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Book 3 Module 5 Vocabulary 补充讲义equalequal, adj.the same in size, number, amount, value etc as something else People around the world will be able to publish their own eye-witness accounts and compete with the widely-accepted news-gatherers on equal terms. (2011上海)He assumed that all men were equal at birth, though some potential than others, are that it was knowledge that set men apart. (2010江西)pay equal attention to the eyes and the mouth (2010湖南)The left-hand total should be more than or equal to the right-hand total.(2006北京)No one can fail to stand in awed admiration of the great discoveries of history-Newtons laws of motion , Keplers principles of planetary movement , Einsteins general theory of relativity . Equally awe-inspiring are artistic creations in painting , theatre , music , and literature , which have also been brought about by discovery through personal efforts . What do these extraordinary achievements of well-known scientists and artists have to do with problem solving ? (2005天津)31. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _I disagree.A. why B. where C. what D. how (2004全国)13. Fitness is important in sport, but of at least _ importance are skills.A. fair B. reasonable C. equal D. proper (2006天津) equally13. the island is _ attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.A. partly B. merely C. nearly D. equally (2010全国II)18. Running a company is not _ a matter of hiring people - they also need to be trained.A. simply B. partly C. seriously D. equally (2008浙江)equality a situation in which people have the same rights, advantages etc OPP inequalityracial/sexual equalitymade racial equality a common value in American society (2007重庆)Then they chose three Broadway tunes that focused on race, equality and social justice, the themes of the book.(2007山东)Any society which is interested in equality of opportunity and standards of achievement must regularly test its pupils. The standards may be changed - no examination is perfect - but to have to tests or examinations would mean the end of equality and of standards. (2004上海)Without examinations, employers will look for employees from the highly respected schools and from families known to them - a form of favourtism will replace equality. (2004上海)equalizeto make two or more things the same in size, value, amount etcD. the air pressure is not equalized around us.(2009江西)equal, vt.to be exactly the same in size, number, or amount as something else;to produce a particular result or effect:While oral culture has a rich reality and electronic media offer the considerable advantage of variety, print culture affords irreplaceable forms of focused attention and thought that make various communications and views possible. The decline in reading, therefore, equals a larger retreat (减少) from participation in public and cultural life. (2006湖南)32. Little joy can equal _ of a surprising ending when you read stories.A. that B. those C. any D. some (2007四川)equal, n.be without equal (also have no equal) formal: to be better than everyone or everything else of the same type:Armstrong had no equal when it came to playing the American popular song. (2007陕西)完形填空:(2004北京)Dont Take the Fun Out of Youth Sports When I joined a private football league a few years ago, the sport meant everything to me. My coach said that I had lots of potential, and I became captain of my 36 . That was before all the fun was taken out of 37 . At first, everyone on the team got 38 playing time. Then the team moved up to the top division after winning all its games, and the 39 started. Some parents, who had paid the coach extra so their daughters could have 40 one-on-one training, got angry when she didnt give them more playing time in our 41 . The coach was replaced. The new coach, however, took all the fun out of the game: All we did during practice was 42 . I always wished to God that it would rain so we would not have the 43 . Of course, all teams run drills; they are 44 . But we ran so much that, afterwards, we had trouble 45 . Younger people shouldnt be doing exercises 46 for 18-year-olds. I was very thin 47 I started football, but as a member of this team I wouldnt eat much, because I was afraid of being too 48 to run. I feared making mistakes, and the added pressure caused me to make more than my usual 49 . Is all this pressure necessary ? I 50 up leaving the football team. Four other girls did the same, and two of them