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人教版小学英语课文内容及翻译四年级上册Unit 1 My classroomA Lets learnclassroom 教室window窗户door门picture图画board写字板 light灯,管灯Whats in the classroom?教室里有什么?A board, two lights, many desks and chairs.一个写字板,两盏灯,许多课桌和椅子。Lets talkHello! Mike.你好!Mike.Hi, Amy. This is Zhang Peng, our new classroom.你好,Amy。这是张朋,我们的新同学。Mike, we have a new classroom.Mike, 我们有一个新教室。Really? Lets go and have a look.真的吗?我们去看看吧!Wow! Its so big.哇!它好大呀!We have 6 new lights.我们有六个新电灯。Look, this is my new desk.看,这是我的新课桌。Where is my seat?我的座位在哪儿?Its near the door.在门的附近。Lets sayA a ant apple handB b beef boy ballC c cat cake carD d doctor duck deskE e egg elephant bedB Lets learncomputer计算机fan风扇wall墙teachers desk讲台floor地板Look! This is my classroom. The wall is white. The floor is green.看,这是我的教室,墙是白色的,地板是绿色的。Lets talkGood morning! Lets clean the classroom.早上好!我们打扫教室吧!Good idea!好主意!Lets clean the desks and chairs.让我们打扫课桌和椅子吧。All right.好的。Let me clean the window.让我来擦窗户。Let me clean the board.让我来擦写字板。Look at the picture.看这幅画。Its nice.它很漂亮。Good morning! Miss White.早上好!Miss White.Wow! Its nice and clean. Good job!哇!又漂亮又干净!干得好!Lets sayF f fish French fries farmerG g girl goose goodH h hot dog hamburger hatI i ice-cream ice water iceUnit 2 My schoolbagA Lets learnChinese book语文书English book英语书math book 数学书school bag书包story-book 故事书notebook笔记本How many books do you have?你有多少本书?I have 6. An English book, a Chinese book, a math book, a notebook and two story-books.我有6本。一本英语书,一本语文书,一本数学书,一个笔记本和两本故事书。Lets talkHi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag.你好,陈洁。我有一个新书包。Really? What colour is it?真的吗?它是什么颜色?Its black and white.是黑色和白色的。Look! 看!Wow! Its a panda! How nice!哇!是一个熊猫!太好了!I have many books. An English book, a story-book, and我的许多书。一本英语书,一本故事书,还有A fat panda!一只胖胖的熊猫!May I have a look?我可以看一看吗?Sure, here you are.当然可以,给你。Read and writeJ j jeep jacketjigsaw puzzleK k kite key kangarooL l lion lamp lockM m man monkey mouseN n nose nurse noodlesbag书包pencil铅笔pencil-case 铅笔盒B Lets learn2130 twenty-one thirty3140 thirty-oneforty4150 forty-onefiftyHow English books can you see?你能看见多少本英语书?One, two, three Sorry, too many.一,二,三对不起,太多了!Lets talkMy schoolbag is heavy!我的书包很重。Whats in it?里面是什么?Look! 20 story-books, 32 pencils, 8 rulers and 3 pencil-cases.看!20本故事书,32支铅笔,8把尺子和3个铅笔盒。Wow! Good ! 哇!好!My schoolbag is heavy, too.我的书包也很重。Whats in it?里面是什么?10 sharpeners, 42 crayons, 12 erasers and 35 picture books.10个卷笔刀,42支蜡笔,12块橡皮和35本图画书。Thank you soooooo much!太感谢了!Read and writeO o Coke OK openP p pen pencil pencil-caseQ q squirrel queue quietR r rabbit ruler ricebook 书ruler尺子pen钢笔Unit 3 My friendsA Lets learnfriends 朋友long hair长头发short hair短头发thin瘦的strong强壮的 quiet文静的My friend is strong. He has short hair.