沪教版2020年九年级英语中考第二次模拟考试(II )卷.doc

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沪教版2020年九年级英语中考第二次模拟考试(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共5题;共50分)1. (10分)阅读理解Shadow puppet play(皮影戏), also called “shadow play”, is a traditional Chinese art of storytelling. Dramas were played out in screen or walls for thousands of years to entertain(娱乐) and instruct. It was very popular in many parts of China during the Tang (618907) and Song(9601279) periods.Shadow puppets are made of hard leather(皮革). The leather is cut out in the shape of a person, an animal or an object. Each puppet is painted in bright colors and put on a stick. Different colors are used to show good and bad of persons in the drama. Some puppets have movable arms and legs. Theyre reflected(反射,映出) on the white screen through the light.During a shadow puppet play, the players stand behind a white screen with lights behind itThe audience sit in front of the screen. The players hold the puppets very close to the screen so the audience can see the puppets shadows clearly. Then they move the puppets around and do the voices of the different roles.Now with TV and films, shadow puppet plays are not as popular as before. But the basic principle(愿望) and ways of shadow performance played an important leading role in the invention of the modern movie and the development of the movies and cartoons. Nowadays, theChinese shadow puppet plays have been collected by the museums of many countries in the world. It is the treasure in the world culture and art family.(1)Shadow puppet play was very popular _. A . through the Tang and Song periodsB . before the Tang and Song periodsC . after the Tang and Song periodsD . between the year 907 and the year 960(2)_ do the voices of the different roles. A . The puppetsB . The inventorsC . The playersD . The screen(3)The underlined word “audience” might mean _ in the passage. A . 艺人B . 观众C . 木偶D . 皮影(4)According to the passage, which of the following in NOT true? A . Shadow play is an art of storytelling to entertain and instructB . The colors of each shadow puppet dont have any meaningC . Shadow play is important for the development of cartoonsD . Shadow play is regarded as the development in the world culture(5)The best title for the passage may be _. A . The Making of Shadow PuppetsB . History of Chinese Shadow PlayC . How to Put on a Shadow PlayD . Shadow Play - A Traditional Chinese Art2. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。Is there some one you hate? Well. Maybe you dont really hate them. But you get really angry every time you think of them. If you dont let this anger go, it can turn into bitterness(痛苦).Bitterness appears when we cant forgive someone who has hurt us or made us angry. Someone might say or do something that hurts us. But instead of controlling he anger ,we keep t deep inside . Before long, a bitter feeling begins to grow. We may think we are hurting that person by criticizing(指责)him or her often ,but we are really only hurting ourselves.Bitterness can not only lead to serious health problems such as heart disease ,but also hurt out relationships with friends and family members .No one enjoy being around an angry person for very long .If you see bitterness in your life ,here are some ways to deal with it .Accept itInstead of trying to deny your anger ,make it clear to yourself and accept it .See your anger for what it is and quickly deal with it .Stop making excuses for itYou may feel you have a right to be angry .You may think you are right and the other person is wrong . You may even secretly enjoy making the other person look bad .But in the end ,bitterness hurts you much more than the other person . The bitterness will hold you back . and the other person will go on with his or her life .Forgive and forget itYou probably can not completely put the anger out of your mind .But you can decide to forgive the other person . Forget it and move on .Youll enjoy better health and peace of mind .(1)According to the passage, we might get angry when someone_.A . holds us backB . forgets usC . doesnt like usD . hurts us(2)Bittemcss comes from .A . our health problem like heart diseaseB . the anger that lives deep inside our mindC . the person who says something that hurts usD . our relationships with friends and family members(3)The underlined word deny in the passage means _.A . 否认B . 误解C . 疏远D . 减轻(4)The best way to deal with the bitterness is to _ .A . make the person who hurts us look badB . hate the person who hurts us very oftenC . accept that you are hurting the other personD . forgive the person who hurts us and forget it(5)What can we learn from the passage?A . We should enjoy someone who hurts us.B . We should pay more attention to our friends.C . The peace of mind is more important than the hurt itself.D . We better to let bitterness go along with the other person.3. (10分)(1)where did Wang Ming lost his purse ?A . On the playground.B . In the library.C . In the classroomD . In the dormitory.(2)Ms. Wang lost a black purse on Monday. She may call _.A . 8267-6862B . 6267-8451C . 6267-8451D . 