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六年级第八周英语家庭作业班级: 姓名: 亲爱的同学们,本周展望请结合“第七周英语展望”中的“第二单元单元知识要点”使用,这样你就能很快的找到你应该背诵和听写的内容。同时第八周英语家庭作业的上交时间是10月25日(周一)上午,不要忘记罗!第一节英语课家庭作业:1. 熟读:第二单元知识要点“一”中的四会单词和四会句型五遍,背诵并听写。第二单元必须要会背诵和默写的“四会内容” (会听、会说、会认读、会默写)四会单词: (1) 本单元新授的四会单词necklace(necklaces)项链 ring(rings)戒指 friendship band(friendship bands)友谊带 soft toy(soft toys)毛绒玩具silver bell(silver bells)银色的铃铛 shell(shells)贝壳mascot(mascots)吉祥物 toy animal(toy animals)动物玩具 pencil sharpener削笔刀 lots of很多=many=a lot of everywhere到处 is full of 装满 has got 有 have got 有(2)以往学过,但在本单元又再次需要背诵和默写的四会单词 elephant大象 crocodile鳄鱼 face脸 eye眼睛 nose鼻子 mouth嘴巴 ears耳朵 schoolbag书包 pencil铅笔 car汽车 skateboard滑板 basketball篮球 football足球 四会句型:其中There be 句型,have/has got 句型的肯定、否定和疑问句及回答是重点。 (1) There is a necklace on my chair. 在我的椅子上有一条项链。 There are three friendship bands in the box. 在盒子里有三条友谊带。 (2) I have got a silver bell. 我有一个银色的铃铛。 I havent got a silver bell. 我没有一个银色的铃铛。 Have you got a silver bell? 你有一个银色的铃铛吗?=Do you have got a silver bell?Yes, I have. / No, I havent. 是的,我有。/ 不,我没有。(Yes, I do. / No, I dont.) (3)He/She/It/ has got two mascots. 他/她/它有两个吉祥物。 He/She/It/ hasnt got two mascots. 他/她/它没有两个吉祥物。 Has he got two mascots? 他有两个吉祥物吗?=Does he have got two mascots? Yes, he has. / No, he hasnt. 是的,他有。/ 不, 他没有。(Yes, he does. /No, he doesnt.) (4)In picture A there is a ring under the bed.在图片A中有一个戒指在床底下。 In picture B there are two elephants on the desk.在图片B中有两个大象在桌子上。(5 My room is full of mascots.我的房间里装满了吉祥物。 (6)There are mascots everywhere.到处都有吉祥物。家长反馈签字: 2. 听磁带并熟读:第20页第七部分,第16页第四部分,第17页第5部分三遍。家长反馈签字: 第二节英语课家庭作业:1.熟读:第二单元知识要点“一”中的四会单词和四会句型五遍,背诵并听写。家长反馈签字: 2.熟读第18页到第19页的故事:The golden necklace五遍。同时能够掌握以下“三会内容”:(会听、会说、会认读) Dont forget (the potatoes).不要忘记了土豆。My head hurts.我的头受伤了。Stay here.留在这儿。Ill be back in a minute.我一会儿就回来。Damn, my new jeans.该死,我的新牛仔裤。I want to sell (this necklace).我想要卖这条项链。Here is the necklace.这就是那条项链。家长反馈签字: 第三节英语课家庭作业:1. 熟读:第二单元知识要点“一”中的四会单词和四会句型五遍,背诵并听写。家长反馈签字: 2. 在课堂上应顺利完成第21页第八部分所属的三块练习题,在家中应熟读第八部分五遍。家长反馈签字: 第四节英语课家庭作业:1. 熟读:第二单元知识要点“一”中的四会单词和四会句型三遍,背诵并听写。 并增加第三单元新的“四会内容”,请熟读五遍后,背诵并听写。四会单词: 频率副词:always总是 often经常 sometimes偶尔 never从来没有 名词:a spaceman一个宇航员 spacemen宇航员们 my friends我的朋友们 monkeys猴子们 animals动物们 a pony一匹小马驹 ponies小马驹们 a football star一个足球明星 动词:dream梦到 fly飞 talk to 和说话 have有=have got being成为四会句型:(1) I can fly. 我会飞。(2) I can talk to animals. 我能和动物们说话。(3) I have a pony. 我有一头小马驹。学生能够正确区分:dream of 和dream that的正确用法。(上课时请认真听讲,并做好相关笔记。)家长反馈签字: 2. 读句子,从has got 和have got 中选择合适的一个,填入句子。(1) Barbara a basketball.(2) They lots of toy animals.(3) Johns father many toy crocodiles.(4) Rose and Tom two computers.(5) His best friend a friendship band.本周周六应把“本周第三节英语课家庭作业”再做一遍,本周日应把“本周第四节课的家庭作业再做一遍。 家长反馈签字: 第八周补充学习内容一 一周一记-熟读并记忆下列介词短语。关于on (在上)的词组1. (表示某一天)on Sunday在周日 on Friday在周五2. (表示某一天的上下午)on Saturday afternoon在周六的下午 on Monday morning在周一的上午 3. (表示某年某月的某一天)on May 3,1997 在1997年的五月三日 on July 4,2001 在2001年的七月四日4. (表示习惯用语)on foot步行 on (my/his/her) way to school在(我/他/她)上学的路上on the left在左边 on the right在右边5. (和动词搭配)put on穿上 turn on打开 call on拜访6. (表示地点)on the desk在课桌上 on the table在桌上7.come on表示鼓励、催促等快,走吧;开始,发生;进步,进展 be on在进行,在上演, (灯)亮着二 一周一读-阅读理解。读短文,选出正确答案。I am Tom. I am eleven years old. I live near the school. I go to school on weekdays. In my family there are three people. They are my father, my mother and I. My father is a bus-driver. He has a lot of friends. My mother is a teacher. She works in my school. She does housework every day. I study in Park School. I study hard. I like maths very much.( )1.Tom is a boy of . A. eleven B. a big family C. Red Star School D. 10 years old( )2.Tom lives . A.in the school B.near the school C.with the teacher D.with his friend( )3.Tom goes to school . A. at weekends B. from Monday to Friday C. every day D.on Saturday( )4.-What does his father do?-He is . A. a teacher B. a student C. a bus-driver D. a doctor( )5.My mother is teaching . A. at home B. in a factory C.in the park D. in Park School( )6.I am interested in at school. A. English B. maths C. drawing D. Chinese三一周一选-读句子,选出正确的答案。( )1.Look, its getting dark. Please the light. A. turn on B. turn off C. open( )2.Does you teacher like to a film? A. look B. see C. watch( )3.Look, Tom is his homework. A. making B. having C. doing( )4. , the music is beautiful. A. Look B. Hear C. Listen( )5. I am my watch. Where is it? A. looking at B. looking for C. finding


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