我的朋友很强壮,他留着短头发。Who is he?他是谁?Lets talkMom , I have a new friend.妈妈,我有一个新朋友。A Chinese friend?一个中国朋友?Yes. 是的。A boy? 一个男孩吗?Yes. He has short black hair and big eyes.是的。他有着黑色的短头发和大眼睛。Whats his name?他叫什么名字?His name is Zhang Peng.他的名字叫张朋。Look, this is his photo. Hes tall.看!这是他的相片。他很高。Hes strong,too.他也很强壮。Read and writeS s spoon snake studentT t tiger TV teacherU u umbrella under cupV v vest violin vanteacher老师student学生B Lets learnmusic 音乐sports运动science 科学painting绘画computer games电脑游戏My friend likes music。我的朋友喜欢音乐.My friend likes sports.我的朋友喜欢运动。Lets talkI have a friend.我有一个朋友。Boy or girl?男孩还是女孩?A girl.一个女孩。Whos she?她是谁?Guess! 猜一猜!Shes quiet. She likes music. Whats her name?她很文静。她喜欢音乐。她的名字叫什么?Her name is Amy.她的名字叫Amy.I have a friend , too. Hes strong. He likes sports.我也有一个朋友。他很强壮。他喜欢运动。Hes Zhang Peng.他是张朋.Youre right.你猜对了。Read and writeW w window watermelon walkmanX x taxi box six Y y yellow yo-yo yachtZ z zebra zoo zipperboy 男孩 girl女孩friend朋友Unit 4 My homeA Lets learnstudy 书房 bathroom卫生间bedroom卧室kitchen厨房living room起居室This is my home. You can see s bedroom, a living room这是我的家。你可以看到一个卧室,一个起居室。Lets doGo to the living room. Watch TV.Go to the study. Read a book.Go to the kitchen. Have a snack.Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.Go to the bedroom. Have a sleep.Lets talkIs this your bedroom?这是你的卧室吗?Yes, it is.是的,它是。Its very nice.它很漂亮。I have a new eraser. Its a fish.我有一块新橡皮,它是鱼。 Hey! Your cat.嘿!你的猫!Is she in the study?她在书房吗?No, she isnt.不,她不是。Is she in the living room?她在起居室吗?No, she isnt.不,她不是。Look! Shes here.看!她在这儿。Shes in the kitchen。她在厨房。Read and writehome家room房间school学校classroom教室BLets learnphone电话bed床 sofa沙发 shelf书架table 桌子 fridge冰箱Lets doSit on the sofa.Make the bed.Watch TV.Answer the phone.Open the fridge.Set the table.Lets talkOpen the door, please.请开门。OK!好的。Where are the keys?钥匙在哪儿?Are they on the table?它在桌子上吗?No, they arent.不,他们不是。Are they near the phone?它们在电话旁边吗?No, they arent.不,他们不是。Look! They are in the door.看!它们在门上。Read and writedoor 门chair 椅子window窗户 desk课桌bed床Unit 5 What would you like?ALets learnrice 米饭 fish鱼beef牛肉 soup汤noodles面条 vegetable蔬菜juice果汁 bread面包milk牛奶 chicken鸡肉hot dog热狗 hamburger汉堡包Lets talkDad, Im hungry. Whats for dinner?爸爸,我饿了。晚饭吃什么?Wait and see.等等看。What would you like?你想吃什么?Id like some rice and soup。我想吃一些米饭和汤。What would you like for dinner?你晚饭想吃什么?Id like some fish and vegetables, please. 我想吃一些鱼和蔬菜。Everythings ready.一切都准备好了。Thanks.多谢!Thank you, dad. 谢谢爸爸。Read and writeWhat would you like?你想吃什么?bread 面包 milk牛奶egg蛋 water 水B Lets learnplate盘子knife刀spoon勺子 fork叉子chopsticks筷子Mom, can I help you?妈妈,我能帮你吗?Yes. Pass me the plate, please.是的,请把盘子递给我。Lets doGive me a spoon.Pass me a fork.Wash the plates.Use the chopsticks.Cut with the knife.Let s talkDinners ready! Your forks and knives.