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Lesson 3 Can I try this shirt on?一、 单词1.shirt衬衫 2.purple紫色 3.gray灰色 4.shop商店 5.better比较好 6.juice果汁 7.pear鸭梨 8.country国家 9.world世界 10.river河流 11.long长的 12.arrive到达 13.give给 14.fit适合 15.center中心 二、 短语1.go into走进 2.try on试穿 3.of course当然 4.too small太小 5.too big太大 6.too long太长 7.too short太短 8.look good看上去很好 9.look good on sb看起来与某人很相配 10.fitting room试衣间 11.over there在那边 cream冰淇淋 13.those pants那条裤子 China在中国 the world在世界上 16.after school放学后 17.go shopping去购物 18.arrive at到达 center购物中心 三、 句子Lets Have Fun 1Mom, I like that shirt.妈妈,我喜欢那条裙子。Lets go into the shop.让我们进商店看看吧。Which do you like better, the purple one or the gray one?你比较喜欢哪件,是紫的的还是灰色的?I like the purple one better.我比较喜欢紫色的。Can I try this shirt on?我能试穿这件衬衫吗?Of course.当然可以。 The fitting room is over there.试衣间在那边。Lets Practice 1Which do you like better, the purple car or the gray car?你比较喜欢哪辆小汽车,是紫色的还是灰色的?I like the purple car better.我比较喜欢紫色的小汽车。Which do you like better, juice or ice cream?果汁和冰淇淋,你比较喜欢哪一个?I like ice cream better.我比较喜欢冰淇淋。Which do you like better, English or math?英语和数学你比较喜欢哪一学科?I like English better.我比较喜欢英语。Which do you like better, pears or oranges?鸭梨和橘子你比较喜欢哪一个?I like pears better. 我比较喜欢鸭梨。Lets Have Fun 2This shirt is too small for me.这件衬衫对我来说太小了。Do you have a bigger one?你有大一点儿的吗?Sure! This is the biggest one.当然,这是最大的一件。That shirt looks good on you.那件衬衫看上去与你很相配。Thank you ,Mom.谢谢你,妈妈。How much is it?多少钱?Its fifteen dollars.十五美元。Ill take it.我买了。Lets Practice 2This shirt is too small for me.这件衬衫对我来说太小了。Do you have a bigger one?你有大一点儿的吗?Sure! This is the biggest one.当然,这是最大的一件。This hat is too big for me.这顶帽子对我来说太大了。Do you have a smaller one?你有小一点儿的吗?Sorry, that is the smallest one.对不起, 那是最小的一顶。This skirt is too long for me.这条裙子对我来说太长了。Do you have a shorter one?你有短一点儿的吗?Of course! This is the shortest one.当然, 这是最短的一条了。其他句子1.Which country is the biggest in Asia?在亚洲哪个国家最大?2.Which river is the longest in China?在中国哪一条河最长?3.Which subject is easier,math or science?数学和科学,哪一个比较简单?4.After school Xiaoxiao goes shopping with his mom.放学后,Xiaoxaio和他的妈妈去购物。5.The shirt doesnt fit him. 这件衬衫不适合他。6.His mom buys the shirt for fifteen dollars.妈妈买下了这件十五美元的衬衫。7.Xiaoxiao is happy with his new shirt.Xiaoxiao为自己有了一件新衬衫而感到很高兴。8.Fine clothes make the man.人靠衣装,佛靠金装。

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