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从零学习英语翻译教程第一章 翻译概述 学时:1周,共2学时 教学目的:了解翻译的实质,翻译的标准以及翻译(笔译)常用的两种方法 教学重点:翻译(笔译)常用的两种方法 直译与意译 教学难点:正确理解句子,运用适当的方法翻译句子 教学内容第一节 翻译的实质和标准 一、翻译的实质 翻译是一种语言文字的实践,是利用一种语言文字把另外一种语言文字所表达的思想确切而完善地重新表达出来的实践。 二、翻译的标准 清代学者严复明确提出 “信 、达 、雅”三条标准,可以说在所有提法中影响最大。我们认为一切理论都应该坚持对立统一的观点, 都应以 “正确”和”通顺”作为准则。 在此基础上,还要注意原文的语言形式和文体风格。翻译的方法正确理解句子要正确理解句子需要三方面的知识:1.词汇知识 2.语法知识 3. 上下文知识 三、直译和意译直译和意译是翻译中最常用的两种方法. 如果原语的词汇意义、 句法结构、文体风格与译语风格一致或相似,即可用直译. 如:Still waters run deep, 译为”静水流深”. 但如果两种语言在表达同一思想内容时,词汇意义、 句法结构、文体风格相差悬殊,就只有采用意译手段才能达到翻译标准的要求.练习题:1.Every state is the best judge of what is required to safeguard its national security.2. It is possible that they never imagined that any considerable amount of public opinion would be rallied in their favor.3. We may define chemistry as the science in which we deal with the chemical change as a result of which it is possible to reform a new substance.4. There was nothing mass produced about the school, but if it was individualistic, it also had discipline.第二章 词语理解学时:1周,共2学时 教学目的:正确理解词义,并对词义做出判断。 教学重点:判断词义的常用方法。 教学难点:英语词汇的多义性。 教学内容第一节 词义的选择一、词义的选择翻译中错译的情况常常是由于对词语的词义理解不准确引起的一个词在一个句中只能有一个确切的意义。在翻译实践中,我们必须对词的概念范围加以分析,从语法上,逻辑上对词义做出恰当的判断。 二、词义判断的方法 1根据上下文确定词义 2根据词的搭配确定词义 3根据词的词性确定词义第二节 词语的引申 在翻译时往往会遇到这样的情况:有些词按其字面意义来翻译,或不能确切表达原文意思,或译文生硬晦涩。因此,在翻译中有的词语需要在其所具有的词义上加以引申,选择比较恰当的词语来表达;有的则需要增减词语才能使译文流畅。练习题:1.There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.2. Last December, the Post first report that probes were being made in each of those cities, but officials refused to confirm the story.3.The reason? University medical schools can only find places for half of those who apply. 第三章 词语增补学时:1周,共2学时 教学目的:了解英译汉时词语增补的各种情况并掌握翻译方法。 教学重点:掌握词语增译的方法。 教学难点:翻译要做到增词不增意。 教学内容第一节 词义的选择增词是指在翻译时根据上下文和逻辑关系增添原文中没有出现但实际内容已经包含的词, 要做到增词不增意.第二节 词语增译的方法 1结构增词 2语义增词3增补概括性的词4增译语气连贯的词5为沟通不同文化而加词练习题:1. In America, motorcar factories were closing down in early 1961.2. The Greeks pushed northward, gained several victories.3. Everybody has a responsibility to the society of which he is a part and through this to mankind.4. Past retirement age, Dr. Lin is as vivacious as ever.第四章 词语转类(1)学时:1周,共2学时 教学目的:了解英译汉时词语转类的各种情况并掌握翻译方法。 教学重点:掌握词语转类的方法。 教学内容第一节 词语转类由于英汉两种语言表达方式的不同, 要逐字对译并原封不动译成同一词性是不可能的.第二节 词语转类的方法 1名词与动词互转 2形容词译成动词3名词译成形容词4派生词之间的转换练习题:1. They found difficulty in solving the engineering problem.2. Warnings were set out against the approaching storm.3. He was motivated by a desire to reach a compromise.4. She knew his every posture he was tired and depressed.第五章 词语转类(2)学时:1周,共2学时教学目的:了解英译汉时词语转类的各种情况并掌握翻译方法。教学重点:掌握词语转类的方法。 教学内容词语转类的方法 1名词转译成动词 2介词、副词转译成动词3形容词转译成动词练习题:1. He who is subject to temptations tends to err. 2. Talking with his son, the old man was the forgiver of the young mans past wrong doings.3. He had never been a medical student, yet he was given one of those rare honorary degrees of Doctor of Science. 