晚饭准备好了。你们的叉子和刀子。I can use chopsticks.我会用筷子。Let me try.让我试一试。Help yourself. 请随便吃。Oops, sorry!糟糕,对不起!Let me show you.让我做给你看。MmYummy. I like Chinese food.嗯好吃。我喜欢中国食物。Me too.我也是。We had a good time。我们度过了美好的时光。Thank you。谢谢。Good night! 晚安!See you tomorrow! 明天见!Read and writerice 米饭 beef牛肉fish鱼 chicken鸡肉What would you like for dinner?你晚饭想吃什么?Id like我想吃Unit 6 Meet my familyALets learnHi! Friends, come and meet my family.你们好!朋友们。请来认识一下我的家庭(成员)。family 家庭 parents 父母uncle 叔叔,舅舅aunt阿姨,姑姑baby brother 小弟弟Lets talkHow many people are there in your family?你家有多少人?Three .三个。Who are they?他们是谁?Look! My parents and me.看!我父母和我。My family has seven members.我家有七个人。Seven?七个人?My dad, my mom, my brother, my sister, my baby brother and me.我爸爸,我妈妈,我哥哥,我姐姐,我小弟弟和我。But thats only six.但是那只有六个。And my little puppy!还有我的小宠物。Gee!噫!Read and writefather爸爸mother妈妈brother兄弟sister姐妹B Lets learnWhats your father?你爸爸是干什么的?My father is a doctor. Hes tall. He likes sports.我的爸爸是医生,他很高,他喜欢运动。doctor 医生farmer农民driver司机nurse护士baseball player 棒球运动员Lets doAct like a teacher.Act like a doctor.Act like a nurse.Act like a farmer.Act like a driver.Act like a baseball player.Lets talkWhos this man? He looks strong.这个男人是谁?他看起来很壮。Hes my uncle. Hes a baseball player.他是我叔叔。他是一名棒球运动员。Cool!好酷!Is this your aunt?这是你姑姑吗?Yes, she is. Shes a nurse. She likes music.是的。她是。她是一名护士。她喜欢音乐。Is this your father?这是你爸爸吗?Yes, he is. Hes a doctor.是的,他是。他是一名医生。Whats your mother?你妈妈是做什么的/Shes a teacher.她是一名老师。Look! Theyre my grandpa and grandma.看!这是我的爷爷和奶奶。They look young. Are they farmers?他们看起来很年轻,他们是农民吗?Yes, youre right.你说对了。Read and writenurse 护士 doctor医生farmer农民driver司机I am going to be a 我想成为一个人教版小学英语课文内容及翻译四年级上册Unit 1 Our schoolA Lets learnplayground操场library图书馆teachers office 教师办公室garden花园canteen食堂Where is the canteen?食堂在哪里?Its on the first floor.它在一楼。Lets doGo to the garden. Water the flowers.Go to the library. Read a story-book.Go to the cinema. Eat some noodles.Go to the teachers office. Hand in your homework.Go to the playground. Play football.Lets talkChen: Welcome to our school! 欢迎来我们的学校。This is the teachers office.这是教室办公室。That is my classroom.那是我的教室。Visitor: How many students are there in your class?你们班有多少个学生?Chen: Forty-five.四十五。Visitor: Do you have a library?你们有图书馆吗?Chen: Yes.Visitor: Do you have lunch at school?你们在学校吃午饭吗?Chen: Yes! The canteen is on the first floor. This way , please.是的。食堂在一楼。这边请。Look! This is our playground.看!这是我们的操场。Visitor: Oh! Your school is beautiful.哦!你们的学校很漂亮。Read and writeWe have a new computer room.我们有一个新电脑教室。Oh! Lets go there.哦!让我们去那儿吧!Look, one board, two fans, four lights看,一块写字板,两个风扇,四盏灯And ten new computers.还有十台新电脑。I like this one.我喜欢这个。Sorry. This is my computer!对不起,这是我的计算机。