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第 1 页 共 10 页 牛津版 2019 2020 学年六年级下学期英语期末考试试卷 A 卷 小 朋 友 带 上 你 一 段 时 间 的 学 习 成 果 一 起 来 做 个 自 我 检 测 吧 相 信 你 一 定 是 最 棒 的 一 选出下列单词中划线部分读音不同的一项 5 分 共 5 题 共 5 分 1 1 分 选出下列单词中发音不同的单词 A desk B cry C egg 2 1 分 找出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的一项 beach A head B great C sea 3 1 分 找出划线部分读音不同于其它的单词 A pig B fine C big 4 1 分 选出画线部分发音不同的单词 A find B behind C sit 第 2 页 共 10 页 5 1 分 选出划线部分发音不同的单词 A what B whose C which 二 根据图片补全句子 每空一词 10 分 共 6 题 共 12 分 6 2 分 补全单词并写出汉语意思 1 W dnesday 2 Th rsday 3 t day 4 wh t 5 w ll 7 2 分 I often on Saturdays 8 2 分 It was a Now it is a 9 2 分 What colour is it It s and 第 3 页 共 10 页 10 2 分 The s 学生 go to school every day 11 2 分 Are you good at dancing Yes I 三 选词填空 10 分 共 8 题 共 10 分 12 2 分 There is are plenty of things here for you to eat and drink 13 2 分 We say thank you for our them food family and friends 14 1 分 How old are you I m four five 15 1 分 Sometimes he go goes swimming with his father 16 1 分 There A are B is an apple and three tomatoes on the table 17 1 分 If I plant it in the field my neighbours come will come at night and take it 18 1 分 Here s flag of China A some B the C an 19 1 分 I A stay B stayed at home yesterday 第 4 页 共 10 页 四 选择正确的选项补全对话 10 分 共 1 题 共 10 分 20 10 分 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话 A Help yourself B Yes please C No thanks I can use chopsticks D Mum I m hungry E I d like some beef and rice Lucy Mum What would you like for dinner Lucy Mum Would you like some vegetables Lucy Mum Dinner s ready Lucy Thanks Mum Would you like a fork Lucy 五 连词成句 5 分 共 5 题 共 5 分 21 1 分 Can tell more me about the book you 连词成句 22 1 分 playing with dogs children like 连词成句 23 1 分 what you to would like have 连词成句 24 1 分 two there are stars 第 5 页 共 10 页 25 1 分 The Greens go camp next month 连词成句 六 阅读表格里的内容 判断正误 10 分 共 1 题 共 10 分 26 10 分 阅读理解 There are two important dates in the last month of the Chinese lunar calendar 农历 before the Chinese New Year The first is the Laba Festival 腊八节 on the 8th day of the 12th month of the Chinese lunar calendar It is a time people hope for a good harvest 收成 in the next year People always eat Laba porridge 腊八粥 on this day The other important date is the Kitchen God Worshipping Day 灶王爷 祭拜日 on the 23rd or 24th day of the 12th month It is said that the Kitchen God goes to heaven 天堂 that day to report 报告 about each family s activities 活动 People give him delicious food Then he will give them a good report and give their families good luck in the next year 1 The Laba Festival is a time people hope for a good harvest in the next year 2 People often eat Laba porridge to celebrate the Chinese New Year 3 The Kitchen God Worshipping Day is on the 23rd or 24th of every month 4 People don t give the Kitchen God delicious food 七 阅读短文 完成表格 10 分 共 1 题 共 10 分 27 10 分 根据短文内容 判断正误 Everybody wants to be healthy You know food is very important There are many healthy foods You can have more bananas apples oranges and tomatoes because fruits and vegetables 第 6 页 共 10 页 are good for you But don t eat too much chocolate and meat They are not good for you Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy Remember there is a saying An apple a day keeps the doctor away Sports can also keep you healthy Get up early and do some sports every day Don t be lazy You will be healthy and happy 1 Food is very important for us to keep healthy 2 We shouldn t eat chocolate or meat 3 Healthy food can help us grow and make us strong and happy 4 An apple a day keeps the doctor away means Doctors don t like apples 5 Doing sports is also good for our health 八 书面表达 10 分 共 1 题 共 10 分 28 10 分 假设你是孙兰 以前你的头发短 现在你的头发长 以前你不会 couldn t 滑冰 现 在你会滑冰 请根据以上信息 用英语写一写 Hello My name is Sun Lan 第 7 页 共 10 页 参考答案 一 选出下列单词中划线部分读音不同的一项 5 分 共 5 题 共 5 分 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 二 根据图片补全句子 每空一词 10 分 共 6 题 共 12 分 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 7 1 第 8 页 共 10 页 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 三 选词填空 10 分 共 8 题 共 10 分 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 1 18 1 19 1 四 选择正确的选项补全对话 10 分 共 1 题 共 10 分 第 9 页 共 10 页 20 1 五 连词成句 5 分 共 5 题 共 5 分 21 1 22 1 23 1 24 1 25 1 六 阅读表格里的内容 判断正误 10 分 共 1 题 共 10 分 26 1 26 2 26 3 26 4 七 阅读短文 完成表格 10 分 共 1 题 共 10 分 27 1 27 2 27 3 第 10 页 共 10 页 27 4 27 5 八 书面表达 10 分 共 1 题 共 10 分 28 1

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