4. He studied law in his spare time and became a lawyer. He was a good speaker and student of political philosophy. His ability finally made a name for him.5. The interest the United Nations has always shown in this problem, which has been a distinguishing feature of its work since its inception, has increased as the newly independent countries joined its ranks.第六章 代词的理解学时:1周,共2学时教学目的:了解英译汉时代词的理解和翻译的各种情况并掌握翻译方法。教学内容英语中代词的使用频率远远超过汉语.翻译代词首先 要理解文中的代词具体是指什么。1. It is a strange thought, but I believe a correct one, that twenty or thirty pages of ideas and information would be capable of turning the present-day world upside down, or even destroying it. 二三十页的想法和情报竟能把当今世界搞得天翻地覆,甚至把它毁掉,这是一个奇怪的想法, 但我认为是正确的。2. It is the ideal condition of the “equal start” which only our most progressive forms of modern education try to regain.只有”平等起步”的这种理想状况,才是我们现代教育中这些最进步的形式所努力恢复的.3. You can almost put it down as a general rule in this town that presidents often invite “honest criticism” from their aids, but seldom get it, and usually dont follow it when they do.你几乎可把下面的这一点看成首都的惯例: 历届总统经常请他们的助手提出直率的批评,但很难得到这种批评, 当得到了,一般也不大去采纳。4. But for many, the fact that poor people are able to support themselves almost as well without government aid as they did with it is in itself a huge victory.对大多数人来说, 穷人能够自食其力,而且活得不比有政府帮助时差, 这本身就是一个巨大的胜利.5. Eighty-five percent of international telephone conversation are conducted in English, as are three-fourth of the worlds mail telexes, and cable.国际电话谈话用语, 有百分之八十五是用英语进行的,同样,全球四分之三的邮件, 电传和电报用的也是英语.6. She was discreet and modest and well-behaved which he hopes young women to be when they were pretty.她谨慎, 谦虚, 端正, 这正是他所希望的漂亮的年轻妇女们具有的品质.7. It is now strictly true that scarce a fly or mosquito can be seen in the town.城里几乎看不到苍蝇和蚊子,这是千真万确的.8 Nuclear war was declared unthinkable, and so it remained in the popular mind fornearly two decades.核战争被认为是不可思议的事情,在近二十年的时间里, 在一般人看来它也确实是不可思议的.有时代词he, it的是泛指指代,不是指某个人或某样东西. This rabbit had no natural enemies in Australia, so it multiplied rapidly.这种兔子在澳大利亚没有天敌,所以它们繁殖得很快.第七章 介词的翻译学时:1周,共2学时教学目的:了解英译汉时介词的理解和翻译的各种情况并掌握翻译方法。英语中大多数介词含义灵活,一词多义多用。除了一些常用短语已有译法外,大量介词需要从其基本意义出发,联系上下文加以灵活处理。下面简明地介绍几种基本译法。(1)转译:英语中常用介词来表达动作意义。汉译时,可将介词转译成动词。 This machine is out of repair 这台机器失修了。 Heat sets these particles in random motion 热量使这些粒子作随机运动。 (2)分译:介词短语作定语时,往往是定语从句的一种简略形式。介词短语作状语时,有时是状语从句的简略形式。有些介词短语还是并列句的简略形式。因此汉译时,有的可以拆句分译。 译成并列分句 She acts as a guider for showing us around the campus. 她充当向导,带我们参观校园。 译成让步分句 With all its disadvantages this design is considered to be one of the best这个设计尽管有种种缺点,仍被认为最佳设计之一。译成真实或虚拟条件分句 Mans warm blood makes it difficult for him to live long in the sea without some kind warmth.人的血液是热的,如果得不到一定的热量,人就难以长期在海水中生活。 译成原因分句 We cannot see it clearly for the fog 由于有雾,我们看不清它。 The machine is working none the worse for its long service. 这部机器并不因使用的时间长而性能变差了。 译成目的分句 This body of knowledge is customarily divided for convenience of study into theclassifications: mechanics, heat, light, electricity and sound. 为了便于研究起见,通常将这门学科分为力学、热学、光学、电学和声学。 不译:不译或省略翻译是在确切表达原文内容的前提下使译文简练,合乎汉语规范,决不是任意省略某些介词。 表示时间或地点的英语介词,译成汉语如出现在句首,大都不译。 