That is your computer.那是你的计算机。四会单词:computer 计算机board 写字板 fan风扇light灯,管灯四会句子:This is my computer.这是我的计算机。That is your computer.那是你的计算机。B Lets learnart room绘画教室computer room电脑教室washroom卫生间music room音乐教室gym体育馆TV room电视机房Where is the art room?绘画教室在哪儿?Its on the second floor.它在二楼。Lets talkLook, this is my school.看,这是我的学校。Great! Is this the library?太棒了。这是图书馆吗?Yes, it is.是的,它是。Is that the art room?那是绘画教室吗?No, it isnt. its the music room. The art room is on the first floor.不,它不是。它是音乐教室。绘画教室在一楼。Is that the TV room?那是电视机房吗?No, it isnt. Its the computer room.不,它不是。它是计算机房。Wow! Your school is cool!哇!你们的学校好酷。Thank you.谢谢你Read and writeIs this a teachers desk?这是一个讲台吗?Yes , it is.是的,它是。Whats on it?上面有什么?Lets go and have a look.让我们去看看吧!Is this a TV?这是一台电视机吗?No, its a computer.不是,它是一台电脑。Is that a picture?那是一幅画吗?No, its a map.不,它是一幅地图。This is the floor. That is the wall.这是地板。那是墙壁。Yes, youre right.是的,你说对了。四会单词:teachers desk 讲台picture图画 floor地板wall墙四会句子:Is this a teachers desk?这是一个讲台吗?Yes , it is.是的,它是。Unit 2 What time is it?A Lets learnbreakfast 早饭,早餐lunch 午饭dinner 晚饭English class英语课music class 音乐课PE体育课What time is it?现在几点了?Its nine oclock. Its time for English class.现在是九点。现在是英语课时间。Lets doTime for breakfast.Drink some milk.Time for lunch.Have some chicken.Time for dinner.Eat some rice.Time for P.E.Jump and run.Time for English.Read and write.Time for music.Sing and dance!Lets talkSchool is over. Lets go to the playground.放学了。我们一起去操场吧!OK。好吧。Lets go home, John.让我们回家吧。What time is it now?现在几点了?Its 5:00.五点。Just a minute.再等一会。Go home, kids.该回家了,孩子们。What time is it ?几点了?Its 6:00. Its time for dinner.六点了,是吃晚饭的时间了。Oh! Lets run.哦!快跑吧!Read and writeLook! One, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ten clocks!看!一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十。十个钟表。What time is it?几点了?Its two oclock. That one is correct.2点了。那个是正确的。四会单词:one 一two二three三 four四 five五six六 seven 七eight八nine九ten十What time is it?几点了?Its two oclock. 2点了。B Lets learnget up 起床go to school 上学go home 回家go to bed睡觉Its 7:05. Its time to go to school现在是7点零5分。该去上学了。Lets talkOh! Its 6:30. Its time to get up.噢!六点半了,该起床了。Breakfast is ready!早饭准备好了。Hurry! Its 7:05. Its time to go to school.快点!七点零五分了,该去上学了。Oops! 糟糕!What time is it?现在几点了?Its 8 oclock. Its time for English.8点了。是英语课的时间。Im ready!我准备好了。Read and writeLook at my clock. What time is it?看我的表。几点了?Its 8:30. Its time for music class.8点半了。是音乐课时间。Tick, tock, tick, tock, says the clock. 钟表说:Its 9:45. Its time for math class.九点45分。是数学课时间。Its 2:50. Its time for Chinese class.2点50分。是语文课时间。Its 11:05. Its time for English class.11点05分。是英语课时间。Its 4:20. Its time for P.E. class.4点20分。是体育课时间。Oh, its nice. Can I have a try? Oops! Where is the short hand?噢!太好了。我能试一试吗?糟糕!短针在哪儿?四会单词:math数学Chinese 语文English英语P.E. 