stopped playing football completely. Thats 51 , because they had so much potential. They were just burned-out with all the pressure they 52 from the coach or their parents. I continued playing football at school and 53 my love for it. I joined a private team coached by my school coach. When I started playing 54 him, he told me I needed to relax because I looked nervous. After I 55 down, I played better. When you enjoy something, its a lot easier to do it well. 36. A. classB. clubC. teamD. board 37. A. playingB. livingC. learningD. working 38. A. greatB. equalC. rightD. extra 39. A. businessB. struggleC. attemptD. pressure 40. A. freeB. privateC. goodD. basic 41. A. matchesB. coursesC. lessonsD. programs 42. A. jumpB. playC. runD. shoot 43. A. dutyB. meetingC. operationD. training 44. A. necessaryB. boringC. scientificD. practical 45. A. speakingB. movingC. sleepingD. breathing 46. A. usedB. intendedC. madeD. described 47. A. tillB. sinceC. beforeD. because 48. A. fullB. tiredC. lazyD. big 49. A. sizeB. shareC. spaceD. state 50. A. gaveB. keptC. endedD. picked 51. A. sadB. shamefulC. sillyD. serious 52. A. receivedB. sufferedC. broughtD. felt 53. A. reconsideredB. rediscoveredC. re-formedD. replaced 54. A. atB. byC. forD. around 55. A. fellB. steppedC. slowedD. calmed36. C 37. A38. B39. D40. B41. A42. C43. D44. A45. D46. B47. C48. A 49. B50. C51. A52. D53. B54. C 55. D完形填空:(2008福建)The position of children in American family and society is no longer what is used to be. The 36 family in colonial North America was mainly concerned with survival and 37 that, its own economic prosperity. Thus, children were 38 in terms of their productivity, and they played the role of producer quite early. 39 they fulfilled this role, their position in the family was one of subordination. With the 40 of the society, the position of children in the family and in the society became more important. In the complex and technological society 41 the United Stated has become, each 42 must fulfill a number of personal and occupational 43 and be in contact with many other member. 44 , viewing children as necessary members of society means that they are 45 more as people in their own right than as those of subordination. This acceptance of children as 46 participants in the family is reflected in various laws 47 the rights of children and in the social and public welfare programs. This new 48 of children and the frequent contact between the members of society has also 49 an increasing interest in child-raising techniques. People today spend much time 50 the proper way to 51 children. Nowadays, the socialization of the child in the United States is a 52 transaction between parent and child 53 a one-way, parent-to-child training 54 . As a consequence, socializing children and 55 with them over a long period of time is for parents a mixture of pleasure, satisfaction, and problems.36. A. poor B. ordinary C. happyD. wealthy37. A. except B. for C. beyondD. through38. A. supported B. receivedC. encouraged D. valued39. A. Until B. After C. Although D. When40. A. movementB. achievementC. developmentD. requirement41. A. that B. where C. when D. what42. A. parent B. member C. family D. relative43. A. purposes B. promises C. roles D. tasks44. A. Besides B. However C. Instead D. Therefore45. A. admired B. regarded C. made D. respected46. A. willing B. equal C. similar D. common47. A. enjoyingB. preventing C. considering D. protecting48. A. view B. faith C. world D. study49. A. led in B. brought in C. resulted in D. taken in 50. A. seeking B. making C. fighting D. working51. A. nurse B. praise C. understand D. raise52. A. one-sidedB. many-sided C. round-way D. two-way53. A. more than B. rather than C. better than D. less than54. A. manner B. method C. program D. guide 55. A. talking B. living C. playing D. Discussing36. B 37. C 38.D 39. A 40.C 41.A 42. B 43. C 44. D 45. B 46. B 47. D 48. A 49. C 50. A 51. D 52. D 53. B 54. C 55. B完形填空(2007上海)One topic is rarely mentioned in all the talk of improving standards in our schools: the almost complete failure of the foreign-language teaching. As a French graduate who has taught for more than twenty-five years, I believe I have some idea of why the failure is so total. _55_ the faults already found out in the education system as a whole - such as child-centered learning. The discovery method, and the low expectations by teachers of pupils - there have been several serious _56_ which have a direct effect on language