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小学五年级英语下册Unit1Unit3短语复习best friend 最好的朋友over there 在那边in English 用英语表示young animals小动物very much非常,很Me too.我也是in the pond 在池塘里of course 当然play together 一起玩a lot of things 很多东西jump through a ring 跳圈climb up a ladder爬梯子ride a bike 骑自行车ride a horse 骑马borrow books 借书read stories读故事make things制作东西our headmaster我们的校长show you around带你看一看this way这边走science lab科学实验室language lab语音室have science classes上科学课twice a week一周两次other activities其它活动do experiments做实验observe things 观察事物do listening听meeting hall会议厅new building新建筑Childrens Day儿童节New Years Day新年play the violin拉提琴listen to music听音乐music club音乐俱乐部五年级下册短语(4六单元)do project work 手工制作do printing on the paper在纸上画画computer corner计算机角study plants and animals 研究植物和动物science corner科学角art corner美术角play basketball玩篮球play football踢足球play volleyball玩排球play rugby玩橄榄球play hockey玩曲棍球do exercises做早操science field trip科学原野旅行come from来自many projects许多手工制作go to the forest去森林real things 真正的东西very interesting很有兴趣a mini-library一个小型的图书馆science field trip科学考查look at cartoons看卡通片study birds in the forest在森林里研究鸟social studies field trip社会研究实地旅行study a farmers work研究一个农民的工作paint trees and flowers画树和花go on a field trip去郊游have a walkman 有一个随身听listen to English听英语look nice 看起来很好pass sb. Sth.递给某人某物do maths problems做数学题go to a concert去听音乐会go to the music club去音乐俱乐部go to see a doctor去看医生take me to the hospital带我去医院Open your mouth张开你的嘴have a bad cold得了重感冒have to 不得不,必须stay in bed呆在床上take some medicine吃药drink more water多喝水take a good rest 好好休息get well soon早日康复have a headache头痛Move your knee移动膝盖Dont worry.别着急My neck hurts.我的脖子受伤了My elbow hurts.我的肘受伤了My knee hurts.我的膝盖受伤了Lower your head.低下你的头in Australia 在澳大利亚watch the video 看录象be famous for 以而闻名on the field 在运动场上so exciting 真令人兴奋games for girls 适合女孩的游戏

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