体育Its 9:45. Its time for math class.9点45分。是数学课时间。Unit 3 Is this your skirt?A Lets learnbrown jacket 棕色的夹克衫white sweater 白色的毛衣green skirt 绿色的裙子blue dress蓝色的连衣裙red shirt红色的衬衣yellow T-shirt黄色的T裇衫I like the white sweater with the green skirt.我喜欢白色的毛衣和绿色的裙子。I like the blue dress.我喜欢蓝色的连衣裙。Lets doPut on your T-shirt.Hang up your skirt.Take off our jacket.Fold your dress.Wash your shirt.Put away your sweater.Lets talkWhere is my skirt?我的裙子在哪里?What colour is it?它是什么颜色的?Blue.蓝色。Is this your skirt , Alice?这是你的裙子吗?Yes, it is. Thank you.是的,它是。谢谢你!Where is my T-shirt?我的T裇衫在哪里?Is that your T-shirt, Dad?这是你的T裇衫吗?爸爸?No, its not.不是,它不是。Whose is it?它是谁的?Its my T-shirt.它是我的T裇衫。Whose is this?这是谁的?Oh! Its your baby brothers.那是你小弟弟的。Read and writeRed , blue, yellow, green and white. Oh, so many colours.红色,蓝色,黄色,绿色和白色。噢,太多种颜色了。Please pass me my T-shirt.请把我的T裇衫递给我。Is this your T-shirt?这是你的T裇衫吗?No, its not. My T-shirt is red.不,它不是。我的T裇是红色的。This small one?这个小的吗?Yes, thank you.是的,谢谢你。My T-shirt is yellow.我的T裇是黄色的。My T-shirt is white.我的T裇是白色的。四会单词:red 红色blue蓝色yellow 黄色 green绿色white白色四会句子:Is this your T-shirt?这是你的T裇衫吗?No, its not.不,它不是。 B Lets learnjeans 牛仔裤pants长裤short 短裤shoes鞋子socks 袜子where are my socks?我的袜子在哪里?What colour?什么颜色的?White.白色。Lets talkLook at these , John.看这些。John.What are they?它们是什么?These are your baby pants.这些是你小弟弟的长裤。Wow! Theyre so small. And those are my shoes?哇!它们太小了。那些是我的鞋子吗?Yes. 是的。But what for?但是它们做什么?Our neighbor has a new baby.我们的邻居有一个新宝宝。Read and writeHurry up. Its 5 oclock now.快点。现在5点了。Just a minute. Blue skirt? Yellow shirt? Green jacket? Oh, yes. I have a new dress for my birthday pary.等一会。蓝色的裙子?黄色的衬衣?绿色的夹克衫?噢,对了。我有一个生日联欢会的新连衣裙。What colour is it?它是什么颜色的?Its white.它是白色的。This red T-shirt is pretty.这个红色的T裇衫很漂亮。四会单词:skirt 裙子shirt衬衣jacket夹克衫dress连衣裙四会句子:What colour is it?它是什么颜色的?Its white.它是白色的。Unit 4 its warm todayALets learnweather 天气cold寒冷的warm温暖的 cool 凉爽的hot炎热的Good morning. This is the weather report. its cool in Lhasa。 早上好!这里是天气预报。拉萨的天气很凉爽。Lets talkMom, can I wear my new shirt today?妈妈,我今天可以穿我的新衬衣吗?No, you cant. its cold today.不,你不能。今天太冷了。Its warm today. You can wear your new shirt.今天暖和了。你可以穿你的衬衣了。Its hot today. Can I wear my T-shirt?今天炎热。我可以穿我的T裇衫吗?Yes, you can.是的,你可以。Read and writeIts warm today. Lets play football.今天天气暖和,我们踢足球吧。Great!太好了!Where are my shoes? 我的鞋子呢?Johnnys jeans. Tommys pants. Teddys socks, Jackys shoes.Come on, Zoom. Its time to go.快点,Zoom. 该走了。Wait, Johnny. Those are my shoes。等一等,Johnny.那是我的鞋子。Oh, where are they?哦,它们在哪儿?They are on your feet.它们在你的脚上。Oh, sorry.哦,抱歉!四会单词:jeans牛仔裤pants 长裤socks袜子shoes鞋子四会句子:Its warm today.今天天气暖和。Lets play football.让我们踢足球吧。B Lets learnrainy下雨的snowy下雪的windy有风的 sunny晴朗的cloudy有云的Heres the world weather. It is rainy in London。