3652-4746(3)Who lost a student card ?A . JackB . JohnC . Li FengD . Wang Ming(4)Mr. Wang calls 3652-4746. He may lose _.A . a purseB . his dogC . his ID cardD . some money(5)We Know that _.A . Wang Mings telephone number is 6267-8813.B . The purse in the Lost and Found isnt Wang Mings .C . Jack is in Class Two , Grade Seven .D . The little dog is black.4. (10分)阅读理解Whats going to happen in the future? Will robots control our planet? Will computers become smarter than us? Not likely. But here are some things that scientists say are most likely to happen in 10 to 0 years from now, according to the BBC.Digital money We used to pay with cash(现金) for everything we bought. Now when we use a credit card(信用卡) to shop online, money is spent without us seeing it. That means we are already using digital(电子的) money. Using a card is much easier than searching our pockets for change. It is also safer than carrying a lot of cash.When ATM cards were first introduced, they were not accepted everywhere. But now its hard to live without them. Its reported that people in Sweden completely stopped using cash last year, and the US might be next.Bionic(仿生的) eye Its no longer something only in a science fiction movie. People who are blind may have a chance to get their sight back-by wearing bionic eyes.A blind eye can no longer sense light, but a bionic eye can use a camera to “see” the environment and send data(数据) to the mind. Now the bionic eye only allows patients to see lights and unclear shapes. A high resolution(高清的) image could be just a few years away.Self-driving cars Unlike a human driver, a self-driving car wont get distracted(分神) by a phone call, the radio or something outside the window. Sensors (探测器) and cameras on the car would allow it to stick strictly (严格地遵守)to the rules of the road and keep a safe distance from other cars. This would greatly reduce(减少) the number of road accidents. You could even take a nap while the car drives itself. In the future, driverless cars would be widely accepted.(1)has stopped using cash completely. A . SwedenB . ATMC . BBCD . America(2)What does the writer mainly tell us about digital money? A . We use digital money to shop online without paying money. B . Digital money is most likely to be used instead of cash. C . Using cash is easier and safer than a credit card. D . ATM cards arc always popular.(3)Which of the following statements is TRUE? A . Bionic eyes only appear in the science fiction film. B . Human drivers wont get distracted by something outside.C . The blind wearing bionic eyes may see clearly in the future. D . There will be no road accident at all if self-driving cars are used.(4)From the report, we can learn some information about. A . culture and artB . industry and farming C . science and technologyD . traffic and journey(5)Which of the following can be predicted(预测) from the passage? A . There would be a number of self-driving cars on the road B . The blind could use cameras to see things around. C . We would live a hard life with digital money. D . Robots would control the world.5. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。When the Spring Festival falls, red flowers bloom(盛开) on the windows of my home. Of course, these are not1flowers. But in the cold of2, these wonderful flowers bring warmth to us. They are made of paper by my3, who is now aged 70, with a few cuts, she 4a piece of paper into a beautiful work of art.When my grandma was considered clumsy(笨拙的) in the 5. But on a cold winter night, she saw some beautiful red paper6on her new neighbors windows. She was so interested in it and decided to 7from her neighbor. Tons of paper was wasted, and her fingers were cut many times. But she8practicing. It took 10 years9my grandma could make paper art skillfully(娴熟地). The red flowers, blooming like hurning fire, light up her world. Now, everyone in the village10her.My grandmas story has shown me what it takes to realize ones dream.(1)A . nice B . real C . full D . sweet (2)A . spring B . summer C . autumn D . winter (3)A . sister B . aunt C . mother D . grandma (4)A . changes B . spreads C . places D . burns (5)A . city B . town C . village D . block (6)A . art B . money C . walls D . books (7)A . buy B . steal C . learn D . borrow (8)A . ended up B . kept on C . put off D . thought about (9)A . before B . after C . while D . since (10)A . serves B . pardons C . respects D . warns 二、 七选五 (共1题;共5分)6. (5分)A: Good morning, Sir. Can I help you?B: Yes, please._A: What size bowl of noodles would you like, small, medium or large?B:_A: What kind of noodles would you like?B: _A: We also have great salad. _B: How much is it?A: _B: OK. Ill have one.A. Noodles with beef. B. Id like some dumplings.C. Id like a small one. D. Would you like some?E. How many dumplings would you like? F. Id like some noodles.G. only three dollars.三、 短文填空 (共1题;共2分)7. (2分)My eyes are _ (big) than _ (she). 四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)8. (1分)She _(打招呼) him with a smile that day . 五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)文段表达。根据中文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的短文。(请不要写出你的真实校名和姓名。)在和谐社会里,人与人之间的互帮互助已经构成了我们生活中的重要组成部分。请你描述一个帮助过你或者你帮助过的人和事,并谈谈感想。第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共5题;共50分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、二、 七选五 (共1题;共5分)6-1、三、 短文填空 (共1题;共2分)7-1、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)8-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9-1、

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