There are four seasons in a year.一年有四季。Many water power stations have been built in the country我国已建成许多水电站。 有些介词如for(为了),from(从),to(对),on(在时)等,可以不译.The barometer is a good instrument for measuring air pressure 气压计是测量气压的好仪器。The air was removed from between the two pipes 两根管子之间的空气已经抽出。Answers to questions 2 and 3 may be obtained in the laboratory问题2和3的答案可以在实验室里得到。Most substances expand on heating and contract on cooling大多数物质热胀冷缩。 Its never occurred to me that bats are really guided by their ears我从未想到蝙蝠居然是靠耳朵引路的。反译:在不少情况下,有的介词短语如不从反面着笔,译文就不通,这时必须反译。beyond, past,against等表示超过某限度的能力或反对.时,其短语有时用反译法。如: It is past repair这东西无法修补了。 There are some arguments against the possibility of life on this planet 有些论据不同意这行星上可能有生物。 off, from等表示地点,距离时,有时有反译法。如: The boat sank off the coast. 这只船在离海岸不远处沉没了。 but,except,besides等表示除去、除外时,有时用反译法。 Copper is the best conductor but silver 铜是仅次于银的最优导体。 from,in等介词短语作补足语时,有时用反译法。 An iron case will keep the Earths magnetic field away from the compass 铁箱能使地球磁场影响不了指南针。 第八章 定语从句的翻译学时:1周,共2学时教学目的:了解英译汉时定语从句的翻译方法。前 置 法 把英语原文的定语从句翻译成带“的”的定语词组, 放置于被修饰的词之前, 将英语原文的复合句翻译成汉语的简单句, 这种方法一般用于比较短的限制性定语从句情况。一些较短的具有描述性的非限制性定语从句也可采用前置法, 但没有限制性定语从句使用得普遍。(1)We were most impressed by the fact that even those patients who were not told of their serious illness were quite aware of its potential outcome. 留给我们极其深刻的印象的事实是:甚至那些没有被告知严重病情的病人,对其疾病的潜在后果也是非常清楚的。(2) Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. 即使是老道的作家也很可能不能完全描述出决定人的面孔各不相同的所有特征。(3)Young men who have reasons to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer. 有理由担心自己将死在战场上的那些年轻人,想到生活所能给予自己的最美好的东西被骗去时,感到十分痛苦, 这是无可非议的。后 置 法 当定语从句较长时, 如果翻译成前置的定语, 就会不符合汉语的表达习惯, 在这种情况下, 往往把该定语从句翻译成并列的分句, 放置于原来它所修饰的词的后面。另外在处理此类定语从句时, 一般遵循的原则是: 若保留先行词, 则在第二个分句中加以重复, 若省略, 则两个并列分句中均不再保留。当然, 在实际的翻译过程中也有例外。(1)They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives. 他们正在为实现这一理想而努力,这个理想是每个中国人内心所珍爱的,在过去,许多中国人曾为它而牺牲了自己的生命。(2) At dinner I found myself placed between Mr. Bradley and a shy drab girl, who seemed even younger than the other.席间我发现我的座位在布拉得雷太太和一位腼腆而朴素的姑娘之间,这位姑娘看起来比其余的人都还要年轻。(3)We make steam pass through a pipe, round the outside of which cold water circulates. 我们使蒸汽通过一根管子, 在管子周围有冷水循环。(4) There is a sense in which morality and expedience need not conflict. 从一种意义上说, 道义和利益不一定冲突。(5) There are events taking place at this time which dim their hopes and lessen the prospects. 目前正在发生的一些事件,使他们希望渺茫,前途暗淡。(6) After dinner, the four key negotiators resumed their talk, which continued well into night.饭后,四位主要谈判人物继续进行会谈,一直谈到深夜。 (7) The baby who was traded for a horse was George Washington Carver, who became one of the worlds greatest scientists.这个卖一匹马价的婴儿就是乔治.华盛顿.卡沃,他后来成为世界上最伟大的科学家。翻译成状语从句英语中有些定语从句, 兼有状语从句的职能, 在逻辑上(即意义上)与主句有状语关系, 说明原因、结果、让步、假设等关系, 翻译时应善于从英语原文的字里行间发现这些逻辑上的关系, 然后翻译成汉语中相应的偏正复合句。(1)He would have to be careful not to offend the boss, who could give him the sack at any time. 他得小心谨慎,不要得罪那老板,因为老板随时都可以解雇他。(2)We recognize the need to establish and develop institutions which help to save those infected with AIDS. 