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Unit5Whatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcame 第六课时SectionB 2c 2e silence意为 沉默 无声 缄默 为不可数名词 insilence 沉默 无声 eg Therewasnothingbutsilenceintheroom 这间屋里声息全无 一片寂静 Theyheardthestoryoutinsilence 他们静静地听完了故事 拓展 silent形容词 意为 寂静的 沉默的 takedown拆掉 拆除 记录 记下 取下eg They retalkingabouthowtotakedowntheoldhouse 他们正在讨论如何拆除这间旧房子 Ifinditnecessarytotakedownnoteswhilelistening 我觉得做听力有必要做笔记 TakedownthepictureandputupthemapofChina 取下这幅图画 挂上这幅中国地图 so that 意为 如此 以至于 so为副词 后接形容词或副词 that引导结果状语从句 eg TheboxissoheavythatIcan tcarryit 这个箱子太重了 我搬不动 拓展1 so that 与such that 常用句型 so 形容词 a an 可数名词单数 that从句 such a an 形容词 可数名词单数 that从句 such 形容词 复数名词 不可数名词 that从句当that前的名词有表示数量多少的many much few little等词修饰时 只能用so 不能用such 拓展2 so 形容词 副词 that从句 可以转换成简单句 当that从句是否定式时 可转换成 too to 结构 当that从句是肯定句时 可转换成 形容词 副词 enough forsb todo 结构 一 根据句意 选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空 1 Youmusttellmethe sothatIcanhelpyou 2 Acar atreebythesideoftheroadyesterdayafternoon 3 Everyonewas toseethecaraccident 4 Jim s meantthathedisagreedwithus 5 HaveyouseenJim truth hit shocked silence recently 二 单项选择 6 Hewas tired hecouldnotgoonwalking A too toB such thatC so thatD hardly that 7 Youlookworried What sthematter Ihavetrouble Englishwords 易错题 A rememberingB remembersC torememberD remembered 8 Iwenttoseeyouat7 30yesterdayevening butyouweren tin Wherewereyouthen I awalkbythelakewithmyhusband A wastakingB amtakingC tookD take C A A 9 Peterdidn twanttosayanythingabouttheaccident sohewas whenhisclassmatesaskedhim A insilenceB insurpriseC inneedD introuble 10 hewasverytired hecontinuedworkinginhisoffice A SinceB AlthoughC AssoonasD While 11 Theworkers theoldparkinordertobuildanewone A takeupB takedownC takeoffD takeout A B B 三 情景交际 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话 A Hello Tom Wherewereyouwhenitstartedtorainyesterday B Iwasinmybedroom 12 A IwasinthelibrarywithmyfriendTim B 13 A Forabouttwohours B 14 A Wewenttothemovies B Whatkindofmoviedidyouwatch A Anactionmovie Itwasgreat B 15 E F C A A At7 00p m Onmywayhome Isawanaccident B 16 A Acarhit 撞 anoldman becausethedriverdrovetooquickly B Whathappenedthen A Thedriversenttheoldmantothehospitalwiththehelpofsomeotherpeople G A Whendidyougethome B Whatdoyouthinkofthemovie C Whatdidyoudothen D Whydidn tyougohome E Whataboutyou F Howlongdidyoustaythere G Howdidithappen


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