这里是世界天气预报。伦敦下雨。Lets talkHello! 你好!Hi, Amy. What are you doing?你好,Amy.你在干什么?Not much.没什么。Whats the weather like in Beijing?北京的天气怎么样?Its rainy today. How about New York?今天下雨。纽约怎么样?Its sunny.晴朗的。Oh, no! My pictures.噢!不!我的画。Whats the matter? Amy?发生什么事了?Amy?Its windy now. I have to close the window.起风了,我不得不关上窗户。OK,Bye.好的,再见!Read and writeHi, Mr Dog. Whats the weather like there?你好, Mr Dog.那边的天气怎么样?Its cool。很凉爽。My Monkey. Is it cold?My Monkey.冷吗?No, its not. Its sunny and warm.不,不冷。天气晴朗而暖和。My Elephant, help! Its cold and snowy here.My Elephant,帮帮忙。这儿很冷又下着雪。Heres your coat, Zoom.你的大衣,祖恩.Thank you.谢谢你。四会单词:sunny 晴朗的 warm 暖和的 cold 寒冷的snowy下雪的Its cool。天很凉爽。Is it cold?天气寒冷吗? Unit 5 How much is it?ALets learncolourful色彩丰富的 pretty 漂亮的 cheap便宜的expensive昂贵的 Look at that dress. Its pretty.看那个连衣裙。它很漂亮。Yes, it is.是的。Lets talkAmy, look at that dress. Its colourful。Amy,看那个连衣裙,它很鲜艳。Yes, it is. Its very pretty.是的,它是,它很漂亮。Can I help you?你想买什么?Yes, How much is this dress?是的。这个连衣裙多少钱?Its ninety-nine yuan.九十九元。Oh ,thats expensive.噢!太贵了。I like it , Mom.我喜欢它,妈妈。Sorry, Amy. Its too expensive.抱歉,Amy.它太贵了。Read and writeThis shirt is colourful, but its too big.这件衬衣色彩鲜艳,但是它太大了。This shirt is good, but its too small.这件衬衣很好,但是它太小了。This shirt is pretty, but its too long.这件衬衣很漂亮,但是它太长了。This shirt is OK, but its too short.这件衬衣还可以,但是它太短了。This shirt is nice. It fits me well. How much is it?这件衬衣很好。我穿正合适。它多少钱?Its ten yuan. 十元。Ill take it.我要买下它。四会单词:big大的。small小的long长的short短的nice好的四会句子:How much is it? 它多少钱?Its ten yuan。十元。B Lets learnboots 靴子 slippers 托鞋sandals 凉鞋 sneakers 网球鞋Can I help you? 你想买点什么?Yes, I want a pair of sneakers.是的,我想买一双球鞋。Lets talkCan I help you?你想买点什么?Yes, please. A pair of sneakers for my son。是的。给我的儿子买一双球鞋。What size? 什么尺码?Size five。 五英寸。How about this pair?这双怎么样?Are they nice? John?它们好吗?John.Yes, Mom. I like them.是的,妈妈。我喜欢它们。Are they all right?他们都合适吗?Yes, they are.是的。How much are they?它们多少钱?They are thirty-five yuan.它们35元.OK, well take them。好吧,我们买下它。Read and writeCan I help you? 你想买点什么?Yes, I want five apples. How much are they?我买5个苹果,它们多少钱?They are three yuan。 3元。Oh, I also want ten bananas. Ten oranges, five pears and two big watermelons.哦!我还想要10个香蕉,10个桔子, 5个梨子和两个大西瓜。Thats fifteen yuan.一共15元。 四会单词:apple 苹果 banana香蕉orange 桔子 pear 梨watermelon 西瓜四会句子:How much are they? 它们多少钱?They are three yuan。3元.Unit 6 At the farmA Lets learnsheep 绵羊 horse 马hen 母鸡 cow 奶牛lamb 羊羔 goat 山羊What are they? 它们是什么?They are goats.它们是山羊。Lets talkOh, this farm is so big. Are they sheep?噢,这个农场好大呀!它们是绵羊吗?No, they arent. They are goats.不,它们不是。它们是山羊。Are they horses?它们是马吗?No, they arent. They are donkeys.不,它们不是。它们是驴。Look at the hens. They are fat.看那些母鸡。它们很肥。Yes, they a


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