我们认识到需要建立和发展一些机构以有助于帮助爱滋病患者。(3)The task, which seemed to be difficult, was already accomplished in time. 虽然任务似乎很艰巨,但已及时完成。(4) He would be a rash man who should venture to defy world public opinion and act arbitrarily. 如果有人敢于公然反抗世界公众舆论而一意孤行,他定是个鲁莽之徒。(5) Quite a few good people, who lacked social intelligence failed to get the promotion that they deserved in the past. 由于不善交际,不少有才之士过去得不到应有的提升。(6) We have made all necessary preparations for the research project, which still has many crucial problems to be solved. 我们已经为这个研究项目做好了一切必要的准备,但仍有许多关键的问题有待解决。第九章 被动语态的翻译学时:1周,共2学时教学目的:了解英译汉时被动语态的翻译方法。汉语被动意义的表达方式1 “为”字结构 “茅屋为秋风所破”2 “被”字式 不幸语态 “被捕”, “被剥削”,“被压迫”,“被杀”3 “让”、”给”、”叫”、“挨”、“受”、“遭” “蒙” The crops were washed away by the flood. 庄稼让大水冲跑了.Youve guessed right. 叫你猜对了.4 “是的” 表示静态的句子 这些产品是我国制造的。5 “的是” 推荐我的是一位教授。6 “加以/予以”组成倒置的宾语结构 这个问题将在下一章加以讨论。7 使用受事主语大量的“当然被动句” The difficulties have been overcome, the work has been finished and the problem solved. 困难克服了,工作完成了,问题也解决了。英语中被动语态的翻译方法翻译成汉语的主动句 “加以”,“经过”,“用来” 增补泛指性的词语(人们,大家等)作主语主语译成宾语翻译成汉语的无主句翻译成带表语的主动句 “是的译成汉语的被动语态 汉语句中有“被”、“遭受”等词 译成“为所”的结构 译成“把”、“使”和“由”字句 翻译成汉语的主动句1 “加以”,“经过”,“用来” Nuclearpowersdangertohealth,safety,and evenlifeitselfcanbesummedupinone word:radiation.核能对健康、安全,甚至对生命本身构成的危险可以用一个词辐射来概括。2. 增补泛指性的词语(人们,大家等)作主语 Itisgenerallyacceptedthattheexperiences ofthechildinhisfirstyearslargelydetermine hischaracterandlaterpersonality.人们普遍认为孩子们的早年经历在很大程度上决定了他们的性格及其未来的人品。 Itisassertedthat有人主张 Itisbelievedthat有人认为 Itisgenerallyconsideredthat大家(一般人)认为 Itiswellknownthat大家知道(众所周知) Itwillbesaid有人会说 Itwastoldthat有人曾经说 Itcouldbearguedthattheradioperformsthis serviceaswell,butontelevisioneverythingismuchmoreliving,muchmorereal. 可能有人会指出,无线电广播同样也能做到这一点,但还是电视屏幕上的节目要生动、真实多。 3.主语译成宾语Bytheendofthewar,800peoplehadbeensavedbytheorganization,butatacostof200BelgianandFrenchlives.大战结束时, 这个组织拯救了八百人, 但那是以二百多比利时人和法国人的生命为代价的(但二百多比利时人和法国人却为此付出了生命代价)。 4.翻译成汉语的无主句 Greateffortsshouldbemadetoinformyoungpeopleespeciallythedreadfulconsequencesoftakingupthehabit of smoking. 应该尽最大努力告诫年轻人吸烟的危害,特别是吸上瘾后的可怕后果 .Newsourceofenergymustbefound,andthiswilltaketime. 必须找到新的能源, 但这得花时间.Itishopedthat希望 Itisreportedthat据报道 Itissaidthat据说 Itissupposedthat据推测 Itmaybesaidwithoutfearofexaggeration that可以毫不夸张地说 Itmustbeadmittedthat必须承认Itmustbepointedoutthat必须指出 Itwillbeseenfromthisthat由此可见5. 翻译成带表语的主动句 “是的”Thedecisiontoattackwasnottakenlightly.进攻的决定不是轻易作出的。In the old society,women were looked down upon.在旧社会,妇女们是受歧视的。Shakespeares principle characters are created in typical real situation.莎士比亚的主要人物是塑造于典型的真实环境之中的.6译成汉语的被动语态“被”,“给”,“遭”,“挨”,“为所”,“使”,“由”,“受到”, “得到”等表示。Earlyfiresontheearthwerecertainlycause bynature,notbyMan. 地球上早期的火肯定是由大自然而不是人类引燃的。The window pane was broken by the child. 窗上玻璃被这小孩打碎了.I was so impressed by these words that I used them later for a Christmas card. 我为这些话所深深感动,后来我就把它们写在圣诞卡上了。With the computer, the ideas of todays scientists can be studied, tested and used more rapidly.有了计算机, 当今科学家的理论可以更快得到研究, 检验和应用. When we were first captured my own reaction was mainly one of fear and suspicion.