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小学英语检测卷Class_Name_No._一、将单词和图片连线 doll bicycle swing ball balloon slide 二、选词填空( )1、How are you? A、old B、big C、am( )2、I seven. A、m B、am C、are( )3、You nine. A、are B、re C、am( )4、A book you.A、to B、is C、for( )5、Happy birthday you. A、to B、for C、is三、看一看选一选1. Is this a pencil? 2. Is this a rubber?( )Yes, it is. ( )Yes, it is.( ) No, it isnt. ( ) No, it isnt.3. Is this a ruler? 4. Is this a book?( )Yes, it is. ( )Yes, it is.( ) No, it isnt. ( ) No, it isnt. 5. Is this a bag? 6. Is this a pen?( )Yes, it is. ( )Yes, it is. ( ) No, it isnt. ( ) No, it isnt. 四找出同类单词,并将同类单词用线连起来。五 用is , am 和are 填空:1. She _ a teacher . 2. They _ cows.3. What _ these ? 4. I _ a pupil ,too.5. It _ under the tree. 6. My father _ a doctor .7. This _ our classroom . 8. These _ eggs .9. My name _ Amy . 10. His hat _ on the bed .六、按要求填单词: A. his B. my C. her D. our E. their F. your.1. This is _ (她的)dress . 2. That is _(我们的)classroom.3. Whats _(你的)name ? 4. Look! _ (他们的)school bags .5. _(我的) name is Amy . 6. It is _(他的) hat .七 、比较大小;1Seven nine 2. ten twelve 3. three two 4. eight one five+four 5. four + nine eleven five八词汇连线:school pencil ice class howbox bag old cream room九、将句子与小熊相应的位置连起来。 This is my face. This is my nose. This is my eye. This is my mouth. This is my ear. 十、根据所给情景选择正确语句,看谁做的最认真!1、与人问好时 A. Good afternoon2、询问别人的名字时 B. How many girls?3、你想知道“有多少个女孩?”时 C. Whats your name? 4、下午遇见好朋友怎样打招呼 D. Hello.5、告别时 F. Goodbye.北京小学家教中心-小学一对一辅导老师NO.1:本人自高中开始在在英国留学,本科和硕士均就读与伯明翰大学,精通经济和商管,可以对有双语学习需要的学生进行指导。另外,本人对英语补习资料如新概念,剑桥,朗文等比较熟悉,可教授小学至高中英语家教。北京小学家教中心-小学一对一辅导老师NO.2:我是一名大四的英语专业学生,就读于中国矿业大学(北京)。曾有过多次中小学家教经验。本人性格活泼开朗,对教学生非常有耐心,也有自己的一套教学方法。现欲兼职做英语家教。北京小学家教中心-小学一对一辅导老师NO.3:本人从小学到大学一直偏爱英语家教,且英语成绩一直遥遥领先于同年级人,英语口语纯正,英语国家文化知识丰富。文章来源:http:/www.caijj.com/jjxg/4269.html

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