchange the points for_ cards or even cash. 口语应用(每小题2分,计10分)从方框中选择恰当的句子填入对话中,使对话完整、正确。其中有一项是多余选项。 (Paul is a new student of Class 2. Nick is his classmate. Now they are talking with each other after class.) A=Paul B=Nick A: Hello, Nick. 81._ B: Hello, Paul. I usually go to the movies. A: Really? 82._ B:I like comedies best, because they always have happy endings. And watching comedies is a good way to relax. 83._ A:I dont mind them, but I prefer science fiction. I believe that science fiction gives us a good idea of what things will be like in the future. B: 84._ I think its boring. A: Haha, we have different ideas about science fiction. By the way, there will be Kung Fu Panda 3 on this Saturday. I plan to watch it. 85. _B: Yes, Id love to. I hear that its a wonderful movie.A: I think so too. Lets buy the tickets online after school.B:Good idea.A. How do you like comedies?B. Would you like to go with me?C. What do you usually do at weekends?D. I cant stand science fiction.E. What kind of movies do you like best?F. I prefer comedies to science fiction. 词汇运用:选择括号内恰当的单词填入空白处,使句子正确。(每小题1分,计5分)86. Its impossible_(of/ for) us to get there on foot in two hours.87. The little boy_ (providedoffered) his seat to an old woman on the subway.88. I really enjoyed your speech, _( though/because) there were some partsI didn t quite understand.89. The young man spoke in a loud voice to make himself_ (heard/hear).90. This kind of food looks beautiful and tastes good, so it sells_(good/well). . 看图写话:(每小题2分,计8 分)根据图片和提示词,写出恰当的句子,每图一句。 Lucy Lily 91. learn, for a few months 92. fat, than 93. pair, 100yuan 94. build, by, last month91. 92. 93.

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