我们刚被俘虏时, 我的感觉是又害怕又怀疑.7译成“把”, “将”,“使”和“由”字句 The plan is going to be examined first by the research group。计划将先由研究小组加以研究.All suggestions should be sent to the Managing Directors office before the end of next month.请于下月底前将建议提交总经理办公室。第十章 英语长句的翻译学时:1周,共2学时教学目的:了解英译汉时长句的翻译方法。英语习惯于用长的句子表达比较复杂的概念,而汉语则不同,常使用若干短句,作层次分明的叙述。因此,在进行英译汉时,要特别注意英语和汉语之间的差异,将英语的长句分解, 翻译成汉语的短句。在英语长句的翻译过程中, 我们一般采取下列方法.(1)顺序法。当英语长句的内容的叙述层次与汉语基本一致时, 可以按照英语原文的顺序翻译成汉语。1. Even when we turn off the beside lamp and are fast asleep, electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned.即使在我们关掉了床头灯深深地进入梦乡时, 电仍在为我们工作: 帮我们开动电冰箱, 把水加热, 或使室内空调机继续运转。2. But now it is realized that supplies of some of them are limited, and it is even possible to give a reasonable estimate of their “expectation of life”, the time it will take to exhaust all known sources and reserves of these materials.可是现在人们意识到, 其中有些矿物质的蕴藏量是有限的,人们甚至还可以比较合理的估计出这些矿物质“可望存在多少年”,也就是说,经过若干年后, 这些矿物的全部已知矿源和储量将消耗殆尽。3. Prior to the twentieth century, women in novels were stereotypes of lacking any features that made them unique individuals and were also subject to numerous restrictions imposed by the male-dominated culture. 在20世纪以前, 小说中的妇女像都是一个模式。她们没有任何特点, 因而无法成为具有个性的人; 他们还要屈从于由男性主宰的文化传统强加给他们的种种束缚。4. If parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction, and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment , they would not be so hurt, and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it.如果做父母的对这种青少年的反应有所准备, 而且认为这是一个显示出孩子正在成长, 正在发展珍贵的观察力和独立的判断力的标志,他们就不会感到如此伤心, 所以也就不会因对此有愤恨和反对的情绪而把孩子推到对立面去。(2) 逆序法。英语有些长句的表达次序与汉语表达习惯不同, 甚至完全相反, 这时必须从原文后面开始翻译。5. It therefore becomes more and more important that, if students are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much more detailed information about courses and more advice.因此,如果要使学生充分利用他们(上大学)的机会, 就得为他们提供大量关于课程的更为详尽的信息, 作更多的指导。这个问题显得越来越重要了。6. It is probably easier for teachers than for students to appreciate the reasons why learning English seems to become increasingly difficult once the basic structures and patterns of the language have been understood.一旦了解英语的基本结构和句型, 再往下学似乎就越来越难了, 这其中的原因, 也许教师比学生更容易理解。7. Such is a human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.许多人宁愿牺牲比较高的工资以换取成为白领工人的社会地位, 这在西方倒是人之常情。8. Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals.假如没有那些以昆虫为食的动物保护我们,昆虫将吞噬我们所有的庄稼, 害死我们的牛羊家畜, 使我们不能生存于世。(3)分句法。有时英语长句中主语或主句与修饰词的关系并不十分密切, 翻译时可以按照汉语多用短句的习惯, 把长句的从句或短语化成句子, 分开来叙述,为了使语意连贯, 有时需要适当增加词语。9. The number of the young people in the United States who cant read is incredible about one in four.大约有1/4的美国青年人没有阅读能力, 这简直令人难以置信。10. Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series of programs which are both instructive and entertaining.人们常说, 通过电视可以了解时事, 掌握科学和政治的最新动态。从电视里还可以看到层出不穷、既有教育意义又有娱乐性的新节目。11. All they have to do is press a button, and they can see plays, films, operas, and shows of every kind, not to mention political discussions and the latest exciting football match. 他们所必须做的只是按一下开关。