teaching.The first is the removal from the curriculum(课程) of the thorough teaching of English _57_. Pupils now do not know a verb from a noun, the subject of a sentence from its object, or the difference between the past, present, or future.Another important error is mixed-ability teaching, or teaching in ability groups so _58_ that the most able pupils are _59_ and are bored while the least able are lost and _60_ bored. Strangely enough, few head teachers seem to be in favor of mixed-ability school football teams.Progress depends on memory, and pupils start to forget immediately they stop having _61_ lessons. This is why many people who attended French lessons at school, even those who got good grades, have forgotten it a few years later. _62_ they never need it, they do not practice it.Most American schools have accepted what is inevitable and _63_ modern languages, even Spanish, from the curriculum. Perhaps it is time for Britain to do the same, and stop _ resources on a subject which few pupils want or need.55.A.Due toB. In addition toC. Instead of D. In spite of56.A.errorsB. situationsC. systemsD. methods57.A.vocabularyB. cultureC. grammarD. literature58.A.wideB. similarC. separateD. unique59.A.kept outB. turned downC. held backD. left behind60.A.surprisinglyB. individuallyC. equallyD. hardly61.A.extraB. traditionalC. basicD. regular62.A.AlthoughB. BecauseC. UntilD. Unless63.A.restoredB. absorbedC. prohibitedD. withdrawn64.A.wastingB. focusingC. exploitingD. sharing55B56A57C58A59C60C61D62B63D64AAll animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. (Animal Farm, George Orwell)importanceThe African elephant, the largest land animal remaining on earth ,is of great importance to African ecosystem. (2007重庆)philosopherphilosophyOrigin: philosophie, from phil- (PHILANDER) + sophia knowledgeorderorder, vt. to ask for food or a drink in a restaurant, bar etc1. He telephoned the travel agency to three air tickets to London.A. order B. arrange C. take D. book (2010天津)Some battled to _38_ a taxi or to get on a bus.38. A. orderB. payC. callD. search (2008山东)order, n.the way that things or events are arranged in relation to each other, so that one thing is first, another thing is second etc SYN sequenceYou can do these tests in any order you like, or you can do all the tests with a formal or informal text. (2005重庆)The auctioneer need not begin with Lot 1 and continue in the order of numbers(2005全国)order, n.a situation in which rules are obeyed and authority is respected:She wanted to keep her house in good order.(2007辽宁)In fact _ is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.A. this B. thatC. thereD. it(2001上海)order, n.an instruction to do something that is given by someone in authority30. - Who should be responsible for the accident? - The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order _. A. as told B. as are told C. as telling D. as they told (2008福建)order, n.a request by a customer for a company/restaurant to supply goods/foods:If youve enjoyed reading this magazine and want to keep up with the latest UK student news and views, place your order now for issues 3 and 4.(2008广东)principle25. I _ it as a basic principle of the company that suppliers of raw materials should be given a fair price for their products. A. make B. lookC. take D. think (2008江西)positionposition, n.someones or somethings level, authority, or importance in a society or organizationFor many Americans the automobile is a necessity. But for some, it is also a mark of social position and for young people, a sign of becoming an adult. Altogether, cars mean very much to Americans.(2004湖南)position, n.formal a job sbs position as something at some place26. Dina, _ for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency. A. struggling B. struggled C. having struggled D. to struggle(2010湖南)31. -Why did you leave that position?-I _ a better position at IBM.A. offer B. offeredC. am offered D. was offered (2005北京)When she finally graduated, she had her eye on a teaching 51 at a nearby primary school. 51. A. profession B. position C. career D. occupation (2001上海)59. He holds an important position in that company; _, I dont quite trust him.A. Thus B. Furthermore C. Otherwise D. Nevertheless(2000上海)stressstress, n.continuous feelings of worry about your work or personal life, that prevent you from relaxing strain:People who are well-adjusted are able to _53_ stress situations better than others.53.A.handleB. createC. affectD. investigate(2007上海)The main symptoms are a strong desire to text messages, which takes precedence over everything else, and bad moods, low spirits and a lack of self-confidence if messages fail to come in. The root of the problem, as with many addictions, is the desire to escape from emotional difficulties such as stress, anxiety and relationship problems.(2011山东)He had always been interested in medicine and had read a book, which discussed the idea of how body chemistry and health can be damaged by emotional stress and negative 47.47. A. attitudesB. beliefsC. goalsD. positions(2006全国)35. Being a parent is not always easy, and being the parent of a child with special needs often carries with _ extra stress. A. it B. them C. one D. him(2009北京)And studies show that too much multitasking can lead to increased stress, anxiety and memory loss.(2010浙江)When people are enclosed together, they are in what is called a stress situation. That means that they are under an unusual amount of _52_ or stress.52.A.emphasisB. conflict C. powerD. pressure(2007上海)And smiling has been shown to lower blood pressure, relieve stress and boost happiness. Apparently, a smile creates a similar effect in the recipient(2009山东)stress, n.the physical force or pressure on an object:Cooling puts the greatest stress on your summer energy bill and the power grid. (2008福建)stressed, adj.(also stressed out) informal so worried and tired that you cannot relax:Good manners at mealtimes help you and those around you to feel 49 .49. A. comfortable B. stressed C. depressedD. outstanding (2005全国)As it turned out, it wasnt cancer. But I did learn that when someone is stressed and worried about their loved one theyre sometimes selective in what they hear - and as a doctor its important to be mindful of this. In being truthful, Id made the situation worse.(2011湖北)stress, vt. to emphasize a statement, fact, or idea25. The teacher stressed again that the students should not _ any important details while retelling the story.A. bring outB. let out C. leave outD. make out(2008湖北)29. Surely it doesnt matter where the student associations get their money from; what _ is what they do with it.A. countsB. appliesC. stressesD. functions(2007湖北)resign30. No one in the department but Tom and I _ that the director is going to resign. A. knows B. know C. have known D. am to know(2004上海)influentialTelevision is still the most influential medium around. (2010福建)justiceThen they chose three Broadway tunes that focused on race, equality and social justice, the themes of the book.(2007山东)just, adj. morally right and fairHenry sincerely believed that he was fighting a just war.contribution22. The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good_. A. expectation B. reputation C. contribution D. civilization(2010江苏)D. Fitzgeralds contributions to the literary world(2010福建)On the other hand, as consumers we can all make contributions by selecting environmentally friendly clothing and reducing clothing consumption.(2009湖南)完形填空 (2009广东)Alfred Nobel became a millionaire and changed the ways of mining construction and warfare as the inventor of dynamite. On April 12 1888 Alfreds brother Ludwig died of heart attack. A major French newspaper _21_ his brother for him and carried an article _22_ the death of Alfred Nobel. The merchant of death is dead. the article read. Dr. Alfred Nobel who became _23_ by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before died yesterday. Nobel was _24_ to find out not that he had died but that when his time was up he would be thought of only as one who profited from _25_ and destruction. To make sure that he was _26_ with love and respect. Nobel arranged in his _27_ to give the largest part of his money to _28_ the Nobel prizes which would be awarded to people who made great _29_ to the causes of peace literature and the sciences. So _30_ Nobel had to die before he realized what his life was really about. 21. A. foundB. misunderstoodC. mistookD. judged22. A. introducingB. announcingC. implyingD. advertising23. A. famousB. sickC. richD. popular24. A. upsetB. anxiousC. excitedD. pleased25. A. deathB. diseaseC. troubleD. attack26. A. repaidB. describedC. supportedD. remembered27. A. bookB. articleC. willD. contract28. A. establishB. formC. developD. promote29. A. additionsB. sacrificesC. changesD. contributions30. A. generallyB. basicallyC. usuallyD. certainly (2009广东)2125CBCAA 2630DCADBin conclusion

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