开关一开, 就可以看到电视剧、电影、歌剧,以及其他各种各样的文艺节目。至于政治问题的辩论、最近的激动人心的足球赛更是不在话下。4. 综合法。在一些情况下, 一些英语长句单纯采用上述任何一种方法都不方便, 这就需要我们的仔细分析, 或按照时间的先后, 或按照逻辑顺序, 顺逆结合,主次分明地对全句进行综合处理,以便把英语原文翻译成通顺忠实的汉语句子。12. People were afraid to leave their houses, for although the police had been ordered to stand by in case of emergency, they were just as confused and helpless as anybody else.尽管警察已接到命令, 要作好准备以应付紧急情况, 但人们不敢出门, 因为警察也和其他人一样不知所措和无能为力。13. Modern scientific and technical books, especially textbooks, requires revision at short intervals if their authors wish to keep pace with new ideas, observations and discoveries.对于现代科技书籍, 特别是教科书来说, 要是作者希望自己书中的内容能与新概念、新观察到的事实和新发现同步发展的话,那么就应该每隔较短的时间, 将书中的内容重新修改。14. Up to the present time, throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, this new tendency placed the home in the immediate suburbs, but concentrated manufacturing activity, business relations, government, and pleasure in the centers of the cities.到目前为止, 经历了18和19两个世纪, 这种新的倾向是把住宅安排在城市的近郊,而把生产活动、商业往来、政府部门以及娱乐场所都集中在城市的中心地区。 第十一章 汉译英学时:1周,共2学时教学目的:了解汉译英时词汇的翻译方法由于汉词词义的多义性, 笼统性, 含糊性和对上下文的依赖性,成分缺省的倾向性等,汉译英最大的问题就是词义的理解和表达. 下面我们来看一些实例:1.“条件”1) 有条件的,自行车不想骑了,干脆就买一辆摩托.Those who can afford it will quit bicycles and arm themselves with a motorcycle.2)没有群众条件, 要进行价格改革是不可能的.It is impossible to carry out a price reform without popular support .2. “经验”1) 我们应该从这里得出一条经验, 就是不要被假象所迷惑.We should draw a lesson here: Dont be misled by false appearance.2) 搞改革,总难免要犯一些错误, 这是历史经验证明了的.Mistakes are unavoidable in carrying out reforms, as past experience has proved.3. “经济”1) 近几年来, 他们家的经济状况每况愈下.In recent yeas, his family has been going downhill financially。2)世界上一些国家发生问题, 从根本上来说, 都是因为经济上不去.Basically, the cause for social crisis in some Countries lies in their failure to boost the economy.4. “老” 1)我是超市的老顾客,所以不抱怨什么.As a regular customer of the supermarket, I did not make a complaint.2) 如今,在一些城市里,老人们的生活不再孤独.Nowadays, the senior citizens in some cities are leading a life less lonely than before.5. “小”1) 一群来自中学的小记者采访了70位路人.A group of teenage reporters from middle schools took a poll on the street on 70 passersby.2) 我每天从这个小车站坐车去上班.I go to work everyday from the little station.3) 孩子们在校园里种了许多小树.The children plant a lot of young trees in the schoolyard.第十二章 汉译英(1)学时:1周,共2学时教学目的:了解汉译英的翻译方法英汉两种语言在句法、词汇、修辞等方面均存在着很大的差异,因此在进行英汉互译时必然会遇到很多困难,需要有一定的翻译技巧作指导。常用的翻译技巧有增译法、省译法、转换法、拆句法、合并法、正译法、反译法、倒置法、包孕法、插入法、重组法和综合法等。1. 增译法:1) 汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或“There be”结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。2) 英汉两种语言在名词、代词、连词、介词和冠词的使用方法上也存在很大差别。英语中代词使用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情况适当地删减。3) 英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时常常需要增补连词。4) 英语句子离不开介词和冠词。5) 另外,在汉译英时还要注意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思的完整。读书可以增长知识. Through reading one can acquire knowledge.改革开放胆子要大些. We must be courageous enough to venture reforms.这是我们两国人民的又一个共同点This is yet another common point between the

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